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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:07 pm

January, 1729

With the threat of war looming over the Empire, the Imperial Diet again convenes to discuss the French threat. The Elector Palatinate, a close ally of his kinsman the Emperor, proposes that the Imperial circles prepare themselves openly for the threat of a French invasion to dislodge their rightfully-elected sovereign. The Brandenburgers quickly scuttle any notion of their circle at all being mobilized for war, while the Hapsburgs demure--their armies are battered from the war against the Turk. Eventually, the Hapsburgs are shamed into providing their circle forces for solely defensive operations within their circles (that is, to intercept any armies which try to traverse their lands). Otherwise, each of the circles pledges their forces for defensive operations within the Empire, with some going as far as to give the Emperor full control of their forces in the event of war.

Circle Armies and their Status:

  • Austrian Circle: 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Infantry Brigades [Hapsburgs] Circle Defense
  • Bavarian Circle: 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Infantry Brigade [Wittelsbachs] Full Contribution
  • Burgundian Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Infantry Brigade [Hapsburgs] Circle Defense
  • Lower Saxon Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Infantry Brigade [Brandenburg, Brunswick, Mecklenburg] Inactive
  • Swabian Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Brigade [Wurttemberg] Full Contribution
  • Lower Rhenish–Westphalian Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Brigade [Munster] Full Contribution
  • Upper Rhenish Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Brigade [Palatinate, Hesse-Kassel] Full Contribution
  • Upper Saxon Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Brigade [Brandenburg, Saxony] Inactive
  • Electoral Rhenish Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 2 Light Infantry Regiments [Trier, Mainz, Cologne] Imperial Defense
  • Franconian Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Regiments [Wurzburg] Full Contribution

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:13 pm

As Spring approaches, and the King's mind is on his romance more and more, he finds himself open to other possibilities.  He decides to put forward a diplomatic offer to see just how flexible the Wittelbachs are willing to be.

Already French diplomats note the luke warm response to the Emperors summons to mobilize, and indeed French diplomats have already informed many of the German great nobles and princes that France has no intention of invading Germany if war comes.  Nor does it seek to invade Italy, and has indeed made promises to that effect to both the Hapsburgs and Pope.  

Any war is aimed at the attempt by the Wittelsbachs to dominate Europe with their Spanish empire and German power as that is a threat to France.

However, that threat to France could be lessened.   Indeed for some minor territorial concessions France is willing to swear by the honor of the new King that France will not interfere in any Imperial election for the lifetime of King Henri V.   It will recognize the current situation in Germany as it is, including and specifically the right of the Wittelsbach family to hold the throne of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain.

All France seeks is the following:

Texas north of the Guadalupe River east of the Comancharia
The Falkland Islands
and the return of the County of Perpignan/ County of Roussillon

Such an agreement would ensure peace between France and the Wittelsbachs

copies of this proposal are forwarded to Madrid, all the German Princes and Great Nobles, and of course the Pope
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:48 am

Galveston Bay wrote:As Spring approaches, and the King's mind is on his romance more and more, he finds himself open to other possibilities.  He decides to put forward a diplomatic offer to see just how flexible the Wittelbachs are willing to be.

Already French diplomats note the luke warm response to the Emperors summons to mobilize, and indeed French diplomats have already informed many of the German great nobles and princes that France has no intention of invading Germany if war comes.  Nor does it seek to invade Italy, and has indeed made promises to that effect to both the Hapsburgs and Pope.  

Any war is aimed at the attempt by the Wittelsbachs to dominate Europe with their Spanish empire and German power as that is a threat to France.

However, that threat to France could be lessened.   Indeed for some minor territorial concessions France is willing to swear by the honor of the new King that France will not interfere in any Imperial election for the lifetime of King Henri V.   It will recognize the current situation in Germany as it is, including and specifically the right of the Wittelsbach family to hold the throne of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain.

All France seeks is the following:

Texas north of the Guadalupe River east of the Comancharia
The Falkland Islands
and the return of the County of Perpignan/ County of Roussillon

Such an agreement would ensure peace between France and the Wittelsbachs

copies of this proposal are forwarded to Madrid, all the German Princes and Great Nobles, and of course the Pope

The latest attempt of French blackmail is rejected on the principle that the offices of sovereign rule of both the Holy Roman Empire and Spain are in no way subject to the scrutiny by the French Crown in the first place. The French King should be obligated to respect existing arrangements and treaties out of a matter of honor and not expect to be rewarded for doing so.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:51 am

The French government responds that Henri too shares the blood of Charlemagne, so the rule of the Holy Roman Empire is indeed of French interest.  As to existing treaties, they are not the commandments as put down by God and thus are not set in stone.  Reasonable adjustments from time to time are not dishonorable.

Half of Europe fought the Hapsburgs for nearly 50 years because they controlled Spain and the Empire at the same time.  All France is asking for is minor territorial adjustments.    This is hardly blackmail.

The overseas territories asked for are inhabited by no one except birds or savages, while the territory in Europe consists of people who speak French. This is not an oppressive or even particularly burdensome request.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:54 am

The burden of territorial adjustments is not the main concern of the objections to the French "offer". But rather the unprecedented and open threatening of the Imperial Election by the French King makes any compromise appear to condone this practice and establish a practice of paying tribute to the French throne every time a new Emperor is elected.

The only chance for this deal to be possible is if the French monarch himself appears before the Diet at Regensburg and expresses full remorse and regret for his actions to the Imperial Princes. Only then, will this deal stand a chance to be agreed to.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:36 am

The more indecisive members of the Imperial Diet, led by Mainz but none-too-subtly echoed by the Hapsburgs, begin to agitate for the acceptance of any peace proposals to avoid bloodshed. The principle of the sovereignty of the Empire, and its freedom from foreign dominance, is accepted by all members, but the frontline states of the Empire fear for the outcome of any such conflict. In particular, a trade for colonial territories is a cost-less way to assure peace in Europe and avoid bloodshed. These states are largely silent on the issue of the County of Rosello, as it lies outside of Imperial territory, though demure from endorsing the French claims per se.

More practically, the Mainzers officially scuttle the participation of the Electoral Rhenish circle in anything other than Circle Defense. Though this is not a huge percentage of the Imperial army, it does deny the Cologners (who are led by a Wittelsbach) from contributing further to the defense of their House.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:29 pm

Elector Friedrich Augustus of Saxony, in a desperate attempt to avoid bloodshed in the empire, invites France, the Emperor, the Habsburgs, the Dutch, and the Imperials Electors to Leipzig to discuss ways to avoid a fratricidal war between Christian states. He hopes that talks can begin in Summer and a reasonable accommodation can be reached.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:17 pm

King Henri is angered by the continued attempts by the Wittelsbach family to humiliate his own. There will be no appearance by a French King, hat in hand, apologizing for making it clear that Spanish domination of the Holy Roman Empire is a major threat to France, as evidenced by its invasion of France a generation ago.

A response is sent however formerly to all those previously told of the French offer, as well as directly to the Spanish Ambassador in France.

The French King is only required to show penitence to to God, either directly or through his representatives on Earth, and to his subjects should he wrong them. There will not be such offered to any earthly Prince, even an Emperor.

France declared that it views that the Wittelsbach family continuing to hold the throne of the Holy Roman Emperor WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ruling the Spanish Emperor as a threat to the peace and order in Europe. It expressed that view and that the war would be the way France would defend itself from that threat.


To give God's peace a chance to continue in Europe, to lesson the serious concerns that France has, and to end the bad blood from the last war, France is offering a way out that leads to peace.

Minor territorial awards from territory Spain is not using, has not settled and indeed has never indicated in the over 200 years of Spanish America it ever intends to settle, as well as returning part of the territory that Spain took from France.

While Spain will blame France for starting the last war, those were different men. The Wittelsbach emperor of that war is dead. The French King of that war is dead. Let the sons find a way to make peace.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:18 pm

Lefty wrote:Elector Friedrich Augustus of Saxony, in a desperate attempt to avoid bloodshed in the empire, invites France, the Emperor, the Habsburgs, the Dutch, and the Imperials Electors to Leipzig to discuss ways to avoid a fratricidal war between Christian states. He hopes that talks can begin in Summer and a reasonable accommodation can be reached.

France is willing to send an ambassador
Galveston Bay
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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:44 pm

While the Imperial Prince of Saxony is thanked for his initiative. The meeting in Leipzig will not receive Imperial endorsement and it is insisted that all business with the Empire be conducted with the Emperor or through Regensburg.

At the same time, let there be no illusion, the proclaimed French reasons for conducting war has no grounds in any legal manner. The House of Wittlesbach, the Imperial throne, and the Spanish Crown have committed no transgressions against France and has done no wrong and it would be unjust to have the Spanish crown give up any concessions under duress.

The French king must end his threats of war and intimidation tactics in a convincing manner. Otherwise, any concession will only be that of meek appeasement.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:09 pm

The Saxons organize a meeting between the Wittelsbach and Bourbon emissaries, but in Regensburg not Leipzig. There, several nights of tense discussions engage between the French and Spaniards. Both seem ready for war at a moment's notice. The honor of the Empire is sullied, but only as much as the honor of the French king. Debates rage between the two Latin powers, yet at the end of the day, Teutonic pragmatism wins out.

To reduce tension, the Wittelsbachs and Bourbons are joined in marriage, at least through cousins. Caroline of the Palatinate-Zweibrücken will be betrothed to Francis, the Duke of Lorraine and 3rd in line to the French throne. They will be married in eight year's time, when she reaches the age of 16. In honor of this union, the Spanish Crown will present a dowry of lands, to be held in trust by the King of France until the wedding: Texas north of the Guadalupe River east of the Comancharia, the Malvinas Islands, and the County of Perpignan.

With this agreement, the French Ambassador notes he received word that, out of the goodness of his heart, King Henri will not interfere in Imperial elections as long as he reigns.

Both sides agree and arrange travel to Darmstadt to finalize the agreement and conclude a treaty.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg - Page 2 Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:17 pm

There is relief in Paris as many of the nobles were worried about war with a king so young. The Duke of Lorraine, the current French Ambassador in Vienna, is a bit surprised upon hearing the news, and therefore must from now on be cautious in his 'entertainments' to avoid scandal.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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