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Monarquía Hispánica

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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sun Aug 30, 2020 6:37 pm

In the decade since the end of the Falklands War, Carlos III and his centrist reformer of a chief minister, José Moñino, 1st Count of Floridablanca, have done their best to steer the ship of state into calmer waters. Fortunately, aside from some indigenous revolts and other assorted troubles, Spain has managed to prosper. They effectively fought the British to a draw and that can be considered in a win of itself.

In the aftermath, Carlos III has tried to continue his policy of conservative reforms in an effort to make the Empire more economically and militarily robust. The navy was expanded and rebuilt following the battering in the Falklands War; however, it managed to do itself credit in winning several smaller victories and avoiding complete defeat on the open sea. The army and colonial troops also served well and they too are reformed and improved, with the metropolitan army rebuilt into a more modern organization and the colonial troops are expanded and more fortifications are built to defend the empire. Expeditions of a scientific and exploratory nature are launched to the Pacific Northwest, the California and Gulf Coasts, and the interior of Texas and New Mexico.

Reforms also come to the various colonies; Free Trade Decree (Reglamento para el comercio libre) is passed in 1778, and all ports of the Empire all are now allowed "free trade" - that is, permitted to trade with the other colonies of Spain, as well as Spain itself without limit or regard to certain ports in the Spanish peninsula, which was the status quo before-hand. Further economic reforms specify wages for free labor workers and set conditions for contract fulfillment and circumstances such as debt repayment through the Empire to increase the lot of the common laborer. Royal control of the colonies is intensified, with efforts made with the long-term goal of ensuring that those provinces are a true part of the Empire - not simply distant lands to be exploited. The crown establishes consulados officials and institutions for resolving commercial disputes and developing the infrastructure of the colonies. Moreover, the consulados are also in charge of trying to implement innovative economic projects.

It is hoped that the opening of trade between Spain and its colonies will help with spur manufacturing on the peninsula; to some extent it does, especially in the textile industry in Catalonia.

The crown also establishes the Archive of the Indies in order to record the histories and records of the great colonial project.

Carlos III also begins to do his best to prepare his adult son for eventually taking over as ruler, having him sit in on council meetings and other important affairs.

Floridablanca continues to do his best to improve the education system in metropolitan Spain and reform the various institutions in an effort to ensure Spain maintains its place in the world.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:19 pm

In 1786, Spain embarks upon an ambitious, long-term naval project to replace the older first-rate ships still in service, as well as to provide more modern third-rates and frigates to replace older ships - some of which have been in service since the Falklands War or even the Seven Years War.

The Santa Ana class of 1st-rate battleships is intended to replace all of the three older first-rates and augment the two newer 1st rates (the Purisma Concepion, still under construction, and the Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad), as well as provide a reserve of heavy hitting battleships that can be called upon in the event of war. The third rates are to be augmented by the new, 74-gun San Ildefonso class.

Santa Ana class (112 guns):
Santa Ana
Conde de Regla
Salvador del Mundo
Real Carlos
San Hermenegildo
Reina Luisa
Principe de Austurias

San Ildefenso Class (74 guns):
San Ildefonso
San Telmo
San Francisco de Paula
Infante Don Pelayo

Currently under construction are another ten modern sail frigates:

Another 'class' ten frigates is planned to begin production next year to replace worn-out craft.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Sep 04, 2020 12:34 pm

Children of Prince Carlos Antonio and his wife Maria Amalia of Saxony

Infante Carlos Clemente; b. 1771, d. 1774
Infante Carlos Domingo, b. 1775; d. 1777
Infante Carlos Francisco de Paula; b. 1783 (twin)
Infante Felipe Francisco de Paula; b 1783 (twin)
Infante Fernando Francisco de Paula; b 1785


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Sep 04, 2020 1:03 pm


Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )(client state) remaining funds to the Spanish Crown
Under King Ferdinand of Naples and Sicily
Population: 6.7 million (5 million in Naples, 1.7 million in Sicily)
1.675 in taxes
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 3 merchant flotilla (1.5 points)

Total: 6.175

8 garrison brigades (.Cool
6 brigs (.6)
2 fortresses (Palermo, Naples): .5


Free expenditures: 4.275

4 Garrison Brigades - 4


Income: 6.175
Maintenance: 2.3

Free: 2.3

etc until 1786.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:17 pm

The reaction to the news of the trade of swathes of the Northwest for Gibraltar is mixed; while some see it as a success for diplomacy and a regaining of core Spanish territory, others think giving up claims to the Northwest is a poor long-term decision. However, others beliee that stubbornly sticking to territorial claims that are not fully explored or even all that profitable is worthwhile for eliminating the British presence on the Spanish mainland and securing the safety of the Mediterranean.

It is also seen as a largely diplomatic victory in some circles; although the British are still regarded with (what some would call justified) suspicion, there is very little stomach for another bloody colonial war over distant outposts and maintaining the border as far north as it is is still seen as a significant victory; Spain still exerts control over a good third of the North American continent and still has claims up to the continental divide. Of course, the area is relatively little explored and sparsely settled for the time being...


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:15 pm

Economic Development

Over the last decade, Spain has continued to be a very wealthy empire and the increase in trade between itself and its colonies has helped. However, the economic situation is still relatively fragile and most land is held by aristocrats or the Church and the Spanish middle-class - such as it is - is still small and fledgling, although there is one bright spot in terms of industrialization - the Catalonian textile industry, supported by cotton from the New World and elsewhere, textile mills have begun to spring up, turning it into a "little England in the heart of Spain" by one description.

However, land and other reforms to the power of the aristocratic class and the Church are unlikely to come in the near future - at least not under Carlos III and his first minister, who have charted a rather conservative reformist course over the last few decades. However, there have been other reforms - notably a liberalization of activities that cloth producers can undertake, including allowing women to operate in the industry. Most notably in 1786, royal decree have allowed freedom to all cloth producers in the country to alter production as they see fit. By 1786, Spain is importing over 750,000 lbs of raw cotton from its American colonies per annum to feed its own textile industries (as well as other imports from Malta, Switzerland, and elsewhere in Europe.

Barcelona also begins to emerge as a center of Spain's growing textile industry. Included in this nascent industrialization are the acquiring of spinning jennies and carding machines, mostly via way of France.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:52 pm


Total Income: 104.31
Total Upkeep: 43.95
Available: 60.36
Debt clear.

1 BB1 - Purísima Concepción (Ferrol) [year 4 of 10]
3 BB2 - Bahama, Europa, Argonauta (Cadiz) [year 4 of 6]
3.75 - 10 FF1 (5 Havana [Iberia, Nutca, Tejas, Cortes, Nueva Espana], 5 Cartegna [Gibraltar, Maó-Mahón, Dardo, Cueta, Alta California) (15/15; year 3 of 4)
5 - Naval Yard [15/25; year 3 of 10; Lima]
2.25 - mapping and explorations of the California, Oregon, and Washington coast.
4 - 6 BB2 - 8/18 - year 2 of 6 (intended as replacements for worn out and older vessels; San Ildefonso class - San Ildefonso, San Telmo, San Francisco de Paula, Intrepido, Conquistador, Infante Felipe Francisco)
5.6 - 8 BB1 - 11.2/56, year 2 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards [Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo])
4 - fortress (Gibraltar)
4 - fortress (Port Mahon)
4 - 6 BB2 [Replacements] 4/18; year 1 of 6 - 2 Hava, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol [San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano]
3.75 - 10 FF1 (5 Havana, 2 Lima, 2 Buenos Aires, 1 Cartegna [Galicia, Blas de Lazo, Álvaro de Bazán, Navarra, Canarias, Majorca, Metereo, Cantabria, Tornado, Furor) - 3.75/15 [Year 1 of 4]
8.5 - 17 brigs
15.51 - fleet mobilization

Last edited by Kilani on Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Sep 15, 2020 11:59 am

Naval Ensign
Since 1785, the Spanish Navy and coastal fortifications have begun the use of a new flag, by the order of Carlos III, who has previously been worried about the inability to recognize friend from foe. As such, a new, more recognizable flag has been introduced.

Sociedad Económica de los Amigos del País

Throughout Carlos III's reign, he has attempted to spur economic activity - one of the more successful attempts was the institution of private, voluntary associations, certified by the crown but otherwise left to their own devices, in many cities through the country and the colonies that rely on individuals and communities to cooperate and focus on economic growth. They are widely seen as being able to stimulate improvements in agriculture, husbandry, industry, the professions and arts. Many of them share recent advances in philosophy and science from elsewhere in Europe amongst each other. Similar societies have been established in the Americas, as well as in the Philippines, where they have notably encouraged local unions, guilds, and various training grants.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:02 pm

In light of the British mobilization and the ongoing, slow-motion crisis in the Netherlands, the Spanish crown orders their fleet to alert, essentially putting it on a war footing as a precautionary measure.

There is not quite enough discretionary funding in the Spanish budget and so they issue bonds from the Bank of San Carlos to make up the shortfall (6.09 points @ 10% over 10 years).


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:53 am

News of the American colonies beginning mobilization reaches Mexico City and the new Viceroy of New Spain, Manuel Antonio Flórez, decides to take independent action, knowing that it will take at least two or three months for news to travel across the Atlantic and then return with instructions. He orders those metropolitan and colonial troops under his command to mobilize, in case the American mobilization indicates movement against the Spanish territories; he also orders the frigates and brigs in Havana and draws upon his authority to call up additional funds.

(Another 13 points drawn from the Spanish bank, @ 10% over 10 years)


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:19 pm

The army and navy return to peace-time stations for 1788.


Total Income: 107.565
Total Upkeep: 44.9
Available: 62.665
19.1 pts of debt + 10% interest = 21 pts total

21 -Debt and Interest
1 BB1 - Purísima Concepción (Ferrol) [year 5 of 10]
3 BB2 - Bahama, Europa, Argonauta (Cadiz) [year 5 of 6]
5 - Naval Yard [20/25; year 4 of 10; Lima]
4 - 6 BB2 - 12/18 - year 3 of 6 (intended as replacements for worn out and older vessels; San Ildefonso class - San Ildefonso, San Telmo, San Francisco de Paula, Intrepido, Conquistador, Infante Felipe Francisco)
5.6 - 8 BB1 - 16.8/56, year 3 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards [Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo])
4 - 6 BB2 [Replacements] 8/18; year 2 of 6 - 2 Hava, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol [San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano]
3.75 - 10 FF1 (5 Havana, 2 Lima, 2 Buenos Aires, 1 Cartegna [Galicia, Blas de Lazo, Álvaro de Bazán, Navarra, Canarias, Majorca, Metereo, Cantabria, Tornado, Furor) - 7.5/15 [Year 2 of 4]
3 - trading post, Portland
12 - 4 forts (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Suriname)


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:43 pm

The Africa is lost while it is being laid up for hull repairs. It is an older vessel as it is and dockyard inspectors determine that the ship will not stand up to heavy use or the line of battle any longer and she is converted into a transport.

The frigate Jupiter simply vanishes while in transit back to Spain from the Philippines.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:33 pm

December, 1788

In mid-December, after a period of illness, Charles III of Spain passes away, leaving his son Charles IV to be crowned king of Spain and absolute monarch of the vast Spanish Empire. Charles III has done his best to navigate Spain through turbulent waters and his intensive reforms and patronage have left the Empire in its best position since the 16th or 17th century.

Charles IV is, in many ways, not quite the king that his father was. He is a forty-year old man who tends to prefer sport and hunting over the dreariness of administration and is said to be under the thumb of his wife. However, in the last decade, he has taken an active role thanks in part to his father prodding him into it. He has two young sons (twins, as a point of fact) and so for the moment the line of succession is secure. He is coronated soon after his father's death and the court begins jockeying for position...


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:43 pm

The Aranda Ministry

Through a series of political maneuvers following the death of Charles III, the Count of Aranda returns from his diplomatic post in France and, through his allies, manages to be appointed to replace the more conservative Count of Floridablanca as the minister of state. He has been exposed to Enlightenment ideals and is more of a liberal than his predecessor. What this means for Spain remains to be seen.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:02 pm


Total Income: 107.315
Total Upkeep: 44.3
Available: 63.015

1 BB1 - Purísima Concepción (Ferrol) [year 5 of 10]
3 BB2 - Bahama, Europa, Argonauta (Cadiz) [year 6 of 6]
5 - Naval Yard [25/25; year 5 of 10; Lima]
4 - 6 BB2 - 16/18 - year 4 of 6 (intended as replacements for worn out and older vessels; San Ildefonso class - San Ildefonso, San Telmo, San Francisco de Paula, Intrepido, Conquistador, Infante Felipe Francisco)
5.6 - 8 BB1 - 22.4/56, year 4 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards [Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo])
4 - 6 BB2 [Replacements] 12/18; year 3 of 6 - 2 Hava, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol [San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano]
3.75 - 10 FF1 (5 Havana, 2 Lima, 2 Buenos Aires, 1 Cartegna [Galicia, Blas de Lazo, Álvaro de Bazán, Navarra, Canarias, Majorca, Metereo, Cantabria, Tornado, Furor) - 11.25/15 [Year 3 of 4]
2 commercial flotillas (Manila) - 6 [Year 1 of 2]
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements] - 3/9; year 1 of 6


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:43 pm



Total Income: 107.315
Total Upkeep: 45.03
Available: 63.015

5 - Naval Yard [25/25; year 6 of 10; Lima]
2 - 6 BB2 - 18/18 - year 5 of 6 (intended as replacements for worn out and older vessels; San Ildefonso class - San Ildefonso, San Telmo, San Francisco de Paula, Intrepido, Conquistador, Infante Felipe Francisco)
5.6 - 8 BB1 - 28/56, year 5 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards [Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo])
4 - 6 BB2 [Replacements] 16/18; year 4 of 6 - 2 Hava, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol [San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano]
3.75 - 10 FF1 (5 Havana, 2 Lima, 2 Buenos Aires, 1 Cartegna [Galicia, Blas de Lazo, Álvaro de Bazán, Navarra, Canarias, Majorca, Metereo, Cantabria, Tornado, Furor) - 15/15 [Year 4 of 4]
2 commercial flotillas (Manila) -  [Year 2 of 2]
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements] - 6/9; year 2 of 6
12.3 - mobilize Armada Atlantica and Armada Africana
2 - mobilize two cavalry brigades (New Spain)
2 - mobilize colonial infantry brigade (Santo Domingo)
3 - 3 BB5 [Replacements - 3/9; year 1 of 6


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:48 pm


Total Income: 108.315
Total Upkeep: 48.85
Available: 59.465

Naval Yard [year 6 of 10; Lima]
6 BB2 - year 6 of 6 (intended as replacements for worn out and older vessels; San Ildefonso class - San Ildefonso, San Telmo, San Francisco de Paula, Intrepido, Conquistador, Infante Felipe Francisco)
5.6 - 8 BB1 - 33.6/56, year 6 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards [Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo])
2 - 6 BB2 [Replacements] 18/18; year 5 of 6 - 2 Hava, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol [San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano]
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements] - 9/9; year 3 of 6
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements - 6/9; year 2 of 6
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements - 3/9; year 1 of 6
1 - 4 FF1 [Replacements - 1/6; year 1 of 4

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )(client state) remaining funds to the Spanish Crown
Population: 6.7 million (5 million in Naples, 1.7 million in Sicily)
1.675 in taxes
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 1 merchant flotilla (.5 points)

2 Fortresses( Palermo, Naples) for .5 points
12 garrison brigades (2 each Naples, Taranto, Syracuse, Palermo, Aquila, Potenza) for 1.2 points
Mobilizes into an Expeditionary Army during war time; increases to 5.5 points
6 Brigs for .6 points

2 merchant flotillas - 2.875 [2.875/6; year 1 of 2]


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:58 pm

In late 1790, the frigate Pomona founders in a storm off of the Canaries, with only a handful of survivors able to reach shore.

In 1791, the navy adds another ten frigates, with half of them assigned to the new Armada de la Plata to patrol the approaches to Buenos Aires and the other half joining the Windward Squadron in the Caribbean.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:08 pm

Early 1792

The battle ships San Juan, Dichosmo, and Angela de la Guarda are broken up as too old for useful service.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:17 pm


Total Income: 108.315
Total Upkeep: 44.65
Available: 63.67

Naval Yard [year 7 of 10; Lima]
5.6 - 8 BB1 - 39.2/56, year 7 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards [Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo])
2 - 6 BB2 year 6 of 6 - 2 Hava, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol [San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano]
3 BB2 [Replacements] - 9/9; year 43 of 6
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements - 9/9; year 3 of 6
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements - 6/9; year 2 of 6
1 - 4 FF1 [Replacements - 2/6; year 2 of 4

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )(client state) remaining funds to the Spanish Crown
Population: 6.7 million (5 million in Naples, 1.7 million in Sicily)
1.675 in taxes
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 1 merchant flotilla (.5 points)

2 Fortresses( Palermo, Naples) for .5 points
12 garrison brigades (2 each Naples, Taranto, Syracuse, Palermo, Aquila, Potenza) for 1.2 points
Mobilizes into an Expeditionary Army during war time; increases to 5.5 points
6 Brigs for .6 points

2 merchant flotillas - 2.875 [5.75/6; year 2 of 2]


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:41 pm


Total Income: 108.315
Total Upkeep: 44.65
Available: 63.67

Naval Yard [year 8 of 10; Lima]
5.6 - 8 BB1 - 44.8/56, year 8 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards [Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo])
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements - 9/9; year 3 of 6
4 - 4 FF1 [Replacements - 6/6; year 3 of 4
25 pts - 0% loan to Austria
7 pts - 0% loan to Prussia
16 - 4x fortress (Galveston, Houston, Rio, Montevido; year 1 of 2)
3 [3/12] - fortified area (Havana)

6 BB2 year 6 of 6 - 2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol [San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano]
3 BB2 [Replacements] - year 5 of 6
3 BB2 [Replacements - year 4 of 6

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )(client state) remaining funds to the Spanish Crown
Population: 6.7 million (5 million in Naples, 1.7 million in Sicily)
1.675 in taxes
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 1 merchant flotilla (.5 points)

2 Fortresses( Palermo, Naples) for .5 points
12 garrison brigades (2 each Naples, Taranto, Syracuse, Palermo, Aquila, Potenza) for 1.2 points
Mobilizes into an Expeditionary Army during war time; increases to 5.5 points
6 Brigs for .6 points

2 merchant flotillas - .125 [6/6]

Last edited by Kilani on Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:37 am; edited 2 times in total


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:38 pm

The ongoing crisis in France results in splits in the French court. Aranda manages to cling to his position as First Minister and despite objections from some more conservative courtiers, he allows that flow of information from France to continue - including more liberal pamphlets and ideology. He and Carlos IV have no wish to shut themselves off from their longest-lasting European ally and continue to watch and judge the situation, even as Aranda begins to try and steer a more reformist path - especially with self-governance in the colonies and the potential idea of land reform in the metropole...


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:04 pm

The Spanish fleet is ordered to prepare for sea and all inactive officers are recalled to stations.

108.315 total


Total Income: 108.315
Total Upkeep: 44.65
Available: 63.67

5.6 - 8 BB1 - 50.4/56, year 9 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards [Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo])
9 - fortified area (Havana) [12/12, complete end of year]
25 - loan guarantees to the Prussians
3 - 3 BB2 [Replacements] - year 1 of 6; 3/9
2 - 4 FF1 [Replacements] - year 1 of 4; 2/6
9 points - 10 Garrison Brigades (Mexico; 1 Metropolitan, 9 colonial)
2 - 1 colonial garrison division (Manila)
6 - fortified area (Cadiz) [6/12]
2 - fortified area (Cueta) [2/12]

Loan from FC of 27 pts:
10 garrison divisions (peacetime field army)

Construction Paid off, but in progress:
3 BB2 [Replacements] - year 6 of 6
3 BB2 [Replacements - year 5 of 6
3 BB2 [Replacements - 9/9; year 4 of 6
4 FF1 [Replacements - 6/6; year 4 of 4
Naval Yard [year 9 of 10; Lima]
4 fortress (Galveston, Houston, Buenos Aires, Montevido; complete end of year)

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )(client state) remaining funds to the Spanish Crown
Population: 6.7 million (5 million in Naples, 1.7 million in Sicily)
1.675 in taxes
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 3 merchant flotilla (1.5 points)

2 Fortresses( Palermo, Naples) for .5 points
12 garrison brigades (2 each Naples, Taranto, Syracuse, Palermo, Aquila, Potenza) for 1.2 points
Mobilizes into an Expeditionary Army during war time; increases to 5.5 points
6 Brigs for .6 points

Last edited by Kilani on Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:00 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:06 am

The specter of war continues to loom large on the continent of Europe; the Spanish court worries both about their traditional ally, the French, and the English meddling in Germany. However, the Count of Aranda sees no reason to involve the Spanish actively in the war - not when Germany is, after all, very far from Spain and not when it would mean potentially facing the whole might of the British navy on their own.

There is room in the budget for building up colonial defenses and there is additionally some debate regarding expanding the frigate fleet to better protect the far-flung corners of the empire. However, military expenditures remain low (for the time being).

The Count is more interested in bending the ear of the king to implement liberal reforms within the kingdom and empire, instead. While not a radical he sees the future of Spanish Empire as something else entirely. He has a plan, a little like the ongoing British project, of turning the Empire into more of a commonwealth - dividing the American possessions into three kingdoms, each ruled by a Spanish infante, all owing allegiance to the Spanish Emperor in Madrid. In this way, the Americas would have elements of self-rule while still being under the command of the Empire.

For now, this idea does not go much of anywhere... but the seed is planted.

Closer to home, he begins advocating for land reform, a thorny issue that sees opposition from the more conservative factions of the court. Still - progress is being made, slowly but surely.


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Monarquía Hispánica - Page 2 Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:41 pm

Part of the budget is allocated to raising an Army of Mexico - a permanent garrison army (ooc: expeditionary army when mobilized, essentially) that will serve as a defensive force for New Spain. It is to be 25% metropolitan and 75% colonial, drawn from the population of New Spain. Also included is an expansion of the fortifications in Havana, as well as extensive fortifications in the outpost of Cueta and the important port city of Cadiz.


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