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European Minor powers

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European Minor powers Empty European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:02 pm

Republic of Sicily
Agricultural nation
population 1 million
minor ports of Syracuse, Parlemo, resources: Messina (1 fisheries), Trapani (food), other commercial 6
total income 10 (40% corruption, 6 available)
A republic with an elected single house legislature and a Counsel who is elected for 10 years.  In reality the Mafia has effective control over much of the country.

4 reserve fortresses (1 each port) plus 90,000 militia (which train regularly) organized into divisions

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Tue May 04, 2021 9:13 pm; edited 5 times in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:10 pm

Republic of Greece
led by locally elected legislators who are called the Plenium, but really is effectively a military dictatorship as the revolutionaries who led the revolt against the Turks remain in the army and as civilian legislators.   Elections are tightly controlled.  
population 2 million
Commercial nation
5 Major port: Athens
4 Minor ports Salonika, Patrai, Lemnos, Kalamai
2 ocean going commerce: 2 shipping units
2 resource: Doria (nickel iron), Athens (fisheries)
13 x 2 = 26 points + 4 additional commercial = 30 points
(lose 5 points to corruption)
available 25 points

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:14 pm

Kingdom of Hungary
ruled by the Habsburgs, as that family split during the end of the Coalition War
population 5 million (1 point income) Commercial Nation
Craft center: 1 (Budapest)
Resources: Budapest (food),
4 road (no highways at this time)
total income: 7 x 2= 14 + 1 extra commercial = 15 points total income

Military Forces:
a conscript force designed to only fully mobilize in wartime.. The expeditionary armies maintain a watch, with one watching the German frontier and the other watching the Turkish one. Upon mobilization the field army concentrates at Budapest while the expeditionary armies fight a delaying action.
The national police maintain order.

2 expeditionary armies 11 points
1 reserve Field Army 3 points
10 national guard brigades (police units) 1 point

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Lefty Wed Apr 21, 2021 4:11 pm

The German Ambassadors in Athens, Budapest, and Belgrade inform their counterparts of their intention to open a Trade Mission in the countries in order to seek future opportunities for commerce. Germany intends to massively expand its merchant fleet in the coming years, and it is hoped that trans-Danubian trade can benefit Hungary and Serbia, while German goods can be brought to Greek ports.

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:44 pm

Lefty wrote:The German Ambassadors in Athens, Budapest, and Belgrade inform their counterparts of their intention to open a Trade Mission in the countries in order to seek future opportunities for commerce. Germany intends to massively expand its merchant fleet in the coming years, and it is hoped that trans-Danubian trade can benefit Hungary and Serbia, while German goods can be brought to Greek ports.

the Germans are met with polite receptiveness and invitations to do just that.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Sat May 01, 2021 4:31 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Republic of Greece
led by locally elected legislators who are called the Plenium, but really is effectively a military dictatorship as the revolutionaries who led the revolt against the Turks remain in the army and as civilian legislators.   Elections are tightly controlled.  
population 2 million
Commercial nation
5 Major port: Athens
4 Minor ports Salonika, Patrai, Lemnos, Kalamai
2 ocean going commerce: 2 shipping units
2 resource: Doria (nickel iron), Athens (fisheries)
13 x 2 = 26 points + 4 additional commercial = 30 points
(lose 5 points to corruption)
available 25 points

In 1826, Greece obtains Cyprus, Crete and Rhodes from the Ottoman Empire in a brokered settlement involving the Russian Empire
This gives Greece 1 resource (Cyprus), minor ports of Irkalion, Famagusto, and Rhodes, and the complicated population exchange as roughly 1 million Greeks in Asian Turkey begin leaving along with nearly 1 Million Turks and othe rMuslims fleet Greece. This will take the next 10 years and cost the Greeks 50 points (which they are granted by the Russians) to pay for.

The Russians get naval basing rights and port of call rights in all Greek ports

Greek Army:
1 expeditionary army, 4 reserve expeditionary armies (conscript force)
Greek Navy
10 FF1, 50 Brigs (seagoing naval maintenance)
The Greeks begin construction of a naval yard at Irklion in late 1826
A Russian Fleet (2 BB2, 5 FF1) and expeditionary Army arrive at Athens in late 1826 and will eventually base out of Crete. The Russian warships rotate out of the area for their home ports frequently while the troops rotate after 3 years by regiment beginning 1827 (so one third rotated out each year). This is quickly viewed as the most desirable post in the entire Russian military.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Sat May 01, 2021 4:46 pm

Kingdom of Serbo Croatia
agricultural nation, TL 3 w some TL 4 in Belgrade
craft center: Belgrade
resource SE Serbia 2 (Coal, Iron)
total population (an estimate) 1 million including those in Croatia

Serbia is a minor German Ally
military: 1 expeditionary army, 1 reserve expeditionary army (conscript force)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Sat May 01, 2021 4:46 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Kingdom of Hungary
ruled by the Habsburgs, as that family split during the end of the Coalition War
population 5 million (1 point income) Commercial Nation
Craft center: 1 (Budapest)
Resources: Budapest (food),
4 road (no highways at this time)
total income: 7 x 2= 14 + 1 extra commercial = 15 points total income

Military Forces:
a conscript force designed to only fully mobilize in wartime..  The expeditionary armies maintain a watch, with one watching the German frontier and the other watching the Turkish one.  Upon mobilization the field army concentrates at Budapest while the expeditionary armies fight a delaying action.  
The national police maintain order.

2 expeditionary armies 11 points
1 reserve Field Army 3 points
10 national guard brigades (police units) 1 point

beginning 1826 Hungary is a minor German Ally
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Sat May 01, 2021 4:55 pm

more of a region than a political entity as of the winter of 1826

The Romanians control 3 former Ottoman provinces centered on Wallachia,
craft center Bucharest
minor port Constanta
resource: grain (one of the great graneries of Europe) 1
undeveloped infrastructure
total economy 3
Agricultural nation
they have managed to put together 3 militia brigades to keep order

Greater Albania
craft center: Sarajevo
minor ports: Tirane, Dubravnik
undeveloped infrastructure
Agricultural nation
most of the Turkish Army in the Balkans marched here and 2 infantry divisions, 2 cavalry regiments and 8 infantry regiments under arms

1 resource (Iron) Skopje
unlike the Bulgaria, the mixed population of Greeks, Macedonians and Muslim Macedonians has remained quiet during the winter, although a trickle of Greeks head south and a trickle of Muslims head east toward Istanbul
agricultural nation

resource: Iron (Sofia)
minor port: Varna, Burgas
Agricultural nation
complete economic collapse due to civil disorder
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Galveston Bay Tue May 04, 2021 9:29 pm

Kingdom of Prussia
Tech level 4 Commercial nation
Craft centers: Warsaw, Lodz, Konigsburg
minor ports: Konigsburg, Danzig
resources: Food (Warsaw), Coal (Lodz)
commercial: roads: 17 (paved but not highways) plus Vistula River traffic 3 = 20
total 27 x 2= 54 plus 15 special financial = 69
population: 2 million Germans, 2 million Poles, 1 million Jews
available for military service: 200,000 Germans (including reservists), 60,000 Poles, 30,000 Jews

military budget: 40 (rest on war debt and infrastructure improvements)
Navy: none
Fortified area: Konigsburg,
Fortresses: Warsaw, Lodz, Danzig, Poznan
(all reserve units) 19,000 reservists, maintenance 1 point

5 Expitionary armies: (125,000 men, including all the Poles and Jews) based at each fortress or fortified area. In wartime move to the frontier to delay the advancing enemy while the reserve field armies mobilize
2 reserve field armies (130,000 men, all German) maintenance 14 points
one each Danzig, Konigsburg

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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European Minor powers Empty Re: European Minor powers

Post by Lefty Wed May 05, 2021 6:17 am

Serbo-Croatia 1827 Build
Population: 1 million
2 Craft Center: Zagreb, Belgrade
2 Resource: 2 Serbia (Coal, Iron)
6 Highways
3 German Aid
Total Income: 13

Total Regular Spending: 10.36
Maintenance: 10.36 (22% reduction military, 12% reduction forts)
1 expeditionary army (Sisak): 4.29
1 expeditionary army (Belgrade): 4.29
1 reserve expeditionary army (Belgrade): 0.94
1 Fortress (Zagreb): .22
1 Garrison Division (Zagreb): .2
1 Fortress (Split): .22
1 Garrison Division (Split): .2

Discretionary Spending: 2.64
1 Fortress (Belgrade) (year 1/2): 2 (2 remains)
Bribes to Bosnian local leaders: 0.64

Rumelia 1827 Build
2 Craft Center: Bucharest, Sarajevo
3 Resource: Wallachia (Grain) Skopje (Iron) Iron (Sofia)
5 Minor Port: Constanta, Tirane, Varna, Burgas, Dubrovnik
10 German Aid
Total Income: 20

Total Regular Spending: 2.6
Maintenance: 2.6 (22% reduction military, 12% reduction forts)
2 infantry divisions: 1.56
2 cavalry regiments: .16
8 infantry regiments: .63
3 garrison brigades: .23

Discretionary Spending: 17.4
Fortress (Tirana) (year 1/2): 2 (2 remains)
Fortress (Skopje) (year 1/2): 2 (2 remains)
Fortress (Constanta) (year 1/2): 2 (2 remains)
Fortress (Bucharest) (year 1/2): 2 (2 remains)
1 garrison brigade (Vlach): 1
4 garrison divisions (Bulgarian): 8
Aid to Bulgarian Church Leadership: .42

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Age : 35

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