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The Andean Confederacy

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The Andean Confederacy Empty The Andean Confederacy

Post by Ottoman Tue Apr 13, 2021 11:50 pm

The Andean Confederacy
(OTL Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru)
Government: Republic base on the Roman Republic model with Senate and Assembly
Head of Government: Consul Bernardo O'Higgins
Capital: Santiago
population: Chile 1 million, Argentina 1 million, Bolivia 1 million, Peru 1.5 million, Ecuador 600,000)(35% Native America, remainder European, no significant African or Asian population)
total 5.1 million (includes 250,000 immigrants from Italy last 20 years) taxes used for social services (primary education and small hospitals)

industrial power
1 production center Valparaiso (courtesy of Napoleon, OHiggins and Italian immigrants)
3 craft centers: Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires
8 resources Santiago (copper, coal), Tucunam (tar), Caldera (potasium nitrate), Sucre (tin, silver), Iquiqne (Gold), Mollendo (silver)
10 Major port: Valparaiso, Buenos Aires
7 minor ports: Bahia Blanca, Magallanes, Concepcion, La Serena, Mollendo, Callao, Guayaquil
Grand Incan Highway (rebuilt by Napoleon 1815-22) Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago/Valperieso/La Serana/Caldera/La  Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito  15 points
8 additional roads (semipaved) 8
special resources: fisheries 2
10 shipping units : 10
total: 55 x 2 = 130 + 20 extra commercial

Total income 150 points
national Debt 200 (mostly owed to British banks)

The Andean Republic has 600 points available to spend on its military (army, navy and military infrastructure) and has a Professional Army model and must also build a Garda Civilia (national police) consisting of at least 1 militia division per million people.

Last edited by Ottoman on Tue May 04, 2021 8:01 pm; edited 3 times in total


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The Andean Confederacy Empty Re: The Andean Confederacy

Post by Ottoman Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:02 pm


The Andean Republic has 600 points available to spend on its military (army, navy and military infrastructure) and has a Professional Army model and must also build a Garda Civilia (national police) consisting of at least 1 militia division per million people.

306,000 manpower available

Andean Navy

2  Naval Yards- Valparaiso, Buenos Aires-100 points( 20,000 manpower)
30 Frigates- 45 points(15,000 manpower)
10 2nd Rate Battleship (BB2)- 30 points(8,000 manpower)
10 Brigs (PatRons)- 5 points( 10,000 manpower)

Garda Civilia (national police)

5 Garrison divisions( 15,000 manpower)- (1 each in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru) for 5 point

Andean Army

2 peacetime expeditionary armies for 24 points( 1 station near Brazilian frontier and 1 station near Gran Colombia)- (50,000 manpower)
2 fortified area -Valparaiso, Buenas Aires for 24 points( 30,000 manpower)
22 Fortress-Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/Tucuman/Caldera/Sucre/ Iquiqne for 88 points points( 22,000 manpower)
2 Rifle brigades for 12 points (5,000 manpower)
2 Engineer Brigade for 4 points(5,000 manpower)
2 Artillery brigade for 10 points( 5,000 manpower)
20 Army Depot (depot brigade)- Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/ Valparaiso/ Buenas Aires for 20 points( 50,000 manpower)

Remaining manpower 71,000

1825 build

Total income 130 points
national Debt 200 (mostly owed to British banks)
2 points of interest plus 8 points debt repayment= 10 points yearly payment+ 20.15 points in extra payment(see build below)
Available funds 120 points

Andean Navy

2  Naval Yards- Valparaiso, Buenos Aires ( 20,000 manpower) for 1 point
30 Frigates(Puerto Montt,Valdiva,Santiago ,La Serana,Caldera,La Paz,Cuzco,Lima,Trujillo,Payta,Guayaguil,Quito,Tucuman,Caldera,Sucre, Iquiqne, Almirante Williams,Almirante Condell,Almirante Lynch,Almirante Cochrane,Capitán Prat,Almirante Latorre,Almirante Riveros,Almirante Blanco Encalada,Angamos,Chipana,Casma, Cabo Odger, Marinero Fuentealba, Comandante Toro)- 45 points(15,000 manpower) for 6 points( 50% of the fleet is based in either Valparaiso or Buenos Aires)
10 2nd Rate Battleship(Valparaiso, Buenos Aires,Bahia Blanca, Magallanes, Concepcion, La Serena, Mollendo, Callao, Guayaquil, Napoleon) (BB2)- (8,000 manpower) for 2.5 points( 5 in Buenos Aires,5 in Valparaiso)
10 Brigs (PatRons)- 5 points( 10,000 manpower) for 1 point( 5 in Buenos Aires, 5 in Valparaiso)

Garda Civilia (national police)

5 Garrison divisions( 15,000 manpower)- (1 each in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru) for 1.25 point

Andean Army

2 peacetime expeditionary armies for  ( 1 station near Brazilian frontier and 1 station near Gran Colombia)- (50,000 manpower) for 2.2 points
2 fortified area -Valparaiso, Buenas Aires for 2 points( 30,000 manpower)
22 Fortress-Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/Tucuman/Caldera/Sucre/ Iquiqne for 5.5 points( 22,000 manpower)
2 Rifle brigades for 1  points (5,000 manpower)
2 Engineer Brigade for 2 points(5,000 manpower)
2 Artillery brigade for 4 points( 5,000 manpower)
20 Army Depot (depot brigade)- Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/ Valparaiso/ Buenas Aires for 2 points( 50,000 manpower)
intelligence gathering 7 points
Remaining manpower 71,000

30.45 points-(4.6 points) 15% discount=25.85 points upkeep

87.45 points leftover

4 Fortress- Santa Fe, Cordoba, Rosario, Mar del Plata for 12 points( 1 year out of 2 years)
5 Cavalry Division (2500 men) for National Police for 25 points to patrol key roads and frontiers
10 shipping units for 30 points( 1 out of 2 years)
20.15 points use to pay down on top of existing payment.

Last edited by Ottoman on Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Andean Confederacy Empty Re: The Andean Confederacy

Post by Ottoman Tue Apr 20, 2021 8:52 pm

Political Situation as of 1825

Andean Confederacy shaped by the will of Napoleon dream for Industrial power in South America, as First Consul of this new state, he rebuild the old Inca road network and led its rapid industrialization. However he soon died of cancer and not long after the traitor Bolivar led the revolts in Gran Colombia to break it away from the Confederacy. However Napoleon does leave a legacy with a son as of product of his marriage to O'Higgins family.

His son name Napoléon Bonaparte II is born in 1812, he is currently cadet in National Academy in Valpariso.

The nation now under watch of 2nd Consul Bernardo O'Higgins, uncle to Napoleon II. His main goals were to balance the needs to expand the economy and maintain a strong military to defend the nation interest. His chief of staff for the military is Field Marshal José de San Martín

Confederacy is base on Roman Republic model, with strong senate made up of partons families, meanwhile the middle classes center of power is the General Assembly. However the Senate has final say in most matters and is the one that elects the Consul to led the nation.


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The Andean Confederacy Empty Re: The Andean Confederacy

Post by Ottoman Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:09 pm

1826 build

Total income 130 points
national Debt 171.85 (mostly owed to British banks)
2 points of interest plus 8 points debt repayment= 10 points yearly payment+11.06 points extra debt payment
Available funds 120 points

Andean Navy

2 Naval Yards- Valparaiso, Buenos Aires ( 20,000 manpower) for 1 point

30 Frigates(Puerto Montt,Valdiva,Santiago ,La Serana,Caldera,La Paz,Cuzco,Lima,Trujillo,Payta,Guayaguil,Quito,Tucuman,Caldera,Sucre, Iquiqne, Almirante Williams,Almirante Condell,Almirante Lynch,Almirante Cochrane,Capitán Prat,Almirante Latorre,Almirante Riveros,Almirante Blanco Encalada,Angamos,Chipana,Casma, Cabo Odger, Marinero Fuentealba, Comandante Toro)(15,000 manpower) for 6 points( 50% of the fleet is based in either Valparaiso or Buenos Aires)

10 2nd Rate Battleship(Valparaiso, Buenos Aires,Bahia Blanca, Magallanes, Concepcion, La Serena, Mollendo, Callao, Guayaquil, Napoleon) (BB2)- (8,000 manpower) for 2.5 points( 5 in Buenos Aires,5 in Valparaiso)
10 Brigs (PatRons)- 5 points( 10,000 manpower) for 1 point( 5 in Buenos Aires, 5 in Valparaiso)

Garda Civilia (national police)

5 Garrison divisions( 15,000 manpower)- (1 each in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru) for 1.25 point
5 Division (12,500 men) (1 each in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru )for National Police for 5 points to patrol key roads and frontiers
Andean Army

2 peacetime expeditionary armies for ( 1 station near Brazilian frontier and 1 station near Gran Colombia)- (50,000 manpower) for 2.2 points
2 fortified area -Valparaiso, Buenos Aires for 2 points( 30,000 manpower)
22 Fortress-Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/Tucuman/Caldera/Sucre/ Iquiqne for 5.5 points( 22,000 manpower)
2 Rifle brigades for 1 points (5,000 manpower)
2 Engineer Brigade for 2 points(5,000 manpower)
2 Artillery brigade for 4 points( 5,000 manpower)
20 Army Depot (depot brigade)- Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/ Valparaiso/ Buenas Aires for 2 points( 50,000 manpower)
intelligence gathering 7 points
Remaining manpower 56,000

35.45 points-(5.31 points) 15% discount=30.14 points upkeep

89.6 points leftover

4 Fortress- Santa Fe, Cordoba, Rosario, Mar del Plata ( 2 year out of 2 years)
10 shipping units ( 2 out of 2 years)
1 point to funding setting up a outpost at Tahiti
1 Frigate assigned to area, Sucre to show the flag in Tahiti

4 “State Class” 1st Rate battleship (BB1) (Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador) for 23 points, 1 year out of 10 years
10 “River Class” Frigates (FF1)( Amazon, Marañón, Ucayali, Huallaga, Maipo, Paraná, Río de la Plata, Paraguay, Colorado, Santa Cruz) for 12.75 points, 1 out of 2 years

1 Naval Yard at Callao (Lima area) for 21.25 points( 1 year out of 10 years)

Upgrade 2 Rifle Brigades to 2 Rifle Divisions for 8 points

1 fortified area for Lima/Callao to replace existing Fortress, for 12 points, 1 out of 2 years)

11.06 points use to pay down on top of existing payment.


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The Andean Confederacy Empty Re: The Andean Confederacy

Post by Ottoman Tue May 04, 2021 8:41 pm

1827 build

Total income 150 points
national Debt 150.77 (mostly owed to British banks)
2 points of interest plus 8 points debt repayment= 10 points yearly payment+ 28.98 in extra debt payment
Available funds 132 points

Andean Navy

Double maintenance: Mode

2 Naval Yards- Valparaiso, Buenos Aires ( 20,000 manpower) for 1 point

30 Frigates(Puerto Montt,Valdiva,Santiago ,La Serana,Caldera,La Paz,Cuzco,Lima,Trujillo,Payta,Guayaguil,Quito,Tucuman,Caldera,Sucre, Iquiqne, Almirante Williams,Almirante Condell,Almirante Lynch,Almirante Cochrane,Capitán Prat,Almirante Latorre,Almirante Riveros,Almirante Blanco Encalada,Angamos,Chipana,Casma, Cabo Odger, Marinero Fuentealba, Comandante Toro)(15,000 manpower) for 6 points( 50% of the fleet is based in either Valparaiso or Buenos Aires)* double maintenance 12 points

10 2nd Rate Battleship(Valparaiso, Buenos Aires,Bahia Blanca, Magallanes, Concepcion, La Serena, Mollendo, Callao, Guayaquil, Napoleon) (BB2)- (8,000 manpower) for 2.5 points( 5 in Buenos Aires,5 in Valparaiso)* double maintenance 5 points
10 Brigs (PatRons)-(10,000 manpower) for 1 point( 5 in Buenos Aires, 5 in Valparaiso) double maintenance 2 points

Garda Civilia (national police)

5 Garrison divisions( 15,000 manpower)- (1 each in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru) for 1.25 point
5 Division (12,500 men) (1 each in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru )for National Police for 5 points to patrol key roads and frontiers

Andean Army

2 peacetime expeditionary armies for ( 1 station near Brazilian frontier and 1 station near Gran Colombia)- (50,000 manpower) for 2.2 points
2 fortified area*Reserve Status* -Valparaiso, Buenos Aires for .5 points( 30,000 manpower)
26 Fortress-Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/Tucuman/Caldera/Sucre/ Iquiqne, Santa Fe, Cordoba, Rosario, Mar del Plata for 2.6 points( 26,000 manpower)
2 Rifle Division for 4 points (10,000 manpower)
2 Engineer Brigade for 2 points(5,000 manpower)
2 Artillery brigade for 4 points( 5,000 manpower)
20 Army Depot (depot brigade)- Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/ Valparaiso/ Buenas Aires for 2 points( 50,000 manpower)

intelligence gathering 7 points

Remaining manpower 47,000

43.55 points-(6.53 points) 15% discount=37.02 points upkeep

94.98 points leftover

1 point to funding setting up an outpost at Tahiti

1 Frigate assigned to area, Sucre to show the flag in Tahiti

Raise 1 Expeditionary army for 25 points( purchasing arms and artillery from Italy)

1 point to funding setting up an output at rl Libervile, Gabon

2 Frigates assigned to the area to show the flag in Libervile
(Frigates -Santiago ,La Serana)

1 Fort at Libervile for 1 point

2 Infantry Regiment for 2 points

25  points in tributes and gifts to local African rulers in Congo basin to gain favor and reduce Portuguese influence in the region.

10 points in tributes and gifts to local Tahiti leaders

4 “State Class” 1st Rate battleship (BB1) (Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador) for paid in full, 2 year out of 10 years

28.98 points in advance debt payment

10 “River Class” Frigates (FF1)( Amazon, Marañón, Ucayali, Huallaga, Maipo, Paraná, Río de la Plata, Paraguay, Colorado, Santa Cruz) for  paid in full,2 out of 2 years

1 Naval Yard at Callao (Lima area) for paid in full ( 2 year out of 10 years)

1 fortified area for Lima/Callao to replace existing Fortress, for paid in full , 2 out of 2 years)


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The Andean Confederacy Empty Re: The Andean Confederacy

Post by Ottoman Mon May 31, 2021 9:52 pm

1830 build

Total income 150 points
national Debt 134 (mostly owed to British banks) as of 1830
2 points of interest plus 8 points debt repayment= 10 points yearly payment
Available funds 140 points

Andean Navy

Double maintenance: Mode

2 Naval Yards- Valparaiso, Buenos Aires ( 20,000 manpower) for 1 point

50 Frigates(Puerto Montt,Valdiva,Santiago ,La Serana,Caldera,La Paz,Cuzco,Lima,Trujillo,Payta,Guayaguil,Quito,Tucuman,Caldera,Sucre, Iquiqne, Almirante Williams,Almirante Condell,Almirante Lynch,Almirante Cochrane,Capitán Prat,Almirante Latorre,Almirante Riveros,Almirante Blanco Encalada,Angamos,Chipana,Casma, Cabo Odger, Marinero Fuentealba, Comandante Toro, Amazon, Marañón, Ucayali, Huallaga, Maipo, Paraná, Río de la Plata, Paraguay, Colorado, Santa Cruz)(20,000 manpower) for 6 points( 50% of the fleet is based in either Valparaiso or Buenos Aires)* double maintenance 20 points

10 2nd Rate Battleship(Valparaiso, Buenos Aires,Bahia Blanca, Magallanes, Concepcion, La Serena, Mollendo, Callao, Guayaquil, Napoleon) (BB2)- (8,000 manpower) for 2.5 points( 5 in Buenos Aires,5 in Valparaiso)* double maintenance 5 points
10 Brigs (PatRons)-(10,000 manpower) for 1 point( 5 in Buenos Aires, 5 in Valparaiso) double maintenance 2 points

Garda Civilia (national police)

5 Garrison divisions( 15,000 manpower)- (1 each in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru) for 1.25 point
5 Division (12,500 men) (1 each in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru )for National Police for 5 points to patrol key roads and frontiers

Andean Army

3 peacetime expeditionary armies for ( 1 station near Brazilian frontier and 1 station near Gran Colombia, 1 station near Upper Peru)- (75,000 manpower) for 3.4 points
3 fortified area*Reserve Status* -Valparaiso, Buenos Aires, Lima/Callao for .75 points( 45,000 manpower)
25 Fortress-Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/ Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/Tucuman/Caldera/Sucre/ Iquiqne, Santa Fe, Cordoba, Rosario, Mar del Plata for 2.5 points( 25,000 manpower)
2 Rifle Division for 4 points (10,000 manpower)
2 Engineer Brigade for 2 points(5,000 manpower)
2 Artillery brigade for 4 points( 5,000 manpower)
20 Army Depot (depot brigade)- Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago /La Serana/Caldera/La Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito/ Valparaiso/ Buenas Aires for 2 points( 50,000 manpower)
1 Fort at Libervile for .1 point( 500 men)
2 Infantry Regiments assigned to Libervile(2200 men) for .2 points

intelligence gathering 7 points

Remaining manpower14.500

60.2 points-(9.03 points) 15% discount=51.17 points upkeep

88.83 points leftover

1 point to funding setting up an outpost at Tahiti

1 Frigate assigned to area, Sucre to show the flag in Tahiti

1 point to funding setting up an output at rl Libervile, Gabon

2 Frigates assigned to the area to show the flag in Libervile
(Frigates -Santiago ,La Serana)

25 points in tributes and gifts to local African rulers in Congo basin to gain favor and reduce Portuguese influence in the region.

10 points in tributes and gifts to local Tahiti leaders

4 “State Class” 1st Rate battleship (BB1) (Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador) for paid in full, 4 year out of 10 years

50 points for immigration recruiting

1 Naval Yard at Callao (Lima area) for paid in full ( 4 year out of 10 years)


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