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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:03 pm

Den Kongeriget Danmark-Norge

King Frederick IV

The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Royal_Arms_of_Denmark_%26_Norway_%281699–1819%29

The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Dk

The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Denmark-Norway%2BKingdom

Last edited by Rodenka on Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:51 pm; edited 4 times in total

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:03 pm

Kingdom of Denmark (Denmark, Norway, Iceland)
Population: 1.5 million
Ports: Copenhagen, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim - 4 points
Craft Center: Copenhagen - 1 point
Resources: 1 Narvik, 1 Aalborg - 2 points
Commerce: 12 merchant flotillas - 3 points
Trading Post:
Taxes: .375

Danish Gold Coast
1 Trading Post (Old Ningo) - .25 points

Danish India
Trading Post (Cochin) -.25 points
Trading Post (Tranquebar) - .25 points
Trading Post (Serampore) - .25 points
1 point of trade income

Total: 12.375

Last edited by Rodenka on Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:14 pm; edited 7 times in total

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:03 pm

Royal Danish Army - Hæren

The Royal Danish Army is a comparatively small force and due to the need to operate in the mountainous and rough country of Norway and the Baltic, is primarily a light infantry force.

Order of Battle

1 Infantry Brigade
1 Cavalry Brigade
1 Militia Brigade
1 Fortress (Citadellet Frederikshavn aka Kastellet)

1 Infantry Brigade
1 Fortress (Kronborg fortress)
1 Militia Brigade

1 Infantry Battalion
1 Cavalry Regiment
1 Fortress
2 Militia Brigades
1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

1 Infantry Battalion
1 Fortress
2 Militia Brigades
1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

1 Militia Brigade

1 Militia Brigade

Total Forces
4 Infantry Brigades - 2 points
1 Cavalry Brigade -1 points
4 Infantry battalions - .4
8 Militia Brigades - .8 points
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades - .5 points
1 Fortress (Copenhagen) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Helsingør) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Oslo) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Flensburg) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Schleswig) - .5 points
Total Regular Army personnel: 14,500
Total Militia personnel: 25,000

Army Upkeep: 7.2 points

Royal Danish Navy - Søværnet
The Royal Danish Navy, despite a far flung collection of trading posts and whaling fleets, is mainly designed to safeguard the homeland and the Baltic from the predations of the untrustworthy and vile Swedes.

Order of Battle

3 BatRon - Elephant, Fredericus IV, Christianus V, Dannebroge, Justitia, Mars, Fredericus III, Jylland, Norske Løve, Prinds Christian, Tre Løver, Sophia Hedvig
3 CruRon - Dronning Lovisa, Tre Kroner, Falster, Christiansøe, Skane et al, Pommern et al.
5 PatRon
1 Naval Yard

2 PatRon

Total Forces
3 BatRon  (Elephant, Fredericus IV, Christianus V, Dannebroge, Justitia, Mars, Fredericus III, Jylland, Norske Løve, Prinds Christian, Tre Løver, Sophia Hedvig) - 2.25
3 CruRon - Dronning Lovisa, Tre Kroner, Falster, Christiansøe, Skane et al, Pommern et al. - 1.5 points (1 damaged)
7 PatRon (30 ships) - .7 points (5 damaged)
1 Naval Yard (Copenhagen) - .5 points

Total Naval Personnel (Active): 27,500
Total Naval Personnel (Reserve/Militia): 10,000
Total: 37,500

Naval Upkeep: 4.95 points


Last edited by Rodenka on Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:35 pm; edited 14 times in total

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:04 pm


Last edited by Rodenka on Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:44 pm; edited 10 times in total

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:04 pm

15 year build:

159.375 pts

2 Infantry Brigades - 8 (1)
2 Infantry Battalions - 3 (.2)
1 Cavalry Brigade - 3 (1)
1 Cavalry Regiment - 2 (.25)
8 Militia Brigades - 5 (.5)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades - 4 (.5)
1 Fortress (Copenhagen) - 4 (.5)
1 Fortress (Helsingør) - 4 (.5)
1 Fortress (Oslo) - 4 (.5)
1 Fortress (Flensburg) - 4 (.5)
Depot (Oslo) - 2 points
(5.05 points)

3 BatRon (Elephant, Fredericus IV, Christianus V, Dannebroge, Justitia, Mars, Fredericus III, Jylland, Norske Løve, Prinds Christian, Tre Løver, Sophia Hedvig) - 27 (2.25)
2 CruRon (Oldenborg, Sværdfisk, Tomler, Fyen, Dronning Lovisa, Tre Kroner, Falster, Christiansøe) 4 (1)
6 PatRon (30 ships) - 1.5 points (.6)
1 Naval Yard (Copenhagen) - 25 points (.5 points)
( 4.1 )

Trading Post (Old Ningo) - 3 Points
Trading Post (Tranquebar) - 3 points
Trading Post (Serampore) - 3 points
4 Commerce flotillas - 12 points

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Join date : 2017-09-23

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:22 pm

In the early months of 1701, King Frederick IV of Denmark sees a chance to reaffirm Danish power in Northern Germany and to perhaps seize back territories lost to Sweden in previous wars. When news of the Russian declaration reaches his court, he then declares himself in alliance with the Tsar of Russia and issues a declaration of war against the Kingdom of Sweden and begins making plans for the campaign season.

Last edited by Rodenka on Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:08 pm

Spring 1701 Supplemental build:

Available budget: 2.275 points

Additional budget: 5 points (Loans)

Total budget 7.275 points

Repair Damaged BatRon (Elephant et al.)- 2 points (2/4 points)
Repair Damager CruRon (Oldenborg et al) - 3 points
Raise 2 infantry battalions (Flensburg) - 2 points

Total: 7 points

Remaining surplus: .275 points[/i]

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by TLS Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:16 am

Treaty of Travendal, October 6th, 1701

Following months of secret negotiations--hampered by Charles' flight to Ingria and the spotty communications with his government back in Stockholm, but facilitated by the Commonwealth of England--Sweden and Denmark sign a peace treaty and with great pomp and circumstance announce that they are no longer at war with each other.

Duke Frederick IV of Holstein-Gottorp and all of his soldiers are allowed to march out of Schleswig bearing their arms and carrying their standards with full honors of war. They are formally saluted by the Danish army, and then Frederick IV makes his obeisance and loyalty to Denmark clear. With that done, the Holstein-Gottorp soldiers are formally inducted into the Danish army and to be granted new national colors to be carried along with their regimental colors.

This done, Christian VI proclaims his great love of peace, but will note that the entry of Austria into the war is of grave concern and will then officially declare the re-entry of Denmark into the war on the side of Sweden in defense of the Reformation and against the latest attempt by Papist forces to again crush Protestantism.

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:43 pm

Frederick IV proclaims his interest and dedication to preserving the independence of the various polities of Germany and makes it clear that he sees this only as the reassertion of his rights as the historic and rightful liege of the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp. He holds no other territorial aims in the Germanies. Indeed, part of his reason for re-entry into the war is to preserve Brandenburg from the aggression of the Polish-Lithuanian and Austrian crown.

Additionally, Christian VI proclaims that he has no desire to see the religious wars of the previous century reignited, but that the religious terms in which the Habsburg emperor declared their entry into the war caused him "most grave concern" as he puts it in his open letter to the rulers of the German states.

He closes by reiterating his great desire for peace and urges Russia, Poland-Lithuania, and Austria to see sense and end the war before it goes any further.

Last edited by Rodenka on Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:45 pm


Kingdom of Denmark (Denmark, Norway, Iceland)
Population: 1.9 million
Ports: Copenhagen, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim - 4 points
Craft Center: Copenhagen - 1 point
Resources: 1 Narvik, 1 Aalborg, 1 Schleswig - 3 points
Commerce: 12 merchant flotillas - 3 points
Trading Post:
Taxes: .475

Danish Gold Coast
1 Trading Post (Old Ningo) - .25 points

Danish India
Trading Post (Cochin) -.25 points
Trading Post (Tranquebar) - .25 points
Trading Post (Serampore) - .25 points
1 point of trade income

Total: 13.475
Loans Outstanding: 5 pts
New loans: 5 pts (Internal investors)

TOTAL: 18.475

4 Infantry Brigades - 2 points
1 Cavalry Brigade -1 points
4 Infantry battalions - .4
8 Militia Brigades - .8 points
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades - .5 points
1 Fortress (Copenhagen) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Helsingør) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Oslo) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Flensburg) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Schleswig) - .5 points

Army Upkeep: 7.2 points

3 BatRon  (Elephant, Fredericus IV, Christianus V, Dannebroge, Justitia, Mars, Fredericus III, Jylland, Norske Løve, Prinds Christian, Tre Løver, Sophia Hedvig) - 2.25
2 CruRon - Dronning Lovisa, Tre Kroner, Falster, Christiansøe, Skane et al) - 1 points (1 damaged)
1 damaged CruRon, laid up in ordinary - .1 points
7 PatRon (30 ships) - .7 points (5 damaged)
1 Naval Yard (Copenhagen) - .5 points

Naval Upkeep: 4.55 points

Total upkeep: 11.75

Available budget: 6.725


Repair 1 CruRon: (Skane et al) - 3 points
Repair 2 PatRon - 2 points
Raise 1 Infantry battalion - 1 point
Repair 1 PatRon - .725 - .725/1 points

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:48 pm

The situation in Denmark, winter of 1701-1702

The abrupt change in policies by His Majesty is the cause for some concern and restive muttering amongst the upper echelons of Danish society. The reasons for the war had been to perhaps regain territory in Scania and to assert Danish control of Holstein-Gottorp. One of those objectives has been achieved, but now Denmark finds itself fighting alongside the Swedes against the Austrians and in alliance with regicides. Christian VI holds most of the executive and legislative power in the nation, however, and the gain of Holstein-Gottorp for the Danish crown is welcomed as at least a partial victory

There is some concern regarding the religious aspect the war seems to be taking on and anti-Catholic sentiment begins to rise, especially amongst middle and lower-class Danes. Anti-Catholic sermons are preached in many churches and there are several large public gatherings which result in the Pope and Emperor Leopold being burned in effigy.

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:07 pm

Build 1703

INCOME: 12.375

Military Upkeep:
4 Infantry Brigades - 1 point
1 Cavalry Brigade - .75
8 Militia Brigades - .8 points
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades - .5 points
1 Fortress (Copenhagen) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Helsingør) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Oslo) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Flensburg) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Schleswig) - .5 points
Army: 5.55 points

3 BatRon (Elephant, Fredericus IV, Christianus V, Dannebroge, Justitia, Mars, Fredericus III, Jylland, Norske Løve, Prinds Christian, Tre Løver, Sophia Hedvig) - 2.25
1 CruRon - Dronning Lovisa, Tre Kroner, Falster, Christiansøe, Skane et al) - .5 points
2 damaged CruRon, laid up in ordinary - .2 points
6 PatRon (30 ships) - .6 points (5 damaged)
1 Naval Yard (Copenhagen) - .5 points
Naval upkeep: 4.05 points

Budget available:

2.375 points

Loans Outstanding
Loan 1 (1701) (5 pts, 10%) - 1.2/5 - 1.2 points
Loan 2 (1702) (5 pts, 10%) - 1.2/5 - 1.1 point
Repair damage BatRon - .4/4 points - .4 points

Build 1704

INCOME: 12.775

Military Upkeep:
4 Infantry Brigades - 1 point
1 Cavalry Brigade - .75
8 Militia Brigades - .8 points
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades - .5 points
1 Fortress (Copenhagen) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Helsingør) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Oslo) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Flensburg) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Schleswig) - .5 points
Army: 5.55 points

3 BatRon (Elephant, Fredericus IV, Christianus V, Dannebroge, Justitia, Mars, Fredericus III, Jylland, Norske Løve, Prinds Christian, Tre Løver, Sophia Hedvig) - 2.25
1 CruRon - Dronning Lovisa, Tre Kroner, Falster, Christiansøe, Skane et al) - .5 points
2 damaged CruRon, laid up in ordinary - .2 points
6 PatRon (30 ships) - .6 points (5 damaged)
1 Naval Yard (Copenhagen) - .5 points
Naval upkeep: 4.05 points

Budget available:

2.775 points

Loans Outstanding
Loan 1 (1701) (5 pts, 10%) - 2.4/5 - 1.2 points
Loan 2 (1702) (5 pts, 10%) - 2.2/5 - 1.1 points
Repair damage BatRon - .8/4 points - .4 points

Posts : 39
Join date : 2017-09-23

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Rodenka Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:14 pm

Build 1705

INCOME: 12.775

Military Upkeep:
4 Infantry Brigades - 1 point
1 Cavalry Brigade - .75
8 Militia Brigades - .8 points
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades - .5 points
1 Fortress (Copenhagen) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Helsingør) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Oslo) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Flensburg) - .5 points
1 Fortress (Schleswig) - .5 points
Army: 5.55 points

3 BatRon (Elephant, Fredericus IV, Christianus V, Dannebroge, Justitia, Mars, Fredericus III, Jylland, Norske Løve, Prinds Christian, Tre Løver, Sophia Hedvig) - 2.25
1 CruRon - Dronning Lovisa, Tre Kroner, Falster, Christiansøe, Skane et al) - .5 points
2 damaged CruRon, laid up in ordinary - .2 points
6 PatRon (30 ships) - .6 points (5 damaged)
1 Naval Yard (Copenhagen) - .5 points
Naval upkeep: 4.05 points

Budget available:

2.775 points

Loans Outstanding
Loan 1 (1701) (5 pts, 10%) - 3.1/5 - 1.7 points
Loan 2 (1702) (5 pts, 10%) - 1.2/5 - .5 points (interest only payment)
Repair damage BatRon - 1.2/4 points - .4 points

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:23 pm

France informs the Danes that it has always thought a North German Protestant realm, headed obviously by Denmark, would be highly desirable in Germany instead of the dead hand of Imperial rule
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:44 pm

France begins discussions in the Fall of 1728 of matters of mutual interest with the Danish Crown
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1701-1706)

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