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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:19 pm



-New Netherlands


Konkan Campaign

Fall, 1714

The war against the French and English, though in many ways indecisive for the Netherlands, demonstrated one fact: that her enemies were intent on muscling in on her dominance in Asia. The failed attempt to seize Pondicherry from the English at the end of the last war proved that once established, these locations would be difficult to dislodge, and that it is in the Netherlands’ interests to strike while the iron is hot. Though the 17th century had begun with half a century of war with the Portuguese, that war had ended in near-complete Dutch dominance of Asian trade—and the Portugal of 1714 is hardly the same power it had been a century prior.

Though the action took some planning, due to the distance from Europe and the seemingly interminable monsoon seasons in the Orient, by Fall of 1714 the Dutch amass another force to try to muscle their way back on top. A formal state of peace (and, indeed, a formal state of war) between Portugal and the Netherlands had never been declared in the last war, and Portuguese defense is in many ways dependent on their French backers. With their alliances thus fractured, and their possessions in the Orient weakly defended, the Dutch elect to force their ancient rivals out of the region once and for all.

Battle of Goa, November 11

-1 Fortress
-1 Infantry Battalion
-1 CruRon
-2 PatRons

-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry Battalion
-2 Marine Battalions
-4 BatRon
-6 CruRon
-2 PatRon

The Portuguese are heavily outnumbered on both land and sea, but refuse to simply surrender their centuries-old fortress to the perfidious and heretical Swamp Germans. They elect to focus their fire primarily on the ground-based threat for as long as possible, leaving their naval forces to try to buy enough time to render the land assault moot (Portugal benefits from an FF turn and a Defensive roll; they will lose the FF roll if the navy reduces the fortress. Dutch ships are fighting at a -1 because they have sent so many units ashore to bolster the attack.)

Portugal manages to score two important victories in the first turn: shattering one of the heavier attacking infantry units and managing to keep its naval contingent afloat for another turn, allowing for the fortress to keep its guns trained on the attacking ground forces (Portugal: FF 1x, MF 1x, shattering 1 inf brigade, 1 marine battalion. Dutch: 1x, shattering infantry battalion, and 2x naval hits, capturing both PatRons). When the Dutch make their second attempt, they are slightly more successful in that they are finally able to destroy the Portuguese naval contingent (landing 5 hits on 1 CruRon, sinking it) but throw themselves essentially ineffectively against the defenders as their weaker infantry units are torn up by the defending installation (FF: 1x, shattering the Dutch infantry battalion, MF: 1x, shattering 1 marine battalion).

As dusk begins to fall over the tropical estuary the Dutch make for their final push against the Portuguese fortress. The Netherlanders are finally able to turn their heaviest naval guns against the Portuguese positions, which leaves them distracted (combat value of the fortress falls to 1, but as the position hasn’t been reduced it still benefits from the FF and D roll). Dutch naval fire is almost entirely ineffective (hitting only once against the fortress), but it has served a key role: the Portuguese defenders, without the use of their heavier guns, are unable to score any hits before the Dutch come to within range of the fortress (FF: Portugal rolls a 2, which would have been enough to hit if they hadn’t had to train their guns on the sea, but their guns get to score the automatic 1x against a Dutch BatRon). The Portuguese still fight ferociously and valiantly, but the Dutch are finally able to break through the walls and pour in. They suffer another bout of heavy casualties but finally wrest the fortress from Portuguese control (MF: Portugal rolls a 1, shattering the Dutch infantry brigade, but said infantry brigade rolls a 3, which even considering the defensive penalty is just enough to hit).

Casualties of the Battle of Goa

-1 Fortress destroyed
-1 Infantry battalion destroyed
-1 CruRon sunk
-2 PatRons heavily damaged, captured [1 point, 2 turns to repair each]

-2 Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1 Brigade
-1 Infantry battalion shattered, destroyed
-1 Marine Battalion shattered [will cost 1 point to restore marines to 4 BatRons)
-1 BatRon lightly damaged [1 point, 1 turn to repair]

The Dutch have finally captured, through blood and sweat, the headquarters of their ancient regional rival. The planned sally to threaten the Portuguese trading posts at Daman and Diu is called off, however, for lack of sufficient manpower to both garrison Goa and effect an attack on those posts. As the Dutch settle in their new possession, the remaining Portuguese factors in the region hurriedly work their long-standing ties with the princes of the region: the Marathas who have grown dependent on their trade network for European arms, in particular, come under heavy lobbying. The Jesuits, who have been working to convert the local Konkani population to Catholicism with decent success, also use the chaos of the fall of the city to rescue the incorruptible remains of St. Francis Xavier and his relics, and use them to try to stir the local populace against the Protestant invaders.

However, news of the attack is still months away from reaching Europe, and though the Portuguese are attempting to set their creaking and decaying war machine back into motion, for now the VOC have essentially free reign over the Indian Ocean. Save the Portuguese outposts at Daman and Macau, the nearest guaranteed Portuguese assets are in Brazil, while the VOC still has reserves both in Ceylon and in the East Indies.

Combatant Forces, end of 1714


Fixed Installations
-7 Fortresses (Lisbon, Porto, Macau, Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Bahia)
-10 Garrisons (Sao Tome, Luanda, Guinea, Timor, Daman, Rio Grande, Sao Paulo, Bahia, Pernambuco, Maranhao)
-4 Brazilian Militia Infantry Regiments (Salvador, Recife, Bahia, Fortaleza)

-9 Portuguese BB2s (Nossa Senhora do Pilar, Santa Rosa, Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Nossa Senhora da Assunção, Princesa do Céu, Nossa Senhora das Angústias, Nossa Senhora da Piedade, Nossa Senhora da Luz, Nossa Senhora da Palma e São Pedro)
-12 Portuguese Frigates
-8 Portuguese PatRon
-3 Portuguese Infantry Brigades
-1 Portuguese Cavalry Brigade

-3 Portuguese BB2s (São Lourenço, Rainha dos Anjos, Nossa Senhora das Necessidades)
-6 Portuguese Frigates
-4 Portuguese PatRon
-4 Brazilian PatRon
-1 Brazilian Light Infantry Battalion

-4 Portuguese PatRons

-1 Portuguese Light Infantry Battalion
-3 Portuguese Frigates
-4 Portuguese PatRons


Fixed Positions
-20 Fortresses (Makassar, Cape, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen, New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, Curacao)
-13 militia brigades (13 Netherlands)
-17 Garrison brigades (15 Netherlands, New Amsterdam, Pavonia)
-6 WIC Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Saba, Suriname, Paramaribo)

-6 Dutch BB1s  (Eenhoorn, Salamander, Aemilia, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Maan)
-3 VOC BB2s (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam)
-6 Dutch Frigates
-4 Dutch PatRons
-5 Dutch infantry brigades
-1 Dutch cavalry brigades

New Amsterdam
-1 New Netherlander Infantry Brigade

New Rotterdam
-1 New Netherlander Infantry Brigade

-4 Dutch BB1s (Gelderland, Fredrik Hendrik, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem)
-3 WIC BB2s (Eendracht, Brederode, Huis van Nassau)
-9 Dutch Frigates
-6 WIC Frigates
-6 Dutch PatRons
-6 WIC PatRons
-2 WIC Infantry Brigades

-3 VOC Frigates

-1 VOC Infantry Brigade
-9 VOC BB2s (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid) [No Marines]
-3 VOC BB2s, damaged (Prinses Roijael Maria, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) [No Marines]
-18 VOC Frigates
-4 VOC PatRon
-4 VOC PatRon, heavily damaged

-1 VOC Light Infantry Regiment
-3 VOC Frigates
-2 VOC PatRons

-1 VOC Light Infantry Regiment
-3 VOC Frigates
-2 VOC PatRons[/b]

Last edited by TLS on Fri May 25, 2018 4:10 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Haven Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:50 pm

Following the fall of Goa, a delegation is sent to the Marathas asking them to consider replacing their Portuguese ties with Dutch ones. The delegation points out the weakness of the Portuguese empire, pointing out their failure to safeguard the center of their eastern Empire and the recent embarrassment at home where the Spanish army took Lisbon. The VOC offers to replace any trading ties the Marathas possessed with the Portuguese, and assures the Marathas that the VOC would be a much more advantageous friend to have.

In Goa itself, word is spread to the Jesuit community that they will be allowed to practice in peace, so long as they don't spread sedition against VOC rule. Those who are caught ignoring this rule are to be hanged. Small sums (.05 points) are distributed tot local community leaders in a paltry effort to buy some loyalty in the newly captured region.

Hurried envoys are sent to the British at Pondicherry and the Poles assuring them that the VOC has no designs on their Indian holdings, and informing them that the VOC hopes peace will quickly return to the Indias.

Europe meanwhile awaits word of what has occurred.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Lefty Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:24 pm

The Polska Kompania Wschodnioindyjska (PKW) (n.b. I defer to anyone who’s Polish is better than Google’s on a better name), having recently taken up control of Polish trade in the East, hurriedly sends delegations to meet with VOC officials, declaring the PKW’s neutrality in the conflict.

More subtlely, the emissaries suggest that perhaps the two Reublics might be able to cooperate on matters in India.

Additionally, Catholic priests in India are encouraged to travel to Goa and push for peace in the turmoil, declaring that Jesus’s teachings encouraged his followers to practice peace but also to render unto Caesar what is Caesar, no matter if he be a Catholic or Protestant lord.

Another delegation is quickly dispatched to Damman and Diu declaring the same thing. Quietly, the officials note that The PKW might be willing to buy out the trading post there to prevent bloodshed and allow Portugal to recoup some of its losses.

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:56 pm

Americas Campaign

Winter-Summer, 1715

News of the fall of Goa, and the commencement of open hostilities, reaches the Portuguese Empire in a staggered fashion. With centuries of experience and established communication routes, the news pings across the first empire on which the sun never set: Luanda is made aware of the fall by early January, Brazil by later that month, Guinea by early February, and, finally, Portugal itself at the end of February. The Portuguese navy, largely unscathed by Portugal’s brief sojourn in the Lateran War, assembles and departs for Brazil in early March; the core of the main battlefleet departs from Iberian waters and heads straight for Salvador, to join up with the colonial squadron there.

The Dutch, the instigators of the conflict, were able to move much of their fleet into the advanced position at Curacao prior to the start, with an aim to dissuade a Portuguese move towards their Caribbean or North American holdings. They thus move into action soon after news of the war reaches the Caribbean and move to raid Brazil’s northern coast.  The Dutch fleet sweeps down the coast causing mayhem and havoc in an attempt to provoke the Brazilian fleet based in Salvador. Hitting the ports at Fortaleza and Recife, they do not attempt to seize the fortresses but do make an effort to intercept or destroy enemy shipping. They are unable to effectively provoke the Brazilian fleet but do manage to intercept a Portuguese commercial fleet (one Portuguese commercial fleet captured) and seize it for the West India Company. The fleet sails past Salvador to strike at soft targets further south, causing no lasting economic damage but causing confusion and discontent in Brazil, and then make their way back north.

On the return journey as they are north of Salvador they learn, from a captured merchant vessel, that the Portuguese main battle fleet has recently sailed past the city of Natal. The Dutch admiral thus realizes he is on a collision course with the Portuguese; though his orders state he is to withdraw once the Portuguese main fleet is sighted, he recognizes that doing battle against them now will be more advantageous than when they are reinforced by the Brazil station. He thus makes every effort to speed north and meet the Portuguese, who he successfully catch at the mouth of the São Francisco river.

Battle of São Francisco, April 8

-12 BB2 (Nossa Senhora do Pilar (fleet flag), Santa Rosa, Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Nossa Senhora da Assunção, Princesa do Céu (secondary flag), Nossa Senhora das Angústias, Nossa Senhora da Piedade, Nossa Senhora da Luz, Nossa Senhora da Palma e São Pedro, São Lourenço (tertiary flag), Rainha dos Anjos, Nossa Senhora das Necessidades)
-3 FF1s (Diligente, Gaivota, Serpente)
-1 PatRon

-4 Dutch BB1s (Gelderland, Fredrik Hendrik, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem)
-3 WIC BB2s (Eendracht, Brederode, Huis van Nassau)
-9 Dutch Frigates
-6 WIC Frigates
-6 Dutch PatRons
-6 WIC PatRons

The Dutch have a noticeable advantage in terms of cannons and tonnage (the Dutch have 119 combat points and the Portuguese 58) as the fleets meet for battle. The Portuguese are also fighting a larger fleet; however, the Dutch commander is cognizant that the threat of Irish intervention remains possible, and is unwilling to risk pushing his fleet too far, while the Portuguese admiral is simply aiming to meet up with the fleet based in Salvador—he even attempts to circumvent the Dutch fleet when he is made aware of its presence, but the substantial Dutch advantage in smaller ships allows the Dutch to track him and shepherd his fleet into battle.

The battle is not an exceptionally long one, lasting only one afternoon (only one turn of combat transpires) but it does not lack for excitement. The Dutch leverage their superiority in numbers and cannons to turn the battle into a series of lopsided duels, with the BB1s squaring off against their smaller Portuguese counterparts and the Dutch superiority in Frigates resulting in extra guns being brought to bear. The Portuguese gunners are no slouches, landing a number of substantial blows (15 hits, including 2 crits) and managing to sink two of the Dutch vessels (BB1 Fredrik Hendrik and BB2 Eendracht both suffer crit hits, the threshold for which I raised to a 1-10 chance from a 1-6) and fairly evenly spreading the damage across the others. In return, however, the Portuguese decks are cleared by a series of expert volleys by the attacking Netherlanders (WIC lands 19 hits, of which 3 are crits) and are left clearly the worse off from the encounter (BB2s Santa Rosa, Angustias, Palma, as well as the FF1 Serpente, are all sunk, either by Crits or because they sustain beyond their maximum number of hits, while the Portuguese PatRon is captured).

The Dutch commander, aware that he has already exceeded his brief by even engaging with the Portuguese fleet (though he will proceed to say that circumstances demanded it when questioned back in Curacao) decides that he has sufficiently bruised the Lusitanians for the moment and breaks off the engagement. The Portuguese commander, similarly, decides to take advantage of the breathing space to head down to Salvador to refit and regroup.

Casualties of the Battle of São Francisco

-3 BB2s Sunk (Santa Rosa, Nossa Senhora das Angústias, Nossa Senhora da Palma e São Pedro)
-2 BB2s (2x) damaged (Nossa Senhora da Piedade, Nossa Senhora da Luz) [1 turn, 1 point each to repair]
-2 BB2s lightly (1x) damaged (Nossa Senhora do Pilar, Princesa do Céu) [1 turn, .5 points each to repair]
-1 FF1 Sunk (Serpente)
-1 FF1 lightly (1x) Damaged (Diligente) [1 turn, .25 points to repair]

-1 WIC BB1 Sunk (Fredrik Hendrik)
-1 WIC BB1 (3x) damaged (Zeven Provincien) [2 turns, 2.25 points to repair]
-2 WIC BB1s (2x) damaged (Gelderland, Haarlem) [1 turn, 1.5 points each to repair]
-1 Dutch BB2 Sunk (Eendracht)
-1 Dutch FF1 Lightly (1x) Damaged [1 turn, .25 points to repair]

The fleets thus sail back to their respective ports of call to lick their wounds and prepare for the coming hurricane season. By the time they are back in port (the Portuguese a few days later, the Dutch not until early May) and setting repair plans into motion both fleets feel relatively certain that this is the last engagement they’ll have this calendar year.

That’s not to say that the naval front is otherwise over, however. The Portuguese battlefleet was hampered by lack of Frigates—a lack which is explained by the appearance of a flotilla of frigates on the New Netherlander seaboard. Having been resupplied by the French in southern Florida, the flotilla of 9 FF1s does what the Dutch fleet off Brazil did: raid and cause havoc. Having emptied their coast of naval assets, the Dutch shipping is open to raiding and attack by the Portuguese, and it shows (Netherlands loses one commercial fleet captured and one commercial fleet sunk). The French make a concerted push to threaten the Dutch settlement at Zwaanendael (RL Wilmington), but lack the capacity to effect a meaningful raid (the Dutch have left a militia regiment and the FF1s have insufficient marines). They are otherwise satisfied with the results of their raiding season, however, and depart the Atlantic coast in early July.

The Portuguese fleet, having only recently arrived in the region, is forced to call off its attempted raid on the Caribbean due to the heavy defeat earlier in the season. Like the raiding parties off of the North American coast, they head to the Azores to regroup and thence to Lisbon, where they plan to wait out the rest of the Hurricane season.

Combatant Forces, end of Summer, 1715


Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Lisbon, Porto, Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Bahia)
-8 Garrisons (Sao Tome, Luanda, Guinea, Rio Grande, Sao Paulo, Bahia, Pernambuco, Maranhao)
-4 Brazilian Militia Infantry Regiments (Salvador, Recife, Bahia, Fortaleza)

-5 Portuguese BB2s (Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Nossa Senhora da Assunção, São Lourenço, Rainha dos Anjos, Nossa Senhora das Necessidades)
-2 BB2s, damaged (Nossa Senhora da Piedade, Nossa Senhora da Luz)
-2 BB2s, lightly damaged (Nossa Senhora do Pilar, Princesa do Céu)
-10 Portuguese FF1s (Ulisses, Venus, Active, Amazonia, Tritao, Real Fonsor (Secondary flag), Perola, Tritao, Zambeze, Gaivota)
-1 Portuguese FF1, lightly damaged (Diligente)
-7 Portuguese PatRons
-3 Portuguese Infantry Brigades
-1 Portuguese Cavalry Brigade

-4 Portuguese PatRon
-4 Brazilian PatRon
-1 Brazilian Light Infantry Battalion

-4 Portuguese PatRons (Barracudo, Cachalote,Tridente, Narval, Hidra, Albacora)
-6 Portuguese Frigates


Fixed Positions
-13 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen, New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, Curacao)
-13 militia brigades (13 Netherlands)
-15 Garrison brigades (15 Netherlands)
-5 Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beversreede)
-10 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael)
-6 WIC Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Saba, Suriname, Paramaribo)

-6 Dutch BB1s (Eenhoorn, Salamander, Aemilia, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Maan)
-3 VOC BB2s (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam)
-6 Dutch Frigates
-4 Dutch PatRons
-5 Dutch infantry brigades
-1 Dutch cavalry brigades

-1 WIC BB1, damaged (Zeven Provincien)
-2 WIC BB1s, damaged (Gelderland, Haarlem)
-2 WIC BB2s (Brederode, Huis van Nassau)
-8 Dutch Frigates
-1 Dutch Frigate, lightly damaged
-6 WIC Frigates
-6 Dutch PatRons
-6 WIC PatRons
-2 WIC Infantry Brigades

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:39 pm

Indian Ocean Campaign


The Dutch are cognizant that their war with the Portuguese is taking place in and amongst the territory of the Maratha princes, who have a longstanding relationship with the Portuguese. However, they also find that the Marathas are far too preoccupied with their wars with the Mughals to really care which foreigners are occupying the strips of coastal land whence they obtain their cannons, and so receive tacit support so long as it does not threaten Maratha interests—or require their participation. Far more problematic for the Dutch occupiers are the Catholic Konkani in the environs of the fortress at Goa, who are unswayed by the token Catholic clergy sent from the neighboring Polish trade posts and highly hostile to the Dutch.

The Dutch commander in Goa is reinforced by a few regiments from Batavia over the course of the winter and into Spring, and hesitantly sets out for the Portuguese trade post up the coast. The defenders are still in supply, due to the open trade routes maintained by the Marathas, and have withdrawn the personnel from their counterparts in Diu to consolidate their position. The Dutch arrive in full force in late April, and after a spirited attempt at resistance the Portuguese are overwhelmed and the trade post collapses (the Portuguese roll no hits in their FF or MF turns, Dutch roll a hit).

When the Dutch return from their quick sojourn, however, they discover that Goa has collapsed into anarchy. The VOC light infantry regiment which had attempted to maintain order has been besieged by an angry mass of Konkani rebels attempting to dislodge the interlopers. Trapped at the mouth of the Mandavi River, the small sepoy garrison is on the cusp of being overwhelmed when the Dutch fleet returns.

Goan Uprising, April 18-19

-1 LI Regiment
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Marine Regiment

-10 Militia Infantry Regiments

The defenders are clinging to their desperate defensive positions as the reinforcements sail ashore under heavy cannon fire, allowing them to bring their superior weaponry against the rebels (VOC gets FF turn but no roll bonus due to compromised nature of their position). The heavier armaments of the attackers lead to a series of clear and devastating blows inflicted on the angry mass (FF inf b rolls 1x, shattering 2 militia regiments; FF turn inf b again rolls a hit, as does the marine reg, shattering 3 more total) though the sheer numbers of the rebels mean that they score a blow (marine regiment is shattered). The fight roils on through the night and into the next day, with the VOC defenders able to push the rebels back at light casualties (FF 1x, MF 1x, 3 militia regiments shattered; rebels roll no hits). The remaining rebels flee back into the hinterland.

Casualties of the Goan Uprising

-1 Marine Regiment shattered [1/2 BB2s have lost their marine contingents, 1 point to repair]

-8 Militia Infantry Regiments shattered, destroyed

The Dutch commander, having barely re-established Dutch control over the colony, is thus adamant that the proposed withdrawal of the infantry brigade be called off, as well as the total departure of the VOC fleet from the region. He is able to strong-arm his naval counterparts, who witnessed off shore as the colony burned in the uprising, to commit to maintaining a naval presence on the Konkan coast—not least to provide an escape valve if the colony is again almost overrun.

The majority of the fleet, however, sails off in two different directions. A contingent of the BB2s heads for Mauritius, where there is a Dutch settlement and fleet, while the majority head back to the East Indies. Meanwhile, the Portuguese fleet in Macao receives its orders in mid-April, and sets off into the south seas shortly thereafter. Over the next few weeks the Portuguese hit at some of the incredibly valuable Dutch trading posts in in the Moluccas; Tidore, Ambon, and Ternate are raided by the Portuguese ships and marines, and the Dutch presence at these posts is only saved in any degree by established relationships with local rulers. The infrastructure and some of the factors are destroyed, but many make it to take shelter in the care of the local Sultans. (Game Effect: 3x trade posts destroyed, but will only cost 2 pts to restore instead of the usual 3. However, until they are restored, the Netherlands also loses 1 of its 2 East Indies trade points.)

The Indies fleet then takes shelter at the Portuguese settlement in Timor, resupplying for an anticipated sail around the world. Before heading into the great Pacific Ocean, however, the Portuguese are tasked with one last raid: on the Dutch settlement at Surabaya. Their greed provides to be their doom, as, rather than escaping into the wide expanse of the open sea, they have elected to sail straight into the Dutch armada sent to capture the island of Timor. The VOC fleet has been made aware of their presence due to the Portuguese active attempts to interdict shipping along the way.

Though the small Portuguese fleet may have been able to break out and escape were they trying to raid a city facing open sea, Surabaya is essentially trapped at the end of the narrow Madura Strait, giving the Portuguese very little ability to break out and escape. The Dutch essentially establish a cordon along the waterway, with their great advantage in frigates and brigs, and catch up to the ambitious Portuguese squadron.

Battle of the Madura Strait, June 3

-3 FF1s (Ave (fleet flag), Mondego, Cavado)
-4 PatRons

-9 VOC BB2s (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid)
-12 VOC Frigates
-4 VOC PatRon

The Portuguese, recognizing the severity of their plight, fight valiantly and effectively. Essentially squaring off against ships with many more guns, their gunners seem to all be in peak form, while the Dutch are essentially only able to land hits due to their sheer numbers (Portuguese FF1s roll 5x on 12 dice, Patrons 2x, while the Dutch BB2s roll only 3x on 45 dice[!!!] though their frigates roll 8x, and PatRons 0x). Those Dutch numbers, however, are what are able to make the battle far too short in light of the Portuguese valor. Two of the Portuguese Frigates are destroyed in the salvos (Ave thru a crit hit and Cavado due to receiving 5x), while the remaining vessels are so demoralized and outnumbered that the Portuguese admiral decides that continuing the fight, in light of the numbers, geography, and guaranteed outcome, is suicidal, and he strikes the colors of his fleet.

Casualties of the Battle of Madura Strait

-2 FF1s (Ave, Cavado) sunk
-1 FF1 (3x) damaged (Mondego), captured [2 turns, .75 points to repair]
-4 PatRons captured

-2 BB2s 2x damaged (Zon, Kameel) [1 turn, 1.5 points each to repair]
-1 BB2 1x damaged (Vrede) [1 turn, .75 points to repair]
-2 PatRons sunk

With the last major Portuguese naval asset in the region destroyed, the VOC commander decides he can be a little more conservative with his forces. He sends his damaged, depleted, and captured prizes back to Batavia while he continues ahead with the remainder of his force for the Portuguese garrison at Timor. They arrive at the Portuguese colony a few weeks later, and again the Portuguese attempt to put up resistance [they have 1 garrison vs 1 VOC LI regiment and 1 marine regiment] but are unable to resist the Dutch attackers [Portugal rolls no hits on FF or MF, while the Dutch manage to roll a hit on the MF. Timor falls] and Timor falls to the Dutch attackers. (Game effect: Dutch capture the Portuguese trade point at Timor, but it will require 2 points to restore to working condition.)

The Portuguese have on last feint to make in the theater, however. Part of the fleet based in Brazil made across the ocean for Luanda as soon as instructions arrived from Portugal in mid-Spring, and they make preparations to go round the Cape and attack the Dutch trade post at Diego Suarez as soon as the winter storms die down in October. Of course, the Dutch have made the same plan but in reverse, planning to embark from Mauritius on an attack towards Luanda once whether permits. As each country has friendly ports along the southern coast to resupply, each fleet generally hugs the coast (seeking to stop at Caronville or Cape Town, respectively, en route to their attacks), leading to the fleets stumbling into each other off Cape St. Francis.

Battle of Cape St. Francis, October 10

-6 FF1 (Barracudo (fleet flag), Cachalote,Tridente, Narval (secondary flag), Hidra, Albacora)
-4 PatRon

-3 VOC BB2s (Prinses Roijael Maria, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika)
-3 VOC Frigates

For once, the fleets engaging in combat are essentially equal in tonnage and guns (Portuguese have 28 hits, Dutch have 27) though the Portuguese have a large contingent of brigs to try to dictate the contours of the battle. The opening engagement is fairly lackluster (Turn 1: Portugal rolls 3x, Dutch roll 4x) but then the fleets continue the engagement it turns much bloodier (Turn 2: Portugal rolls 7x incl 1 crit, Dutch roll 5x). The Dutch BB1 Prinses Roijael Maria takes a hit to her magazine, sending her straight to the bottom of the sea, while one of the Dutch frigates is also sunk. The smaller Portuguese ships do not handle their hits particularly well, either, and though no ship is sunk they have by now almost all been struck. At this point neither admiral is dead-set on continuing their mission; the Dutch have lost 1/3d of their ships, while the Portuguese have no way of knowing whether heading further into the Indian Ocean will result in their destruction in pursuit of an insignificant trading post.

Casualties of the Battle of Cape St. Francis

-1 FF1 (3x) heavily damaged (Cachalote) [2 turns, .75 points to repair]
-2 FF1s (2x) damaged (Barracudo, Tridente) [1 turn, .5 points each to repair]
-2 FF1s (1x) lightly damaged (Narval, Hidra) [1 turn, .25 points to repair]

-1 BB2 sunk (Prinses Roijael Maria)
-1 BB2 (2x) damaged (Louisa Hendrika) [1 turn, 1 point to repair]
-1 FF1 Sunk
-1 FF1 (1x) lightly damaged [1 turn, .25 points to repair]

The Dutch fleet makes for the nearby port at Cape Town to repair while the Portuguese withdraw further up the coast to Luanda.

Combatant Forces, end of 1715


Fixed Installations
-1 Fortresses (Macau)
-1 Garrison (Timor)

-1 Portuguese Light Infantry Battalion

-1 FF1 (Cachalote), heavily damaged
-2 FF1s (Barracudo, Tridente), damaged
-2 FF1s (Narval, Hidra), lightly damaged
-4 PatRons


Fixed Positions
-7 Fortresses (Makassar, Cape, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malacca)

Cape Town
-1 VOC BB2 (Mercurius)
-1 VOC BB2 (Louisa Hendrika), damaged
-1 VOC FF1
-1 VOC FF1, lightly damaged

-1 VOC Infantry Brigade
-6 VOC Frigates
-4 VOC PatRon

-1 VOC Light Infantry Regiment

-1 VOC Light Infantry Regiment
-3 VOC Frigates
-2 VOC PatRons

-1 VOC Light Infantry Regiment
-6 VOC BB2s (Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Postiljon van Smyrna, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid) [No Marines]
-2 VOC BB2s (Zon, Kameel), damaged
-1 VOC BB2 (Vrede), lightly damaged
-15 VOC Frigates
-1 VOC FF1, heavily damaged
-10 VOC PatRon

-1 VOC Light Infantry Regiment

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Haven Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:12 pm

Towards the end of 1715, Portugal is offered the following agreement through intermediaries in Spain to end the ongoing hostilities.

- Transfer of Goa, Timor, Damman & Diu, Macao and Luanda to VOC/Dutch control (with remaining infrastructure intact).
- Payment to Portugal (3 points)
- 20 year non-aggression pact
- VOC and Netherlands give up any claim to the West African coast (where the Dutch trading posts were before France recently
     destroyed them) and recognizes Portugal’s right to establish trading posts there.
- Recognition of Portuguese control over Brazil. The WIC will relinquish any claim over the northern Brazilian coast, former New Holland.
- Portuguese nationals currently living in transferred territory will retain their property and rights to continue their business, so long as
     they respect Dutch rule.

Privately, the Portuguese are informed that the WIC is itching to retake the northern Brazilian coast, and Amsterdam won’t stop them if an agreement is not quickly reached.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:58 pm

Haven wrote:Towards the end of 1715, Portugal is offered the following agreement through intermediaries in Spain to end the ongoing hostilities.

- Transfer of Goa, Timor, Damman & Diu, Macao and Luanda to VOC/Dutch control (with remaining infrastructure intact).
- Payment to Portugal (3 points)
- 20 year non-aggression pact
- VOC and Netherlands give up any claim to the West African coast (where the Dutch trading posts were before France recently
     destroyed them) and recognizes Portugal’s right to establish trading posts there.
- Recognition of Portuguese control over Brazil. The WIC will relinquish any claim over the northern Brazilian coast, former New Holland.
- Portuguese nationals currently living in transferred territory will retain their property and rights to continue their business, so long as
     they respect Dutch rule.

Privately, the Portuguese are informed that the WIC is itching to retake the northern Brazilian coast, and Amsterdam won’t stop them if an agreement is not quickly reached.

Portugal rejects out of hand the transfer of her colonies in Africa and Macao; her African colonies are integral to the Portuguese nation, and Macao, in addition to being an ancient seat of the Portuguese crown, is held with the full faith and grace of the Emperor of Cathay--who not too long ago fought a war to keep Dutch holdings in the region to a minimum. However, the other terms of the treaty could be amenable to the Portuguese crown, as long as there is an additional caveat allowing for the relics of St. Francis Xavier to be transported out of the colony of Goa back to either Portugal or Macao.

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Haven Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:01 am

With the Portuguese rejection of the offered agreement, preparations are made to continue the still technically undeclared conflict as what had been supposed to be a quick conflict drags on for another year. Word is spread throughout European newspapers that it was the Portuguese who rejected an amicable agreement to end the ongoing fighting.

In the Netherlands, while news of victories in Brazil, India and the East Indies are spread, there is discontent and uneasiness at the freeness with which the Portuguese were able to raid the colonies in America, with some outlets calling for officials to be punished for the failure. Word of the Poles entering the conflict however helps to counter concern caused by the successful Portuguese raids.

The VOC begins incorporating its new territories into its Indian and East Indies networks. Plans to reorganize the structure of the VOC holdings are put on hold as the conflict continues and the VOC begins the large task of repairing the damage done while incorporating the new territories and continuing to fight. In Goa, a large and brutal crackdown begins as the garrison is given orders to hunt down any supporters of the abortive rebellion. To support the effort an infantry regiment from the Ceylon garrison is transferred to Goa. As part of the crackdown, a high priority is placed on recovering the relics of St. Francis Xavier from the remaining rebel forces. Overall, the VOC is mostly pleased, most of their objectives have been met, although at a stiffer cost than originally expected.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Kilani Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:19 pm

Commonwealth diplomats in both Amesterdam and Lisbon express grave concerns over the ongoing war, especially with news of the Polish Commonwealth attempting to make a play for a slice of the overseas empire. The Dutch and the Portuguese are urged to come to a "peace with honor"; force of arms has prevailed, but the Portuguese have fought bravely and well in many theaters of the world and a complete humiliation would surely only serve to inflame the Portuguese people. Allowing the Portuguese to maintain their presence in Macao and their presence in Africa would be a balm to the injured pride of an ancient nation.

In Plymouth, ships begin working up for sea.

Last edited by Kilani on Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Haven Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:32 pm

English diplomats are informed that English mediation is welcomed. The Netherlands is willing to respect continued Portuguese control of Macau, but retains the request that Luanda be transferred. To carry out further discussions, the Grand Pensionnary Anthonie Heinsius is sent to London with the hope that the Portuguese will be willing to accept England as an interlocutor.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:17 pm

France also urges that the Netherlands moderate their terms, arguing that the true threat to peace in Europe is the Spanish controlled Holy Roman Empire and of course the Spanish Empire.

Portugal has lost India and Timor, and reasonable claim to them seems fair under the customs of war to their new possessor, the Dutch. But to demand territory that has not been won is arrogance. France thus presses the Dutch to moderate their claims further.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:43 pm

Portuguese diplomats seize the initiative granted by the positive interventions of both England and France to give one final counter-offer from which they cannot budge: Portugal will not cede its interests in Luanda, but will void its rights to all colonial ventures on the East African coast, transferring the rights to settlement that it possesses (the Portuguese presence was pretty much wiped out by pirate raids during the last war) to the VOC. This will leave the Indian Ocean with no Portuguese possessions, and the only Portuguese possession to the East of the Cape will be in Macau.

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Haven Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:41 pm

The claim on Luanda is dropped, however it is noted that not only is the transfer of any Portuguese claim to the East African coast not worth much, it would be like jumping into a tinderbox given the coming Zanzibar war and known Irish ambitions over the East African coast.

The following is offered in light of the willingness to drop further territorial demands:

- Recognition of Dutch control of Goa, Timor and Damman & Diu.
- 10 year non-aggression pact
- Recognition of Portuguese control over Brazil. The WIC will relinquish any claim over the northern Brazilian coast, former New Holland.
- Portuguese nationals currently living in transferred territory will retain their property and rights to continue their business, so long as
    they respect Dutch rule. Safe passage for anyone wishing to leave the transferred territories for other Portuguese territory.
-Return of the Dutch shipping taken by Portuguese raiders near New Netherlands.
-Payment to the Netherlands (5 points). It is noted Portugal has sufficient credit to cover this cost if necessary.
-Safe passage for the relics of St. Francis Xavier to either Portugal or Macau.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:00 pm

Haven wrote:The claim on Luanda is dropped, however it is noted that not only is the transfer of any Portuguese claim to the East African coast not worth much, it would be like jumping into a tinderbox given the coming Zanzibar war and known Irish ambitions over the East African coast.

The following is offered in light of the willingness to drop further territorial demands:

- Recognition of Dutch control of Goa, Timor and Damman & Diu.
- 10 year non-aggression pact
- Recognition of Portuguese control over Brazil. The WIC will relinquish any claim over the northern Brazilian coast, former New Holland.
- Portuguese nationals currently living in transferred territory will retain their property and rights to continue their business, so long as
    they respect Dutch rule. Safe passage for anyone wishing to leave the transferred territories for other Portuguese territory.
-Return of the Dutch shipping taken by Portuguese raiders near New Netherlands.
-Payment to the Netherlands (5 points). It is noted Portugal has sufficient credit to cover this cost if necessary.
-Safe passage for the relics of St. Francis Xavier to either Portugal or Macau.

Portuguese negotiators note indignantly that the Netherlands already had to rescind their claims to rightful Portuguese land in South America, and thus their comments about Brazil are redundant. However, otherwise the terms are acceptable to the Portuguese Crown.

Game Note: These negotiations will be assumed to have taken place over the Winter 1716 turn; that turn of combat will still take place as schedule (well, behind schedule, because the mod is a grown child who has midterm exams, but you get what I mean)

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:00 pm

Americas Campaign

Winter, 1716

Negotiations back in Europe manage to bring the Portuguese-Dutch War to an end in a fairly decisive fashion in favor of the Dutch. Portugal has been ejected from the Indian Ocean and is left with one token presence in China, representative more of Dutch fears of the Qing, French, and English than any concerns that the war with Portugal will end against them. However, though the news of the peace is able to reach the Dutch and Portuguese European fleets before they embark on a series of (what would have been) audacious maneuvers, the various colonial forces are already in motion when couriers begin to sail across the ocean.

The Dutch West Indies Company and the Polish Courlander company had been in negotiations over the tail-end of 1715 to engage in a series of offensive maneuvers against the Portuguese in Brazil, and thus when the year begins set those plans into motion. A joint Dutch-Polish fleet meets at Trinidad before sailing on down the coast towards the Portuguese fortress at Fortaleza. The combined force arrives in early February, the height of the Brazilian summer (not that it really matters, this close to the equator) with a large host of mercenaries, pirates, marines, and other ne’er-do-wells intent on seizing the Portuguese fortress. Facing them is a sizeable Portuguese colonial garrison, primarily consisting of Brazilian units, prepared to defend their homes.

Battle of Fortaleza, February 5-7

-1 Fortress
-1 Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments

Dutch + Polish
-1 WIC Infantry Brigade
-3 WIC Light Infantry Regiments
-1 Dutch Marine Regiment
-3 Polish Light Infantry Regiments
-1 Polish Marine Regiment
-2 WIC BB2s (Brederode, Huis van Nassau)
-8 Dutch Frigates
-6 WIC Frigates
-6 Dutch PatRons
-6 WIC PatRons
-9 Polish BB2 (Jacob Kettler, Goldene Freiheit, Freundschaft, Eichenwald, Sejm des polnisch-litauischen Commonwealth, Schlacht von San Fernando, Sarmatian, Liberum Veto, Kurfürst)
-7 Polish FF1 (Saint George, Freundlichkeit, Weißer Adler, Keuschheit, Glück, Nächstenliebe, Sorgfalt)
-3 Polish PatRon

The combined Polish-Dutch fleet is concerned about the possibility of the Portuguese battle fleet re-emerging out of the distance, and thus is unwilling to sit through the effort of a blockade and siege. The fortress is under threat from both land and sea, and the defenders try to focus their heavy cannon fire towards the ocean and rely on the Brazilian defenders to keep the fortress from falling by land (Portugal gets +1 defensive roll and FF roll, but fortress is busy engaging the fleet and does not contribute to land battles).

The battle, though large in terms of colonial combat, consists primarily of colonial-sized units which often lack the firepower necessary to overwhelm a defensive position. Between the fortress and the size of the settlement (being one of the larger and older settlements in the new world) Fortaleza is a formidable defensive position. The desperate defenders score a critical coup when they manage to shatter the attackers key formation (the WIC infantry brigade, as well as a Polish LI reg) in the opening round of combat. The struggle stretches on into the night and the defenders manage to inflict more casualties (1 WIC LI Reg) though at heavy losses of their own (LI Reg and Mil Inf Brig both shattered).

Dawn of the second day brings little relief to the defenders. Though they’re able to use the morning to further reduce the attackers (1 Polish Marine regiment shattered at no losses) the day begins to take a turn for the worst. Afternoon combat sees the defenders reduced to a single militia infantry regiment (though they do also reduce another Polish LI reg). Meanwhile, the naval squadron has been continually barraging the defending fortress and between the attacks by land and sea the attackers have reduced it by mid-afternoon (by end of Turn 4 naval forces have reduced the fortress, but have lost 2 Dutch Frigates crippled and 1 Polish BB2 sunk by a critical hit).

The defenders hold on through another night, but on the third day the attackers are finally able to overwhelm the Brazilians between the force of their naval guns and their still superior (though much reduced) numbers.

Casualties of the Battle of Fortaleza

-1 Fortress destroyed
-1 Light Infantry Regiment destroyed
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade destroyed
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments destroyed

Dutch + Polish
-1 Polish BB2 sunk (Eichenwald)
-2 Dutch FF1s (4x) heavily damaged [4 turns, 1 point each to repair]
-1 WIC Infantry Brigade shattered, reduced to LI Reg
-1 WIC LI Reg shattered, destroyed
-1 Polish Marine Regiment shattered, destroyed [1 point to restored marine capacity]
-2 Polish LI Regs shattered, reduce to 1 LI Reg

The victors set about looting their hard-won prize and making plans for continuing their war against the Lusitanians. Dutch agents proceed to make contact with some of the quilombos, or runaway slave redoubts, deeper in the interior, trying to agitate them into open war against the Portuguese crown. Numerous churches and colonial treasuries are looted. However, the entire endeavor comes to a half when, barely two weeks after seizing the city, news arrives from Europe that Portugal and the Netherlands have technically been at peace for weeks. This leaves the Dutch and Poles in a somewhat awkward position, but they’re hardly mortified enough to return the booty they have seized from the Portuguese. The various fleets sail back towards their Caribbean bases by the end of February, lamenting that such massive bloodletting could not have been avoided due to the vicissitudes of the wind. The news is also similarly too late to arrive to save the Portuguese trade post at Sao Tome, which is captured by the Kurlanders—though they are made aware of the peace by the time they reach Guinea. The terms of the agreement do not include Poland, but the Kurlanders are hesitant to engage in combat without the cover of the Dutch war, and so withdraw.

Game Effect: Dutch and Poland gain .25 points, each, in 1717 from war booty. Fortaleza reduced to .5 income 1717, full income 1718. Trade post at Sao Tome is inoperable, but either Poland or Portugal can restore it with 2 points expended.

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Haven Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:47 pm

On the way out of Fortaleza, WIC troops happily burn whatever records weren't destroyed in the initial fighting and subsequent looting (ownership records, slave records etc.). Likewise, the fort's armory, including the weapons from the defeated Portuguese troops, is thrown open to the (non-Portuguese) public, free or slave, black or indian. The WIC might have to unhappily leave behind their dreams of retaking northern Brazil, but not without sowing what havoc they can for their Portuguese rivals and sugar-growing competitors.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:32 am


Fall, 1716

News of the peace in Europe scrambles the orders of the rapacious Polish and Dutch trading companies. On the cusp of wiping out the Portuguese African colonial empire, their gains have been wiped out by the machinations of limp-wristed diplomats in Europe—this is something for which the avaricious men of industry of the Polish and Dutch East India Companies will not stand. As such, while forced to recuperate and hide by the Atlantic cyclone season, once the weather has turned for the better their fleets begin to set out for plunder and glory.

The Polish and the Dutch decide, separately, that the peace will not interrupt their attempts to take the slave port of Luanda from Portugal’s hands. The Dutch East India Company has spent half the year sending its combined battlefleet from Batavia all the way to Cape Town, and is not interested in having wasted that effort merely to see them turn around. Separately, the Polish have decided to send a fleet from occupied Sao Tome to loot and seize Luanda. As the Poles have the benefit of distance, they arrive at Luanda first, to find that the navy they were seeking to engage long ago left Luanda. A raid on the port is considered, but the defensive positions of the Portuguese are too strong for their small marine force to overwhelm, and so they retreat in frustration.

The Dutch arrive a few weeks later, but their force is far more meaningful than that of Poland. They demand that the Portuguese garrison surrender—to the shock of the Portuguese, who retort that a state of peace has existed between Portugal and the Netherlands for months. The VOC emissary calls the Portuguese lying Papist dogs and burns the letter they provide to him as proof of the peace. The Portuguese angrily note that they will never surrender to back-stabbing curs, and fire back (ineffectively) at the Dutch fleet offshore.

Battle of Luanda, October 23

-1 Garrison Brigade

-Light Infantry regiment
-Marine Regiment
-6 BB2s
-12 Frigates
-5 Patrons

The Portuguese position is lightly defended, and the suppressing fire from the navy offshore makes short work of their defensive installations (Portugal gets FF turn but no defensive roll bonus). The Portuguese defenders are motivated by righteous fury and indignation and thus unload repeatedly into the attackers, firmly established behind their crumbling defensive works (Turn 1: Portugal rolls 0x FF, 1x MF, shattered Marine regiment. Dutch roll no hits). The Dutch continue their assault against the Portuguese, but are cut down by the tempestuous Lusitanians (Turn 2: Portugal rolls 1x FF, Dutch eliminated before being able to attack)

Casualties of the Battle of Luanda


-1 Light Infantry Regiment shattered, destroyed
-1 Marine regiment shattered, destroyed [1 point, 1 turn to repair marines]

The impotent Dutch, angry at their inability to seize the trading post, resort to simply pummeling it from the sea instead (Game Effect: Portuguese trading post knocked out of commission, 2 points to repair) before returning to Cape Town. Once the Dutch fleet has withdrawn the Portuguese make a desperate attempt to notify the remaining African colonies, and Europe, of Dutch and Polish perfidy—but find they are too late, for to the north the Polish have continued their unseemly rampage.

Battle of Guinea, November 5

-1 Garrison Brigade

-2 LI Regiment
-2 BB2
-3 FF1
-2 PatRon

As at Luanda, the “we’re at peace!” song and dance goes nowhere with the attackers—who, at least, can claim to have never been made privy to the peace negotiations, though their war against Portugal is, in essence, piracy. The Portuguese garrison also finds itself fighting from reduced defensive positions (FF turn, no defensive roll bonus) against the Polish attackers. Here, unlike in Luanda, the Poles are able to make more progress. Though the Portuguese fight viciously to defend themselves, they are overwhelmed by the attacking Polish (Turn 1: Portugal FF1x, MF0x, Poland 1x), who seize the colony from Portugal.

Casualties of the Battle of Guinea

-1 Garrison Brigade destroyed

-1 LI Regiment shattered, destroyed

Having seized control of the Guinea coast, the Polish fleet sails for the smaller Portuguese islands at Cape Verde, which have been left with no formal defenses. Polish sailors ransack and pillage the islands in the degenerate manner befitting their Slavic race.

News of Polish and Dutch perfidy reaches Portugal by early December, and the Portuguese crown is thrown into an uproar. The Dutch ambassador is summoned by the Portuguese court and summarily told that Dutch East India Company has committed a heinous act of murder, and that no Portuguese funds will be given to the Netherlands as punishment for this grievous transgression of the peace agreement. The Polish ambassador is summoned only to be expelled from the country, being told that the sins of the Polish East India Company will only be atoned with Polish blood.

Combatant Forces, end of 1716


Fixed Installations
-5 Fortresses (Lisbon, Porto, Salvador, Recife, Bahia)
-6 Garrisons (Luanda, Rio Grande, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Maranhao)
-6 Brazilian Militia Infantry Regiments (2x Salvador, 2x Recife, 1x Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro)

-9 BB2s (Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Nossa Senhora da Assunção, São Lourenço, Rainha dos Anjos, Nossa Senhora das Necessidades, Nossa Senhora da Piedade, Nossa Senhora da Luz, Nossa Senhora do Pilar, Princesa do Céu)
-17 Frigates (Ulisses, Venus, Active, Amazonia, Tritao, Real Fonsor (Secondary flag), Perola, Tritao, Zambeze, Gaivota, Diligente, Cachalote, Barracudo, Tridente, Narval, Hidra, Albacora)
-11 PatRon
-3 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Light Infantry Brigade

-1 Light Infantry Brigade


Fixed Positions
-4 Fortresses (Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Trinidad)
-10 Garrison Brigades (Warsaw, Gdansk, Krakow, Lwow, Smolensk, Riga, Talinn, Kiev, Congo, Bombay)
-1 Militia Brigade (Konigsburg)
-1 Militia Regiment (Trinidad)

-4 Infantry Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigades

-3 PatRon

-1 LI Regiment
-2 BB2 (Jacob Kettler, Golden Liberty)
-3 FF1 (Saint George, Kindness, White Eagle)
-2 PatRon

-7 BB2 (Amity, The Sejm of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Battle of San Fernando, Sarmatian, Liberum Veto, Elector)
-4 FF1 (Chastity, Fortune, Charity, Diligence)
-3 PatRon

-4 FF1 (Patience, Abstinence, Vistula, Black Eagle)
-6 PatRon

-3 BB2 (Warsaw, Thunderbolt, Virgin Mary)
-4 FF1 (Daugava, Hussar, Humility, Gdansk)
-6 PatRons

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Lefty Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:56 am

On return to Warsaw, the Polish Ambassador makes course to London to protest treatment of the New Courland Company and Poland in general.

First, the Polish Ambassador takes orders from Poland, not the Company, and severing ties with the Commonwealth is a serious breach of diplomatic protocol.

Second, no representatives participated in or were even invited to peace talks, so Portuguese outrage over the Company's actions is unfounded. How can an agreement be broken if the Company was not party to the agreement.

The Ambassador petitions the English Commonwealth to temper the hostility of the Portuguese Court and bring this situation to a peaceful close.

He similarly sends envoys to the Spanish and French courts to assist Poland's efforts at securing a reasonable peace.

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Kilani Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:34 pm

While the Commonwealth is sympathetic to the Polish position, it was Polish subjects who have attacked, without cause, Portuguese outposts without a declaration of war from the Polish Commonwealth; they recommend that the Poles disavow the actions and bring their India Company to heel, before they are embroiled in a deeper war. Still, the English and Scottish Commonwealth is willing to act as an intermediary and will recommend to the Portuguese that these actions be treated as the acts of pirates and rogues rather than those of the Polish state.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Lefty Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:44 pm

Kilani wrote:While the Commonwealth is sympathetic to the Polish position, it was Polish subjects who have attacked, without cause, Portuguese outposts without a declaration of war from the Polish Commonwealth; they recommend that the Poles disavow the actions and bring their India Company to heel, before they are embroiled in a deeper war. Still, the English and Scottish Commonwealth is willing to act as an intermediary and will recommend to the Portuguese that these actions be treated as the acts of pirates and rogues rather than those of the Polish state.

The Polish Ambassador agrees that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will address the issue of oversight of the Company in the upcoming Sejm. However, he reiterates that their actions were undertaken after a declaration of war by the Company, and so should be treated under the rules of war. Poland will send a representative to peace talks to represent the company.

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Haven Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:04 pm

The Dutch ambassador responds aghast at the news, that likewise to him, comes as a surprise. The ambassador apologizes repeatedly for the, unfortunate, event in Luanda and the actions of the VOC. Assurances are granted that the VOC be brought to to abide by the terms of the agreement signed between the Netherlands and Portugal. It is noted however, that while the aggression was an affront, Portugal's remaining empire is still whole and, perhaps righteously so, the VOC seems to have suffered for their transgression in their bloody failure. The ambassador notes that by and large the Netherlands has abided by the agreement, to Portugal's advantage, pointing to the return of Fortaleza and the demobilization of the American and European fleets, and guarantees the VOC will be dealt with. The ambassador further notes that the Netherlands in no way desires continued conflict between the nations, or between the Dutch companies and Portugal, however, even in spite of the VOC's transgressions, it is not acceptable for Portugal to unilaterally decide to void clauses of the signed agreement as they choose. If Portugal decides to not pay the agreed upon sum to the Netherlands, this will be viewed as a breach and the Netherlands will likewise reserve the right to unilaterally act in counter to any clause of its choosing at a time of its choosing as the Netherlands desires.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by TLS Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:29 pm

Haven wrote:The Dutch ambassador responds aghast at the news, that likewise to him, comes as a surprise. The ambassador apologizes repeatedly for the, unfortunate, event in Luanda and the actions of the VOC. Assurances are granted that the VOC be brought to to abide by the terms of the agreement signed between the Netherlands and Portugal. It is noted however, that while the aggression was an affront, Portugal's remaining empire is still whole and, perhaps righteously so, the VOC seems to have suffered for their transgression in their bloody failure. The ambassador notes that by and large the Netherlands has abided by the agreement, to Portugal's advantage, pointing to the return of Fortaleza and the demobilization of the American and European fleets, and guarantees the VOC will be dealt with. The ambassador further notes that the Netherlands in no way desires continued conflict between the nations, or between the Dutch companies and Portugal, however, even in spite of the VOC's transgressions, it is not acceptable for Portugal to unilaterally decide to void clauses of the signed agreement as they choose. If Portugal decides to not pay the agreed upon sum to the Netherlands, this will be viewed as a breach and the Netherlands will likewise reserve the right to unilaterally act in counter to any clause of its choosing at a time of its choosing as the Netherlands desires.

Portugal again refuses to pay any indemnity to the Dutch crown. If the Netherlands are unable to keep their forces in line, that is not the problem of Portugal, and their forces have violated the peace and spilled precious Portuguese blood. The Netherlands has not "by and large" abided by the peace if, 8 months after the signing of peace, her forces attack Portugal unprovoked and fully informed by the terms of peace.

Portugal is willing to subtract the cost of repairing Luanda from the reparations paid to the Netherlands, but notes it will be unable to make any payments to the Dutch Republic until the end of hostilities with Poland. If the Netherlands desires its money sooner, it should intercede with their wayward allies.

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Kilani Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:34 pm

The Commonwealth notes that it views the rogue actions of the Polish India Company with grave concern and that, in the interest of protecting its own interests against potential depredations in the future, may be forced to act.


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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Lefty Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:44 pm

Kilani wrote:The Commonwealth notes that it views the rogue actions of the Polish India Company with grave concern and that, in the interest of protecting its own interests against potential depredations in the future, may be forced to act.

The Polish Ambassador notes that New Courlander Company forces are legal agents of the Company, who issued a declaration of war. He suggests that the English Commonwealth act to bring Portugal to the peace table, since it was unwilling to initiate peace with the Company before.

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Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717) Empty Re: Portuguese Colonial War (1714 - 1717)

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:11 pm

In France the King is furious that again ostensibly trading companies are pretending to be nation states. More so as the Dutch East India Company attacks are deliberate violations of the peace treaty which as subjects of the Dutch Government they are required to honor. The Poles are viewed with a certain puzzlement as France is aware of no formal declaration of war, merely rumors that the Polish Company complained to the Polish Crown about Portuguese officialdom.

Orders are issued that unless a formal declaration of war is issued by either the Dutch or Polish government, any Dutch or Polish trading company warship seen to attack any merchant or naval vessel, regardless of the nation, is to be considered piracy and if French naval vessels are in sight of such, they have permission to intervene as the seas should be made safe from piracy, no matter the nationality.

A note to this effect is handed over to the Polish and Dutch Ambassadors, along with strong urging that their trading companies be brought to heel.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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