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North Carolina

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North Carolina Empty North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:06 pm

Basic Information

North Carolina 3087-004-6CE3F95F

Official Title: The State of North Carolina
Conventional: North Carolina
Political System: Parliamentary Republic
Capital: Raleigh (de jure, under construction)
Governor: Richard Caswell
Population: 365,000
Frontier Population: 15,000
Motto: Esse Quam Vider (To be, rather than to seem)

Political Structure of North Carolina

North Carolina General Assembly: The North Carolina General Assembly is a unicameral legislature which is the main center for political power in North Carolina. The General Assembly is comprised of popularly elected representatives, 2 for each county in North Carolina (and 6 select towns). Only landowners may vote (notably, this does not preclude nonwhites from voting, so long as they own the required property). The Governor and Council of State (Lieutenant Governor, Ministers of State, War, Treasury, and Attorney General) are all elected by the General Assembly for 2 year terms, and prohibited from serving more than 4 out of every 6 years.

The Judicial Branch consists of a Superior Court (which is the trial court in each particular county and handles all significant matters), and a 7-member Court of Conference which handles all appellate cases. A Court of Magistrates in each county is a limited jurisdiction court that handles lesser affairs (family law, and minor civil and criminal cases). The Superior and Court of Conference members are elected by the General Assembly, while the Court of Magistrates operates under a more mixed system of patronage by local municipalities, and recommendations by the Court of Conference and General Assembly.

Last edited by Haneastic on Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:04 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:06 pm

Economic Data

Population: 365,000
Frontier Population: 15,000 (Tennessee)
1 Port: Wilmington
Income: 2
1 Trading Post: Knoxville

Last edited by Haneastic on Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:05 pm; edited 3 times in total

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:07 pm

North Carolina Military

Active-duty: 4,800/10,950 allowed
Reserves: 21,000 allowed

Regulars (3,400 men)
2 Infantry Regiments (Raleigh, Wilmington)
2 Cavalry Companies (Charlotte, Raleigh)
5 Infantry Companies (New Bern, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Durham, Fayetteville)

Fixed Positions (400 men)
2 Forts: Chattanooga, Knoxville
1 Trading Posts: Knoxville

State Militia
10 Militia Infantry Regiments (2 Raleigh, 2 Wilmington, Charlotte, Durham, Winston-Salem, Fayetteville, New Bern, Hillsboro)
40 Militia Infantry Companies
2 Militia Cavalry Regiments
9 Militia Cavalry Companies

Frontier Militia
4 Militia Companies (2 Knoxville, 2 Chattanooga)

Navy (1,000 men)
Based in Wilmington, the North Carolina navy's primary goal is to protect the port and the nation's shipping
1 FF1
1 PatRon

Last edited by Haneastic on Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:10 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:37 pm

Income: 2
1 Port: 1
Taxes: .35
Total Income: 3.25
Pre-Game Points: 10.05

Chattanooga Fort (Free)
1 Trading Posts: 2 (Knoxville)
2 Infantry Regiments: 2
1 FF1: 1.5
1 PatRon: .5
2 Cavalry Companies: 1
5 Infantry Companies: 1
Knoxville Fort: 2.05 (2.05/4)

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Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:03 pm

The collapse of the experiment at a unified American government comes to a shock to many in North Carolina. As news trickles down and the North Carolinian delegates return a call for a new constitutional convention arises: the initial constitution was ratified at the start of the revolution when it was believed North Carolina would be a party of a larger entity. Now that North Carolina is free and independent, pro-government forces argue, changes are needed. While many small government advocates are suspicious of the convention, seeing it as an attempt at further centralization, however it is recognized that popular opinion is strongly in favor of at least minor changes, if only to at least put in writing the freedoms the citizens are due.

The assembled delegates comprise of the various dignitaries who had represented North Carolina in Philadelphia and London, several prominent businessmen, and a number of members of the General Assembly.

The assembled delegates, after some heated disagreement, do agree to substantial changes to the constitution. The changes replace Governor with President, with his term set to 2 years (a maximum of 3 terms consecutively). The President also gains the power to appoint the Council of State, with approval of the General Assembly. More radical is the changes to the General Assembly: the assembled delegates agree to move to a unicameral legislature, with two delegates per county in addition to two for each of 7 specific cities. The delegates see the upper house as a holdover of Royal England, while small government types are pleased by being able to limit government.

Additional provisions reaffirm the rights of all citizens' freedoms of religion, speech, press, and property. The General Assembly still retains the ability to elect the President and Vice President, and limits the right to vote to only those holding 100 acres (the constitution notably allows free blacks with the required property to vote).

Upon the terms of the Constitution of 1784 being ratified, the General Assembly elects Richard Caswell, who is well liked by all factions, and who served ably as Governor. The Assembly plans to mollify the remaining unpaid veterans by offering them each 100 acres of land in Western North Carolina and points further west. Diplomats are sent west to represent North Carolina in their territory beyond the former Royal demarcation line, to coordinate settlement and to negotiate with the natives. Funds are also set aside to begin the construction of a new capital at Raleigh.

Caswell, himself a proponent of education, secures Assembly approval to establish a public school in every county of North Carolina and 7 chartered cities, as well as for future counties and chartered cities. Consent is also given to establish a University of North Carolina. Short of funds, the assembly agrees to set aside substantial land to be sold or rented to fund the educational institutions in perpetuity.

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Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:04 pm

1784 Build
Income: 2
1 Port: 1
Taxes: .35
Trading Post: .2
Total Income: 3.55

Maintenance: 2.4
1 FF1 (.2)
1 PatRon (.1)
2 Forts (.2)
2 Infantry Regiments (1)
5 Infantry Companies (.5)
2 Cavalry Companies (.4)

Left: 1.15
Knoxville Fort: 1.15 (3.2/4)

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Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:04 pm

Go West, Soldiers of the Revolution

The fracturing of the American experiment leads to many in power in North Carolina to the realization that the scramble westward may not be as orderly or as accepted as initially thought. While North Carolina’s claims are not currently contested by other states, many fear that the law of “first come, first served” will be the reigning way of exploration. Funds are allocated for the continued fortification of the settlement in Knoxville, as the steady stream of settlers into the surrounding area brings fears of clashes with the nearby natives.

North Carolina thus dispatches Benjamin Hawkins to act as the state’s ambassador to the native tribes, and is tasked with maintaining the peace in the area and finding common cause with the natives on issues of trade and security. The General Assembly also appoints William Blount, fresh from the Continental Congress and the North Carolina Constitutional Convention to act as Governor-General of the territory North Carolina claims beyond the former Proclamation line. Blount settles in Konxville as the capital and administrative hub of the territory. John Sevier is appointed as the liaison to the local governments, with James White is appointed as head of the territory’s militia.

With vast untapped wilderness areas within the former Proclamation line, meanwhile, other former soldiers and land speculators found farms and small settlements, taking advantage of the land grants (or those purchased from soldiers). One such entrepreneur is Colonel Samuel Davidson, who builds several cabins for himself and his extended family near a small stockade named “Fort Davidson” for his father. This combined area is the outpost furthest west between the main area of settlement in North Carolina and the various settlements in “Tennessee”

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Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Lefty Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:19 pm

North Carolina Sthmason

Stevens Thomson Mason, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, is dispatched by the General Assembly to lead a mission to meet with members of the North Carolina General Assembly and the Governor. He intends to certify the borders between North Carolina and Virginia, and establish rules of navigation, trade, and transit between the two Independent States. He lastly declares the intention of the General Assembly to establish a permanent diplomatic mission in Raleigh to facilitate good relations with Virginia's southern neighbors, and provide a civilized avenue for dispute resolution and communication.

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Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:00 pm

The honorable Stevens Mason is warmly greeted by various North Carolinian dignitaries. North Carolina wishes to facilitate close ties between the two states. The General Assembly passes a resolution reaffirming the northern border with Virginia, particularly in the territories beginning to be settled further west.

President Caswell makes plans to send a permanent mission to Richmond as well. He expresses interest in keeping trade, navigation, and transit barriers between the two states to the absolute minimum (or nonexistent). Caswell suggests that Virginia and North Carolina agree to establish no import duties or tariffs on goods produced and traded between the two states, for a period of 10 years, with the agreement to be assessed after the initial period. Lastly, a direct road between the new North Carolina and Richmond will be established, with the General Assembly agreeing to set aside the requisite land in their state for the endeavor.

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Lefty Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:55 pm

Mr. Mason declares his diplomatic mission a success, concurring with the various proposals brought forth by the North Carolinian Assembly. He declares his intention to travel to Richmond to bring forth the plan to hopefully return in 1785 with word of an official notice from his government. Correspondence from his contacts in Richmond and elsewhere indicate that such a plan will be quickly ratified, as providing some semblance of order to the somewhat chaotic west is in the interest of both parties.

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Age : 35

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:35 pm

1785 Build
Income: 2
1 Port: 1
Taxes: .35
Trading Post: .2
Total Income: 3.55

Maintenance: 2.4
1 FF1 (.2)
1 PatRon (.1)
2 Forts (.2)
2 Infantry Regiments (1)
5 Infantry Companies (.5)
2 Cavalry Companies (.4)

Left: 1.15
Knoxville Fort: .8 (4/4)
Wilmington Fort: .35 (.35/4)


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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:18 am

Murder Most Foul

The settlement at Fort Davidson is a scant few months into its establishment when the area is rocked by the brutal murder of its founder, Colonel Samuel Davidson. Davidson is found by the river near his small stockade, his head having been caved in. His body is discovered by other members of the village, who immediately send word to Davidson's father, who commands the larger stockade and town just east of the town.

Davidson's popularity as a Colonel in the war of independence, combined with his father's political sway, force the General Assembly to act. The Assembly dispatches the infantry companies at New Bern and Fayetteville to restore calm among the settlers in the area, and to ascertain what occurred and bring justice to Davidson's family.

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:27 pm

1786 Build
Income: 2
1 Port: 1
Taxes: .35
Trading Post: .2
Total Income: 3.55

Maintenance: 2.4
1 FF1 (.2)
1 PatRon (.1)
3 Forts (.3)
2 Infantry Regiments (1)
5 Infantry Companies (.5)
2 Cavalry Companies (.4)

Left: 1.05
Wilmington Fort: 1.05 (1.4/4)

Posts : 230
Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Lefty Wed May 01, 2019 9:47 am

Stevens Thomas Mason, upon returning to Raleigh, meets with several representatives in North Carolina to discuss his findings from Thomas Jefferson's trip to Spain last year. He notes that Spain was quite hostile to the idea of Virginian trade and navigation along the Mississippi. Such a policy, should it continue, would only serve to choke the prosperity of those seeking a good life along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. He requests that North Carolina send a representative to Richmond in the coming months to quietly discuss the matter.

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Age : 35

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Wed May 01, 2019 12:09 pm

Lefty wrote:Stevens Thomas Mason, upon returning to Raleigh, meets with several representatives in North Carolina to discuss his findings from Thomas Jefferson's trip to Spain last year. He notes that Spain was quite hostile to the idea of Virginian trade and navigation along the Mississippi. Such a policy, should it continue, would only serve to choke the prosperity of those seeking a good life along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. He requests that North Carolina send a representative to Richmond in the coming months to quietly discuss the matter.

North Carolina expresses their own concern regarding the Spanish chokehold on the river and its long term impact on North Carolinian growth and trade. A number of officials agree to travel to Richmond and act as special liasons on this matter.

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Mon May 20, 2019 4:54 pm

1787 Build
Income: 2
1 Port: 1
Taxes: .35
Trading Post: .2
Total Income: 3.55

Maintenance: 2.4
1 FF1 (.2)
1 PatRon (.1)
3 Forts (.3)
2 Infantry Regiments (1)
5 Infantry Companies (.5)
2 Cavalry Companies (.4)

Left: 1.05
Wilmington Fort: 1.05 (2.45/4)

Posts : 230
Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Tue May 28, 2019 2:09 pm

Citing the explosion of violence just south of North Carolinian territory in the state of Georgia and a desire to maintain peace in newly settled territory further west, the General Assembly votes to dispatch the infantry companies from Winston-Salem, Durham, and Greensboro to deploy into the newly settled territories (2 to be based in Knoxville, one in Chattanooga)

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

Post by Haneastic Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:00 am

1788 Build
Income: 2
1 Port: 1
Taxes: .35
Trading Post: .2
Total Income: 3.55

Maintenance: 2.4
1 FF1 (.2)
1 PatRon (.1)
3 Forts (.3)
2 Infantry Regiments (1)
5 Infantry Companies (.5)
2 Cavalry Companies (.4)

Left: 1.05
Wilmington Fort: 1.05 (3.5/4)

Posts : 230
Join date : 2017-09-23

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North Carolina Empty Re: North Carolina

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