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Der Deutscher Bund

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Der Deutscher Bund Empty Der Deutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:40 pm

Der Deutscher Bund 1260px12
Arms of the German Confederation

Der Deutscher Bund German12
Map of the German Confederation

National Statistics as of 1825
Population: 45 million
Official Name: German Confederation (Deutscher Bund)
Other Names: Germany
Official Languages: German
Recognised Languages: Low German, Czech, Polish, Italian, Frisian, Lower Sorbian, Kashubian
Official Religions: Catholic, Lutheran, and Reformed Protestantism
Official Currency: Reichsthaler

Political Organization
Political System: Federated Limited Representative Monarchy
Capital: Magdeburg
Head of State: Reichspräsident Duke von Metternich
Upper House: Königsrat, 20 sovereign lords
Lower House: Bundesversammlung, 150 representatives sent by constituent states. Only Hannover, the Rheinland, Swiss, and the Free Cities are elected.

States of the Confederation:

  1. Kingdom of Bavaria
  2. Kingdom of Brandenburg
  3. Kingdom of Hannover
  4. Kingdom of Saxony
  5. Kingdom of Württemberg
  6. Archduchy of Austria
  7. Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
  8. Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
  9. Grand Duchy of Baden
  10. Grand Duchy of Westphalia
  11. Margrave of Berg
  12. Margrave of Nassau
  13. Margrave of Hesse
  14. Duchy of Oldenburg
  15. Duchy of East Frisia
  16. Principality of Liechtenstein
  17. Thuringian League
  18. United Provinces of the Rhineland
  19. Swiss Confederation
  20. Council of Free Cities
    - Federal City of Frankfurt upon Main
    - Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
    - Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
    - Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck
    - Free City of Trieste and its Suburbs
    - Free City of Cracow

Associated States of the Confederation

  • Kingdom of Croatia and Dalmatia
  • Captaincy of Nitra

Last edited by Lefty on Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:03 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Age : 35

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Der Deutscher Bund Empty Re: Der Deutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:42 pm

Economy as of 1825

population: 45 million (peacetime taxation is paying for social/education/government services)
7 Production centers: Hamburg, Essen, Dusseldorf,Hannover, Berlin, Breslau, Prague (will reach TL 4 in 1835)
9 craft centers: Leipzig, Dresden, Stuttgart, Nuremburg, Munich, Vienna, Bratislavia, Trieste, Zagreb
8 Resources: Sudetenland (coal) Hanover (coal) Essen (iron), Hesse (food), Oder Valley (food), Chenmetz (coal), Danube valley (iron), Hartz Mountains (Coal)
110 Highway/Canals/Rhine traffic/Danube traffic (can begin converting to railroad 1835, converts 1 point to 2 points, covert 20 points annually beginning 1835)
10 Ports: Trieste, Hamburg
6 minor ports: Bremen, Stettin, Kolborg, Pola, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf
deep water shipping: 2 shipping units
Financial (commerce above 142 + 8 point bonus) 150
total home income: 292 points

National Debt: 2700 points (perpetual national debt, 5% interest)
available for builds: 1500 ground units (30% discount), 100 points fortification (no bonus), the Germans initially have no navy as it was destroyed during the war and never replaced.

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Der Deutscher Bund Empty Re: Der Deutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:43 pm

Military as of 1825
Active Duty: 724,500
Reserves: 1,235,000
Total Under Arms: 1,959,500  

Rhein Military District - HQ Siegen
1 Field Army (Siegen)
1 Field Army, 1 Engineer Brigade (Ulm)
1 Jaegerkorps (Dortmund)
1 Jaegerkorps (Heidelburg)

Alpine Military District - HQ Munich
1 Field Army (Innsbruck)
1 Field Army (Graz)
1 Jaegerkorps (Klagenfurt)

Eastern Military District - HQ Kurstrin
1 Field Army (Kurstrin)
1 Field Army, 1 Engineer Brigade (Breslau)
1 Jaegerkorps (Kattowitz)
1 Jaegerkorps (Cottbus)

Northern Military District - HQ Hannover
1 Jaegerkorps (Hamburg)

Federal Fortress Command
9 Fortified Area (Wesel, Koln, Coblenz, Mainz, Gemerscheim, Landau, Rastatt, Hamburg, Trieste)

22 Fortress (1 each: Emden, Meppen, Bremen, Lubeck ,Stettin, Kolberg, Cottbus, Breslau, Cracow, Wien, Klagenfurt, Pola, Rozen, Bern, Zurich, Dusseldorf, Siegen, Julich, Trier, Frankfurt am Main, Ulm, Basel)

22 Depots (1 at each location of a Grand, Field, or Reserve Field Army, plus Magdeburg and Klagenfurt, Zagreb, )

15 Reserve Field Armies (North [Bremen, Mecklenburg, Hannover] East [Stettin, Oppeln, Dresden] Alpine [Salzburg, Munchen, Prag] Rhein [Stuttgart, Freiburg, Nurnburg, Wesel, Bonn, Marburg])

52 Garrison Divisions (3 each: Wesel, Koln, Coblenz, Mainz, Gemerscheim, Landau, Rastatt, Hamburg, Trieste; 1 at each: Emden, Ludwigshaven, Meppen, Bremen, Lubeck, Stettin, Kolberg, Berlin, Cottbus, Breslau, Cracow, Wien, Klagenfurt, Pola, Rozen, Bern, Zurich, Dusseldorf, Siegen, Julich, Trier, Frankfurt am Main, Ulm, Basel, Magdeburg)

Bundesflotte - HQ Ludwigshaven
1 Fortress (Ludwigshaven)

German General Staff and War Academy
1 Fortress, 1 Engineer Brigade (Berlin)

Federal Guard
1 Fortress, 1 Jaegerkorps (Magdeburg)

Secret Police, Police Union, Attaché Network
Internal Spying up to 50 million, basic spying, and counterespionage

Army of Croatia and Dalmatia
1 Reserve field army (Sisak)
1 Fortress, 1 Garrison Division (Zagreb)
1 Fortress, 1 Garrison Division (Split)

Army of Nitra
1 Reserve field army (Nitra)
1 Fortress, 1 Garrison Division (Bratislava)
1 Fortress, 1 Garrison Division (Kosice)

Last edited by Lefty on Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:31 am; edited 4 times in total

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Age : 35

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Der Deutscher Bund Empty Re: Der Deutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Tue Apr 20, 2021 4:22 pm


9 Fortified Area (7 Rhineland (Wesel, Koln, Coblenz, Mainz, Gemerscheim, Landau, Rastatt) 1 Hamburg, 1 Trieste): 108/maint: 9/manpower: 135,000
25 Fortress (4 North (Emden, Meppen, Ludwigshaven, Bremen, Lubeck) 6 East (Stettin, Kolberg, Berlin, Cottbus, Breslau, Cracow) 6 Alpine (Wien, Klagenfurt, Pola, Rozen, Bern, Zurich) 7 Rhein (Dusseldorf, Siegen, Julich, Trier, Frankfurt am Main, Ulm, Basel) Capital (Magdeburg)): 100/maint: 6.25/manpower: 25,000
52 Garrison Division (27 with Fortified Areas, 25 with Fortress): 104/maint: 13/manpower: 260,000

6 Field Army (1 Siegen, 1 Ulm, 1 Breslau, 1 Innsbruck, 1 Vienna, 1 Berlin): 450/maint: 90/manpower: 390,000
15 Field Army Reserve North (Bremen, Mecklenburg, Hannover) East (Stettin, Oppeln, Dresden) Alpine (Salzburg, Munchen, Prag) Rhein (Stuttgart, Freiburg, Nurnburg, Wesel, Bonn, Marburg)): 405/maint: 48.75/manpower: 975,000
7 Jaegerkorps (2 Grand Army, 1 Klagenfurt, 1 Breslau, 1 Hamburg, Berlin, Magdeburg): 231/maint: 43.75/manpower: 112,000
3 Engineer brigade (1 Ulm, 1 Breslau, 1 Berlin): 6/maint: 3/manpower: 7,500
22 Depots (1 at each location of a Grand, Field, or Reserve Field Army, plus Magdeburg and Klagenfurt): 22/maint: 2.2/manpower: 55,000

Vassal Forces
2 Reserve Expeditionary Army (Sisak, Nitra)
4 Fortress (1 Zagreb, 1 Split, 1 Bratislava, 1 Kosice)
4 Garrison Division (1 Zagreb, 1 Split, 1 Bratislava, 1 Kosice)

Raw cost: 1500/maint: 228.95
Final cost: 1117.2/maint: 72.60

482.8 to debts

Last edited by Lefty on Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:48 am; edited 5 times in total

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Age : 35

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Der Deutscher Bund Empty Re: Der Deutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:41 pm

German Military of 1825

By 1825, the Military of the German Confederation was the integral institution. Nearly two decades of officers had gone through the War Academy in Berlin, which valued intelligence and skill over position and privilege. While the Aristocracy still existed and often only the rich could attend, the military as a whole proved to be a great equalizer, as all men participated.

The military was also highly influential, with the General Staff often swaying major decisions in its favor. Despite this, the military was also extremely popular due to its role in unification and the ousting of the Prussian monarchy.


In the years following the formation of the Bund, the Ministry of War and the General Staff formalized the reforms planned by Hardenburg, Stein, and Scharnhorst. Nearly two decades of educating the military officers in the War College and the creation of the German General Staff in 1814 allowed for a massive organization of the German military. As a part of the structuring of German society, each man would serve in the standing army for three years, the reserves for two years, and the Landwehr for a few weeks a year, administered under a separate command. All men until the age of 39 would also register with their local Landsturm militia, which would be administered by the states. These reserve and militia forces not only provided a reserve in time of war, but they also helped link military and civilian society.

With the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings, this structure was then implemented over the next decade. From a grand strategic point of view, Germany was surrounded, with many potential enemies: Danes and Swedes in the North held German lands, Prussian reactionaries occupied Poland, Hungary had allied with the Ottomans in the South, with Italy and the Dutch were unpredictable. However, the main existential threat remained France and its new Principate. To respond to this reality, four military districts were established to better organize defenses and give the Army the ability to respond to different threats simultaneously. A Northern Military District was Headquartered in Hannover, and would govern the northern ports and respond to conflicts against the Nordics and Dutch. The Eastern Military District was Headquartered west of Berlin. This district would govern forces along the Oder river and respond to threats from the reactionaries in Konigsburg and possibly Russia. The Alpine Military District was Headquartered in Munchen, and would be responsible for the largest stretch of land, from Silesia to Switzerland, and would also oversee the Armies of Croatia and Nitra. Lastly, the Rhein Military District governed forces from the Ems to Switzerland and was responsible for coordinating forces against France. Jaegerkorps -- which served so effectively in the War -- would be assigned to each major army. These units consisted of the elite forces, and also would serve as a Federal Guard in Magdeburg.

Lastly, a series of fortress areas were planned along the Rhein River and at the major ports. Smaller fortresses would be placed at key locations, protecting ports, rivers, and highways, as well as being staging points for mobilization. Landwehr forces would assist in garrisoning these, and it was firmly believed that nothing short of massive concentration of forces would defeat these emplacements along the Rhine.

Der Deutscher Bund Deutsc10
Map of German Deployments


While the Bund had no real navy to speak of beyond coastal guards, plans were drawn up to establish a major naval yard outside Oldenburg. Rumor has it, the territory will be named Ludwigshaven after the Bavarian King to gain his support for the effort.

Polizei und Geheimdienst

While the Austrian monarchy had a secret police, it wasn't until the rise of Metternich that its efforts were expanded to the entire Bund. The size of the Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police) is not accurately known, but it estimated to be 100 officials and thousands of informants. Their activities are only known to the Reichsprasident and his inner circle. What is known is that their efforts are largely directed at monitoring of mail and secret detention of Staatsverbrecher (political criminals). It is speculated that they also conduct limited foreign intelligence activities.

Overtly, in 1815 the Diet approved the creation of the Police Union of German States, an information sharing organization to track criminals who travel between the various states. The Union reports to the Central Investigating Agency in Frankfurt who gather information on subversives and major criminal organizations, although its capabilities are purely intelligence gathering, leaving police powers to the states.

Lastly, the General Staff assigned officers to each embassy to serve as military attaches. These talented, young officers would gather information on foreign militaries and report back to the Ministry of War and at times conduct more covert activities.

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Der Deutscher Bund Empty Re: Der Deutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Wed Apr 21, 2021 5:35 pm

Germany 1825 Build
Population: 45 million (peacetime taxation is paying for social/education/government services)
7 Production centers: Hamburg, Essen, Dusseldorf,Hannover, Berlin, Breslau, Prague (will reach TL 4 in 1835)
9 craft centers: Leipzig, Dresden, Stuttgart, Nuremburg, Munich, Vienna, Bratislavia, Trieste, Zagreb
8 Resources: Sudetenland (coal) Hanover (coal) Essen (iron), Hesse (food), Oder Valley (food), Chenmetz (coal), Danube valley (iron), Hartz Mountains (Coal)
110 Highway/Canals/Rhine traffic/Danube traffic (can begin converting to railroad 1835, converts 1 point to 2 points, covert 20 points annually beginning 1835)
10 Ports: Trieste, Hamburg
6 minor ports: Bremen, Stettin, Kolborg, Pola, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf
deep water shipping: 2 shipping units
Financial (commerce above 142 + 8 point bonus) 150
Total income: 292

Total Regular Spending: 210.6
Maintenance: 72.60
Intelligence: 8

Interest Payments (2217.2 at 1%): 22
Principal Payments (year 1/25): 108 (2217.2 remains)

Discretionary Spending: 81.4
1 Naval Yard, Ludwigshaven (year 1/10): 14.5 (0 remains, 42% discount)
8 Commercial Fleets (year 1/2): 13.92 (0 remains, 42% discount)
10 FF1 (year 1/4): 3.15 (3.15, 42% discount)
Extra Debt Payments: 49.83 (2167.37 remains)

Last edited by Lefty on Tue Apr 27, 2021 5:14 am; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 35

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Der Deutscher Bund Empty Re: Der Deutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:18 pm

Germany 1826 Build
Population: 45 million (peacetime taxation is paying for social/education/government services)
7 Production centers: Hamburg, Essen, Dusseldorf,Hannover, Berlin, Breslau, Prague (will reach TL 4 in 1835)
9 craft centers: Leipzig, Dresden, Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Munich, Vienna, Bratislavia, Trieste, Zagreb
8 Resources: Sudetenland (coal) Hanover (coal) Essen (iron), Hesse (food), Oder Valley (food), Chenmetz (coal), Danube valley (iron), Hartz Mountains (Coal)
110 Highway/Canals/Rhine traffic/Danube traffic (can begin converting to railroad 1835, converts 1 point to 2 points, covert 20 points annually beginning 1835)
10 Ports: Trieste, Hamburg
6 minor ports: Bremen, Stettin, Kolborg, Pola, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf
deep water shipping: 2 shipping units
Financial (commerce above 142 + 8 point bonus) 150
Total income: 292

Total Regular Spending: 210.27
Maintenance: 72.60
Intelligence: 8

Interest Payments (2167.37 at 1%): 21.67
Principal Payments (year 2/25): 108 (2059.37 remains)

Discretionary Spending: 81.73
Naval Yard (year 2/10): 0 (0 remains, 42% discount)
8 Commercial Fleets (year 2/2): 0 (0 remains, 42% discount)
10 FF1 (year 1/4): 3.15 (0 remains, 42% discount)
Extra Debt Payments: 78.58 (1980.79 remains)

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Age : 35

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Der Deutscher Bund Empty Re: Der Deutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Tue May 04, 2021 7:00 am

Germany 1827 Build
Population: 45 million (peacetime taxation is paying for social/education/government services)
7 Production centers: Hamburg, Essen, Dusseldorf,Hannover, Berlin, Breslau, Prague
9 craft centers: Leipzig, Dresden, Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Munich, Vienna, Bratislavia, Trieste, Zagreb
8 Resources: Sudetenland (coal) Hanover (coal) Essen (iron), Hesse (food), Oder Valley (food), Chenmetz (coal), Danube valley (iron), Hartz Mountains (Coal)
10 Ports: Trieste, Hamburg
6 minor ports: Bremen, Stettin, Kolborg, Pola, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf
10 Shipping units: 10 shipping units
100 Highway/Canals/Rhine traffic/Danube traffic
158 Financial (commerce above 150 + 8 point bonus)
Total income: 308

Total Regular Spending: 205.28
Maintenance: 69.47
Intelligence: 8

Interest Payments (1980.79 at 1%): 19.81
Principal Payments (year 3/25): 108 (1872.79 remains)

Discretionary Spending: 102.72
Naval Yard (year 3/10): 0 (0 remains, 42% discount)
8 Commercial Fleets (year 1/2): 6.96 (6.96 remains, 42% discount)
10 FF1 (year 2/4): 0 (0 remains, 42% discount)
Aid to Ottomans: 40
Aid to Wallachians: 5
Aid to Albanians: 5
Aid to Serbo-Croatia: 3
Rumelian Expeditionary Army: 25
Fortress (Vidin) (year 1/2): 4 (0 remains)
4 Forts (Plovdiv, Sofia, Varna, Burgas): 8
Intelligence for Rumelia and Serbo-Croatia: 3
Food and aid: 2.76

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Age : 35

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