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Monarquía Hispánica

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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:42 pm

Monarquía Hispánica 800px-Royal_Greater_Coat_of_Arms_of_Spain_%281761-1868_and_1874-1931%29_Version_with_Golden_Fleece_and_Order_of_Charles_III_Collars.svg

National Statistics as of 1805
Population: 24.4 million (13.9 million in colonies)
Languages: Spanish, Latin, Italian, Sardian, Basque, Catalan-Valencian-Balearic, Galician, Asturian, Aragonese
Prestige: B
Credit: C

Political Organization
Official Title: The Empire of Spain
Conventional: Spain
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Madrid
Sovereign: Charles III, King of Spain
Prime Minister: José Moñino, 1st Count of Floridablanca

Current as of 1805

Spanish Metropole

Population: 10.5 million
Taxes: 2.625
6 Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena, Bilbao, Valencia, Málaga = 6 points
6 Craft Centers: 2 Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Ferrol, Pamplona = 6 points
1 FC = 1 pt
3 Resources (1 Madrid, 1 Seville, 1 Vitoria) = 3 points
12 commercial (out of possible 12) = 6 points
24.625 pts

Caribbean Territories (Cuba, Hispaniola [Dominican Republic part], Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao)
Population: 500,000(counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included)
Taxes: .13
1 Craft Center: Havana = 1 pt
4 Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo, Port of Spain= 4 points
6 Resources: Cuba 2 (agriculture), Santo Domingo 2, Trinidad, Puerto Rico = 6 points
3 Trading Posts: Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao = .75
12 commercial flotillas (out of possible 12) = 6 points
17.88 pts

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacramento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga)
population: 6.5 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types)
Taxes: 1.625
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco, Gálvezton  = 3 points
1 Craft Center: Mexico City= 1 point
Trading Posts: Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico], Albuquerque, NM , San Diego, Los Angeles, Monterrey, San Francisco, Sonoma, Chico, Sacramento, Ft. Ross = 2.5 points
Towns: Santa Fe, NM, San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ] = .5
Cities:  San Antonio, Santa Cruz (Austin), San Jacinto (Houston) = 1.5
Santa Fe and Tucson become cities in 1808
resources: Chihuauha 3 (silver), Leon 3 (silver), Mexico City 2 (agriculture), Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujilo 1 (Silver) , 1 Guadalajara, 1 Mérida, 1 Yucatán, 1 San Jacinto = 14 points
7 commercial flotillas (out of 9)= 3.5 points
27.625 pts

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations: 2.3 million (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted) = .575 point from peace taxation
Ports: Panama, Cartagena de Indias= 2 points
Resources: Colombia 2 (agriculture), Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito, Fort Zeelandia/Suriname= 7 points
Trading Post: Suriname = .25 pts
6 commercial flotillas (out of 6)= 3 points

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia)
population: 2 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia = .5 pt peace taxes
Port: Callao, Lima, Valdivia: 3 points
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 6 (Silver), Lima 2 (agriculture), Santiago de Chile = 8 points
7 commercial flotillas (out of possible 9) = 3.5 points
15 pts

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 630,000 (10% Spanish, 85% Mestizo, 5% Italian/Geneose) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands = .16 in taxes
Port: Buenos Aires, Montevideo = 2 pts
Resources: Buenos Aires (4 agriculture), 1 Paraguay(agriculture), 1 Uruguay(agriculture) = 6 pts
6 commercial flotillas (out of 6) = 3 points
11.16 pts

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea and the city of Oran in Algeria
Port: Oran = 1 point
Trade Outposts: Rio Muni, Fernando Po= .5 points
3 commercial shipping units

3 pts

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2 Million People
.5 pts in peacetime taxation
Port: Manila= 1 point
Trading Posts: 3 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay, Guam)=.75 points
Resources: Manila, Resource( 1 agriculture)= 2 pts
1 commercial flotilla (out of possible 3)= .5 points
4.75 pts

Teritorio de Nutca
2 trading posts (Astoria, Portland) - .5

114.615 total


57 total upkeep (peace)

Metropole Manpower Breakdown
Regulars: 215,800 (out of 315,000 limit) (peacetime garrison troops and frontier fort garrisons, etc)
Militia/Reserves: 208,000 (out of 315,000 limit) (fortress troops, naval yard personnel)

Regulars: 7,500 (out of 15,000); peacetime garrison
Militia/Reserves: 9,000 (out of 15,000)

New Spain
Regulars: 28,500 (out of 195,000); peacetime garrison
Militia/Reserves: 4,000 (out of 195,000); fortress troops

New Granada
Regulars: 5,000 (out of 69,000); peacetime garrison
Militia/Reserves: 0 (out of 69,000)

Regulars: 5,000 (out of 60,000); peacetime garrison
Militia/Reserves: 0 (out of 30,000)

La Plata
Regulars: 5,000 (out of 18,000); peacetime garrison
Militia/Reserves: 0 (out of 18,000)

Regulars: 0 (out of 60,000)
Militia/Reserves: 0 (out of 60,000)


Fixed Installations [40,000 reserves, 2.25 pts)
Cadiz, Cartagena, Ferrol, Havana, Lima

Fleet (105,800 regulars, 25.9 pts; 52.6 wartime mobilization)
8 BB1 (Santa Ana, Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias, San Hermenegildo, Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - 4
50 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Dichoso, Diligente, Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Atlante, Tridente, Serio, Poderoso, Soberbio, Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, San Cristobal, Rubí, Sagrario, Real Familia, Real de Mazi, Porto Coeli, Santa Terasa, San Leandro, Miño, Castilla, San Justo, San Fermín, Bahama, Europa, Argonauta, San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano ) - 12.5
38 FF1 (Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona, Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda, Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo, California, Veracruz, Santa Brigida, Medea, Sirena, Gloria, Santa Amalia, Esmerelda, Preciosa, Ceres, Minerva, Mahonesa, Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, Santa Catalina, Nuestra Señora de la Paz, Santa Elena, Santa Sabina, Santa Paula, Santa Matilde, Grana, Santa Clara, Santa Maria Magdelena, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Fénix, Astrea, Mercurio, Esperanza) - 5.6
38 Brigs - 3.8

Armada Atlántica
2 BB1 (Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad)
16 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Dichoso, Diligente, Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Atlante)
4 FF1 (Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona, Ventura)
4 Brigs/PatRon

Armada del Golfo de Vizcaya
2 BB1 (Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo)
14 BB2 (Tridente, Serio, Poderoso, Soberbio, Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, San Cristobal)
6 FF1 (Mahonesa, Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, Santa Catalina, Nuestra Señora de la Paz, Santa Elena, Santa Sabina)
8 Brigs/Patron

Armada Africana
2 BB1 (Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias)
6 BB2 (Rubí, Sagrario, Real Familia, Real de Mazi, Porto Coeli, Santa Terasa)
4 FF1 (Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)
6 Brigs/PatRon

Armada de Barlovento
2 BB 1 (Mejicano, San Hermenegildo)
14 BB2 (San Leandro, Miño, Castilla, San Justo, San Fermín, Bahama, Europa, Argonauta, San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Porto Coeli, San Pedro, Catalán, Gallo Indiano)  
14 FF1 (Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo, California, Veracruz, Santa Brigida, Medea, Sirena, Gloria, Santa Amalia, Esmerelda, Preciosa, San Bernardo, San Ignacio, Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Ceres, Minerva)
12 Brigs/Patron

Armada de las Indias Orientales
5 FF1 (Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Fénix, Astrea, Mercurio, Esperanza)
10 Brigs/Patron

Armada del Pacífico
5 FF1 (Santa Paula, Santa Matilde, Grana, Santa Clara, Santa Maria Magdelena)

Metropolitan Army
15.3 upkeep (peace)

ARMY OF MADRID - 60,000 men - 3.75
10 Garrison Divisions, 7 Garrison Brigades (converts to 9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions)

1 Garrison Division - Cueta - .25
1 Garrison Division - Gibraltar - .25
1 Garrison Division, 1 Garrison Brigade - Cadiz - .35

ARMY OF AFRICA (from the Army of the South)
Under the command of Joaquín Blake, in Oran
1 Infantry Divisions - 1
1 Cavalry Division - 1

ARMY OF CATALONIA - 60,000 men
10 Garrison Divisions, 7 Garrison Brigades (converts to 9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions)
3.75 pts (15 mobilized)

2 Garrison Brigades - .2

FIXED POSITIONS - 13,000 men
11 Fortresses (Madrid, Barcelona Ferrol, Valencia, Pamplona, Bilbao, Figueres, San Sebastian, Cartagena, Gibraltar, Mahon) - 2.75
2 fortified areas (Cadiz, Cueta) - 2

Colonial Army
19.2 points

New Spain
4 fortresses (Galvezton, San Jacinto [Houston], Acapulco, Vera Cruz) - 1
1 colonial light infantry regiment (Yerba Buena (San Francisco)) - .1
2 Metropolitan Infantry Brigade (Sante Fe, Santa Cruz [Austin]) - .5
1 rifle brigade (Santa Cruz [Austin]) - .5
5 Infantry Brigades (San Antonio) - 1.25
5 Colonial Infantry Brigades (4 Mexico City, 1 San Antonio)
1 Supply Train (San Antonio)
8 Metropolitan Garrison Brigades (3 Mexico City, 3 Galvezton, 2 San Jacinto) - .8
13 colonial garrison brigades (4 Acapulco, 4 Veracruz, 4 Guadalajara, 1 Sante Fe) - 1.3 (mobilizes to expeditionary army with the 3 metro brigades in MC; Army of Mexico)
1 Colonial Engineer Brigade (San Antonio) - 1
17 forts (Mexico City, La Paz(Mexico), Antigua Guatemala, Chihuauha, Leon(Mexico), Trujilo, Tucson, AZ, Loreto, Mexico, Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, San Francisco, Monterrey, San Antonio, San Jacinto (Houston), Santa Cruz (Austin), Galveston, Pueblo, CO) - 1.7
9.6 total

3 fortresses (San Juan, Santo Domingo, Port of Spain) - .75
1 fortified area (Havana) - 1
3 colonial garrison brigades (San Juan, 2x Santo Domingo) - .3
8 forts (San Juan, Santo Domingo, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Suriname. San Juan, Santo Domingo) - .8
1 Infantry Division (Havana) - 1
1 Rifle Brigade (Havana) - .5
4.35 total

New Grenada
2 fortresses (Panama, Cartagena de Indias) - .5
2 colonial garrison brigades (Cartegna, Panama) -.2
3 forts (Bogota, Medellin,  Caracas) -.3
1 total

1 fortress (Lima) - .25
3 Metropolitan Garrison Brigades (1 Lima, 1 La Paz, 1 Santiago de Chile) - .3
2 colonial garrison brigades (1 Lima, 1 La Paz) -.2
7 forts (Santiago de Chile, Quito, Potosi, La Paz (Boliva), Cusco, Abancay, Urcos) - .7
1.45 total

La Plata
2 fortresses (Buenos Aires, Montevido) - .5
1 colonial light infantry regiment (Buenos Aires) - .1
1 Metropolitan Garrison Brigade (Buenos Aires) - .1
2 colonial garrison brigades (Montevido, Buenos Aires) - .2
1 fort (Buenos Aires) - .1
1 total

4 fortresses (New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Vidalia, LA, Ft. Pike) - 1
2 forts (Little Rock, Pine Bluff) - .2
1.20 total

1 Metropolitan Garrison Brigade (Manila) -.1
1 Colonial Garrison Division (Manila) - .25
1 fort (Manila) - .1
.45 total

2 forts (Rio Muni, Fernando Po) -.2
.2 total

Teritoria de Nuca (Oregon)
2 forts (Asotoria, Portland) - .2

52.65 total military upkeep

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )(client state) remaining funds to the Spanish Crown
Population: 6.7 million (5 million in Naples, 1.7 million in Sicily)
1.675 in taxes
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
FC: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 3 merchant flotilla (1.5 points)
2 Fortresses( Palermo, Naples) for .5 points
12 garrison brigades (2 each Naples, Taranto, Syracuse, Palermo, Aquila, Potenza) for 1.2 points
Mobilizes into an Expeditionary Army during war time; increases to 5.5 points
6 Brigs for .6 points

Viceroyalty of Louisiana
Duchy of Louisiana: 90 thousand [40% white, 10% free colored, 40% slave])
Duke of Louisiana-Pierre-Clément de Laussat
Ports: 1 (New Orleans)
Resources: 2 (Baton Rouge, New Orleans)

Total Income: 3

Armed Forces
Fortress - New Orleans (.25) (manned by Spanish regulars)
Fort at Baton Rouge (.1)
2 Garrison Brigades (.2) (militia)
1 Polish Garrison Brigade (.1) (Mobilizes to Cavalry Brigade)
4 Infantry Regiments (.4)

Wartime: 123.45

Last edited by Kilani on Sun Mar 07, 2021 2:35 pm; edited 38 times in total


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Ottoman Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:34 am

Background info-

The Spanish Empire is still dealing with the aftermath of the Seven Years War in which, it lost Florida to the British, but it did gain Louisiana in exchange.  However the colony of Louisiana is rebellious one, hence the need to maintain a large garrison to maintain law and order.  Yet outside of Lower Louisiana, Spanish influence was limited by terrain and lack of major settlements.  For other remote regions of the empire like California, there is a push to build more missions(trading post) to fortify Spain influence in the area and counter potential other powers like Britain or Russia from moving in.  As for what is now rl Texas, its consider a secondary backwater area not worthwhile for settlement since its full of hostile Native Americans, there are a few missions and settlements, but nothing of real value at this point in time. Plus Louisiana is more valuable at this time.

Overall sheer scope and size of its American colonies provide Spain with great wealth, however it makes Spain very dependent on that flow of wealth to maintain its power in Europe. For now, there is thorn on Spain side that is British holdings of Gibraltar and Minorca( Port Mahon)....


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:16 pm

Build, 1769
Total Income: 72.45
Total Upkeep: 34.5
Available: 27.85

Alta California Expedition - .25
Naval Yard - Havana - 2.5 [2.5/25; Year 1 of 10]
Naval Yard - Manila - 2.5 [2.5/25; Year 1 of 10]
10 PatRons - 5
5 FF1 - 7.5 [7.5/7.5; Year 1 of 4]
4 Militia Cavalry Regiments [Mexico/New Spain] - 4
18 Militia Infantry Regiments (3 each Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo, 6 Mexico City, 3 Vera Cruz) - 8 [8/9]

Last edited by Kilani on Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:03 pm; edited 3 times in total


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:01 pm

The Spanish Crown, concerned over the rising cost of military expenditures - especially with regards to regulars being deployed overseas in the vast Spanish Empire - has continued its attempts to reduce costs, mainly by raising local militias and colonial units among their colonies. These units are typically mixed race - white Spaniards, mestizoes, free blacks, and Indians - and are to be relied on for local defense. It is hoped that these units will be better able to deal with local Indians, as well as provide the core of defense needed to see off raiders and attacks from other European powers during potential wars.

In New Spain, José de Gálvez, Inspector of the Indies, has meanwhile ordered the handing over of the existing mission system to the Franciscan Order, removing the missions from under the control of the Spanish Army. He also begins preparations and plans for scouting and exploration expeditions into Alta California, which has long been seen as a potential area for expansion. The old port of Monterrey, first visited by Spanish explorers in 1602, is considered as a likely stop and potential outpost...


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Ottoman Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:14 pm

Kilani wrote:The Spanish Crown, concerned over the rising cost of military expenditures - especially with regards to regulars being deployed overseas in the vast Spanish Empire - has continued its attempts to reduce costs, mainly by raising local militias and colonial units among their colonies. These units are typically mixed race - white Spaniards, mestizoes, free blacks, and Indians - and are to be relied on for local defense. It is hoped that these units will be better able to deal with local Indians, as well as provide the core of defense needed to see off raiders and attacks from other European powers during potential wars.

In New Spain, José de Gálvez, Inspector of the Indies, has meanwhile ordered the handing over of the existing mission system to the Franciscan Order, removing the missions from under the control of the Spanish Army. He also begins preparations and plans for scouting and exploration expeditions into Alta California, which has long been seen as a potential area for expansion. The old port of Monterrey, first visited by Spanish explorers in 1602, is considered as a likely stop and potential outpost...

In mid 1770, Portolá expedition returns with details maps of California coast. Captain Gaspar de Portolá and missionary Junípero Serra provide the following recommendations to the Viceroy in terms of building a missionary system in California. They recommend the following areas to have a missions(trading post) with a fort built as soon as possible to insure Spanish influence is established formally.

List of Locations( assume its network of smaller missions in each geographic area)

San Diego
Los Angeles
San Francisco


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:02 pm

Build, 1770
Total Income: 72.45
Total Upkeep: 45.8
Available: 26.65

Naval Yard - Havana - 2.5 [5/25; Year 1 of 10]
Naval Yard - Manila - 2.5 [5/25; Year 1 of 10]
5 FF1 [Year 2 of 4]
18 Militia Infantry Regiments (3 each Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo, 6 Mexico City, 3 Vera Cruz) - 1 [9/9]
18 Militia Infantry Regiments (6 each Buenos Aires, La Paz, Cartegna) - 9 [9/9]
3 trading posts (San Diego, Los Angeles, Monterrey) - 9
1 trading post (San Francisco) - 2 [2/3]


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:01 pm

Build, 1771
Total Income: 73.2
Total Upkeep: 46.7
Available: 26.5

Naval Yard - Havana - 2.5 [7.5/25; Year 3 of 10]
Naval Yard - Manila - 2.5 [7.5/25; Year 3 of 10]
5 FF1 [Year 3 of 4]
5 FF1 - 7.5 [7.5/7.5 - Year 1 of 4]
4 BB2 - 12 [12/12 - Year 1 of 6]
2 PatRon - 1
1 trading post (San Francisco) - 1 [3/3]


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:50 pm

The slow-rolling Falklands Crisis continues to be a point of irritation and concern for the court of Charles III; in response to the ongoing lack of results and the mobilization of British assets, the Spanish have also begun cautious preparations by concentrating their fleets and dispatching reinforcements to the New World. It is considered relatively fortunate that the new program of raising local militias has begun to bear fruit to increase the defenses of many of the important points Spain's empire. Some infantry regiments are shuffled around - most notably, the three regiments in Mexico City are ordered to move to Cuba or New Orleans, while more ships are dispatched from the metropole to provide a larger "fleet-in-being" in the Caribbean.

By spring, 1771, the Spanish Fleet in the western hemisphere is expected to be organized into three parts:

Naval Department of Cadiz
2 BB1
16 BB2
4 FF1

Naval Department of Cartegna
2 BB1
12 BB2
4 FF1

Armada de Barlovento (Windward Squadron, Havana)
10 BB2
8 FF1
10 PatRon

However, the diplomats are expected to find a peaceful resolution to the problem and more pressure is applied to try and find an understanding.


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:43 pm

The pall of war has fallen over the Kingdom; however, Charles III has successfully helped steer the country through other crises before and now he and his court must do so again.

The Spanish reach out to the Italian states and banks for the possibility of financing lines of credit and potentially hiring of troops, if needed.


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:21 pm

Spanish Metropole

Population: 9.2 million( 2.3 points of tax revenue; wartime taxation = 4.6 )
4 Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena, Bilbao= 4 points
Craft Centers: 1 Barcelona, Bilbao= 2 points
2 Resources (1 Madrid,1 Seville) = 2 points
12 commercial flotillas (3 lost to raiding; 9 remaining) = 4.5 points
Total income =17.1

Caribbean Territories (Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic part), Puerto Rico, Trinidad
Population: 360,000(counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included)
3 Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo= 3 points
4 Resources: Cuba 2 (agriculture), Santo Domingo 2= 4 points
6 commercial flotillas (1 lost to raiding; 5 remaining) = 2.5 points
= 9.5 points

Spanish Louisiana (Formerly French Louisiana)
Population: 40,000(only accounting for settled area which is rl Louisiana)
1 Port: New Orleans= 1 points
1 Resources: Baton Rouge = 1 points
1 Trading post: St.Louis = .25 points
Total income= 2.25 points

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacremento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga)
population: 5.5 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types) = 2.75 pts from wartime taxation
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco: 2 points
Trading Posts: Mission San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ], Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico,  Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, San Diego, Los Angeles, Monterrey, San Francsico = 3 points
resources: Chihuauha 2 (silver), Leon 2 (silver), Mexico City 2 (agriculture), Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujilo 1 (Silver) = 8 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income=18.75 points

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations: 2.3 million (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted) = 1 point from wartime taxation
Ports: Panama, Cartagena de Indias= 2 points
Resources: Colombia 1 (agriculture), Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito= 5 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income= 11 points

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia)
population: 2 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia = 1 pt in wartime taxation
Port: Callao, Lima, Valdivia: 3 points
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 5 (Silver), Lima 1 (agriculture), Santiago de Chile  = 7 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income= 14 points

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 400,000 (10% Spanish, 90% Mestizo) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands
Port: Buenos Aires, Montevideo
Resources: Buenos Aires (2 agriculture)
3 commercial flotillas = 1.5 point
Total income=5.5 points

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea
Trade Outposts:  Rio Muni, Fernando Po= .5 points

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2 Million People
Port: Manila= 1 point
Trading Posts: 2 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay)=.5 points
Resources: Manila= 1 point
1 commercial flotilla= .5 points
Total income=3 points

81.6 total


Fixed Installations [40,000 reserves, 2 pts)
Cadiz, Cartagena, Ferrol, Havana

Fleet (39,600 regulars, 14.85 pts)
4 BB1 (San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando, San Luis) - 2
37 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Agustín, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Triunfante, Dichoso, Monarca, Diligente, Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Terrible, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, Serio, Poderoso, Soberbio, Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa, San Cristobal) - 9.25
12 FF1 (Aguila, Victoria, Flecha, Hermiona, Industria, Liebre, Venus, Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda) - 2.4
12 PatRon - 1.2

Naval Department of Cartegna
1 BB1 (San Luis)
11 BB2 (Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Terrible, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, Serio, Poderoso)

Naval Department of Cadiz
3 BB1 (San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando)
14 BB2 (San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo , San Agustín, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Triunfante, Dichoso, Monarca, Diligente)
2 PatRon/Brigs

Armada de Barlovento (Windward Squadron, Havana)
10 BB2 (Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa)
8 FF1 (Aguila, Victoria, Flecha, Hermiona, Industria, Liebre, Venus)
10 PatRon

[i]Armada de Manila[/b]
2 BB2 (San Cristobal, Soberbio)
4 FF1 (Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)

Metropolitan Army [101,5000 regulars, 17 upkeep]
22 Infantry Brigades
10 Artillery Companies
10 Cavalry Brigades
2 Cavalry Regiments
8 Depots (Madrid, Valladolid, Badajoz, Seville, Zaragoza, Murcia, Barcelona, Burgos)
10 Fortresses (Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Ferrol, Valencia, Pamplona, Bilbao, Figueres, San Sebastian, Cartagena)

Colonial Army [Total Manpower: 64,500 Regulars, 65,000 reserves, 11.2 points]
6 Fortresses (Havana,Lima, Panama, Vera Cruz,Acapulco, Cartagena de Indias)
4 Cavalry Regiments (2 in Northern Mexico frontier area,2 in New Mexico)
4 militia cavalry regiments (2 Northern Mexico frontier, 2 New Mexico)
36 militia infantry regiments (6 each Buenos Aires, La Paz, Cartegna, Mexico City, 3 each Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo, Vera Cruz)
4 Depots (Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santiago de Chile)
30 Light Infantry Regiments (4 Havana, 3 each San Juan, Santo Domingo, Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz, Lima, Manilla, Santiago de Chile, 5 New Orleans)
10 Garrison Brigades (Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo, Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz, Lima, Manilla,New Orleans, Santiago de Chile)
31 Forts (San Juan, Santo Domingo, Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz(Mexico),Manilla,New Orleans, Port of Spain,Santiago de Chile, Baton Rouge ,Chihuauha, Leon(Mexico),Antingua Guatemala , Trujilo,  Tucson, AZ,  Loreto, Mexico,  Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito, Potosi, La Paz (Boliva), Buenos Aires, Montevideo,Rio Muni, Fernando Po, Manila)

Total Income: 81.05
Total Upkeep: 43.05
Available: 38
Spain raises 15 points in internal loans (10% interest, 10 years and an additional 31.65 from Genoese banks (10% interest, 10 years)
1.85 pts from Naples/Sicily

86.5 pts

Naval Yard - Manila - 2.5 [9/25; Year 4 of 10]
5 FF1 (Santa Rosilia, Concepción in Ferrol, Triunfo, Cornelia in Cartegna, Pomona in Cadiz) [Year 4 of 4]
5 FF1 (San Juan, Havana, Santo Domingo, Cartegna de Indianas - Havana, Galera Victoria - Ferrol) [Year 2 of 4]
4 BB2 (Rubí, Sagrario in Cartegna, Real Familia, Real de Mazi in Cadiz) [Year 2 of 6]
5 PatRons (Port of Havana) - 2.5
10 PatRons (Ferrol) - 5
2 BB2 (Porto Coeli, Santa Teras - Cadiz) - 3 [3/6; Year 1 of 6]
Naval Repairs (all ships) - 42 [1 BB1 San Luis ready Spring 1772, 11 BB2 San Pascual Bailon, San Agustín, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Triunfante , Monarca, Diligente ready Summer 1772, 3 BB1 San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando and 6 BB2 Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Serio, Poderoso ready Winter 1773)
3 Forts (San Francisco, Monterrey Santiago de Cuba) - 6
1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - 2 [2/7; year 1/10]
1 militia regiment (New Orleans) - .5
2 Colonial Light Infantry (Havana) - 2
2 Colonial Light Infantry (Mexico City) - 2
2 Colonial Light Infantry (Buenos Aires) - 2
Misc. - 1
Upgrade garrison brigade at N. Orleans to light infantry - 1

15 unspent for future repairs, etc.

-3 point for ship repairs
-1.5 points for marines,
-5 pt for misc
-2 pt for a supply base
-2 pts to upgrade garrison brigades to light infantry regiments (Mexico City, Havana; ready by Winter of 1773)

Last edited by Kilani on Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:27 am; edited 8 times in total


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:50 pm

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )

Population: 5 million (1.25 points)
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 3 merchant flotilla (1.5 points)
total 5.75 points

2 Fortresses( Palermo, Naples) for .5 points
1 depot (Taranto)
8 garrison brigades (2 each Naples, Taranto, Syracuse, Palermo) for .8 points
6 Brigs for .6 points

2 pts - upgrade garrison brigade (Naples) to infantry brigade
1.85 pts to Spain


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:55 pm

Despite the on-going war, there are still administrative and economic reforms in the works. There has long been grumbling in Rio de la Plata regarding its subservience to the Viceroyalty of Peru and the need for imports to travel through Lima before arriving in the Plata area (a long, torturous journey and as such Buenos Aires has become a smuggling haven). In light of the on-going conflict and wishing to ensure both loyalty and to ease restrictions on his subjects, Charles III and his ministers decree the creation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata and appoint Pedro Antonio de Cevallos, the former military governor of Buenos Aires, as its first Viceroy.

One of his first actions is to introduce a Law of Free Commerce, by which Buenos Aires can trade directly with Spain and forbids the movement of silver out of the Viceroyalty in a bid to increase economic development of the new Viceroyalty.


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:26 pm

The naval defeat off of Cadiz and the loss of the Canary Islands are a heavy blow to the Spanish court, but the taking of the Sugar Islands and other good news from the Caribbean off-set that somewhat. The loss of shipping is heavy, but somewhat expected considering the British naval dominance; however, there is a great deal of worry about maintaining the shipping lanes to the Americas and the wealth of Spain's American colonies. There is other consternation regarding the invasion of Texas, if only because the Spanish have no wish to see the territory as a bargaining chip at any future peace conference. Most of the territory is sparsely settled and filled with what Spain considers to be hostile savages of various sorts.

However, it also provides a buffer between the heartland of New Spain and the rest of the continent - especially if Britain succeeds in obtaining Louisiana. Attempts at negotiations via the Genoese court founder when the British present untenable terms - essentially demanding all of Louisiana, the Sugar Islands, Texas, Spain's African enclaves and the Falklands in return for handing back the Canaries and ceding their claim on Minorca and the sheer temerity and arrogance of the British inflame public opinion in Spain when it's made known.

There is some slack remaining in the Spanish budget (1.5 points) and it is hastily earmarked for use in the Americas as the theater of war expands (.5 each to the Cherokee, Comanche, and Chicksaw to maintain their neutrality or buy loyalty; the Choctaw have already sided with the British and so are considered a mostly lost cause for the time being and various other tribes are considered too small or too far away to currently bother with or other outreach efforts are under way). The Spanish have long skirmished with the Comanche in light of a serious war coming to the borders of New Spain, efforts are made to reach out to them to attempt to settle affairs with them once and for all.

The Viceroy of New Spain dispatches messengers in an attempt to conduct negotiations with both the western and eastern bands and tribes. Although the Comanche do raid border settlements, they also trade with the Spanish in both New Mexico and Texas and it is hoped that the Comanche can be persuaded to make peace with promises of assistance against the Comanche's traditional enemies, the Apaches, and regular trade (or tribute) of maize, firearms, and other manufactured goods (something that the Spanish will point out they are in a much better position to provide than the British, considering the relative closeness of New Spain and Mexico City). Among those dispatched is a young gunsmith and trader named Pedro Vial, who has lived among the various "savage tribes" for some time...

Although no other funds are available, outreach is made to other tribes in the Louisiana area pledging more trade and goods in the coming year. Efforts are made to send word north as well, although considering the long distances, it will be difficult to tell what (if any) manage to get up the Mississippi.


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:58 pm

Spanish Metropole

Population: 9.2 million( 2.3 points of tax revenue; wartime taxation = 4.6 )
4 Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena, Bilbao= 4 points (2 pts)
Craft Centers: 1 Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid = 3 points
2 Resources (1 Madrid,1 Seville) = 2 points
12 commercial flotillas (7 lost to raiding; 5 remaining) = 1.25 points
Total income =12.85

Caribbean Territories (Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic part), Puerto Rico, Trinidad
Population: 360,000(counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included)
3 Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo= 3 points (1.5)
4 Resources: Cuba 2 (agriculture), Santo Domingo 2= 4 points
6 commercial flotillas (5 lost to raiding; 2 caputred; 3 remaining) = .75 points
= 6.25 points

Spanish Louisiana (Formerly French Louisiana)
Population: 40,000(only accounting for settled area which is rl Louisiana)
1 Port: New Orleans= 1 points (.5)
1 Resources: Baton Rouge = 1 points
1 Trading post: St.Louis = .25 points (captured)
Total income= 1.5 points

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacremento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga)
population: 5.5 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types) = 2.75 pts from wartime taxation
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco: 2 points (1)
Trading Posts: Mission San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ], Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico,  Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, San Diego, Los Angeles, Monterrey, San Francsico = 3 points
resources: Chihuauha 3 (silver), Leon 3 (silver), Mexico City 2 (agriculture), Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujilo 1 (Silver) = 8 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points (1.5)
Total income=18.25 points

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations: 2.3 million (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted) = 1 point from wartime taxation
Ports: Panama, Cartagena de Indias= 2 points (1)
Resources: Colombia 1 (agriculture), Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito= 5 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points (1.5)
Total income= 8.5 points

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia)
population: 2 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia = 1 pt in wartime taxation
Port: Callao, Lima, Valdivia: 3 points (1.5)
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 6 (Silver), Lima 1 (agriculture), Santiago de Chile  = 7 points
6 commercial flotillas (1 sunk) = 5.5 points (1.25)
Total income= 11.75 points

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 400,000 (10% Spanish, 90% Mestizo) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands
Port: Buenos Aires, Montevideo
Resources: Buenos Aires (2 agriculture)
3 commercial flotillas (3 sunk) = 0 point
Total income=2 points

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea
Trade Outposts:  Rio Muni, Fernando Po= .5 points

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2 Million People
Port: Manila= 1 point (.5)
Trading Posts: 3 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay, Guam)=.75 points
Resources: Manila= 1 point
1 commercial flotilla= .5 points
Total income=2.75 points

From Algeria - 2 pts
From Kingdom of Sciliy + Naples - 2 pts


Fixed Installations [40,000 reserves, 2 pts)
Cadiz, Cartagena, Ferrol, Havana

Fleet (39,600 regulars, 15.1 pts)
3 BB1 (San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando) - 1.5
30 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Dichoso, Diligente, Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Atlante, Tridente,Serio, Poderoso, Soberbio, Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa, San Cristobal) - 7.5
17 FF1 (Aguila, Victoria, Flecha, Hermiona, Industria, Liebre, Venus, Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda, Santa Rosilia, Concepción, Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona) - 3.4
27 PatRon - 2.7

Naval Department of Cartegna
3 BB1 :San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando
1 BB2: San Pascual Bailon (under repair; ready Spring '73)
11 BB2: San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Diligente Velasco, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, San Francisco de Asis, San Lorenzo, Dichoso)
6 Spanish Brigs/Patrons
3 Neapolitan Brigs

Naval Department of Cadiz
8 brigs

Armada de Barlovento (Windward Squadron, Havana)
10 BB2 (Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa)
8 FF1 (Aguila, Victoria, Flecha, Hermiona, Industria, Liebre, Venus)
10 Brigs

Armada de Manila
2 BB2 (San Cristobal, Soberbio)
4 FF1 (Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)

Metropolitan Army 16.5 upkeep
19 Infantry Brigades - 4.75
10 Artillery Companies - 5
8 Cavalry Brigades - 4
1 Cavalry Regiments - .25
8 Depots (Madrid, Valladolid, Badajoz, Seville, Zaragoza, Murcia, Barcelona, Burgos)
10 Fortresses (Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Ferrol, Valencia, Pamplona, Bilbao, Figueres, San Sebastian, Cartagena) - 2.5

Colonial Army - 8.75 points
6 Fortresses (Havana,Lima, Panama, Vera Cruz,Acapulco, Cartagena de Indias) - 1.5
2 Cavalry Regiments (2 in Northern Mexico) - .5
4 militia cavalry regiments (2 Northern Mexico frontier, 2 Northern Mexico) - .2
9 militia infantry regiments (6 each Buenos Aires, 3 Cartegna las Indias) - .45
2 militia brigades (San Juan, Santo Domingo) - .2
4 Depots (Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santiago de Chile)
18 Light Infantry Regiments (5 Buenos Aires, 3 Manilla, Santiago de Chile, 1 New Orleans, 1 Baton Rouge, 1 Havana, 6 Acapulco) - 1.8
2 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments (Buenos Aires) - .2
9 light infantry brigades - 1.8
7 Garrison Brigades (Havana, Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz, Lima, Manilla, Santiago de Chile) - .7
32 Forts (San Juan, Santo Domingo, Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz(Mexico),Manilla,New Orleans,Santiago de Chile, Baton Rouge ,Chihuauha, Leon(Mexico),Antingua Guatemala , Trujilo,  Tucson, AZ,  Loreto, Mexico,  Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito, Potosi, La Paz (Boliva), Buenos Aires, Montevideo,Rio Muni, Fernando Po, Manila, San Francisco, Monterrey) - 3.2

Total Income: 62.85
Total Upkeep: 42.35
Available: 20.5
Debt 50 pts (10%)
5 pts to pay off interest

Spain takes out a 50 point loan from Dutch banks and another 15 points in bonds

Total debt now 122.25 pts

85 points available

Bases - 8 points
3 Colonial Cavalry Regiments (Mexico City) - 6
2 Colonial Infantry Brigades (Acapulco, Veracruz) - 8
2 Colonial Artillery Companies (Havana, Veracruz) - 6
4 Colonial Light Infantry Brigades (Panama, Cartegna las Indias, Lima, La Paz) - 12
1 Colonial Infantry Brigade (Havana) - 4
Upgrade Militia to Light Infantry (San Juan, Santo Domingo) - 2
2 Infantry Brigades (Cadiz, Cartegna) - 8
5 FF1 (San Juan, Havana, Santo Domingo, Cartegna de Indianas - Havana, Galera Victoria - Ferrol) [Year 3 of 4]
5 FF1 (3 Havana, 2 Port of Ferrol) - 1/7 [Year 1 of 4]
4 BB2 (Rubí, Sagrario in Cartegna, Real Familia, Real de Mazi in Cadiz) [Year 3 of 6]
5 PatRons (Port of Havana) - 2.5
5 PatRons (Ferrol) - 2.5
2 BB2 (Porto Coeli, Santa Teras - Cadiz) - 3 [6/6; Year 2 of 6]
6 BB2 (2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol, 2 Cartegna) - 2 [2/12; year 1 of 6]
1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - 1 [3/7; year 2/10]
6 Commercial Fleets (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Cartegna) - 2/18 [Year 1 of 2]
6 pts (winter '73) - upgrade two regiments to brigades
2 pts - gifts, etc, to Native Americans
2 pts - Naval repairs
8 pts - transports
4 pts - MORE transports
7.25 - more naval repairs
4 pts - more bases

87.25 spent

3 pt remaining + 1.5 pts from LOOT

7.25 pts from Rome


ORBAT as of Beginning of 1773:

Army of Mexico
Concentrating at Ciudad Victoria
2 light infantry brigades
2 cavalry regiments
2 militia cavalry regiments

2 light infantry brigades
6 Light Infantry Regiments

Vera Cruz
1 light infantry brigade

Cartegna las Indias
1 fortress
1 militia brigade

Army of Louisiana
1 fort
1 light infantry regiment
1 militia regiment
2 light infantry brigades
2 brig flotillas

Baton Rouge
1 fort
1 light infantry regiment

Army of Florida
2 Light Infantry Brigades
1 Militia Brigade
2 cavalry regiments

Army of Havana
1 light infantry regiment
2 light infantry brigade
1 fortress

San Juan
1 fort
1 militia brigade

Santo Domingo
1 fort
1 militia brigade

Windward Squadron - Havana
10 Spanish BB2 (Hércules - flagship, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa)
2 Spanish FF1 (Flecha, Liebre)
2 Spanish FF1 (Ventura, Lark (Renamed Alondra))- Ventura and Lark (Alondra) ready spring '73
10 brigs

Army of the North (Bilbao)
5 Infantry Brigades
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 cavalry regiment
3 Artillery Companies

Reserve Army (Cadiz)
2 Infantry Brigades
4 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigade

Army of the South (Gibraltar and Environs)
7 Infantry Brigades
4 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 Cavalry Regiment

Army of Observation
Watching the Portuguese frontier
2 Cavalry Brigades

1 Infantry Brigade, 1 Fortress

1 Infantry Brigade

Cadiz Garrison
2 Infantry Brigades
1 Fortress

1 Neapolitan Infantry Brigade
1 Fortress

1 militia brigade
1 infantry brigade

Cartegna Naval Department
3 BB1 :San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando
1 BB2: San Pascual Bailon (under repair; ready Spring '73)
11 BB2: San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Diligente Velasco, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, San Francisco de Asis, San Lorenzo, Dichoso
12 Spanish Brigs/Patrons
3 Neapolitan Brigs

Armada de Manila
2 BB2 (San Cristobal, Soberbio)
4 FF1 (Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)

Last edited by Kilani on Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:02 pm; edited 13 times in total


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:39 pm

Effective 1773

With the war effort and new methods of mining, silver production in New Spain and Peru goes up.

New Spain

Leon+1, Chihuahua+1

La Paz +1


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:16 pm

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )

Population: 5 million (1.25 points)
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 3 merchant flotilla (1.5 points)
total 5.75 points

2 Fortresses( Palermo, Naples) for .5 points
1 depot (Taranto)
7 garrison brigades (1 Naples, 2 each Taranto, Syracuse, Palermo) for .7 points
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
3 Brigs for .3 points

2 pts - upgrade garrison brigade (Syracuse) to infantry brigade
2 pts - to Spain


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:27 pm

The government of Spain enters talks with the bankers of Rome regarding taking out more loans for this year and possibly the next.


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:41 am

The Kingdom of Spain takes out 7.25 points in loans from the bankers of Rome, with more loans to follow in the new year.


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:40 pm

Winter, 1774

Carlos III is stunned by both the losses at Gibraltar and then the news in late January that New Orleans has been taken by the British, albeit at a heavy, heavy cost. He withdraws, very briefly, into his private apartments for a day or two while his cabinet and ministers debate on what actions to undertake. Diplomatic notes are being exchanged between the Spanish and British governments and the terms offered are considered currently unacceptable; Spain to cede all of the Louisiana territory north of Red River and East of the Sabine, as well as the Falklands, with only the minor consolation prize of Menorca being returned to Spanish control.

He emerges from his self-contemplation with a grim determination to continue the fight; too many Spaniards have died, too much blood has spilled because of English perfidy and aggression for Spain to be humiliated on the world-stage once again. He knows that by instructing his kingdom to continue the war, he faces grave risks - but national honor and, as his court sees it, the future of their American Empire is at stake. British control of the Mississippi, New Orleans, and Florida means a dagger aimed at Havana and the Spanish Caribbean - and potentially Mexico.

The war will go on.


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Ottoman Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:24 pm

Kilani wrote:Winter, 1774

Carlos III is stunned by both the losses at Gibraltar and then the news in late January that New Orleans has been taken by the British, albeit at a heavy, heavy cost. He withdraws, very briefly, into his private apartments for a day or two while his cabinet and ministers debate on what actions to undertake. Diplomatic notes are being exchanged between the Spanish and British governments and the terms offered are considered currently unacceptable; Spain to cede all of the Louisiana territory north of Red River and East of the Sabine, as well as the Falklands, with only the minor consolation prize of Menorca being returned to Spanish control.

He emerges from his self-contemplation with a grim determination to continue the fight; too many Spaniards have died, too much blood has spilled because of English perfidy and aggression for Spain to be humiliated on the world-stage once again. He knows that by instructing his kingdom to continue the war, he faces grave risks - but national honor and, as his court sees it, the future of their American Empire is at stake. British control of the Mississippi, New Orleans, and Florida means a dagger aimed at Havana and the Spanish Caribbean - and potentially Mexico.

The war will go on.

For now there was strong support along the classes to keep fighting the war, however there growing concern of heavy importation of colonial silver to get more loans to cover the cost of the war effort is becoming a item of concern for some in the King's court. Long term they know will cause more stagnation to the local Spanish economy.

However the war efforts does allow for ship building industry to boom, allowing Spain gain new Craft Center at Ferrol.

Meanwhile in the colonies, a growing number of the local ruling class are becoming aware of how dependent Madrid is on them for manpower and raw materials. For now they just more focus on fighting the war, long term a new set of ideas are taking root...


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:35 am

The discussion of the 1774 budget is intense; despite the ongoing war, peace does seem to be in the offing. However, the war is not yet over and so it is decided that war spending most continue for the time being. There is also a discussion of (hopefully) post-war reforms and adjustments to be made to spending. Among the main points:

*The overseas Viceroyalties must be authorized to maintain standing bodies of colonial troops and militia to supplement Spanish regulars; said troops would still fall under the command of Spanish regular officers and the various captain-generals and viceroys, but colonial manpower is deeply important.

*The necessity of building more colonial fortifications; this is an extension of lessons learned in earlier wars, but extensive networks of forts and fortresses must be established through the American colonies to serve as bases, depots, and deterrents to attack.

*The necessity of maintaining a larger frigate fleet; although the Spanish battle-line performed admirably throughout the war, even winning several victories over the British (and only suffering one truly crippling defeat due to being outnumbered), the lack of smaller cruisers to protect shipping lanes and providing scouting ability proved highly detrimental.

There are also post-war plans drawn up for the redistribution of fleet power to protect various colonial interests.

Spanish Metropole

Population: 9.2 million( 2.3 points of tax revenue; wartime taxation = 4.6 )
4 Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena, Bilbao= 4 points (2 pts)
4 Craft Centers: 1 Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Ferrol = 4 points
2 Resources (1 Madrid,1 Seville) = 2 points
12 commercial flotillas (7 lost to raiding, 1 captured from the Morrocans; 6 remaining) = 1.5 points
Total income =14.1

Caribbean Territories (Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic part), Puerto Rico, Trinidad
Population: 360,000(counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included)
3 Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo= 3 points (1.5)
4 Resources: Cuba 2 (agriculture), Santo Domingo 2= 4 points
6 commercial flotillas (5 lost to raiding; 2 captured from Britain; 3 remaining) = .75 points
= 6.25 points

Spanish Louisiana (Formerly French Louisiana)
Population: 40,000(only accounting for settled area which is rl Louisiana)
1 Port: New Orleans= 1 points (.5) (captured)
1 Resources: Baton Rouge = 1 points (captured)
1 Trading post: St.Louis = .25 points (captured)
Total income= 0

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacremento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga)
population: 5.5 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types) = 2.75 pts from wartime taxation
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco: 2 points (1)
Trading Posts: Mission San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ], Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico,  Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, San Diego, Los Angeles, Monterrey, San Francsico = 3 points
resources: Chihuauha 3 (silver), Leon 3 (silver), Mexico City 2 (agriculture), Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujilo 1 (Silver) = 8 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points (1.5)
Total income=18.25 points

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations: 2.3 million (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted) = 1 point from wartime taxation
Ports: Panama, Cartagena de Indias= 2 points (1)
Resources: Colombia 1 (agriculture), Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito= 5 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points (1.5)
Total income= 8.5 points

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia)
population: 2 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia = 1 pt in wartime taxation
Port: Callao, Lima, Valdivia: 3 points (1.5)
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 6 (Silver), Lima 1 (agriculture), Santiago de Chile  = 7 points
6 commercial flotillas (1 sunk) = 5.5 points (1.25)
Total income= 11.75 points

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 400,000 (10% Spanish, 90% Mestizo) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands
Port: Buenos Aires, Montevideo
Resources: Buenos Aires (2 agriculture)
3 commercial flotillas (3 sunk) = 0 point
Total income=2 points

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea
Trade Outposts:  Rio Muni, Fernando Po= .5 points

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2 Million People
Port: Manila= 1 point (.5)
Trading Posts: 3 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay, Guam)=.75 points
Resources: Manila= 1 point
1 commercial flotilla= .5 points
Total income=2.75 points



Fixed Installations [40,000 reserves, 2 pts)
Cadiz, Cartagena, Ferrol, Havana

Fleet (39,600 regulars, 13.7 pts)
3 BB1 (San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando) - 1.5
30 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Dichoso, Diligente, Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Atlante, Tridente,Serio, Poderoso, Soberbio, Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa, San Cristobal) - 7.5
14 FF1 (Aguila, Victoria, Hermiona, Industria, Venus, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda, Santa Rosilia, Concepción, Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona) - 2.8
29 PatRon - 2.9

Naval Department of Cartegna
3 BB1: (Santiago, San Fernando, San Carlos)
6 BB2: (San Julián, San José, Tridente, Arrogante, San Francisco de Asis, San Pascual Bailon)
4 BB2: (San Dámaso, Diligente Velasco, San Lorenzo, Dichoso) (under repair ready spring of 74)
1 Spanish BB2 Atlante(Under repair, ready fall of 74)
1 Spanish BB2 Ángel de la Guard(under repair, ready summer of 74)
3 FF1 Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona-(under repair, ready summer of 74)
13 Spanish Brigs/Patrons
3 Neapolitan Brigs

Armada de Barlovento (Windward Squadron, Havana)
4  Spanish BB2 (Poder, Africa, Hércules, Contento)( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair) ready summer 74
6 Spanish -BB2 Dragon – flag, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Brilliante ( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair) ready fall of 74
15 Brigs

Armada de Manila (India)
2 BB2 (San Cristobal, Soberbio)
4 FF1 (Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)

Metropolitan Army 14.55 upkeep
10 Infantry Brigades - 2.5
8 infantry regiments - .8
9 Artillery Companies - 4.5
6 Cavalry Brigades - 4
1 Cavalry Regiments - .25
8 Depots (Madrid, Valladolid, Badajoz, Seville, Zaragoza, Murcia, Barcelona, Burgos)
10 Fortresses (Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Ferrol, Valencia, Pamplona, Bilbao, Figueres, San Sebastian, Cartagena) - 2.5

Colonial Army - 11.7 points
6 Fortresses (Havana,Lima, Panama, Vera Cruz,Acapulco, Cartagena de Indias) - 1.5
3 Colonial Cavalry Regiments (2 in Northern Mexico) - .75
4 militia cavalry regiments (2 Northern Mexico frontier, 2 Northern Mexico) - .2
6 militia infantry regiments (6 each Buenos Aires) - .3
1 militia brigades (Cartgna las Indias) - .1
4 Depots (Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santiago de Chile)
9 Light Infantry Regiments (3 Buenos Aires, 3 Manilla, Santiago de Chile) - 1.8
2 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments (Buenos Aires) - .2
2 light infantry brigade - .4
2 light infantry regiments - .2
4 Colonial Light Infantry Brigades - .8
3 Colonial Infantry Brigades - .75
2 Colonial Artillery Companies - 1
6 Garrison Brigades (Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz, Lima, Manilla, Santiago de Chile) - .6
31 Forts (San Juan, Santo Domingo, Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz(Mexico),Manilla,New Orleans,Santiago de Chile, Chihuauha, Leon(Mexico),Antingua Guatemala , Trujilo,  Tucson, AZ,  Loreto, Mexico,  Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito, Potosi, La Paz (Boliva), Buenos Aires, Montevideo,Rio Muni, Fernando Po, Manila, San Francisco, Monterrey) - 3.1

Total Income: 62.35
Total Upkeep: 42.95
Available: 19.4
Debt 122.25 pts (10%) - 30 internal bonds, 50 Dutch, 7.5 from Rome, 35 Genoa
12.25 pts to pay off interest

Spain takes out a 4.85 point loan from Roman banks and another 15 points in bonds and another 50 pts from the Dutch
Total debt now 192.1 pts @ 10%

141.15 points available

4 - bases
3 Colonial Infantry Regiments (Mexico City) - 3
6 Colonial Infantry Regiments (Havana, Veracruz) - 6
4 Colonial Light Infantry Brigades (Panama, Cartegna las Indias, Lima, La Paz,) - 12
5 Infantry Brigades (Cadiz, Cartegna, Madrid, Seville, Badajoz) - 20
6 light infantry regiments (3 Ferrol, 3 Barcelona) - 6
5 FF1 (San Juan, Havana, Santo Domingo, Cartegna de Indianas - Havana, Galera Victoria - Ferrol) [Year 4 of 4]
5 FF1 (3 Havana, 2 Port of Ferrol) - 3 - 4/7 [Year 2 of 4]
5 FF1 - 2 - 2/7 [Year 1 of 4]
4 BB2 (Rubí, Sagrario in Cartegna, Real Familia, Real de Mazi in Cadiz) [Year 4 of 6]
2 BB2 (Porto Coeli, Santa Teras - Cadiz) - [Year 3 of 6]
6 BB2 (2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol, 2 Cartegna) - 4 [6/18; year 2 of 6]
1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - 2 [5/7; year 3/10]
12 pts (winter '73) - upgrade four regiments to brigades
16 pts - naval repairs
3 pts - upgrade cavalry regiment to brigade
4 - 6 Commercial Fleets (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Cartegna) - 6/18 [Year 2 of 2]
.25 - expedition



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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:17 pm

Spanish Metropole

Population: 9.2 million (2.3 points of tax revenue)
4 Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena, Bilbao= 4 points
4 Craft Centers: 1 Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Ferrol = 4 points
2 Resources (1 Madrid,1 Seville) = 2 points
6 (out of possible 12) = 3 points
Total income =14.1

Caribbean Territories (Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic part), Puerto Rico, Trinidad
Population: 360,000(counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included) = .1 in taxes
3 Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo= 3 points
4 Resources: Cuba 2 (agriculture), Santo Domingo 2= 4 points
3 commercial flotillas (out of possible 9) = 1.5 points
= 8.6 points

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacramento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga)
population: 5.5 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types) = 1.375 pts from wartime taxation
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco = 2 points
Trading Posts: Mission San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ], Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico], Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, San Diego, Los Angeles, Monterrey, San Francisco = 2 points
resources: Chihuauha 3 (silver), Leon 3 (silver), Mexico City 2 (agriculture), Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujilo 1 (Silver) = 10 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income=18.375 points

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations: 2.3 million (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted) = .575 point from peace taxation
Ports: Panama, Cartagena de Indias= 2 points
Resources: Colombia 1 (agriculture), Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito= 5 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income= 9.575 points

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia)
population: 2 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia = .5 pt peace taxes
Port: Callao, Lima, Valdivia: 3 points
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 6 (Silver), Lima 1 (agriculture), Santiago de Chile = 7 points
5 commercial flotillas (out of possible 9) = 2.5 points
Total income= 13 points

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 400,000 (10% Spanish, 90% Mestizo) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands = .1 in taxes
Port: Buenos Aires, Montevideo = 2 pts
Resources: Buenos Aires (2 agriculture) = 2 pts
0 commercial flotillas (out of 6) = 0 point
Total income=4.1 points

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea
Trade Outposts: Rio Muni, Fernando Po= .5 points

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2 Million People
.5 pts in peacetime taxation
Port: Manila= 1 point
Trading Posts: 3 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay, Guam)=.75 points
Resources: Manila= 1 point
1 commercial flotilla (out of possible 3)= .5 points
Total income=3.75 points

72 points total income


Fixed Installations [40,000 reserves, 2 pts)
Cadiz, Cartagena, Ferrol, Havana

Fleet (36,300 regulars, 7.575 pts)
3 BB1 (San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando) - .15
30 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Dichoso, Diligente, Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Atlante, Tridente,Serio, Poderoso, Soberbio, Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa, San Cristobal) - 2.125
12 FF1 (Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona, Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda) - 2.4
29 Brigs - 2.9

Naval Department of Cartegna
1 BB1: (San Carlos) - laid up
15 BB2: (Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Atlante, Tridente,Serio, Poderoso, Soberbio, San Cristobal, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo) - laid up
4 FF1: Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona, Galera Victoria
10 Spanish Brigs/Patrons

Naval Department of Cadiz

2 BB1 (Santiago, San Fernando) - laid up
10 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Dichoso, Diligente) - laid up
10 Spanish BB2 (Brilliante, Poder, Africa, Hércules, Contento)
9 Brigs

Windward Squadron - Havana
4 FF1 (San Juan, Havana, Santo Domingo, Cartegna de Indianas)
10 Brigs

Armada de Manila (India)
4 FF1 (Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)

Metropolitan Army 12.55 upkeep
19 Garrison Brigades - 1.9
4 infantry regiments - .4
9 Artillery Companies - 4.5
6 Cavalry Brigades - 3
1 Cavalry Regiments - .25
8 Depots (Madrid, Valladolid, Badajoz, Seville, Zaragoza, Murcia, Barcelona, Burgos)
10 Fortresses (Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Ferrol, Valencia, Pamplona, Bilbao, Figueres, San Sebastian, Cartagena) - 2.5

Colonial Army - 10.85 points
6 Fortresses (Havana,Lima, Panama, Vera Cruz,Acapulco, Cartagena de Indias) - 1.5
3 Colonial Cavalry Regiments (1 Sante Fe, 1 Tucson, 1 Albequerque) - .75
4 militia cavalry regiments (3 Northern Mexico frontier, 1 San Antonio) - .2
6 militia infantry regiments (3 Buenos Aires, 3 Montevideo) - .3
1 militia brigades (Cartegna las Indias) - .1
4 Depots (Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santiago de Chile)
21 Light Infantry Regiments (3 Buenos Aires, 3 Manilla, 3 Santiago de Chile, 3 Lima, 3 La Paz, 3 San Juan, 3 Santo Domingo) - 2.1
11 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments (2 Montevideo, 3 Havana, 3 Veracruz, 3 Mexico City) - 1.1
7 Garrison Brigades (Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz, Lima, Manilla, Santiago de Chile, Havana) - .7
10 Colonial Garrison Brigades (Cartegna, Panama, Lima, La Paz, San Juan, Santo Domingo, Acapulco, Veracruz, Montevido, Buenos Aires) - 1
31 Forts (San Juan, Santo Domingo, Mexico City, Buenos Aires,La Paz(Mexico),Manilla,New Orleans,Santiago de Chile, Chihuauha, Leon(Mexico),Antingua Guatemala , Trujilo, Tucson, AZ, Loreto, Mexico, Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito, Potosi, La Paz (Boliva), Buenos Aires, Montevideo,Rio Muni, Fernando Po, Manila, San Francisco, Monterrey) - 3.1

Total Income: 72
Total Upkeep: 32.975
Available: 39.025
Debt 192.1 pts (10%) - 45 internal bonds, 100 Dutch, 50 from Rome, 35 Genoa

Total debt now 192.1 pts @ 10%

Debt Service:
19.21 - Interest
19.21 - Principle

0.6 remaining

5 FF1 (3 Havana, 2 Port of Ferrol) - .1 - 4.1/7 [Year 3 of 4]
5 FF1 - .1 - 2.1/7 [Year 2 of 4]
4 BB2 (Rubí, Sagrario in Cartegna, Real Familia, Real de Mazi in Cadiz) [Year 5 of 6]
2 BB2 (Porto Coeli, Santa Teras - Cadiz) - [Year 4 of 6]
6 BB2 (2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol, 2 Cartegna) - .1 [6.1/18; year 3 of 6]
1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - 0 - [5/7; year 4/10]
4 - 6 Commercial Fleets (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Cartegna) - 0 - 6/18 [Year 2 of 2]
.25 - expedition


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Ottoman Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:24 pm

stats for 1776 onward for jump build

Spanish Metropoles

Population: 10.5 million
8 Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena, Bilbao, Valencia, Málaga,Santander,Gijón = 8 points
4 Craft Centers: Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Ferrol = 4 points
4 Resources (1 Madrid,1 Seville,Zaragoza,Córdoba ) = 4 points
6 commercial (out of possible 12) = 3 points

Caribbean Territories (Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic part), Puerto Rico, Trinidad
Population: 525,000(counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included)
1 Craft Center( Havana)=1 point
4 Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo, Port of Spain= 4 points
8 Resources: Cuba 3 (agriculture), Santo Domingo 3, Trinidad, Puerto Rico   = 8 points
3 commercial flotillas (out of possible 9) = 1.5 points

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacramento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua)
population: 6.5 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types)
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco = 2 points
1 Craft Center: Mexico City= 1 point
Trading Posts: Mission San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ], Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico], Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM, San Diego, Los Angeles, Monterrey, San Francisco = 2 points
resources: Chihuahua 3 (silver), Leon 3 (silver), Mexico City 2 (agriculture), Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujillo 1 (Silver) , 1 Guadalajara, 1 Mérida, Yucatán = 12 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations: 2.3 million (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted) = .575 point from peace taxation
Ports: Panama, Cartagena de Indias= 2 points
Resources: Colombia 3 (agriculture), Bogota, Medellin, 2 Caracas, Quito= 8 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia)
population: 2 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia = .5 pt peace taxes
Port: Callao, Lima, Valdivia: 3 points
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 6 (Silver), Lima 3 (agriculture), Santiago de Chile = 9 points
5 commercial flotillas (out of possible 9) = 2.5 points

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 700,000 (10% Spanish, 90% Mestizo) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands = .1 in taxes
Port: Buenos Aires, Montevideo = 2 pts
Resources: Buenos Aires (4 agriculture), 1 Paraguay(agriculture), 1 Uruguay(agriculture) = 6 pts
0 commercial flotillas (out of 6) = 0 point

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea
Trade Outposts: Rio Muni, Fernando Po= .5 points

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2 Million People
.5 pts in peacetime taxation
Port: Manila= 1 point
Trading Posts: 3 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay, Guam)=.75 points
Resources: Manila, Resource( 1 agriculture)= 2 pts
1 commercial flotilla (out of possible 3)= .5 points

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )(client state) remaining funds to the Spanish Crown
Population: 6.7 million (5 million in Naples, 1.7 million in Sicily)
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 3 merchant flotilla (1.5 points)


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sat Aug 29, 2020 3:42 pm

Between 1776 and 1786, the navy loses six three-decker vessels to various accidents - fire, storms, wreck, or simply vanishing at sea. However, construction already underway is enough to make up the losses and continued expansion is under way. Similarly, three smaller frigates are also lost, as well as six brigs and sloops of various types.


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Monarquía Hispánica Empty Re: Monarquía Hispánica

Post by Kilani Sat Aug 29, 2020 11:13 pm


Total Income: 90.85
Total Upkeep: 32.975
Available: 57.85

Debt 172.89 pts (10%) - 45 internal bonds, 100 Dutch, 50 from Rome, 35 Genoa

Debt Service:
17.29 - Interest
17.29 - Principle

23.29 remaining

5 FF1 (3 Havana, 2 Port of Ferrol) - 2.9 - 7/7 [Year 4 of 4]
5 FF1 - 4.9 - 7/7 [Year 3 of 4]
4 BB2 (Rubí, Sagrario in Cartegna, Real Familia, Real de Mazi in Cadiz) [Year 6 of 6]
2 BB2 (Porto Coeli, Santa Teras - Cadiz) - [Year 5 of 6]
6 BB2 (2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol, 2 Cartegna) - 6 [12.1/18; year 4 of 6]
1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - 2 - [7/7; year 5/10]
6 - 6 Commercial Fleets (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Cartegna) - 12/18 [Year 2 of 2]
.25 - expedition
1 - settlement (San Antonio) [1/3


Total Income: 90.85
Total Upkeep: 32.875
Available: 57.975

Debt 155.6 pts (10%) - 45 internal bonds, 100 Dutch, 50 from Rome, 35 Genoa

Debt Service:
15.6 - Interest
15.6 - Principle

26.75 remaining

2 BB2 (Porto Coeli, Santa Teras - Cadiz) - [Year 6 of 6]
6 BB2 (2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol, 2 Cartegna) - 5.9 [18/18; year 5 of 6]
1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - [year 6/10]
6 - 6 Commercial Fleets (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Cartegna) - 18/18 [Year 2 of 2]
.25 expedition (mapping Pacific/California coast)
.25 expedition (mapping the Central Valley)
.25 expedition (direct route between Texas and New Mexico)
2 - settlement (San Antonio) [3/3]
3 - settlement (Houston) [3/3]
3 - settlement (Austin) [3/3]
1 - settlement (Gálvezton) [1/3]
6 - 3 forts (San Antonio, Houston, Austin)
7.5 - 5 FF1 (Year 1 of 4)


Total Income: 93.85
Total Upkeep: 34.68
Available: 59.17

Debt 140 pts (10%) -

Debt Service:
14 - Interest
24 - Principle

21.17 remaining

6 BB2 (2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol, 2 Cartegna) - year 6 of 6
1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - [year 7/10]
6 BB2 (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol) - 6 [6/18, year 1 of 6]
.25 expedition (mapping Pacific/California coast)
.25 expedition (mapping the Texas Coast)
.25 expedition (mapping the Texas interior)
2 - settlement (Galveston) [3/3]
4 - forts (Galveston, Ft. Worth)
3 - trading post (Ft. Worth)
3 - trading post (Yuquot, BC, called Santa Cruz de Nuca)
2 - fort (Santa Cruz de Nuca)
Santa Fe, Tucson, converted to settlements


Total Income: 94.61
Total Upkeep: 38.375
Available: 56.235
Debt 116 pts (10%) -

Debt Service:
11.6 - Interest
24 - Principle

20.635 remaining

1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - [year 8/10]
6 BB2 (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol) - 6 [18/18, year 3 of 6]
10 FF1  - 3.75 [3.75 of 15, year 1 of 4]
3 - trading post (Sonoma, CA)
7 - 6 shipping units (Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo) [7/18, year 1 of 2)


Total Income: 94.61
Total Upkeep: 38.375
Available: 56.235
Debt 92 pts (10%) -

Debt Service:
9.2 - Interest
24 - Principle

23.285 remaining

5 FF1 (Year 3 of 4)
1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - [year 9/10]
6 BB2 (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol) -  year 4 of 6]
10 FF1  - 3.75 [7.5 of 15, year 2 of 4]
3 - trading post (Neah Bay)
2 - fort (Neah Bay)
11 - 6 shipping units (Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo) [18/18, year 2 of 2)


Total Income: 97.86
Total Upkeep: 38.475
Available: 59.835
Debt 68 pts (10%) -

6.8 - interest
24 - principle

1 BB1 (Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) - Havana shipyard - [year 10/10]
6 BB2 (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol) -  year 5 of 6]
10 FF1  - 3.75 [11.25 of 15, year 3 of 4]
5 pts - 10 BB2 out of docks
7.5 pts - 15 BB2 out of docks
6 pts - trading post (Sacramento, Chico)
6 pts - 3 shipping units (Havana, Santo Domingo, Port of Spain) year 1 of 2


Total Income: 99.01
Total Upkeep: 44.1
Available: 55
Debt 44 pts (10%) -

4.4 - interest
24 - principle


3 shipping units (Havana, Santo Domingo, Port of Spain) year 2 of 2
6 BB2 (2 Havana, 2 Cadiz, 2 Ferrol) -  year 6 of 6]
10 FF1  - 3.75 [15 of 15, year 4 of 4]
3 pts - 3 BB1 out of dock
15 - 10 FF1 (year 1 of 4)
4 - 3 shipping units (Buenos Aires) [4/12; year 1 of 2]


Total Income: 100.51
Total Upkeep: 36.5
Available: 63.56
Debt 20 pts (10%) -

2 - interest
20 - principle


10 FF1 (year 2 of 4)
8 - 3 shipping units (Buenos Aires) [12/12; year 2 of 2]
12 - 3 shipping units (Montevideo) [12/12; year 1 of 2]
3 - trading post (Ft. Ross)
4 - Fortresses (Cueta, Lina de Concepion [Gibraltar])
6 - Fortress (San Juan, Santo Domingo, Port of Spain)
3.75 - 10 FF1 (3.75/15; year 1 of 4)

Total Income: 102.26
Total Upkeep: 36.5
Available: 65.51
Debt clear.

10 FF1 (year 3 of 4)
3 shipping units (Montevideo) [12/12; year 2 of 2]
Fortresses (Cueta, Lina de Concepion [Gibraltar]) [Year 2/2]
Fortress (San Juan, Santo Domingo, Port of Spain) [Year 2/2]
3.75 - 10 FF1 (3.75/15; year 1 of 4)
20 - 10 Garrison Divisions
7 - 7 Garrison Brigades
7 - 1 BB1 [year 1 of 10]
9 - 3 BB2 [year 1 of 6]
5 - 10 brigs
5 - Naval Yard [5/25; year 1 of 10; Lima]

Total Income: 102.26
Total Upkeep: 43.05
Available: 59.21
Debt clear.

10 FF1 (year 4 of 4)
1 BB1 (Ferrol) [year 2 of 10]
3 BB2 (Cadiz) [year 2 of 6]
3.75 - 10 FF1 (5 Havana, 5 Cartegna) (7.5/15; year 2 of 4)
5 - Naval Yard [5/25; year 1 of 10; Lima]


Total Income: 102.26
Total Upkeep: 43.05
Available: 59.21
Debt clear.

1 BB1 Purísima Concepción (Ferrol) [year 3 of 10]
3 BB2 Bahama, Europa, Argonauta (Cadiz) [year 3 of 6]
3.75 - 10 FF1 (5 Havana, 5 Cartegna) (11.25/15; year 2 of 4)
5 - Naval Yard [10/25; year 2 of 10; Lima]
3 - trading post (modern Astoria)
2 - fort (modern Astoria)
.25 - exploration of the Columbia River
2.25 - mapping and explorations of the California, Oregon, and Washington coast.
20 - investing in the Banco Nacional de San Carlos (Spanish national bank)
4 - 6 BB2 - 4/18 year 1 of 6 (intended as replacements for worn out and older vessels and to provide replacements in general; San Ildefonso class)
5.6 - 8 BB1 - 5.6/56, year 1 of 10 (the new Santa Ana class; intended to replace the older 1st rates completely once they're out of the yards)
5 - 10 Brigs
1786 WIP

Last edited by Kilani on Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:20 pm; edited 2 times in total


Posts : 352
Join date : 2017-09-23

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