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Regions of the World as of 1701

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Regions of the World as of 1701 Empty Regions of the World as of 1701

Post by TLS Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:25 am

North America

English North America

Newfoundland (RL Newfoundland, St Pierre)
original English colony founded in 1502,
Population: 25,000 people
Port: St Johns
Resources Grand Banks Fishery with 1 resources, 1 commercial fleet
NATIVE POPULATION: none of the original natives remain

New England (RL Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire, Southern Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut) founded in the 1590s by mixture of English Separatists, Scots Presbyterians and Irish Dissenters.
Population: 100,000
Ports: Boston
Towns: Worcester, Providence, New Haven
Villages: Concord, Springfield
Resources: 2 commercial fleets, resources 1 ( Lumber)
NATIVE POPULATION: local tribes have been shattered and only a few thousand individuals remain

Dutch North America

New Netherlands (RL Eastern New York[the Hudson River valley and Long Island], New Jersey, Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland)
settled in the 1600s by the Dutch, but population bolstered by those fleeing the essentially theocratic regime of New England as well as Mennonites from Germany. Settlement of the colony was light up until the aftermath of the war with England which devastated much of the country, sending impoverished Dutchmen fleeing to the colony.  
Population: 100,000, 60% of Dutch extraction, 20% English, 10% German, 10% slave
Ports: New Amsterdam (RL Manhattan), New Rotterdam (Philadelphia)
Towns: Trenton, Annapolis, Wilmington,
Villages: Albany
Resources: 4 (1 Lumber, 1 Fur, 1 agriculture, 1 slaves--mostly corn and wheat, but some tobacco down north of the Potomac)
Iroquoian Confederacy 50,000 people, located along the west of the Hudson River except for the area around Buffalo and Niagara, the other tribes that lived in this region are extinct or moved west and were absorbed by the various Iroquoians. If on good terms, can raise 2 brigades of light infantry if requested, 4 if angered. They also have 2 resources (FUR 2)
Shawnee (50,000) who control the Allegheny Mountains. The colonial border stops at their border, and points west are part of the French Ohio. The Shawnee have 1 light infantry brigade, and can field 3 others if irritated

French North America

Canada (RL Quebec limited to area within 100 miles of St Lawrence river)
founded in the 1580s, harsh climate keeps population small
Population: 50,000 people
Ports: Quebec City
City: Montreal
Towns: Trois-Rivieres
Resources: 1 commercial fleet (Great Lakes), 2 resources (fur 1, timber 1)

Acadia: (RL New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Maine, northern Vermont (down to the tip of the Lake Champlain basin), northern New Hampshire)
Historical frontier with the English colonies to the south, some push to greater settlement after the victory over the Commonwealth but still a very small population--indeed, almost smaller than the native population of the region
Population: 20,000
Towns: Port-Royale
Villages: Portland, St. John, Montpelier, Louisbourg
Resources: 1 Lumber
NATIVE POPULATION: Abenaki (20,000), Mohicans (10,000)

Illinois (Ohio Valley:Western Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, Southern Manitoba)
Population: Only 2,000 Frenchmen (primarily fur traders, but including priests) live in the vast Illinois territory.
Towns: Cahokia
Trading posts: Fort Frontenac, Fort Detroit, Mackinac, Fort St. Louis, Fort Pimiteoui
Resources: (each trading posts generates .25 points, plus 2 resources are provided by trade with the natives), 2 river fleets (serving Great Lakes and the Rivers)
NATIVE POPULATION: Kickapoo, Shawnee, Miami, Illinois, Huron, Fox and Sauk, Chippawa, Winnepago, Algonquins, total population 250,000 but these tribes do not act in concert

Hudson Bay
After the war with the Commonwealth, France finally made good on its claims to control of the trade on Hudson's Bay. The English presence was always predicated solely on trading, however, and thus life goes on much as it did before, just with a handful of new French traders.
Population: A handful of Europeans manning the trading posts.
Trading posts at Chisasibi,  Churchill, and Moosonee
Resources: each trading post generates .25 points a year income, mostly ivory (Walrus), furs, and whale oil
NATIVE POPULATION: Inuit, Assissiboine (numbers are unknown, but fairly numerous and widespread)(no organization large enough to field significant military power)

Irish North America

Virginia and Carolina (RL coastal plain / tidewater area of  Virginia, N Carolina, S Carolina, Georgia)
settled in the 1560s, initially with trading posts and gradually in the early 1600s has become devoted to tobacco, indigo, rice, and corn in large plantations and smaller homesteads (corn). These colonies feeds the West Indies as well.
Population: 150,000 white (30% English Catholic, 20% English Anglican, 10% English Puritan, 10% Scots-Irish Presbyterian, 10% Irish Catholic) and 75,000 Black Slaves. The population of more secular, less radical colonists threw in with the Stuarts in the "War of the Restoration" (as it is known in Irish historiography) but remains fundamentally English in its outlook. The large plantation classes were Anglican during the English periods--as the Puritans abstained from the business and Catholics were disenfranchised--but with the return of a Catholic monarch many "reverted" to Catholicism and Catholics were returned to full rights.
Ports: Hampton, Wilmington, Charleston
Towns: Richmond, Savannah, Columbia
villages: Charlotte, Greensboro, Augusta, Macon
Resources: 3 (Agriculture, Tobacco, Slaves)
NATIVE POPULATION: the Piedmont and mountain areas as well as the Shenandoah Valley are still held by the natives. Saponi are predominant in the north (20,000, 1 LI B and can raise 1 more) and the Cherokee (50,000, 2 light infantry brigades and can raise another 4 if angered) along Carolina, though other tribes are in the mix as well such as the Tuscarora, Yamasee, Muskogee. The tribes are just as, if not more, likely to fight amongst themselves as with the Irish.

Bermuda (treat as a town)

Bahamas (Nassau, treat as a town)
both are Crown Colonies with no significant natives either ever present or remaining.

Austrian North America

Philippia (RL Louisiana and coastal Mississippi)
settled in the 1600s by French colonists, with some Walloons arriving later. White population largely nonplussed by change in colonial overlordship to Austria, which they have only just become aware of due to the arrival of Austrian administrators.
Population: 25,000 White French Catholics, 10,000 Black slaves
Port: New Orleans
Villages: Mobile, Baton Rouge
resources: 1 (Agriculture, mostly Sugar)
NATIVE POPULATION: has died off or moved inland

Last edited by TLS on Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:25 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Regions of the World as of 1701 Empty Re: Regions of the World as of 1701

Post by TLS Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:31 pm

Caribbean, Central, and South America

Spanish America

Consists of the Caribbean Territories plus the Viceroyalties of La Plata, Peru, and New Spain and is the largest in size, population and wealth of all the colonies in the New World.

Caribbean Territories( consists of RL Florida, Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic part), Puerto Rico, and the Cayman Islands)
Populations: (counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included)
Cuba- 100,000 (includes 30% Black slave population)
Puerto Rico- 75,000 (includes 6,000 Black slaves)
Hispaniola – 50,000 (includes 50% Black slave population)
Cuba, and Puerto Rico are heavily settled, while Florida and Hispaniola are mostly wilderness
Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo
villages: St Augustine, Pensacola (both in FL)
Resources: Cuba 2 (agriculture, slave importation), Santo Domingo 1

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations: (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted)
Colombia- 400,000
Venezuela – 150,000
Panama – 25,000 (includes 5,000 slaves)(plus another 50,000 escaped slaves, Native Americans and various others living in the jungle)
Ports: Panama, Portobelo, Cartagena
Towns: Bogota, Medellin
Resources: Colombia 1 (agriculture) (Bogota)

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacremento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada)
population: 1.2 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types)
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco
Towns: Mexico City
resources: Chihuauha 2 (silver), Leon 1 (silver), Mexico City 1 (agriculture)

Dependencies of New Spain:

Guatemala (RL Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga, Belize)
Population: 100,000 colonials (5% Spanish, remainder Mestizo), plus a sizeable Native American population remains but is shrinking
Resources: Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujilo 1 (Silver)
the Miskito Coast has a very large population of Indians, escaped slaves, and outsiders who are holding back the Spanish

New Mexico (includes Colorado)
Population:  10,000 (5% Spanish, 95% Mestizo) plus 5,000 Mission Indians
village: Santa Fe

population: 2,000 (1% Spanish, 99% Mestizo) plus 1,000 Mission Indians
outposts: San Antonio, El Paso, Goliad

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile)
population: 1 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia
Port: Calloa, Valparaiso
Towns: Lima, Potosi
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 5 (Silver), Lima 1 (agriculture)

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 200,000 (10% Spanish, 90% Mestizo) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands
Port: Buenos Aires
Resources: Buenos Aires (1 agriculture)

Portuguese America

Ports: Salvador
Resources: Recife 1, Fortaleza 1, Bahia 1 (all agriculture)
Population: 1 million (10% Portuguese, 30% Mestizo, 30% Native American, 30% Black slaves)
Slave Import Center: Salvador

Dutch West Indies

The Dutch West India Company has a monopoly on Dutch colonial ventures in the Caribbean

Dutch Caribbean
Aruba, Curacao, St Maartin, Bonaire, St Eustatius, Saba, Guyana, Suriname
Population: 30,000 people (80% Black slaves), varies per island.
Village: Paramaribo
Resources: Each possession is worth .25 points (generally sugar cane production, though Aruba's value is found in livestock feeding the rest of the region as it is too arid for agriculture)
Natives: 50,000 Indians in the jungles beyond the coast in Dutch Guyana, intermixing with the runaway slaves.

French Carribbean

French West Indies (Haiti, Guadalupe, Martinique, Saint Martin, St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados, St Kitts and Nevis, , Virgin Islands, Montserrat, French Guiana)
Population: 50,000 total (10% white, 5% mix, 85% black slaves)
Trading Post: Port-au-Prince
Resources: Each island each worth .25, 4 total

Courlander Caribbean

Trinidad and Tobago
Population: 10,000 total (10% white, 90% slave)
Town: Port of Spain
Resources: 1 (Sugar)

Austrian Caribbean

Population: 15,000 total (10% white, 90% slave)
Town: Erzherzogsberg (RL Kingston)
Resources: 1 (Sugar)

Last edited by TLS on Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:27 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Regions of the World as of 1701 Empty Re: Regions of the World as of 1701

Post by TLS Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:01 pm


Commonwealth of England and Scotland
England and Wales:
Population: 8 Million People (35% Puritans/Congregationalists, 30% Presbyterians, 20% Anglicans, 10% Catholic, 5% Misc Dissenters)
Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol
Financial Center: London
Entrepot: London
Craft Centers: London 1, Birmingham 1
Resources: 5 resources (1 London, 1 Manchester, 1 Birmingham, Cardiff, Portsmouth), 6 commercial fleets

Population: 2 Million People
Craft Centers: 1 Glasgow
Ports: Edinburgh
Resources: 2 Resources (Glasgow, Edinburgh), 1 commercial fleet

Kingdom of Ireland
Population: 5 Million People (60% Irish Catholic, 5% English Catholic, 15% Scottish Presbyterian, 10% English Puritan, 5% English Anglican, 5% Irish Puritan)
Ports: Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Financial Center: Dublin
Craft Centers: 2 (1 Dublin, 1 Belfast)
Resources: 3 (1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Cork), 6 commercial fleets

Kingdom of France
Population: 20 million
Ports: Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Lille
Financial Center: 1 Bordeaux (represents French East India Company)
Craft Centers: Paris 1, Lille 1, Metz 1, Marseilles 1
Resources: 8 Resources (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy) 8 commercial fleets

Kingdom of Naples (Controlled by the Dauphin of France, technically a separate legal entity until the King dies)
Population: 4 million
Port: Naples
Craft Center: Naples
Resources: 1 Palermo, 1 commercial fleet

Kingdom of Spain (Spain, Sardinia, and Oran, Ceuta, and Melilla)
Population: 11 Million People
Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena
Craft Centers: 1 Madrid, 1 Barcelona
Resources: 4 Resources (1 Madrid, 1 Barcelona, 1 Seville, 1 Sardinia), 6 commercial fleets

Electorate of Bavaria (father of the King of Spain is Elector of Bavaria, de facto dynastic union)
Population: 3 million people
Craft Center: 1 Munich
Resources: 1 Munich

Kingdom of Portugal
Population: 2.5 Million People
Ports: Lisbon, Porto
Craft Center: 1 Lisbon
Resources: 1 Lisbon, 1 Porto, 5 commercial fleets

United Provinces of Netherlands
Population: 2 Million People
Financial Centers: Amsterdam
Port: Rotterdam
Entrepot: Amsterdam
Craft Centers: Rotterdam 1, Amsterdam 1
Resources: 1 fishing fleet, 10 commercial fleets

Dutch East India Company 1 financial center (Rotterdam, represents shareholders), 6 commercial fleets + overseas holdings

Dutch West India Company 1 financial center (Hoorn, represents shareholders), 6 commercial fleets + overseas holdings

Ottoman Empire (Directly controlled: Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Levant, Egypt, Iraq)
Population: 6 Million People
Port: Constantinople
Resource: 1 Constantinople
Resources: 2 (1 Ankara, 1 Cyprus)

Ottoman Europe  (Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Hungary)
Population: 9 Million People
Port: Athens
Craft Center: 1 Budapest
Resources: 3 Resources (1 Sofia, 1 Sarajevo, 1 Budapest)

Middle East (Egypt to Syria)

Population: 6.5 Million People
Port: Alexandria, Basra
Craft Centers: Cairo 1, Damascus 1, Baghdad 1
Resources: 5 Resources (1 Cairo, 1 Alexandria, 1 Damascus, 1 Mecca)

Ottoman Vassals: (Note: Vassals pay excess income to the Sultan, but in effect this means that their vassalage consists more of military assistance than financial)

Barbary Coast (From Morocco to Libya):
Population: 2 Million People
Ports: 2 Ports (Algiers, Tunis)
Resource: 1 Resource (Algiers)

Upper Hungary (Slovakia)
Population: 500,000
Resources: 1 (Pressburg/Bratislava)

Population: 500,000
Resources: 1 (Bucharest)

Population:: 500,000
Resources: 1 (Alba Iulia)

Moldavia: (Historical region of Moldavia, plus Moldova)
Population: 500,000
Resources: 1 (Iassy)

Zaporizhian Sich (South-Central Ukraine, roughly Mikholaiv, Kirovohrad, and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts)
Population: 500,000

Crimean Khanate (Crimean Peninsula, Southern Ukraine (Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donestk Oblasts), Azov, modern Kuban Republic)
Population: 500,000
Ports: Azov

Last edited by TLS on Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:29 pm; edited 19 times in total

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Regions of the World as of 1701 Empty Re: Regions of the World as of 1701

Post by TLS Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:07 pm

Europe (Cont.)

Russian Empire (RL Russia less eastern Siberia)
Population: 20 Million
Craft Centers: 1 Moscow
Resources: 5 Resources (1 Moscow, 1 Kiev, 1 Smolensk, 1 Kharkov, 1 Tver)

Population: 50,000 people
Trading Posts: Omsk, Yekaterinaburg, Novosibirsk

Kingdom of Sweden (includes Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Karelia, Western Pomerania)
Population: 2 million
Ports: Stockholm, Stettin, Malmo, Helsinki
Craft Centers: 1 Stockholm, 1 Gothenburg
Resources: 6 resources (Helsinki, Riga, Talinn, Malmo, Stockholm, Gothenburg), 4 commercial fleets

Kingdom of Denmark (Denmark, Norway, Iceland)
Population: 1.5 million
Ports: Copenhagen, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim
Craft Center: Copenhagen
Resources: 1 Narvik, 1 Aalborg, 8 commercial fleets

Habsburg Empire (currently holds the title Holy Roman Emperor) (Austria, Bohemia, Venice, Milan, Austrian Netherlands, Silesia)
Population: 12 million
Port: Venice, Antwerp
Craft Centers: 1 Vienna, 1 Prague, 1 Venice, 1 Milan, 1 Antwerp
Resources: 4 (Vienna, Brussels, Milan, Prague), 4 commercial fleets

Population: 6 Million
Ports: 1 (Gdansk)
Craft Center: 1 Warsaw, 1 Krakow
Resources: 4 (Warsaw 1, Lemburg 1, Vilnius 1, Krakow 1), 2 commercial fleets

Electorate of Saxony (King of Poland is Elector of Saxony, de facto dynastic union)
Population: 3 million
Craft Center: 1 Leipzig
Resources: 1 Leipzig

Electorate of Brandenburg-Prussia (Note: the circumstances surrounding the historical elevation to the Kingdom in Prussia have not occurred)
Population: 4 Million
Craft Center: 1 Berlin, 1 Konigsberg
Resources: Berlin, Konigsberg

European Minors of Note:

Population: 2 Million
Port: Nice
Resource: Turin

The Palatinate
Population: 3 million
Craft Center: Cologne
Resource: Cologne

Papal States
Population: 1 Million
Craft Center: Rome
Resources: Rome

Republic of Genoa
Population: 1 Million
Port: Genoa
Craft Center: Genoa
Resources: 3 commercial fleets

Population: 2 million
Craft Center: Florence
Resource: Florence

Population: 1.5 Million
Ports: Casablanca, Tangiers

Last edited by TLS on Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:19 pm; edited 16 times in total

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Regions of the World as of 1701 Empty Re: Regions of the World as of 1701

Post by TLS Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:24 pm

Sub Saharan Africa
Most of Africa is unexplored, particularly once inland of the coast. To keep players from acting on historical knowledge, resources will not be placed on the map until they are found, and those finds will be randomly determined. There also will be some liberties taken with geography and the Tsetse Fly belt.

Ethopian Empire
ruled by the Solomonic Dynasty since 1270, RL Ethopia, diplomatic relations with Portugal, the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy, as well as Dutch and French East India Companies and the Ottoman Empire
prone to frequent famines on about a 25-40 year cycle (severe El Nino events)
population estimated at 250,000, and has no resources of note and does not control the coast

French Africa
Trading Post: 1 (Senegal)
Outpost: Reunion
Resources: 1 Senegal (Slaves)

Portuguese Africa
controls RL coast of Angola, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Portuguese Guinea
Trading Posts: 3 (Sao Tome, Luanda, Guinea)
Resources: 2 (Luanda, Guinea)

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea
Trading Posts: 2 (Fernando Po, Rio Muni)
Resources: 1 Rio Muni

Dutch East India Company
Villages: Capetown
Trading Posts: Walvis Bay, Diego Suarez, Dahomey, Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone
Resources: 2 (Gold Coast, Dahomey)

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: Gambia, Lagos, Congo
Resources: 1 Congo

other known areas
Sultanate of Zanzibar (Omani controlled)
Somaliland (Omani controlled)
Mombassa (Omani controlled)
Madagascar (several native groups via for control)
the entire African coast is reasonably well explored, as is the Nile Valley nearly to southern Sudan and Ethiopia. The Blue Nile past Sudan is not explored[/i][/i]

Last edited by TLS on Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:28 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Regions of the World as of 1701 Empty Re: Regions of the World as of 1701

Post by TLS Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:38 pm

Asia and Oceania

Severe inflation caused by the adoption of paper money (and the frequent overprinting of money by Ming Emperors) eventually brings about a wholesale economic collapse of the trading classes, leaving only the propertied and the peasants relatively untouched. The collapse of the tax base however means that the Ming are helpless against the Manchus (Qing) who by 1700 have conquered all of China proper, and are now eyeing Sinkiang, Tibet, Korea, and Indochina with considerable interest.
Population: 200 Million
Resources: Beijing, Shanghai, Canton
Port: Canton

Tibet, Sinkiang and Korea each have resources as well (1 Tibet, 2 each for Korea and Sinkiang) and millions of inhabitants. All three remain feudal or tribal states and are doomed if the Qing choose to move against them unless they receive outside help.

The Qing also control the Amur Valley and Mongolia, which contribute 1 resource each in tribute.

Shogunate of Japan
Japan remains sequestered under the Shogunate, only trading with the Dutch.
Population: 27 Million People
Ports: Nagasaki
Resource: Kyoto

Mogul Empire
remains at the height of its power in territory, but has fought exhausting wars for the last 27 years. It controls all of India but its army is overstretched, feudal in nature, and is facing growing threats from Hindu princes, the Sikhs, tribal raiders from the northwest, and inroads from the Europeans.
Population: 150 million
Resources: 1 Delhi, 1 Agra, 1 Hyderabad, 1 Lucknow

Courlander India
trading posts Bombay and Surat + 1 points of trade income

French East India Company
trading post Pondicherry, + 1 point of trade income

Portuguese Asia
Portuguese Goa (port)
Portuguese Timor (trading post)
Macau (port)
Daman and Diu (trading post)

Dutch East India Company (controls Dutch East Indies, Ceylon, presence in Southern India)
port Batavia
Trading posts Surabaya, Makassar, Ambon
plus special income of 2 points (Spices)

Dutch Ceylon
1 resource port Tricomlee

Dutch India
Trading Post (Cochin) + 1 point of trade income

Danish India
Trading Post (Serampore) + 1 point of trade income

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2.5 Million People
Port: Manila
Trading Posts: 2 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay)
Resources: Manila

Persian Empire
2 resources, 10 million people, plus 2 points of tribute from Turkistan (RL Soviet Central Asia)

Almost entirely unexplored and unknown, though traders to the Indies are aware of a larger landmass to the south of Timor, it appears dry, inhospitable, and undesirable.

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