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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:32 am

In 1715, following consultation with his advisers in Munich, the Emperor directs the Principal Commissioner at Regensburg to address the Diet with proposals for Imperial reform. The core of these proposals center around the revival of the Imperial Army and the participation of the member states in the collective defense of the Empire from outside aggression. Already, German armies have shown much success in the war for the defense of the knightly Imperial princes and the restoration of an Imperial martial hierarchy will protect each member state from outside aggression.

The proposals contain the following concept:
- The Imperial Army will be formed from "contingents", each contingent will correspond to an existing Imperial Circle.
- Members of each circle are expected to contribute to the Imperial Circle, either through volunteering troops or contributing towards the maintenance of those troops.
- The leadership of each contingent will be formed from officers of each contributing members of the circle, but must attend a season of training at a war academy Regensburg to unify Imperial doctrines.

The Principal Commissioner conveys the Emperor's understanding that there are concerns by the Princes over the revival of the Imperial Army due to its utilization of against them and offers to enter into meaningful discussion to address these concerns and put measures in place to assuage them. One such suggested measure is to have the Imperial Diet vote to approve the mobilization of these contingents in the case that they are either to be used within the Empire or in an offensive war outside the Empire.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:43 pm

The Austrian Archduke makes it known through his ambassador to the Perpetual Diet that the restoration of the Imperial Army--a system which fell apart in the chaos post the disaster at Vienna--is looked upon favorably by the House of Hapsburg. However, the Archduke notes that relying on the Diet as a whole to dictate the mobilization of the units in a Circle could well result in the rest of the Empire voting to mobilize the army of a Circle against that Circle itself, in the event of a war within the Empire. He thus suggests that the mobilization of the army of a circle be contingent on a two-fold restriction: 1) a Diet-wide vote to mobilize said Circle, and 2) the unanimous consent of the contributors of said Circle to mobilize their armies.

In terms of the size and scope of the Circles, the Archduke proposes that the proportions established in the pre-Vienna system be retained (Based on this very reputable source):

Imperial Circle

  • Austrian Circle: 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Infantry Brigades
  • Burgundian Circle: 1 Cav Brigade, 1 Inf Brigade
  • Electoral Rhenish Circle: 1 Cav Regiment, 1 Inf Brigade
  • Franconian Circle: 1 Cav Regiment, 2 Inf Regiments
  • Bavarian Circle: 1 Cav Regiment, 1 Inf Regiment
  • Swabian Circle 1 Cav Regiment, 1 Inf Brigade
  • Upper Rhenish Circle: 1 Cav Regiment, 1 Inf Brigade
  • Lower Rhenish–Westphalian Circle: 1 Cav Regiment, 1 Inf Brigade
  • Upper Saxon Circle: 1 Cav Regiment, 1 Inf Brigade
  • Lower Saxon Circle: 1 Cav Regiment, 1 Inf Brigade

Totals: 2 Cav Brigades, 8 Regiments ; 9 Infantry Brigades, 2 Regiments

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:43 am

The Perpetual Diet moves slowly and ineffectively, as it has since the Peace of Westphalia. There is a noticeable split within the Circles; effectively, the Upper and Lower Saxon Circles are unwilling to accept the proposal to re-establish the Imperial Military. The Lower Saxon Circle contains two rivals (the Brandenburgers and the Saxons) who are only united in their mutual distrust of the Emperor and the Austrians both, while the Lower Saxon Circle contains the Elector of Brunswick-Luneburg, who is dependent on the Brandenburgers for his position. Even with the Austrian proposal to make the Circles dependent on their suppliers for mobilization, they do not budge--the Saxon King is reputed to be so furious with the attempted expansion of Imperial power that he broke a table in half when he heard the news.

The smaller Catholic states, exhausted after the last war, are more willing to entertain the proposals, but with a number of key caveats. By voting to maintain such armies dedicated for Imperial ventures, they note that they will be far less willing to deploy their own units outside of the Empire (or, indeed, outside of their own dominions) for any purpose other than self-defense or the ultimate preservation of the Empire. Additionally, the states are willing to take the Austrian proposal as a starting point, but note that the cost of raising these units will be drastic for some of their coffers, and they may either ask for reductions in the size of their contributions or assistance from the Wittelsbachs or Hapsburgs to raise the units (though, in principle, they agree to pay the cost of maintenance).

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:50 pm

The Principal Commissioner agrees with the smaller Catholic states proposal to have the Wittlesbachs shoulder a greater share of raising the troops and approach the Hapsburgs towards making a similar contribution.

In private, the Brandenburgers are approached by Imperial envoys to try and reach a settlement to allow the reform to pass. It is expressed that there is a strong desire for Harmony and trust to return to the Empire especially between its Catholic and Protestant members and that Berlin's input on the matter would be quite welcome.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:21 pm

Saxon Representatives at the Diet note their King's concerns over potential Imperial overreach, especially given the abrupt removal of the Deanship of the Protestant Electors. How can Saxony, or any other smaller state of the Empire, trust the Emperor will overseeing a centralization of the Princes' militaries if he already so boldly decrees the end of titles without consultation of those involved.

The Emperor must show more good faith before Saxony can support measures that would enhance the power and prestige of the Emperor.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:30 pm

The Saxon representative is chided in his overlooking that the appointment was made on the request of the Protestant Princes regarding a decidedly Protestant position, especially given the Polish King's conversion to Catholicism would probably make him unsuitable for the position.

Anyway, the point is that it was hardly done at the sole behest of the Emperor and instead is argued as an example for the position that the Protestant Princes can put some trust in the Emperor. Though the mistrust is understandable, considering Polish-Austrian aggression towards Brandenburg near the turn of the century.

Again, it is strongly stated that this Imperial Army is meant to be used for the collective defense of the member states of the Empire from outside expansionism and the Emperor is willing to work with the Princes to make sure all measures are put in place to remove all shadows of doubt regarding its role.

And yes, the Imperial Army would be deployed against theoretical Polish aggression against Brandenburg if such a things comes to pass, though it is not implied to be a threat currently, but it might explain Saxon reticence regarding the proposal.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:51 pm

Hussam B. wrote:The Saxon representative is chided in his overlooking that the appointment was made on the request of the Protestant Princes regarding a decidedly Protestant position, especially given the Polish King's conversion to Catholicism would probably make him unsuitable for the position.

Anyway, the point is that it was hardly done at the sole behest of the Emperor and instead is argued as an example for the position that the Protestant Princes can put some trust in the Emperor. Though the mistrust is understandable, considering Polish-Austrian aggression towards Brandenburg near the turn of the century.

Again, it is strongly stated that this Imperial Army is meant to be used for the collective defense of the member states of the Empire from outside expansionism and the Emperor is willing to work with the Princes to make sure all measures are put in place to remove all shadows of doubt regarding its role.

And yes, the Imperial Army would be deployed against theoretical Polish aggression against Brandenburg if such a things comes to pass, though it is not implied to be a threat currently, but it might explain Saxon reticence regarding the proposal.

Saxony notes the Imperial ambassadors yet again show their bad faith towards princes. The Great Northern War was against a long-standing enemy of the Empire: Sweden. Brandenburg chose to ally with Sweden rather than allow Saxon soldiers to cross their territory. Brandenburg then fought against the Empire for the duration of the war. Neither Poland nor Saxony fought the Empire. That is pure slander.

The matter of Ducal Prussia is irrelevant, as that land is not part of the Empire. Does the Emperor expect the princes of the Holy Roman Empire to stand up for Spain when its colonies are threatened? Indeed, German princes spill blood for the benefit of Spain, as we can see with the new acquisition of Sicily.

Saxony continues to see no reason to support this proposal as long as the Emperor verbally attacks his constituents. If this is meant to be a unifying effort, Saxony recommends a different approach.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:06 pm

The Saxon representative is chided for using such hostile and abrupt language, the scenario presented was merely a theoretical one and Principal Commissioner offers his most sincere apology for the ruffled feathers.

And indeed, it is a fair point that is raised, the Imperial Princes should never be expected to spill blood for Spain, though the invaluable contribution that was the Imperial Army that marched and spilled blood with (and not for) Spain for the Imperial Knightly Princes will never be understated nor forgotten. Who could have imagined that the armies of the Empire would take Paris and hold it for a year?

This glorious victory that was secured in the Lateran War could not have come without Imperial participation and shows that the Empire is stronger when it marches together rather than under separate banners.

The institute of the Imperial Army, when under just and honorable leadership, would surely give pause to external powers seeking to expand at the expense of the Imperial Princes and render their sovereign territories irrelevant.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:48 pm

The Brandenburger Ambassador, livid at the slander of the name of his good Prince, rises to the occasion. The Saxon Elector--who is King in another, barbarous land, not within the Empire--used perfidy and plot to wrest properly-held territory from Brandenburg. That the previous Emperor--thank God that the House of Hapsburg has lost the title, owing to its impetuousness and designs on tyranny--took up arms against Brandenburg is no slight against the honor of Brandenburg, nor Brunswick, nor any of the Protestant powers. The Duchy of Prussia was by rights a Brandenburger possession, wrested from the boy who is now a man amongst men in Brandenburg--and a true Protestant, who by all rights should be (and, crucially, is) the Dean of the Protestant College. He will not be lectured by the lackey of a sin-embroiled Papist and traitor to the German Church.

To the matter at hand, however, Brandenburg is--because of this precedent of Imperial armies being used to slay an Imperial prince--highly reticent to play any part in the raising of an Imperial army. The current Emperor is surely more wise than his predecessor, and has shown substantial accommodation to the Lutheran and Reformed princes of the Empire. However, even then, the Elector of Brandenburg would have hardly committed to provide soldiers for a war in defense of Papist privilege in the lands of another Prince, even if the supposed casus belli was the attack on an honorary prince of the Empire. The Hapsburg proposal--again, showing some measure of maturity from that house after the disastrous reign of the last Hapsburg sovereign--goes some way towards addressing Brandenburger concerns, but at the same time, what guarantees exist that the Many will not seek to use their power against the Few? The Empire is clearly dominated by Papist influence, and while the post-Westphalian period had seen some progress from the religiously-informed wars, the last decade and a half has seen the Hapsburgs, Bourbons, and other Princely houses use the name of religion to mobilize pro- or anti- Imperial resources. Brandenburg, Brunswick, and the other Protestant powers will always be a minority in terms of holdings, lands, and resources, and will not aid and abet the creation of another potential tool of tyranny without substantial guarantees and resources to defend themselves against yet more Papist aggression.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:51 pm

The Saxon Ambassador laughs at the insecurity emanating from the boy-ruler's delegation. Though the status of Prussia is of limited concern to the Saxons, it is amusing that the Brandenburgers have the gall to claim perfidy and plot to wrest control of properly held territory when it was those exact circumstances by which the late Elector of Brandenburg separated Ducal Prussia from the Polish Commonwealth.

Still, the Saxon Ambassador echoes the concerns of his Brandenburger counterpart. Clearly, there must be assurances made to prevent frothing madmen from using the powers of the Imperial Armies to exact their revenge upon their foes. However, an Imperial Army for defense could be of great use, as the Empire is beset on all sides by rivals, having most recently been invaded this century by Englishmen in Flanders.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:21 pm

Returning to addressing the grievances of the Imperial Protestants, two approaches are viewed for possible way forward:
- A greater Protestant proportional presence in the structure of the Imperial Army to assure that the institute could not be utilized against the Imperial Protestants unjustly without compromising the force.
- In the opposite direction, a smaller obligation from the Imperial Protestants so that the institute doesn't hamper the ability to field their own troops.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Wed Mar 07, 2018 10:16 am

The delegation of Cardinals from Wittlesbach lands make their views known, above all else, the best candidate for the Papacy would be one that continues Clement's legacy of providing clear moral leadership in times of crisis facing the Church. Particularly in the face of growing tendency of certain power to explicitly direct their aggression directly against the Church and its holy men.

The Spanish part of the delegation bring with them the growing interest in Thomism and the desire for reform in the Church to address the balance of the productive parts of the clergy and holy orders against the unproductive parts of men who are in it for the position and title. Stressing a need to reform the education of priests and promoting greater contribution of the Church with their hosts, the Jesuit part of this delegation promote the adoption of Matteo Ricci's policy of accommodation in regards to the spiritual practices in China and India.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:34 pm

The Protestant College, headed by Brandenburg, puts forth a proposal in the Diet to break the impasse. First, they demand that the following restrictions be placed on the army:

  • Circle forces are mobilized only with the unanimous consent of their members.
  • Circle forces are commanded by their members, unless they unanimously vote to defer leadership to the Emperor.
  • A Circle's forces can only be used outside the Empire with the unanimous consent of their members.
  • The cost of raising the units in each circle will be shared 50/50 between the Circle and the Emperor, as will the cost of maintenance when the units are mobilized for military duty.
  • In times of peace, maintenance will be paid by the Circle.
  • No additional taxation will be levied on the Imperial Princes above the costs associated with these units.

Additionally, the Brandenburgers believe that the proposed allocation of units benefits the Hapsburgs too much (two of the circles are entirely within the Hapsburg domains, and simply give them extra funds from the Emperor to rebuild their army) and that too little of the Imperial burden is shouldered by the Emperor himself. Thus, they demand the constitution of the Army of the HRE be as follows (relevant PC/NPCs in brackets).

Imperial Circle

  • Austrian Circle: 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Infantry Brigades [Hapsburgs]
  • Bavarian Circle: 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Infantry Brigade [Wittelsbachs]
  • Burgundian Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Infantry Brigade [Hapsburgs]
  • Lower Saxon Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Infantry Brigade [Brandenburg, Brunswick, Mecklenburg]
  • Swabian Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Brigade [Wurttemberg]
  • Lower Rhenish–Westphalian Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Brigade [Munster]
  • Upper Rhenish Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Brigade [Palatinate, Hesse-Kassel]
  • Upper Saxon Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Brigade [Brandenburg, Saxony]
  • Electoral Rhenish Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 2 Light Infantry Regiments [Trier, Mainz, Cologne]
  • Franconian Circle: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Light Infantry Regiments [Wurzburg]


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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:48 pm

The Saxon delegation believes this to be a reasonable proposal, that balances the freedom of the princes and the necessity for collective defense. Saxony will support this, or a proposal that holds moderate changes.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:32 pm

This is also acceptable to the Emperor who invites others to approve of this modified proposal.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:21 pm

In 1718, while the Holy Roman Emperor is not officially part of the British conflict, he directs the Principal Commissioner at Regensburg to consult with the deputies regarding putting forth a proposal condemning any atrocities committed against the clergy, irrespective of their calling, in the Irish-English conflict and calls member states to take it upon themselves as immoral to provide any aid, be it loans or mercenaries, to any party of the conflict unless they cease this atrocious and unchristian behavior.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:44 pm

The Saxon deputy make it known that the Prince-Elector of Saxony finds the idea of murdering of holy men to be an abomination and hopes that inter-religious conflict in the British Isles will come to a swift and just conclusion, or at the least be restrained to the Isles. The Prince-Elector, however, sees no point in the States of the Holy Roman Empire involving themselves in a conflict which does not concern the Empire. The German nation has had its fair share of zealotry inflicting itself on its people.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:05 pm

In early December 1725 the Hapsburg delegation to the Perpetual Diet makes an impassioned plea on the floor for Imperial action in aid of the Sclavonian rebels in the Ottoman lands. Though the princes of the Empire have their differences--dynastic, religious, linguistic--all are dwarfed by the inhumanity of the Turk. The Austrian envoy makes a formal motion to mobilize the forces of the Imperial Army for use in war against the Turk.


The Brandenburgers and Brunswickers, meanwhile, retort that it is not the duty of the Imperial Army to wage war to expand Hapsburg holdings. Though the rebels on the Ottoman frontier plead Christian persecution, in fact they seek to use foreign aid in their own war against Christian Magyars more than against Muslim Turks. War with the Sublime Porte has already resulted in terrible losses for the Empire time and time again, and the Princes should not be expected to shoulder the burdens for Austrian gain.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:13 pm

The Emperor makes a point to state that the Imperial Army is indeed to be used for the defense of the Empire rather than committing to external conquests.

Nonetheless, Hapsburg Imperial territory should be protected from external threats, just as should any other Imperial Territory at risk.

A compromise is suggested where the Imperial Army is to be mobilized but their area of operation will be limited to Bohemia, Austria, and the Austrian Lowlands.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:51 pm

The Brandenburgers and Brunswickers continue to resist any notion of mobilizing their forces to fight a Hapsburg war, in the event that the Austrians start a war with the Ottomans. Their agents note that to use their units "defensively" would merely be buying time and space for the Austrians to mobilize their own forces in the exterior of the Empire. They thus both vote against mobilizing their forces at all for war, let alone for war outside the Empire. It will thus be impossible for the Upper or Lower Saxon Circles to be mobilized in the event of a coming war.

The remaining princes of the Empire, however, are more willing to entertain the Emperor's suggestion. The Hapsburgs, who control outright two full circles, demand that they be allowed to mobilize those circles (the Austrian and Burgundian) for use outside the bounds of the Empire. Of course, any troops which are mobilized for Imperial service must have their burden shared with the Emperor.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:56 pm

French diplomats in the Empire pass on notes that in the event of Imperial mobilization, there will not be permission for Spanish or Imperial troops to travel from Bavaria or Italy from Spain (and vice versa) overland through France unlike during the Great Northern War. This also applies to any movement of Imperial troops from Burgundy to Spain (and vice versa).
Galveston Bay
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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:39 pm

Saxon envoys express their belief that should the Habsburgers wish to mobilize their circles for a war against the Turk, they see no objection.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Hussam B. Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:43 pm

-The Emperor recognizes and accepts Brunswick and Brandenburg's vote in keeping the Upper and Lower Saxon Circles from being mobilized at this time as is within their right as Imperial Princes.
-The Emperor motions that Austria will be allowed to mobilize its two circles for its conflict and will be subsidized by the Imperial Office. However, Austria is still expected to make its contribution available for the defense of the Empire if the need is called for.
-Through Imperial Prerogative, the Bavarian Circle will be mobilized and contribute actively to the war, as will any willing Imperial Circle.
-The remaining Imperial Circles will be mobilized into defensive armies to help safeguard Austrian territory during the conflict.

Hussam B.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by TLS Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:57 am

Summer, 1728

As the Imperial election season gets underway, in preparation for the actual selection in October, news of the French ultimatum against the Empire spreads like wildfire through the assembled Principalities. Never had a foreign power so brazenly sought to interfere in the elections of the Empire--not even during the Thirty Years War--as France seeking to annul an election's results through force of arms before it had even happened. Numerous princes of the Empire, of course, are none-too-pleased with the Hapsburgs (who continually fail to defend Christendom) or the Wittelsbachs (whose attempts at Imperial consolidation irk their privileges) but to threaten war over the results of an Imperial election is unheard of. Minor members of the Wittelsbach dynasty and their allies (led by the Palatinate and Cologne) motion for the French ambassadors to be expelled from the Perpetual Diet at once.

France's allies in the Diet, mainly the Brandenburgers and Brunswickers, find themselves on the back foot. Though neither are particularly thrilled with the Wittelsbachs, either, they both find the Hapsburgs to be greater enemies than the Bavarians, who have bestowed upon them rites, privileges, and exempted them from the burdens of Imperial service. Their representatives urge the Diet to consider that the French message must have been lost in translation, and that the French merely meant that the election of a Wittelsbach would set the two countries up for war--not that they would declare war merely for the result of an election. The argument is not particularly persuasive, but neither do the representatives seem convinced by their own rationale.

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The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg Empty Re: The Perpetual Diet of Regensburg

Post by Lefty Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:50 pm

The Saxon emissary issues a proposal that Elector votes for Emperor be kept secret, much like elections for the Bishop of Rome. He notes this will likely only be able to be applicable for future elections.

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