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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Ottoman Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:35 pm

Mod notes:
I realized by mistake I put a Austrian Fortress in Liege, when it turns out Liege is not apart of Austrian Netherlands, therefore I will move that Fortress to Namur.

Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution( Liege revolution)

1772 : Velbrück is made prince-bishop of Liège, he encourages the arts and new ideas until his death in 1784.

1784 : Hoensbroeck replaces Velbrück as prince-bishop, he is much more authoritarian and reactionary than his predecessor.

April 20-28 1788

Inspired by the Dutch Republican revolution, republicans within Liege stage a revolution against the reactionary prince-bishop Hoensbroceck, who is driven out of the city by the Liege military that turns pro Republican.

The new regime led by Jean-Nicolas Bassenge, publish a declaration of rights base on the legal traditions of together with the 1215 Magna Carta, the 1689 English Bill of Rights and other enlightenment ideals such as Dutch Republican revolution. The uprising causes shockwaves all over the Holy Roman Empire and West Europe.

The Liège rebels organize their forces to defend their homeland from potential invasion from Austrians or other reactionary forces.

Republican Liege forces

2 Infantry Divisions- militia grade

The Liege uprising givens the Flemish/Wallonian rebels the push to finally pull the trigger for their long await revolt….to be called Brabant Revolution, the rebel leaderships gives the go ahead to trigger the revolt by May 1.

May Revolt of 1788

Brabant Revolution

On May 1st,1788

A sizeable army of Brabant rebels – 3 Infantry Divisions(2 divisions at militia grade, 1 division at regular grade) led by General Jean-André van der Mersch begins their march from Dutch City of Breda and cross into the frontier with Austrian Netherlands.

Meanwhile all-over Austrian Netherlands, rebellion break outs all over the region. Preventing Austrian forces from consolidating to counter the threat from Mersch army. To add to the confusion and chaos, when the Austrian field commanders give shoot the rebels the local Flemish/ Walloons troops of Austrian Netherlands army refuse and munity against their Austrian overlords. Forcing the Austrian standing army units in region to fight them and new rebel units…

May-June 1788

The Austrian General Von Lacy is forced to focus on keep saving Brussels from falling to the rebel hands, he manages to fight off the rebels within the city and surrounding countryside but take heavy losses. He also is force deal with worker riots in the city as factory workers conduct strikes and general work stoppages. ( In game effect, no PC bonus for upkeep for 1789 and no income for Austria from PC in 1788).

Austrian: 1 Infantry division shattered, 1 cavalry division shattered, both divisions reduced to brigades, 1 Garrison Brigade destroyed
Rebels:2 Garrison division unit munity shattered; 2 militia Infantry brigades shattered

In Antwerp, a munity and rebellion within city overpower the local Austrian/loyalist garrison units. Which allows General Mersch’s army to occupy the city without a firing a shot and takes the Fortress. The cities of Ghent/ Burges rising to join the revolt.

Rebel:  1 Garrison division units munity shattered; 1 militia infantry brigade shattered
Austrian: 2 Garrison divisions unit shattered; Fortress lost

Meanwhile in Wallonia region is in flames with revolution/rebellion against Austrian rule, center around Mons and Charleroi. With many emigres hiding in France, rushing to take the arms for their homeland against the Austrian overlords.

Austrian: 2 Garrison Divisions shattered
Rebels : 2 militia brigades shattered

The Austrians are force to retreat to their strongholds in the Fortresses in Ostend, Brussels, and Namur to reorganize their forces and ready for next moves to counter the rebels moves. Only one region in Austrian Netherlands stays loyal which is Luxemburg.

Austrian Order of Battle as of July 1st 1788

*Whatever remains of the Austrian Netherlands army that stays loyal to the Austrians is used to shore up defenses and bring units to up to strength*

Fortress 3 (Ostend,Brussels,Namur)

At Brussels Fortress

Kaiserliche Armee (Expeditionary) - Franz Moritz von Lacy
4 infantry divisions
1 cavalry division
1 artillery battalion
1 support train
1 depot brigade

At Ostend Fortress
3 Garrison Divisions
*1 Infantry Division
*2 Artillery Battalions

At Namur Fortress
2 Garrison Divisions
*1 Infantry Division
*2 Artillery Battalions

Brabant rebels as of July 1788

Army of Antwerp

1 Fortress at Antwerp
1 Artillery Brigade*defected from Austrian Netherlands army
6 militia Infantry brigades
3 Infantry Divisions(2 divisions at militia grade, 1 division at regular grade) led by General Jean-André van der Mersch
1 supply column
1 depot brigade
1 Cavalry brigade

4 militia Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry division*defected om Austrian Netherlands army*

4 militia Infantry Brigades

2 militia infantry brigades
2 militia Cavalry brigades

2 militia infantry divisions
2 militia infantry brigades
2 militia Cavalry brigades


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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Ottoman Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:49 pm

Summer moves 1788

July 1788

General Jean-André van der Mersch decides its critical for the rebels to secure the port city of Ostend, he gives the order for the army of Antwerp to march on Ostend to lay siege. The rebel army marches to Ostend in early July to start the siege. The General weary of Austrian counterattack, decides to his artillery superiority to shell the fortress around the clock to force a surrender.

Army of Antwerp
1 Artillery Brigade
2 militia Infantry brigades
3 Infantry Divisions (2 divisions at militia grade, 1 division at regular grade)
1 supply column
1 Cavalry brigade

Austrians forces
At Ostend Fortress
3 Garrison Divisions
1 Infantry Division
2 Artillery Battalions

Meanwhile in Brussels

Field Marshal Franz Moritz von Lacy is debating to his forces to crush the siege at Ostend, however he receives news that another rebel army is attempting to take Namur. Which will put his supply lines in peril, and it won’t be until late fall before reinforcements arrives from Italy. He orders his army to attack and drive the rebels from Namur. However, he is forced to keep a sizeable amount of his forces in Brussels to keep order and protect his base from another rebel uprising. He’ll have to save Ostend another day…

Austrian relief force
2 infantry divisions
1 cavalry division
1 artillery battalion

At Namur Fortress
2 Garrison Divisions
1 Infantry Division
2 Artillery Battalions

Rebel siege force at Namur
4 militia infantry brigades
4 militia Cavalry brigades
2 militia infantry divisions

July 15,1788

The Battle for Namur

The Austrian army arrives in full force to drive the Rebels from the city. The rebels untrained and not ready to deal with regular Austrian army, they are mostly green in terms of combat status. The sight of the Austrian relief force causes the morale along the rebel army to fall. The Austrians superior firepower and training allow them tp inflict heavy losses on rebel army, causing their lines to break and rout.  But they sustain moderate losses of their own. The rebels retreat to Mons to regroup and re-organized their depleted forces.

Austrian losses

1 Infantry division reduce to 1 Infantry brigade

Rebel losses
4 militia infantry brigades shattered , reformed into 2 infantry brigades
4 militia Cavalry brigades shattered, reformed into 2 cavalry brigades

Remainder of July/August

Before the Austrians could plan their next move, they are force hold positions as more riots break out in Namur and Brussels. The Austrians are finally able to crush the internal revolts and restore a sense of order in the cities. But these actions delay their ability to send help to their fortress in Ostend. Until the September at earliest.

Meanwhile by the end of August, the rebel artillery finally creates a breach in the walls at Ostend, however the garrison refuses to surrender. Which forces the rebels to make plans to assault the city in early fall.

At the end of August 1788
At Mons,

A infantry brigade of French volunteers led by Major General Marquis de Lafayette pledging to support to their brethren in their just war against the Austrians. Naturally no one in France, knew about this recent move by the Marquis and his men until it was too late to stop them from crossing into the frontier or so goes the official rumors..

The Marquis is given the assignment by the Wallonia rebel leadership to reorganize and rebuild their force to fight the Austrians at once.

Order of Battle by end of August 1788


Marquis’s army

1 French Infantry brigade( compose of mixed bag of French royal army officers/ncos and volunteers)
2 militia infantry brigades
2 militia Cavalry brigades
2 militia infantry divisions

Army of Antwerp at Ostend

1 Artillery Brigade
2 militia Infantry brigades
3 Infantry Divisions (2 divisions at militia grade, 1 division at regular grade)
1 supply column
1 Cavalry brigade

Austrian Order of Battle

Austrian relief force at Namur

1 Infantry brigade
1 cavalry division
1 artillery battalion

At Namur Fortress

2 Garrison Divisions
1 Infantry Division
2 Artillery Battalions

Austrians forces

At Ostend Fortress
3 Garrison Divisions
1 Infantry Division
2 Artillery Battalions

Austrian forces at Brussels
3 infantry divisions
1 artillery battalion
1 support train
1 depot brigade


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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Ottoman Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:10 pm

Sept-Dec 1788

In early fall, the rebel forces received word that an Austrian field army from Italy was on the move to Flanders from Italy. It was only matter of time before the Austrians will have enough forces to enforce their rule and to crush the rebels. The rebel leaderships of conservative Statist and liberal Vonckist factions decide the best course of action is take Ostend and consolidated their holdings to fight a defensive war.

Meanwhile the local Austrian garrison tried their best to hold on to control and keep logistics routes open. The Austrians were waiting for their reinforcements to arrive before mounting a counterattack. They hope their forces at Ostend can hold off any assault by the rebel forces until the field army arrives….however that wasn’t the case…

Order of Battle at the start of Sept 1788


Marquis’s army at Ostend

1 French Infantry brigade( compose of mixed bag of French royal army officers/ncos and volunteers)
2 infantry brigades
2 Cavalry brigades
2 infantry divisions

Army of Antwerp at Ostend

1 Artillery Brigade
2 Infantry brigades
3 Infantry Divisions (3 now at regular grade)
1 supply column
1 Cavalry brigade

Austrian Order of Battle

Austrian relief force at Namur

1 Infantry brigade
1 cavalry division
1 artillery battalion

At Namur Fortress

2 Garrison Divisions
1 Infantry Division
2 Artillery Battalions

Austrians forces

At Ostend Fortress
3 Garrison Divisions
1 Infantry Division
2 Artillery Battalions

Austrian forces at Brussels
3 infantry divisions
1 artillery battalion
1 support train
1 depot brigade

Late September- Early October 1788

The assault on Ostend Fortress

General Jean-André van der Mersch and Major General Marquis de Lafayette decide its now time to take the city in the name of the rebellion to allow the rebels to get supplies via seaport. General Jean order another round of heavy artillery shelling before issuing the orders to assault the Austrian lines in the breach area of the Fortress. The shelling inflicts heavy losses on the Austrian defenders (2 garrison divisions units are shattered by the shelling). After the artillery phase, General Jeans give the order for his troops to assault the Fortress. However this also exposes his forces to the Austrian artillery, which inflicts horrific damaged on the rebel forces( 3 Infantry brigades shattered).
General Jean is wounded(out of commission for three months) in the fighting, which nearly causes the rebel army to route. However, Marquis takes command and rally’s the troops to him. The fighting is heavy and brutal, the Austrians are overwhelmed by the Marquis forces and force to surrender after their morale has collapse, but they were able to shattered another rebel infantry brigade and inflict enough losses to reduce a infantry division to brigade.

The victory at Ostend, cause much celebration for the rebel factions, who promote Marquis to the rank of General. However given the fact they sustain heavy losses, the rebels were no shape to mount other offensives for the remainder of the year.

Austrian losses, the following units are considered shattered and POWs
*Ostend Fortress
*3 Garrison Divisions
*1 Infantry Division
*2 Artillery Battalions

Rebel losses
4 Infantry brigades shattered, reformed into 2 Infantry Brigades
1 Infantry Division reduced to 1 infantry brigade.

Marquis’s army at Ostend

1 French Infantry brigade( compose of mixed bag of French royal army officers/ncos and volunteers)
3 infantry brigades
2 Cavalry brigades
1 infantry divisions

Army of Antwerp at Ostend
1 Artillery Brigade
3 Infantry Divisions (3 now at regular grade)
1 supply column
1 Cavalry brigade

Meanwhile by Late November 1788, Armee von Italien Field Army arrives in Luxemburg and goes into Winter quarters in preparations for campaign in the Spring/Summer against the rebels.

3 infantry corps, 1 cavalry corps, 1 supply column and 1 artillery brigade.


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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:09 pm

Winter 1789
The British Government offers the Emperor of Austria a 75 point loan at 1% interest to be paid over 30 years if it does the following:
1. Allow the partition of the Flemish and Walloon speaking portions of the Austrian Netherlands between France (Walloon areas) and the Dutch Netherlands (Flemish areas)
2. Withdraws its army and navy from the area
3. Agrees to petition the Vatican to recognize King William IV as King of Great Britain and Ireland and ceases to recognize the exiled Stuart family as having any valid claim to said throne

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by TLS Mon Sep 28, 2020 7:26 pm

Versailles, when made aware of the offer being made by the British government, formally announces its support for the House of Hapsburg's rights to do with the Austrian Netherlands as it sees fit, whether it be to maintain its control over the provinces or to cede them to other princes. King Louis XVI reiterates his desire that peace the brought to the Southern Netherlands as soon as possible, that the brigands who have despoiled the Archbishop of Liege be brought to justice, and that any and all French subjects currently fighting in the region cease their campaign of arms and return to the Fatherland.

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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Ottoman Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:42 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Winter 1789
The British Government offers the Emperor of Austria a 75 point loan at 1% interest to be paid over 30 years if it does the following:
1.  Allow the partition of the Flemish and Walloon speaking portions of the Austrian Netherlands between France (Walloon areas)  and the Dutch Netherlands (Flemish areas)
2.  Withdraws its army and navy from the area
3.  Agrees to petition the Vatican to recognize King William IV as King of Great Britain and Ireland and ceases to recognize the exiled Stuart family as having any valid claim to said throne

Once news of the British offer hits, other HRE members and Vatican, a counter deal is made.

Prince-Bishops of Tier, Cologne,Mainz, and Salzburg raise their initial offer of aid form 10 points to 25 points.

Electorate of Bavaria,Saxony, Hesse-Kassel collective raise 3 points in aid to help the Emperor in his righteous cause.

So 28 points in grants.

Meanwhile the bank of Vatican offers to buy out the Polish war debt of 57.5 points plus 13 points for cost of mobilizing Kaiserliche Armee to paid at 1 percent interest, over a period of 40 years.

The Pope offer plus offers from Prince-Bishops and Electorates is dependent on rejecting the British deal.


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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Hussam B. Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:40 am

The Emperor formally declines the British offer in favor of the Papal and Princely offers.

Hussam B.

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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Ottoman Tue Sep 29, 2020 11:04 pm

Flanders 1789 Spring Campaign

The Flemish/Wallionian rebel armies face challenge task of maintaining their armies with limited funds and facing off the superior Austrian field army….

Marquis’s army at Mons
1 French Infantry brigades( compose of mixed bag of French royal army officers/ncos and volunteers)
3 infantry brigades
2 Cavalry brigades
1 infantry divisions

Army of Antwerp at Antwerp
1 Artillery Brigade
3 Infantry Divisions (3 now at regular grade)
1 supply column
1 Cavalry brigade

Austrian order of battle
Armee von Italien Field Army
3 infantry corps, 1 cavalry corps, 1 supply column and 1 artillery brigade.

At Namur Fortress

2 Garrison Divisions
1 Infantry Division
2 Artillery Battalions

Austrian forces at Brussels
3 infantry divisions
1 artillery battalion
1 support train
1 depot brigade

Openning Moves

Battle of Liege

April 1789

The Austrian field army under command of Field Marshal Franz Moritz von Lacy marches on Liege to retake it for the Prince Bishop.

The Austrian army shattered the Liege republican army without any major losses. They retake the area in short order.

In game effects

Liege rebels

2 Infantry Divisions- militia grade- shattered and wipe out

The Austrians assigned the following forces from Namur to garrison the region to insure the Prince-Bishop isn’t kicked out again.

Austrian relief force at Namur
1 Infantry brigade
1 cavalry division
1 artillery battalion

After the fall of Liege, the Austrian marches to retake Charleroi and Mons before turning to the seas. The Wallionian rebels deploy the Marquis’s army in the hopes of preventing fall of their heartlands to the Austrian army. However even the Marquis realizes the situation is lopsided and ops to do fighting retreat to give time for rebel leaders and supporters to retreat to the Antwerp.

May 1789

Battle of Charleroi

The morale of the rebel army was shaky at best and add in well train Austrian field army didn’t help the situation for the rebels. The Austrians laid down heavy artillery fire to support their infantry and cavalry formations that overwhelm the rebel defenses. Causing them to break and route in full retreat, the Marquis to rally his troops into form a rear guard to allow the other half of the army to retreat. They fight until they are force to surrender. But are able to inflict to some losses on Austrians army.

Rebels losses

1 French Infantry brigades shattered
3 infantry brigades shattered
2 Cavalry brigades shattered
1 infantry divisions shattered

Marquis Army is reformed at Antwerp by July 1789
3 Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry brigades

2 Infantry Divisions reduce to 2 infantry brigades, these brigades are assign to Brussels, where the 2 infantry divisions are assigned to the Field army to allow maintain full strength.

With the defeat of the rebel armies, the Austrians retake Mons and Charleroi with ease by the end of June. Come summer they plan to retake Ostend and Antwerp, with that crush the revolt…


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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Ottoman Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:18 pm

Summer 1789

June 1789

The Austrians march on Ostend take without a firing a shot. As the Rebels as abandon it. The rebels have retreated to Antwerp and dug in to make their last stand.

Armee von Italien Field Army under Field Marshal Franz Moritz von Lacy
3 infantry corps, 1 cavalry corps, 1 supply column and 1 artillery brigade.
Plus 1 infantry divisions,2 Infantry Brigades, 2 artillery battalion from Brussels and Namur

Rebel forces

Army of Antwerp at Antwerp
1 Artillery Brigade
3 Infantry Divisions (3 now at regular grade)
1 supply column
1 Cavalry brigade
Marquis Army at Antwerp
3 Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry brigades

July 4-10 1789

The shelling of Antwerp

The Austrians march towards Antwerp, they realize that a siege will not work as the rebels have access to supplies via Schledt Estuary. Field Marshal Lacy vows to take the city before the end of Summer in the name of the Emperor. He orders his artillery brigades and battalion to shell the rebel lines for four days nonstop to wreck their defenses and morale. The bombardment was able to wreck and shatter 2 Infantry brigades from Marquis army and inflict enough damage to reduce 1 infantry division to brigade. But the rebels held on and refuse to surrender to the superior Austrian forces. Forcing the Austrians to prepare to assault the city.

On July 9-10

The battle of Antwerp

The Austrian army attacked in waves having their non detached infantry division and 2 infantry brigades lead the initial assault. Follow by the infantry corps as the second wave. The rebels make good use of their artillery to shatter a good portion of the first wave troops, 2 Infantry brigades shattered and 1 Infantry division shattered. However, the rebel luck ran out when the second waves came in to assault the lines. It was a bloody affair as both sides fought bitterly to wipe each other out. The rebels had nowhere to go and refuse to give. Plus, they were well dig in, which made the fight a bloody one. By end of day 2, the Austrians finally break the morale of the rebel army and force the remaining holdouts to surrender.

It becomes apparent to the Austrian commanders that the none of the rebel leaderships was in the city nor was Marquis. It seem they have disappear and fled potential to Britain, Holland or somewhere else or even underground. However the Austrians had bigger issues to deal, considering they now had to regarrison the whole region and restore order. They paid high price to retake their province from rebels…

Rebel losses, all units are shattered and considered lost.

Army of Antwerp at Antwerp
1 Artillery Brigade
3 Infantry Divisions (3 now at regular grade)
1 supply column
1 Cavalry brigade
Marquis Army at Antwerp
3 Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry brigades

Austrian losses
1 infantry divisions,2 Infantry Brigades shattered, remaining cades units are used to bring the field army back up to strength
2 Garrison divisions from Namur are use as well to bring the field army back to strength.

For now the revolts have crushed…


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Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution) Empty Re: Brabant Revolution and Happy Revolution(Liege revolution)

Post by Ottoman Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:19 am

Clarification, it's the political leadership of the rebellion that has went underground or fled via Schledt Estuary . Does this mean they weren't be caught....not the case. Look up how the rl USA caught the ex confederate leaders or weren't able to catch them.

Over the course of the next three to four months, roughly 20 to 40% will be captured by Austrian forces in Flanders.


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