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Norddeutscher Bund

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Thu Jan 07, 2021 3:58 pm

Norddeutscher Bund 1024px-Middle_Arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_Prussia_1873.svg

Norddeutscher Bund Ngc_fi12

National Statistics as of 1798
Population: 13 million (2.6 million Poles)
Official Name: North German Confederation (Norddeutscher Bund)
Other Names: Confederation, North Germany
Official Languages: German
Recognised Languages: Low German, Polish, Danish, Frisian, Lower Sorbian
Official Religions: Lutheran and Reformed Protestantism
Prestige: B
Credit Rating: B

Political Organization
Political System: Federated Limited Representative Monarchy
Capital: Magdeburg
Head of State: Reichspräsident Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia
Upper House: Königsrat, 12 sovereign lords
Lower House: Bundesversammlung, 150 representatives sent by constituent states. Only Hannover and the Free Cities are elected.

States of the Confederation:

  1. Kingdom of Prussia
    * Markgrafschaft Brandenburg
    * Herzogtum Schlesien
    * Herzogtum Preußen
    * Großherzogtum Westfalen
    * Grafschaft Ostfriesland
    * Herzogtum Ansbach-Bayreuth
  2. Kingdom of Hannover
    * Königreich Hannover
    * Landgrafschaft Hessen-Kassel
  3. Kingdom of Saxony
  4. Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
  5. Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
  6. Thuringian League
  7. Duchy of Oldenburg
  8. Margrave of Berg
  9. Margrave of Nassau
  10. Margrave of Hesse
  11. Duchy of Franconia
  12. Free Cities of Hamburg, Lubeck, Bremen, and Frankfurt

Last edited by Lefty on Sun Jan 17, 2021 2:59 pm; edited 11 times in total

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:02 pm

Economy as of 1797

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Craft Center: 18 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Essen, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 13 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Dortmund, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt )
Commercial Fleet: 6.5 (13 fleets)
Base Income = 49.25

Last edited by Lefty on Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:03 pm

Military as of Spring 1805
Manpower Breakdown
Regulars: 361,500 (out of 450,000 limit)
Militia/Reserves: none (out of 450,000  limit)
When Mobilized: 1,500,000 max


Rheinarmee - Dusseldorf (65,000 men)
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Armee von Westfalen - Munster (65,000 men)
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Armee von Franken - Essen (65,000 men)
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Armee von Preußen - Weisbaden (65,000 men)
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Jägerkorps - Dusseldorf (15,500 men)
3 rifle divisions, 1 artillery battalion

Specialized Units
1 Engineer brigade - Dortmund (1,000 men)

Fixed Positions
9 Fortresses - (Dusseldorf, Weisbaden, Mannheim, Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Danzig, Stettin) (9,000 men)
12 Garrison divisions - (2 Bremen, 2 Hamburg, Weisbaden, Mannheim, Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Danzig, Stettin) (60,000 men)

2 supply depot - (Essen, Dusseldorf) (10,000 men)

Königlich Preußische Marine
6 Brigs - 2 Emden, 2 Lubeck, 2 Danzig (6,000 men)

Last edited by Lefty on Thu Mar 18, 2021 6:12 am; edited 2 times in total

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:23 pm

Drei Diet

As the new year began, it seemed as if the Confederation project might not survive the year. Failure on the battlefield combined with domestic pressure at home and Prince Louis Ferdinand's detention in Koln threatened to bring further chaos to the lands between the Rhine and the Elbe. However, some deft diplomacy in the early months of the year by Karl August von Hardenburg give new hope to the Confederate -- and reformist -- causes. By April, with Prussian forces occupying the soon-to-be mediatisized lands of the former Empire, the Reichsprasident and Von Hardenburg return to Magdeburg to establish their new order.

The Prince realizes his political influence is limited, and seeks to establish a cabinet of qualified men (Staatsministerium) to implement proposed reforms. He first selects Von Hardenburg to serve as his Chancellor, and chooses similarly reformist-minded men to serve as ministers of state, finance, justice, foreign affairs, and war. Beyond the Staatsministerium, the Prince selects Baron vom Stein, currently serving as Prussia's director of the board of war and domains for the western domains, as Kammerdirektor for all newly mediastisized lands of the Confederation.

Mediatisierung consumes the Bundesrat for most of 1796. While the Prussian delegations generally dominate, Hannover is able to secure significant gains in Osnabruck and Brunswick. Three Marches are created out of core state: Nassau, Hesse, and Berg. Secularized lands around the Main River are consolidated into the Duchy of Franconia, and granted to a Mediatisized lord. The various lords of the Thuringian states prove to be especially stubborn regarding their rights. Eventually a compromise is reached, and the Duke of Saxe-Weimar is elevated to Grand Duke and granted leadership of a newly created Thuringian League. Oldenburg and the Mecklenburgs retain their lands, aside from a few minor changes. The Principalities of Lippe-Detmold and Waldeck manage to secure their rights (and even a few gains) due to some well-orchestrated diplomacy. Prussia's gains are relatively moderate. It's lands in the Ruhr are consolidated with the Duchy of Westphalia, and Ansbach and Bayreuth are placed under a joint administration. The modest territorial gains mask a greater influence: the leadership of the Confederation as well as the Army are almost entirely dominated by Prussians.

Despite the reform-mindedness of many in Magdeburg, it proves to be largely administrative. A postal service is officially established, and plans are set to establish a joint coinage based on the Prussian currency. Trade remains a barrier, and Von Hardenburg pledges to address the issue in the coming years. Political rights, however, remain far out of reach beyond Hannover. Many talk of emancipation of serfs and even more liberal ideas, but Junker mindsets still dominate for now.

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:48 pm

1796 Build
With peace established, most funds are directed towards repaying the numerous debts accrued. The Confederation takes on the debt of the various constituent states. Additional funds are set aside to develop a merchant fleet to increase revenue.

Peacetime Taxes: 3.5 (13 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Craft Center: 14 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden)
Resource: 12 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Dortmund, Munster, Oldenburg)
Commercial Fleet: 6.5 (13 fleets)
Base Income = 43.75

Miscellaneous Income = 0

Total income = 43.75

Maintenance: 17.35
Army of Westphalia: 3.25
Army of Hesse: 3.25
Army of Franconia: 3.25
Army of Brandenburg: 3.25

6 Fortresses: 1.5
5 Garrison Divisions: 1.25
1 Engineer brigade: 1
6 Brigs: .6

26.4 to spend
Build 6 shipping fleets (year 1/2): 9

Pay 1793 Prussian Loan (year 3/20, 11.7 remains) (0.65 principle + .82 interest): 1.47
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 2/10, 6.3 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 2/20, 23.75 remains) (1.25 principle + 1.66 interest): 2.91
Pay 1795 Swedish Loan (year 1/3, 3 remains) (1 principle + 0.21 interest): 1.21
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 1/10, 25 remains) (2.5 principle + 1.75 interest): 4.25
Pay 1795 Prussian Loan (year 1/20, 27 remains) (1.35 principle + 1.89 interest): 3.24

Pay 2 years ahead on 1795 Swedish Loan: 2
Pay 1 year ahead of 1795 Prussian Loan: 1.35

0.36 for veterans

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:22 pm

1797 Build
The Fourth Diet convenes in Magdeburg to set the budget for the next year. Construction on the fleet continues, but a joint proposal by the Rhienlander Marches requests an additional army be created to help defend against potential threats.

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Craft Center: 18 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Essen, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 13 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Dortmund, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt )
Commercial Fleet: 6.5 (13 fleets)
Base Income = 49.25

Miscellaneous Income = 0

Total Income = 49.25

Maintenance: 17.35
Army of Westphalia: 3.25
Army of Hesse: 3.25
Army of Franconia: 3.25
Army of Brandenburg: 3.25

6 Fortresses: 1.5
5 Garrison Divisions: 1.25
1 Engineer brigade: 1
6 Brigs: .6

31.9 to spend
Build 6 shipping fleets (year 2/2): 9

Pay 1793 Prussian Loan (year 4/20, 11.05 remains) (0.65 principle + .77 interest): 1.42
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 3/10, 5.6 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 3/20, 22.5 remains) (1.25 principle + 1.58 interest): 2.83
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 2/10, 22.5 remains) (2.5 principle + 1.58 interest): 4.08
Pay 1795 Prussian Loan (year 3/20, 24.3 remains) (1.35 principle + 1.7 interest): 3.05

Pay 2 years ahead on 1793 Prussian Loan: 1.3

Train 1 Field Army (year 1/3): 9

0.52 for veterans

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Ottoman Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:25 pm

Effective 1800

After stabilization under the new North German Confederation, Essen becomes a PC, which replaces Essen Craft Center and Resource at Dortmund


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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:46 am

Great Prussian Reforms

Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm II's health begins to severely decline over the course of 1796. The Prussian court quickly begins preparations for his son, who is crowned King of Prussia in November the following year. The new king is shy and indecisive; his wife, Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, is not.

Louise was a strong-willed and educated woman, and quickly establishes herself as the power behind the throne. The two reformers Hardenburg and Stein are quickly brought within her circle, and though the two men despise each other, she knows they can both be useful in reforming society. Hardenburg represents a more liberal vision of society and the Confederation, while Stein seeks a more statist position and more federalism among the member states. Both men know that the Confederation as it stands will not survive another encounter with the French leviathan.

Hardenburg's integrationalist vision has its limitations. While he openly dreams of a union of Hannover-like Enlightenment states, many of his practical reforms require Prussian action, as most of the member states follow the Prussian lead.

Stein thus is able to better set the agenda, and with the accession of King Friedrich Wilhelm III and his wife, he unleashes a series of reforms to radically transform the Prussian state and with it the entire Confederation.

Stein's vision is to transform society, and turn every citizen of Prussia into a person working towards advancing the state. His first proposal is to abolish serfdom in Prussia, as well as the established estates. This begins in the newly mediatisized lands, slowly expanding where Junker resistance is weakest. Burghers with their new energy and ambition are granted positions within the Prussian administration, as well as expanded voting rights. Along with this, Prussia is reorganized into states: Brandenburg, Anhalt, Pommerania, East Prussia, West Prussia, Poznan, New Prussia, Silesia, Westphalia, East Frisia, and Ansbach-Bayreuth. More importantly, townships are granted self-government, to encourage the local man to take more stake in governance. This must start with raising the dutiful citizen. This, education is made compulsory for all Prussians, and a new state-run system is put into place. Lastly, conscription established during the French war is made permanent, although not particularly well enforced. It is largely embodied by basic drills conducted at schools and limited militias. Following the theories of Adam Smith, freedom of industry is established, and guilds find their monopolies and privileges crushed.

The other states quickly mirror Prussia's reforms. The newly created states like Franconia and the Marches are able to carbon copy the changes, and Hardenburg uses the opportunity to streamline many of the changes where possible. The Prussian education system finds itself being copied in every member state but Thuringia and Hannover, where a separate, British-modeled system is already in place. Conscription is established in the Marches as well. Lastly, with Prussian economic reforms, Hardenburg is finally able to standardize the tolls and complete his customs union.

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:41 pm

1798 Build
The Fifth Diet convenes with few changes. Reforms underway in Prussia begin to take shape and drive changes to the economic and societal fabric of the Confederation.

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Craft Center: 18 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Essen, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 13 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Dortmund, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt)
Commercial Fleet: 9.5 (19 fleets)
Base Income = 52.25

Miscellaneous Income = 0

Total Income = 52.25

Maintenance: 17.35
Army of Westphalia: 3.25
Army of Hesse: 3.25
Army of Franconia: 3.25
Army of Brandenburg: 3.25

6 Fortresses: 1.5
5 Garrison Divisions: 1.25
1 Engineer brigade: 1
6 Brigs: .6

34.9 to spend
Build 5 shipping fleets (year 1/2): 7.5
Train 1 Field Army (year 2/3): 9
Build 3 Fortress [Dusseldorf, Weisbaden, Mannheim] (year 1/2): 6

Pay 1793 Prussian Loan (year 7/20, 9.1 remains) (0.65 principle + .64 interest): 1.29
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 4/10, 4.9 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 4/20, 21.25 remains) (1.25 principle + 1.49 interest): 2.74
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 3/10, 20 remains) (2.5 principle + 1.4 interest): 3.9
Pay 1795 Prussian Loan (year 4/20, 22.95 remains) (1.35 principle + 1.61 interest): 2.96

Pay 1 years ahead on 1793 Prussian Loan: 0.65

0.16 for veterans

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:49 pm

1799 Build
The 1799 Diet concludes with finalizing payments on a variety of projects both economic and military. As Prince Louis Ferdinand's term comes to an end, the Confederation survives.

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Financial Center: 1 (Berlin)
Craft Center: 18 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Essen, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 13 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Dortmund, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt)
Commercial Fleet: 9.5 (19 fleets)
Base Income = 53.25

Miscellaneous Income = 0

Total Income = 53.25

Maintenance: 17.35
Army of Westphalia: 3.25
Army of Hesse: 3.25
Army of Franconia: 3.25
Army of Brandenburg: 3.25

6 Fortresses: 1.5
5 Garrison Divisions: 1.25
1 Engineer brigade: 1
6 Brigs: .6

35.9 to spend
Build 5 shipping fleets (year 2/2): 7.5
Train 1 Field Army (year 3/3): 9
Build 3 Fortress [Dusseldorf, Weisbaden, Mannheim] (year 2/2): 6

Pay 1793 Prussian Loan (year 9/20, 7.8 remains) (0.65 principle + .55 interest): 1.2
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 5/10, 4.2 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 5/20, 20 remains) (1.25 principle + 1.4 interest): 2.65
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 4/10, 17.5 remains) (2.5 principle + 1.22 interest): 3.72
Pay 1795 Prussian Loan (year 5/20, 21.6 remains) (1.35 principle + 1.51 interest): 2.86

Pay 3 years ahead on 1793 Prussian Loan: 1.95

0.3 for schools

Last edited by Lefty on Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Ottoman Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:35 pm

Effective 1801

Rothschild banking of Frankfurt will become a FC for Germans.


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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:33 am

1800 Build
The 1800 Diet shifts priorities to debt repayment, while still allocating funds to the army. Garrison divisions are planned to supplement the border fortresses, while Scharnhorst is able to successfully advocate for the creation of three Jaeger divisions.

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Production Center: 5 (Essen)
Financial Center: 1 (Berlin)
Craft Center: 17 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 12 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt)
Commercial Fleet: 12 (24 fleets)
Base Income = 58.75

Miscellaneous Income = 0

Total Income = 58.75

Maintenance: 19.31
Army of Westphalia: 2.93
Army of Hesse: 2.93
Army of Franconia: 2.93
Army of Brandenburg: 2.93
Army of Prussia: 2.93

9 Fortresses: 2.07
5 Garrison divisions: 1.15
1 Engineer brigade: 0.9
6 Brigs: .54

39.44 to spend

4 Garrison divisions: 7.2
3 Rifle Divisions (year 1/3): 9

10.59 loans
Pay 1793 Prussian Loan (year 13/20, 5.2 remains) (0.65 principle + .36 interest): 1.01
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 6/10, 3.5 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 6/20, 18.75 remains) (1.25 principle + 1.31 interest): 2.56
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 5/10, 15 remains) (2.5 principle + 1.05 interest): 3.55
Pay 1795 Prussian Loan (year 6/20, 20.25 remains) (1.35 principle + 1.42 interest): 2.77

Pay 6 years ahead on 1793 Prussian Loan: 4.55
Pay 6 years ahead on 1795 Prussian Loan: 8.1

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:36 am

1801 Build
The 1801 Diet continues its aggressive debt repayment strategy to maximize fiscal flexibility in the event of conflict. The benefits of industrialization begin to take hold, as the Bund's armies become more cost-effective.

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Production Center: 5 (Essen)
Financial Center: 2 (Berlin, Frankfurt)
Craft Center: 17 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 12 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt)
Commercial Fleet: 12 (24 fleets)
Base Income = 59.75

Miscellaneous Income = 0

Total Income = 59.75

Maintenance: 20.23
Army of Westphalia: 2.93
Army of Hesse: 2.93
Army of Franconia: 2.93
Army of Brandenburg: 2.93
Army of Prussia: 2.93

9 Fortresses: 2.07
9 Garrison divisions: 2.07
1 Engineer brigade: 0.9
6 Brigs: .54

39.52 to spend

3 Rifle Divisions (year 2/3): 9

9.37 loans
Pay 1793 Prussian Loan (year 20/20, 0.65 remains) (0.65 principle + 0.05 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 7/10, 2.8 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 7/20, 17.5 remains) (1.25 principle + 1.23 interest): 2.48
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 6/10, 12.5 remains) (2.5 principle + 0.88 interest): 3.38
Pay 1795 Prussian Loan (year 13/20, 10.8 remains) (1.35 principle + 0.76 interest): 2.11

Pay 8 years ahead on 1795 Prussian Loan: 10.8
Pay 8 years ahead on 1794 Saxon Loan: 10

0.35 for schools

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:44 am

1802 Build
With all of the internal debt repaid, all that remains is external or legacy debts, and so the Diet takes a less fiscally hawkish position. Instead, the Ministry of War advocates to mobilize the Army of Brandenburg. Noting that both France and Russia have standing armies beyond their reserves, it is believed that having a standing army will provide a flexible approach to any crises that arise. Combined with the new Rifle Corps that will be coming online, it will also allow the Military Academy to better train and strategize. A small debt is raised to fund the endeavor.

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Production Center: 5 (Essen)
Financial Center: 2 (Berlin, Frankfurt)
Craft Center: 17 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 12 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt)
Commercial Fleet: 12 (24 fleets)
Base Income = 59.75

20 year Loan at 7%: 21
Miscellaneous Income = 21

Total Income = 80.75

Maintenance: 20.23
Army of Westphalia: 2.93
Army of Hesse: 2.93
Army of Franconia: 2.93
Army of Brandenburg: 2.93
Army of Prussia: 2.93

9 Fortresses: 2.07
9 Garrison divisions: 2.07
1 Engineer brigade: 0.9
6 Brigs: .54

60.52 to spend

3 Rifle Divisions (year 3/3): 9
1 Artillery Battalion: 2.7
Activate Army of Brandenburg: 43.2

5.59 loans
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 8/10, 1.4 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 16/20, 6.25 remains) (1.25 principle + 0.44 interest): 1.69
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 7/10, 10 remains) (2.5 principle + 0.7 interest): 3.2

0.03 for schools

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:25 am

1803 Build

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Production Center: 5 (Essen)
Financial Center: 2 (Berlin, Frankfurt)
Craft Center: 17 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 12 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt)
Commercial Fleet: 12 (24 fleets)
Base Income = 59.75

Miscellaneous Income = 0

Total Income = 59.75

Maintenance: 36.43
1st Field Army: 13.5
Army of Westphalia: 2.93
Army of Hesse: 2.93
Army of Franconia: 2.93
Army of Prussia: 2.93
Jaegerskorps: 5.63

9 Fortresses: 2.07
9 Garrison divisions: 2.07
1 Engineer brigade: 0.9
6 Brigs: .54

23.32 to spend

7.85 loans
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 9/10, 1.4 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 17/20, 5 remains) (1.25 principle + 0.35 interest): 1.6
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year /10, 7.5 remains) (2.5 principle + 0.53 interest): 3.03
Pay 1802 Berlin Loan: (year 1/20, 21 remains) (1.05 principle + 1.47 interest): 2.52

Pay 14 years ahead on 1795 Berlin Loan: 14.7

0.77 for schools

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Mon Mar 01, 2021 3:27 am

1804 Build

Peacetime Taxes: 3.75 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Production Center: 5 (Essen)
Financial Center: 2 (Berlin, Frankfurt)
Craft Center: 17 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 12 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt)
Commercial Fleet: 12 (24 fleets)
Base Income = 59.75

30 point loan at 5% over 20 years
Miscellaneous Income = 30

Total Income = 89.75

Maintenance: 36.43
1st Field Army: 13.5
Army of Westphalia: 2.93
Army of Hesse: 2.93
Army of Franconia: 2.93
Army of Prussia: 2.93
Jaegerskorps: 5.63

9 Fortresses: 2.07
9 Garrison divisions: 2.07
1 Engineer brigade: 0.9
6 Brigs: .54

53.32 to spend

43.2 to mobilize the Army of Hesse

6.48 loans
Pay 1794 Spanish Loan (year 10/10, 0.7 remains) (0.7 principle + 0 interest): 0.7
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 18/20, 3.75 remains) (1.25 principle + 0.26 interest): 1.51
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 9/10, 5 remains) (2.5 principle + 0.35 interest): 2.85
Pay 1802 Berlin Loan: (year 16/20, 5.25 remains) (1.05 principle + 0.37 interest): 1.42

Pay 3 years ahead on 1802 Berlin Loan: 3.15

0.49 for patriotic propaganda

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Age : 35

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:55 am

Supplemental Build, April 1804
Prorated War Taxation: 2.63
85 point loan at 5% over 20 years
Total = 87.63

86.4 to mobilize the armies of Westfalen and Franken
1.23 for inflame dissent among the Rheinlanders

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:12 am

1798-1803: The Von Hardenburg Presidency

As the Reichspraesident’s term comes to an end, it becomes increasingly clear that the young Prince Louis Ferdinand makes for a dashing hero among the common volk, but the administrative successes are almost entirely due to von Hardenburg, Stein, and – awkwardly enough – the Prussian consort. Thus as 1798 progresses, talk begins of who should succeed the poet-President. The Conservative Faction is largely split between Stein, who is seen as implementing necessary changes without the radical social changes being imposed by von Hardenburg, and the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III who has the backing of the Prussian Junker class, but is more widely considered inadequate for the job.
Thus when the Bundesrat convenes in 1799, von Hardenburg is able to secure a solid majority following some theatrics among the Junker representatives. When the Koenigsrat convenes to confirm him, any concerns the Prussian King would object are quashed when it is realized that his Queen is a firm ally of von Hardenburg. As an act of conciliation, the newly elected Reichsprasident chooses Stein to be Chancellor to continue implementing the reforms. His agenda is three-fold: debt repayment, military reforms, and German integration. He also continues Stein’s social reform including the Emancipation of the Jews in 1799.

The first agenda is relatively straightforward and his budgets to the Bundesrat reflect the reality that the Bund needs to restore its credit to properly defend itself. Beyond this simple calculation, the Steiner Reforms begin to bear fruit as nascent industrialization begins in Westfalen. To better manage the state’s finances and increase credit, von Hardenburg is able to establish a Confederation Bank in Frankfurt.

For his second agenda, Von Hardenburg elevates the young officer Gerhard von Scharnhorst to lead the Military Reorganization Committee consisting of forward thinking middle and upper-middle ranking officers and some civilians, including Stein. Some changes have already been implemented, but the first act of the Committee was to dismiss the vast majority of the old guard generals. As an act of appeasement, the Bundesrat passes an act to grant land to these retired generals in the Polish lands of Prussia, where Prussian reforms hadn’t been fully implemented. The officer corps was reopened to the middle class in 1808, while advancement into the higher ranks became based on education. The War Academy in Berlin is expanded and academy-trained staff officers are assigned to each army as best as possible. Newly devised strategies are implemented including Krümpersystem short-term conscription; integration of the infantry, cavalry, and artillery through combined arms; and the creation of the Jaegerkorps.

Lastly, von Hardenburg continued to push for greater integration among the states. Though each state was able to maintain control over its schooling and laws, Prussia and her reformers led the way in many instances, and Stein used his power as Chancellor to implement many of the changes into the newer states. Hannover and the Free Cities followed their own, generally more liberal paths, but their democratically elected Diets supported the economic integration and military reforms. Realizing, however, that integration was more difficult to impose, he instead sought to promote the idea of the German People as one brotherhood. Though the states are separate, their common blood requires a united family to defend the people. To this end, he established a new Committee of National Education, led by Prince Louis Ferdinand but run by Wilhelm von Humboldt, and filled it with philosophers and thinkers to inspire the new schools to promote the idea of a German Nation. Furthermore, the sciences are promoted and several universities are planned.

From this new Committee, the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte gave a series of lectures and produced a book in 1802 that advocates German distinctiveness in language, tradition, and literature that composed a common identity. He and other nascent German nationalists are in many ways inspired by the French Revolution -- pushing for greater personal freedoms for the German Volk – while remaining opposed to the French State and its occupation of Germans. To this end, it is hoped that the North German Confederation will not only expand to include the Habsburg domains and the other southern states, but also liberate the lands under foreign rule, most especially the Rhineland.

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:22 am

An Unser Volk

The day after the Austro-German Ultimatum and France's denial, Reichsprasident Von Hardenburg meets with the Koenigsrat to ask for their support in a war. Quickly receiving support from all 11 Rulers and the Free Cities' Representative, Von Hardenburg asks for their participation in a letter to the People of the North German Confederation. Drafted by the Prussian statesman Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel the Younger, the letter titled "An Unser Volk" appealed for the support of the Germans and "Prussians" (Silesians and Poles) in the struggle against France. Copies are sent to the major newspapers of the Bund as well as to those in the South that will print it, and secretly smuggled into the Rheinland.

Norddeutscher Bund An_Mein_Volk

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Norddeutscher Bund Empty Re: Norddeutscher Bund

Post by Lefty Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:06 pm

1805 Build

Wartime Taxes: 7.5 (15 million [2.5 million Poles])
Port: 8 (Konigsberg, Stettin, Danzig, Memel, Emden, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck)
Production Center: 5 (Essen) (no income until 1807)
Financial Center: 2 (Berlin, Frankfurt)
Craft Center: 17 (2 Berlin, 2 Konigsberg, Magdeburg, 2 Breslau, Warsaw, Memel, Posen, Kassel, Hamburg, Hannover, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Nuremberg, Frankfurt)
Resource: 12 (Berlin, 2 Breslau, Danzig, Posen, Białystok, Kassel, Luneburg, Dresden, Munster, Oldenburg, Erfurt)
Commercial Fleet: 9 (18 fleets)
Base Income = 55.5

3 points from Sweden
140 point loan at 5% over 20 years
Miscellaneous Income = 143

Total Income = 198.5

Maintenance: 33.86
11 infantry divisions - 11
10 infantry brigades - 2.5
3 rifle brigades - 1.5
3 supply columns - .3
5 cavalry brigades - 1.25
4 artillery brigades - 8
16 artillery battalions - 4

9 Fortresses: 2.07
8 Garrison divisions: 1.8
1 Engineer brigade: 0.9
6 Brigs: .54

164.64 to spend

12.29 loans
Pay 1794 Saxon Loan (year 19/20, 2.5 remains) (1.25 principle + 0.18 interest): 2.76
Pay 1795 Spanish Loan (year 10/10, 2.5 remains) (2.5 principle + 0.18 interest): 2.68
Pay 1802 Berlin Loan: (year 20/20, 1.05 remains) (1.05 principle + 0.05 interest): 1.1
Pay 1804 Loan: (year 1/20, 115 remains) (0 principle + 5.75 interest): 5.75

6 infantry divisions: 27
10 infantry brigades: 27
4 cavalry divisions: 18
5 cavalry brigades: 9
3 rifle brigades: 16.2
1 artillery battalion: 2.7
2 supply depots: 1.8
4 garrison divisions: 7.2

Mobilize Armee von Preußen: 43.2

0.25 for patriotic propaganda

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Age : 35

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