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The Republic of Libertaria

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The Republic of Libertaria Empty The Republic of Libertaria

Post by TLS Sat May 11, 2019 10:41 am

The Republic of Libertaria

The Republic of Libertaria 31iprbAZYhL._SX425_

Political Organization
Official Title: The Republic of Libertaria
Conventional: Libertaria, New England
Political System: Unitary Republic
Capital: Boston
Governor: Samuel Adams

Population: 440,000 (99% free white, 1% free colored)
Port: Boston
Income: 2
Frontier and Claimed Territories: Western New York, Central Michigan, Central Wisconsin, Northern Maine
Frontier Population: 10,000 (100% free white) [Northern Maine], Negligible [Everywhere else]

Force Limit: 13,200 Regular, 26,400 Militia

Army (Maintenance: .6, Manpower: 1,200)

Fixed Positions
-1 Fort (Springfield) [Maintenance: .1, Manpower: 200]

Mobile Forces
-5 Infantry Companies (Augusta, Wicasset, Springfield, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard) [M: .5, Man: 1,000]

Navy (Maintenance: .2, Manpower: 1,000)

Libertarian Coast Guard

-4 PatRon (Boston, Nantucket, Grand Banks, Portland) [M: .2, Man: 1,000]

Militia (Wartime Maintenance: 8.1, Manpower: 26,400)
-20 Militia Infantry Regiments (3 Boston, 2 Worcester, 2 Springfield, 2 New Bedford, 2 Pittsfield, Portland, York, Augusta, Plymouth, Fall River, Barnstable, Webster, Deerfield, Williamstown) [Wartime Maintenance: 5, Manpower: 20,000]
-6 Militia Cavalry Regiments (Boston, Worcester, Springfield, New Bedford, Pittsfield, Portland) [WM: 3, Man: 6,000]
-2 Militia Infantry Companies (Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket) [WM: .1, Man: 400]

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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The Republic of Libertaria Empty Re: The Republic of Libertaria

Post by TLS Sat May 11, 2019 11:14 am

The Birth of the Libertarians: 1786

After years of negotiation and preparation, the Massachusetts-led initiative to form a new, regional state in New England comes to fruition--in a way. Though the New England Compact, and the subsequent negotiations for a new constitution, fails to attract sufficient support from the neighboring sovereign states, the Mainers leap at the opportunity to attain full and equal rights under the Libertarian constitution. Thus, in April 1786, an overwhelming majority of the voters in both Massachusetts and Maine vote for the new project.

Critically, the now-Libertarians also included a ballot proposal on whether the new state should extend an offer of assistance and membership to the Vermonters now besieged by the New Yorkers and New Hampshirites. Caught up in the newfound revolutionary fervor, but still cautious about war with a neighboring state, the voters return a 57-43 majority in favor of intervening on behalf of Vermont, though the vote is defeated in the areas bordering New York and in the southern part of Maine. The incoming government, then, faces a dilemma, which is promptly punts until after elections can be held in the late summer.

The new constitution becomes effective on July 1, 1786, with elections scheduled for the first Saturday in September, so as to not interfere with normal work or to impede on the sabbath. On September 2nd, elections are held to return all 58 Senators (half of which are up for re-election in 1789, the rest serving full terms until 1792), all 201 Assemblymen, and, most importantly, the President. The presidential election comes down to a vote between Samuel Adams and Robert Paine, as John Adams elects, for now, to remain the country's primary foreign representative. Neither Adams nor Paine could be portrayed as particularly moderate, as Adams was instrumental in bringing down the Continental Congress while Paine has moved increasingly to the radical fringe over the past few years, but Adams' local roots and emphasis on political liberty and personal freedom takes the day. Adams is elected with 74% of the vote to Paine's 20%, with 6% going to various other local candidates. The run-off clause is thus not invoked.

The new legislature follows a similar trajectory, with roughly 70% of the delegates in both the Assembly and the Senate being portrayed as generally "pro-Administration," and another 30% broadly "anti-Administration." Neither is a coherent political party, as the pro-Administration group is a mix of ardent centralists, those with personal loyalty to the Adams family, and Boston-based merchants, while the anti-Administration group is made up of radicals, reactionaries, separatists, and all manner of political outcasts. Paine, though out of government, soon grows as a central pillar of the anti-Administration group.

The first matter to come before the newly elected government is the issue of Vermont. The Vermonters are pushed against the wall over the course of the summer, and by the time the legislature is seated in early fall it is clear that the Libertarians will be unable to muster forces before the coming of winter. The radicals in the anti-Administration group begin to push for a war to liberate the Vermonters from foreign invasion, but the more moderate members of the pro-Administration group urge caution. President Adams, who is personally adamantly opposed to New York and New Hampshire using force to coerce the Vermonters, recognizes the precarious situation. His allies in the legislature push through a compromise motion to demand a plebiscite be held in Vermont to determine its future status, with additional provisions to ensure such a plebiscite in the event that the New Yorkers and New Hampshirites refuse to accede to the demand.

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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The Republic of Libertaria Empty Re: The Republic of Libertaria

Post by Kilani Sat May 11, 2019 12:32 pm

New Yorker representatives to the new nation are generally highly displeased with what they see as their erstwhile ally interfering in what is considered a purely internal manner. There is much rumbling and talk of simply tearing up the the treaty signed between the two nations and relations are beginning to reach an all-time low.

However, the New Yorkers also have no great desire to fight their neighbors over land grants. Fighting internal rebels is one thing, after all, a war between two states is another. There is also the issue of British intervention and the New Yorker representatives want guarantees that the British will not be allowed to take control of Vermont, in any capacity whatsoever. Thus, negotitiations begin anew - although the New Yorkers generally see the matter as mostly settled, with only banditry to be ended.


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The Republic of Libertaria Empty Re: The Republic of Libertaria

Post by TLS Fri May 24, 2019 1:40 pm

Kilani wrote:New Yorker representatives to the new nation are generally highly displeased with what they see as their erstwhile ally interfering in what is considered a purely internal manner. There is much rumbling and talk of simply tearing up the the treaty signed between the two nations and relations are beginning to reach an all-time low.

However, the New Yorkers also have no great desire to fight their neighbors over land grants. Fighting internal rebels is one thing, after all, a war between two states is another. There is also the issue of British intervention and the New Yorker representatives want guarantees that the British will not be allowed to take control of Vermont, in any capacity whatsoever. Thus, negotitiations begin anew - although the New Yorkers generally see the matter as mostly settled, with only banditry to be ended.

The Libertarians reiterate their call for a democratic solution to the dispute in Vermont, but make it known that they also have no desire to see the British return to their former colonies and that they have begin to lobby London in earnest to bring an end to Britain's sojourn. This supposed "internal matter" of the New Yorkers, however, has already resulted in refugees in Libertarian land, joint rapaciousness on the behalf of the New Hampshirites and New Yorkers, and instability that has reverberated across New England and beyond. The government in Boston has no desire to begin a war against New York, nor against Britain, and simply believes that a negotiated and democratic settlement to the Vermont issue--giving the residents of Vermont a say in their future--is the only way to guarantee a stable and prosperous region.

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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