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Royaume de France

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Royaume de France Empty Royaume de France

Post by TLS Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:13 pm

Royaume de France
Kingdom of France

Royaume de France 250px-Tricolour_Cockade.svg

Royaume de France 500px-France_Departement_1801.svg

National Statistics as of 1804
Population: 36 Million People (100,000 in colonies)
Languages: French, Occitan, Breton
Prestige: A
Credit: A

Political Organization
Official Title: Kingdom of France
Conventional: France
Political System: Constitutional Monarchy
Capital: Paris
Sovereign: Philippe VII


Taxes: 9
Ports: 11 (Nice, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre, Toulon, La Rochelle, Calais, Ostend, Algiers, Tunis)
FC: 1 (Paris)
Production Center: 15 (Brussels, Lille, Saarbrucken)
Craft Centers: 14 (Paris, Metz, 3x Marseilles, Toulon, Bordeaux, Nantes, Nancy, Lyon, Strasbourg, Antwerp, Koln, Tunis)
Resources: 14 (Paris, Bordeaux, Reims, Marseilles, Toulouse, Nancy, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica, Aachen, Algiers)
Commercial Fleets: 13 (26 fleets)
Total Income: 77 points

West Indies
Taxes: 0 (Population: 50 thousand [90% slave, 5% white, 5% free colored])
Ports: 2 (Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 16 (Martinique 2, Guadeloupe 2, French Guiana 1)
Commercial Fleets: 3 (6 fleets)
Total Income: 10 points

French East India Company
Taxes: 0 (Population: India: 135,000 [99% Indian, 1% white], Mauritius: 40,000 [15% white, 80% slave, 5% free coloreds/others])
Ports: 2 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius])
Resources: 5 (Trade with Indian Clients 4, Reunion)
Trading Post: .5 (Saint-Louis [Senegal], Dakar)
Commercial Fleet: 3 (6)
Total Income: 10.5 points

Total French Income: 97.5 points

Military (ORBAT as of Winter 1805)

Metropole Manpower Breakdown
Regulars: 262,700 (out of 846,000 limit)
Militia/Reserves: 277,500(out of 846,000 limit)

Navy [68,200 regulars, 30,000 reserves, 17.15 points]

Fixed Installations [30,000 reserves, 1.35 point]
-3 Navy Yards (Brest, Marseille, Bordeaux) [30,000 reserves, 1.35 point]

Manche Fleet (Ostend) [27,400 regulars, 7.6 points] (Commander: Pierre-Charles Villeneuve)
-2 BB1s (Ville de Paris, Royal Louis) [2,000 regulars, .9 points]
-18 BB2s [14,400 regulars, 4.05 points] (Foudroyant, Duc de Bourgogne, Océan, Orient, Sceptre, Bourbon, Saint Philippe, Entreprenant, Redoubtable, Palmier, Languedoc, Couronne, Guerrier, Espérance)
-12 Frigates [6,000 regulars, 2.2 points] (Juste, Normandie, Spartiate, Rhin, Bucentare, Gaulois, Colosse, Marengo, Polonais, Ajax, Regulus, Charlemagne)
-5 Brigs [5,000 regulars, .45 points]

Mediterranean Fleet (Tunis) [9,000 regulars, 3.05 points] (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
-1 BB1s [1,000 regulars, .45 points] (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s [4,000 regulars, 1.15 points] (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-8 Frigates [4,000 regulars, 1.45 points] (Souverain, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Jemappes, Barra, Tunis, Droits de l'Homme, Algiers)

Atlantic Fleet (Marseilles) [14,000 regulars, 4.25 points] (Commander: Louis Guillouet, comte d'Orvilliers)
-5 BB2s [4,000 regulars, 1.15 points] (Conquérant, Monarque, Intrépide, Magnifique, Robuste)
-16 Frigates [8,000 regulars, 2.9 points] (Florissant, Bourgogne, Marseillais, Destin, Royal Italien, Audacieux, Montebello, Anversois
-2 Brigs [2,000 regulars, .2 points]

India Squadron (Pondicherry) (5,600 regulars, 1.4 points) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Barthélémy Thomas, comte d’Orves)
-4 BB2 [3,200 regulars, .9 points] (Solide, Sceptre)
-6 Frigates [3,000 regulars, 1.1 points] (Ardent, Triton, Saint-Michel, Mascarin)
-4 Brigs [4,000 regulars, .4 points]

Caribbean Squadron (Martinique) [16,200 regulars, 3.45 points)
-4 BB2 [3,200 regulars, .9 points]
-10 Frigates [5,000 regulars, 1.8 points]
-8 Brigs [8,000 regulars, .75 points]

Army [194,500 regulars, 247,500 reserves, 51.5 points]

Fixed Installations [10,000 regulars, 112,500 reserves, 6.2 points]
-10 Fortresses (Brest, Bordeaux, Calais, Toulon, Marseille, Verdun, Paris, Le Havre, Algiers, Tunis) [10,000 regulars, 2 points]
-15 Garrison Brigades (Brest, Bordeaux, Calais, Toulon, Marseille, Verdun, Paris, Le Havre, Vendee, Nice, Cologne, Aachen, Saarbucken) [37,500 reserves, 1.2 points]
-15 Garrison Divisions (2x Algiers, 2x Tunis, 2x Bougie, 2x Annaba, 2x Sfax, 3x Vendee, 2x Paris) [75,000 reserves, 3 points]

Grand Army of the Rhine (Cologne) [52,500 regulars, 10.3 points] (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-2 Infantry Divisions [Upgrading, Ready Spring] (10,000 regulars, 1.6 points)
-8 infantry Brigades[Upgrading, Ready Spring] (20,000 regulars, 1.6 points)
-2 Cavalry Brigades [Upgrading, Ready Spring] (2,000 regulars, .4 points)
-3 Artillery Brigades (3,000 regulars, 4.8 points)
-7 Artillery Battalions (2,500 regulars, 1.4 points)
-3 Supply Columns (15,000 regulars, .5 points)

Army of the Rhone (Cologne) [52,000 regulars, 8.6 points] (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)
-2 infantry Divisions [Upgrading, Ready Spring] (10,000 regulars, 1.6 points)
-3 infantry Divisions [Upgrading, Ready Spring] (15,000 regulars, 2.4 points)
-4 infantry Brigades [Upgrading, Ready Spring] (10,000 regulars, .8 points)
-3 Cavalry Brigades [Upgrading, Ready Spring] (3,000 regulars, .6 points)
-1 Artillery Brigades (1,000 regulars, 1.6 points)
-6 Artillery Battalions (3,000 regulars, 1.2 points)
-2 Supply Columns (10,000 regulars, .4 points)

Army of the Loire (Saarbrucken) [60,500 regulars, 14.6 points] (Commander: Michel Ney)
-9 infantry Divisions (45,000 regulars, 7.2 points)
-3 Cavalry Divisions (7,500 regulars, 4.8 points)
-1 Artillery Brigades (1,000 regulars, 1.6 points)
-4 Artillery Battalions (2,000 regulars, .8 points)
-1 Supply Column (5,000 regulars, .2 points)

Army of the Po (Milan) [31,500 regulars, 4.6 points] (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-9 infantry Brigades [Upgrading, Ready Spring] (22,500 regulars, 1.8 points)
-1 Cavalry Brigade [Upgrading, Ready Spring] (1,000 regulars, .2 points)
-1 Artillery Brigades (1,000 regulars, 1.6 points)
-4 Artillery Battalions (2,000 regulars, .8 points)
-1 Supply Column (5,000 regulars, .2 points)

Army of the Marne (Paris) [60,500 regulars, 14.6 points]  (Commander: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette)
-9 infantry Divisions (45,000 regulars, 7.2 points) [Ready Summer]
-3 Cavalry Divisions (7,500 regulars, 4.8 points) [Ready Summer]
-1 Artillery Brigades (1,000 regulars, 1.6 points) [Ready Summer]
-4 Artillery Battalions (2,000 regulars, .8 points) [Ready Summer]
-1 Supply Column (5,000 regulars, .2 points) [Ready Summer]

Army of the Escaut (Antwerp) [60,500 regulars, 14.6 points] (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Jourdan)
-9 infantry Divisions (45,000 regulars, 7.2 points) [Ready Summer]
-3 Cavalry Divisions (7,500 regulars, 4.8 points) [Ready Summer]
-1 Artillery Brigades (1,000 regulars, 1.6 points) [Ready Summer]
-4 Artillery Battalions (2,000 regulars, .8 points) [Ready Summer]
-1 Supply Column (5,000 regulars, .2 points) [Ready Summer]

French West Indies
Metropolitan Regulars: 7,500
Regulars: 0 (out of 2,100 limit)
Militia/Reserves: (out of 2,100 limit)

Army  (7,500 Metropolitan Regulars, 1.1 points)
-2 Fortresses (Martinique, Guadeloupe) [2,000 Metropolitan Regulars, .45 points]
-1 Forts (Cayenne) [500 Metropolitan Regulars, .1 points]
-2 Infantry Brigades (Martinique, Guadeloupe) [5,000 regulars, .45 points]
-2 Infantry Regiments (Cayenne) [1,000 regulars, .1 points)

French East India Company
Metropolitan Regulars: 2,500
Metropolitan Reserves: 13,750
Regulars: 0 (out of 1,200 limit)
Militia/Reserves: 0 (out of 1,200 limit)

Army (2,500 Regulars, 13,750 Reserves, 16,250 Sepoys, 2.1 points)

Fixed Installations [2,500 Regulars, 2,500 Sepoys, 1,250 reserves, 1.2 points]
-4 Forts (Dakar, Saint Louis, Mauritius, Saint-Alouarn [Perth]) (2,000 Regulars (1,000 Europeans, 1,000 Sepoys), .4 points)
-3 Fortress (Pondicherry, Mahe, Karaikal) (3,000 regulars (1,500 Europeans, 1,500 Sepoys), .7 points)
-1 Garrison Brigade (Mauritius) (2,500 reserves (1,250 Europeans, 1,250 Sepoys), .1 points)

Army of India (Pondicherry) (Commander: Guillaume de Bellecombe) (25,000 reserves (12,500 Europeans, 12,500 Sepoys), .9 points)
-10 Garrison Brigades (25,000 Reserves (12,500 Europeans, 12,500 Sepoys), .9 points)

Last edited by TLS on Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:14 pm; edited 41 times in total

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by Ottoman Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:16 am

Background information

The Kingdom of France is still recovering from the Seven Years War, its heavily in debt and lost of it's North American colonies. The Royal Court must work out a debt payment plan that will not cripple the economy as well as keep an eye out on a opportunity to get payback against Britain for defeating France in the last war.


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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:42 pm

France in 1768

As King Louis XV enjoys his twilight years, France still reels from the humiliation of five years prior. The womanizing gourmand, ever the late Enlightenment gentleman, spends his days fretting over the pursuit of happiness in his palace at Versailles. Always the shadow of his grand-père, the magnificent roi Soleil Louis XIV, Louis XV has somehow managed to survive a reign longer than any other save his predecessor’s. Like his more glorious antecedent, in fact, he also holds the same dubious honor as having outlived his heir. Louis le Bien-Aimé, as the king is also known, buried his son in 1765, and the heir to the kingdom is now the young dauphin, a bookish fourteen-year-old who is repulsed by his own grand-père’s decadence and enraptured by the scientific breakthroughs around him.

The king’s now-singular focus on earthly pleasures has allowed a malaise to set in over the administration of his kingdom. Albion Far from the enlightened despotism of his grandfather, which mustered an economic and military power that caused all of Europe to quake, the France of Louis XV is a sclerotic beast. Her armies and fleets had performed valiantly in the Seven Years’ War, but an inability to successfully contest British dominance of the high-seas or Prussian armed prowess on the continent despite alliances with the ancient powers of Spain and Austria has left the military class seething. Day-to-day administration of the country is in the hands of the duc du Choiseul, who is singularly consumed by thoughts of revenge against perfidious Albion and embroiled in conflict with the regional parlements over the levying of taxes. The state is riven by ancient jurisdictions that impede cohesive administration, tax collection is left in the hands of corrupt and haughty intendants and internal tariff barriers often make it easier to trade with foreign countries than within France itself.

It would be a mistake, however, to say that France is a dying, if noble, beast. Below the duc du Choiseul, innovative economic thinkers in the Ministry of Finance study the countries travails and have begun to formulate new strategies to increase productivity. Outside of the halls of state, France is clearly the center of avant-garde thought. The controversial aging thinkers Rosseau and Voltaire live in internal exile away from Paris, but their disciples permeate the salons, parlements and academies of the kingdom. Controversial and provocative literature flourishes thanks to a proliferation of printing presses, despite the halfhearted attempts of the censors. The late Montesquieu’s treatise “The Spirit of the Law” has inspired a new wave of young lawyers and jurists to envision a new model for the French kingdom, as the patriotic fervor caused by the recent defeat mixes with medieval French pride and invocations of ancient Roman virtue.

Underlying all these concerns, however, is the kingdom’s monumental debt. While reformers clamor for change and revanchists seek a return to military glory, the financiers observe ever-more-warily the country’s precarious monetary situation. France has always had an unhealthy reliance on foreign and domestic capital, but the tremendous outlays of the recent war threaten to remain on the kingdom’s books for decades to come. While negotiators were able to keep the lucrative Caribbean sugar colonies within the fold, losses in North America and India have reduced France’s income from abroad. Louis XV is beyond the age of adventurism, but despite his baser preoccupations is aware that his country yearns for a restoration of its proper status—and to meet this patriotic cry, money will need to be found.

The kingdom thus lies at the precipice of a new age in more ways that one. The so-called “Diplomatic Revolution” left France allied to its ancient enemy Austria in the struggle against Britain, but popular resentment against the Austrian alliance has not been soothed by its abject failure in the recent war. The young dauphin is still yet to be betrothed, and various factions at court scour the continent for suitable matches to advance the kingdom’s interests. Much hope rests on the shy teenager who, while he currently takes more interest in the machinations of a watch than the machinations of state, feels the heavy weight of tradition and the patrie on his shoulders. For now, though, the aging bon vivant still reigns in Versailles, and much work is yet to be done to set the stage for his understudy.

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:12 pm

French Builds, 1768

France 1768

Taxes: 1.85
Sale of Venal Offices: 2
Ports: 4 (Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre)
Craft Centers: 6 (Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lyon)
Resources: 9 (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Income From West Indies: 14.55
Income From East India Company: 4.4
Total Income: 47.8

-3 Naval Yards: 1.5
-1 BB1: .5
-3 BB1s, Mothballed : .15
-14 BB2s: 3.5
-25 BB2s, Mothballed: .65
-12 FF1s: 2.4
-8 FF1s, Mothballed: .2
-15 Brigs: 1.5
-9 Fortresses: 2.25
-42 Garrison Brigades: 4.2
-15 Light Infantry Brigades: 3
-10 Cavalry Brigades: 5
-10 Artillery Companies: 6
-1 Engineer Brigade: 2
Total: 32.85

-Debt Repayment: 14
-Profit-Seeking Ventures: .95

Total: 14.95
Total Spent: 47.8


French West Indies 1768

Taxes: 0
Ports: 4 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 6.25 (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cap-Francais 2, Port-au-Prince 2, French Guiana .25)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Total Income: 16.25

-5 Forts: .5
-2 Garrison Brigades: .2
Total: .7

-2 Militia Infantry Regiments (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince): 1
-Transfer to France: 14.55
Total: 15.55

Total Spent: 16.25


French East India Company 1768

Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius])
Resources: 3 (Trade with Indian Clients 2, Reunion)
Trading Outposts: .5 (Dakar, Saint Louis [Senegal])
Total Income: 5.5

-4 Forts: .4
-2 Light Infantry Regiments: .2
Total: .6

-1 Militia Infantry Regiments (Mauritius: .5)
-Transfer to France: 4.4
Total: 4.9

Total Spent: 5.5

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:14 pm

French Debt Renegotiation, 1768

The French Crown begins negotiations with its various creditors to address the issue of its extensive sovereign debt. King Louis XV has every intention of meeting his commitments, but the idea that the Crown will ever fully pay down its debt is simply absurd. Any expectation of such is unrealistic and would, in fact, be counterproductive for all involved.

After extensive back-and-forth with representatives of the various credit houses of Europe, the French Crown is able to win a short-term reprieve through the following steps:

1) France mothballs the Manche and Atlantic fleets, while leaving the rest fully-funded to combat piracy in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Africa and the Indies. All savings go straight to repaying debt.

2) France appropriately reduces the size of its armies to meet the needs of peacetime. All standing infantry divisions are reduced to light infantry divisions, and the numerous light infantry regiments across France are converted into further garrison brigades. All the forts (not fortresses) within mainland France are consolidated and reduced to garrison brigades. Savings will go towards paying down debt.

4) The Kingdom guarantees that, for the next five years (1768 to 1772) creditors shall be paid at least 14 points a year. Negotiations conclude with the creditors demanding a return to 20 points per year in 1773 and the full 24 points per year of debt repayment in 1774. The French negotiators note that this will leave France dangerously unable to fund anti-piracy patrols the world over, but does not reject the demand.

5) At the behest of international creditors, the Crown increases the sale of so-called “venal offices” to help pay the debt. While the creditors demand it be permanently increased, the Crown demurs from codifying the sale formally, instead emphasizing that it will meet the 14 points per year demand. However, in 1768, Versailles does see a rapid influx of distinctly unqualified, but wealthy, nobles into the halls of power.
6) France’s remaining income shall be allocated to steps directly related to ensuring future debt repayment, including pursuing new profit-making ventures. Part of the remaining funds may also be allocated to paying down new loans taken to help pay for the current debt load.

7) To ensure the profitability of France’s overseas possession, the Crown unilaterally begins moving to shift the burden of defense to the colonies. While Metropolitan troops will, for now, remain abroad, the colonies are directed to begin raising funds and soldiers for their own defense. Separately from negotiations with creditors, Louis XV decides against annexing the French East India Company outright, and instead redoubles his efforts to extract value from the Orient by allocating all French colonies in the Old World to the FEIC’s management.

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by Ottoman Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:10 pm

One bright spot in the depressed economic situation of France, was the colony of Saint-Domingue( Haiti), the crown jewel of the French West Indies. The economy was booming with more slaves being imported to work the fields and demands for sugar/coffee and other goods from France on the rise.

Effective 1769, the colony will gain two new resources( Sugar, Coffee) in 1 in Port-de-Paix, 1 in Les Cayes.

Colonial Officials request for two more garrison units to deploy to Saint-Domingue to insure the crown jewel is well protected.


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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:12 pm

French Builds, 1769

France 1769

Taxes: 1.85
Ports: 4 (Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre)
Craft Centers: 6 (Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lyon)
Resources: 9 (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Income From West Indies: 18.25
Income From East India Company: 4.95
Total Income: 50.05

-3 Naval Yards: 1.5
-1 BB1: .5
-3 BB1s, Mothballed : .15
-14 BB2s: 3.5
-25 BB2s, Mothballed: .65
-12 FF1s: 2.4
-8 FF1s, Mothballed: .2
-15 Brigs: 1.5
-9 Fortresses: 2.25
-40 Garrison Brigades: 4
-15 Light Infantry Brigades: 3
-10 Cavalry Brigades: 5
-10 Artillery Companies: 6
-1 Engineer Brigade: 2
Total: 32.65

-Debt Repayment: 14
-1 Garrison Brigade (Paris):  2
-Profit-Seeking Ventures: 1.4

Total: 17.4
Total Spent: 50.05


French West Indies 1769

Taxes: 0
Ports: 4 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 8.25 (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cap-Francais 2, Port-au-Prince 3, Les Cayes, French Guiana .25)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Total Income: 18.25

-5 Forts: .5
-4 Garrison Brigades: .4
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments: .1
Total: 1

-Transfer to France: 17.25
Total: 17.25

Total Spent: 18.25


French East India Company 1769

Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius])
Resources: 3 (Trade with Indian Clients 2, Reunion)
Trading Outposts: .5 (Dakar, Saint Louis [Senegal])
Total Income: 5.5

-4 Forts: .4
-2 Light Infantry Regiments: .2
-1 Militia Infantry Regiment: .05
Total: .65

-Transfer to France: 4.95
Total: 4.95

Total Spent: 5.5

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:47 pm

French Builds, 1770

France 1770

Taxes: 1.85
Ports: 4 (Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre)
Craft Centers: 6 (Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lyon)
Resources: 9 (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Income From West Indies: 18.25
Income From East India Company: 1.95
Total Income: 47.05

-3 Naval Yards: 1.5
-1 BB1: .5
-3 BB1s, Mothballed : .15
-14 BB2s: 3.5
-25 BB2s, Mothballed: .65
-12 FF1s: 2.4
-8 FF1s, Mothballed: .2
-15 Brigs: 1.5
-9 Fortresses: 2.25
-41 Garrison Brigades: 4.1
-15 Light Infantry Brigades: 3
-10 Cavalry Brigades: 5
-10 Artillery Companies: 6
-1 Engineer Brigade: 2
Total: 32.75

-Debt Repayment: 14
-Profit-Seeking Ventures: .3

Total: 14.3
Total Spent: 47.05


French West Indies 1770

Taxes: 0
Ports: 4 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 8.25 (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cap-Francais 2, Port-au-Prince 3, Les Cayes, French Guiana .25)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Total Income: 18.25

-5 Forts: .5
-4 Garrison Brigades: .4
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments: .1
Total: 1

-Transfer to France: 17.25
Total: 17.25

Total Spent: 18.25


French East India Company 1770

Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius])
Resources: 3 (Trade with Indian Clients 2, Reunion)
Trading Outposts: .5 (Dakar, Saint Louis [Senegal])
Total Income: 5.5

-4 Forts: .4
-2 Light Infantry Regiments: .2
-1 Militia Infantry Regiment: .05
Total: .65

-1 Light Infantry Brigade (Mauritius): 3
-Transfer to France: 1.95
Total: 4.95

Total Spent: 5.5

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:36 pm

A Royal Wedding, 1770

After a years-long search, in early 1770 the French Crown announces that the young dauphin Louis--surely the most eligible bachelor in all of Europe--is engaged to His Cousin, Marie Josephine of Savoy. Though the union with the daughter of Savoy is, at first glance, below that of the stature of the French heir, it quickly becomes apparent that the engagement is designed to strengthen ties between France and Spain. Indeed, in His old age, King Louis XV appears intent on redoubling the strength of the Pacte de Famille most recently tested during the Seven Years' War.

Louis and his wife are married by proxy in November 1770, once the negotiations to conclude the nuptials are agreed upon. Plans are set in motion for a more formal marriage ceremony in early 1771. Meanwhile, Louis XV recognizes the needs to placate his other allies, most notably the Austrians, and quickly begins entreating them to marry the young Maria Antonia to the dauphin's brother, the comte d'Provence, Louis Stanislas.

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:37 pm

French Builds, 1771

France 1771

Taxes: 1.85
Sale of Venal Offices: 1.9
Ports: 4 (Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre)
Craft Centers: 6 (Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lyon)
Resources: 9 (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Income From West Indies: 18.25
Income From East India Company: 4.65
Total Income: 51.65

-3 Naval Yards: 1.5
-1 BB1: .5
-3 BB1s, Mothballed : .15
-14 BB2s: 3.5
-21 BB2s, Mothballed: .55
-4 BB2s, Activating from Mothball: 2
-12 FF1s: 2.4
-8 FF1s, Activating from Mothball: 3.2
-15 Brigs: 1.5
-9 Fortresses: 2.25
-41 Garrison Brigades: 4.1
-15 Light Infantry Brigades: 3
-10 Cavalry Brigades: 5
-10 Artillery Companies: 6
-1 Engineer Brigade: 2
Total: 37.65

-Debt Repayment: 14

Total: 14
Total Spent: 51.65


French West Indies 1771

Taxes: 0
Ports: 4 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 8.25 (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cap-Francais 2, Port-au-Prince 3, Les Cayes, French Guiana .25)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Total Income: 18.25

-5 Forts: .5
-4 Garrison Brigades: .4
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments: .1
Total: 1

-Transfer to France: 17.25
Total: 17.25

Total Spent: 18.25


French East India Company 1771

Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius])
Resources: 3 (Trade with Indian Clients 2, Reunion)
Trading Outposts: .5 (Dakar, Saint Louis [Senegal])
Total Income: 5.5

-4 Forts: .4
-2 Light Infantry Regiments: .2
-1 Light Infantry Brigade: .2
-1 Militia Infantry Regiment: .05
Total: .85

-Transfer to France: 4.65
Total: 4.65

Total Spent: 5.5

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:52 pm

Les Malouines?

Over the winter of 1770-1771, César Gabriel de Choiseul, the French Secretary of the Navy, and Étienne François, duc de Choiseul, the Chief Minister for Louis XV, both take notice of the crisis brewing in the South Atlantic. Though France had discharged her thoroughly unprofitable stake in the Malouine Islands years prior to the Spanish, recent moves to bring El Escorial and Versailles closer together leave the French leadership in a precarious position. Spain's honor, and by extension that of France, is not only threatened by Britain, but London's unwillingness to even respond to Spanish good-faith efforts to solve the crisis leave the French increasingly concerned that the Albionites are dead-set on conflict.

To dissuade the English from embarking on the path to war, the government scrapes together what it can to move more thoroughly towards a defensive posture. The French budget is still spread far too thin, but thanks to the sale of venal offices and strong-arming of the French East India Company, enough money is found to ensure all of France's Atlantic Frigates, as well as a handful of its smaller ships-of-the-line, can be made seaworthy over the winter months. Orders are also issued for the French fleet in the Mediterranean, usually tasked with pirate duty, to prepare for the possibility of conflict.  

The King Himself remains inscrutable during the crisis, but rumors begin to emerge of a disconnect between the Sovereign and His more bellicose ministers. However, having so forcefully pushed the Spanish for an engagement between their line of the Bourbons and His heir, the King is also aware of the issues of honor and duty presented by the current crisis. While France remains clearly sclerotic and in a defensive posture, all eyes turn to the Court of St. James and the increasingly harried messages sent by France's minister-plenipotentiary.

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:38 pm

Late June/Early 1771, message from the French Governor of Reunion arrives in France.

Telling a fate of Frigate Hector commanded by Louis Aleno de St Aloüarn. He is tasked with an expedition to explore Terra Australis, in pursuit of fruitful land for settlement and extraction of profitable resources. His orders particularly directed towards the Western end of the currently identified portions of Terra Australis( rl Western Australia). The Governor is sad to note that Louis didn't survive, nor did his ship. They lost at sea in heavy storm. However some of the crew miraculous survive and were pick up by a passing Portuguese trade ship that drop them off at Reunion. They tell that they did reach Terra Australis to a mouth of some river basin(Swan River). However lost all proof and the maps due to the ship sinking. However when pressed of what seen, it seems that Indian Ocean sun took a total on them. They spoke of tales of bears jumping out of the trees attacking them and massive birds the size of cows chasing after them.


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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:27 pm

Two Weddings and an International Crisis

While the French and Sardinian courts are busily enmeshed in the logistics of finally marrying the dauphin to his distant cousin bride, the looming specter of war between Spain and Britain casts a distinct shadow over Versailles. A suitably ostentatious wedding is held in person, to solidify the marriage by proxy in late 1770, at the chapel in the royal palace. The shy young heir and his equally-shy wife dutifully carry out the wedding ceremony before the entire court, but rumors soon begin to spread that the union goes unconsummated on the wedding night--and perhaps beyond.

With the risk of conflict growing each day, and perhaps concerned for the longevity of his house should his heir not produce a son, Louis XV turns to marry his other sons. Louis Stanislas is formally proposed as a marriage match, in turn, to Maria Antonia of Austria--rechristened Marie Antoinette by the French crowds--in late 1771. The match is aimed at solidifying the ties between Austria and Paris, and though the match is unpopular with the crowds, anger is mollified by the fact that, hopefully, France will be spared the indignity of an Austrian queen. Charles Philippe, the last son of Louis XV, is less critical to the regime's plans for longevity, and so he is not yet married off--though he is fast approaching 16.

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:33 pm

With war on the horizon, the French court enters into negotiation with Italian bankers. With Austrian backing, France obtains a loan from the Milanese banking concerns for 50 points over 5 years, at 15% interest—all payments deferred until 1777/ The loan is to be point solely to paying down France’s loans from the Seven Years’ War, freeing up the French budget to focus on military affairs. Negotiations are ongoing for additional sources of funding, but France’s already pitiful credit rating hampers its ability to procure foreign loans.

French Builds, 1772

France 1772

War Taxes: 3.9
Sale of Venal Offices: 1.85
Ports: 4 (Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre)
Craft Centers: 6 (Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lyon)
Resources: 9 (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Income From West Indies: 18.25
Income From East India Company: 4.65
Total Income: 53.65

-3 Naval Yards: 1.5
-1 BB1: .5
-3 BB1s, Mothballed : 3
-18 BB2s: 4.5
-21 BB2s, Activating from Mothball: 10.5
-19 FF1s: 3.8
-15 Brigs: 1.5
-9 Fortresses: 2.25
-41 Garrison Brigades: 4.1
-15 Light Infantry Brigades: 3
-10 Cavalry Brigades: 5
-10 Artillery Companies: 6
-1 Engineer Brigade: 2
Total: 47.65

-Upgrade 6 Light Infantry Brigades to Infantry Brigades: 6

Total: 6
Total Spent: 53.65


French West Indies 1772

Taxes: 0
Ports: 4 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 8.25 (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cap-Francais 2, Port-au-Prince 3, Les Cayes, French Guiana .25)
Commercial Fleets: 6 (12 fleets)
Total Income: 18.25

-5 Forts: .5
-4 Garrison Brigades: .4
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments: .1
Total: 1

-Transfer to France: 17.25
Total: 17.25

Total Spent: 18.25


French East India Company 1772

Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius])
Resources: 3 (Trade with Indian Clients 2, Reunion)
Trading Outposts: .5 (Dakar, Saint Louis [Senegal])
Total Income: 5.5

-4 Forts: .4
-2 Light Infantry Regiments: .2
-1 Light Infantry Brigade: .2
-1 Militia Infantry Regiment: .05
Total: .85

-Transfer to France: 4.65
Total: 4.65

Total Spent: 5.5

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by Ottoman Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:01 pm

Late Dec 1772

The frigate Mascarin sails into Reunion island , and reports to the French Governor. They provide detail maps and charts of Polynesian islands, Tasmania and New Zealand. However, the crew of Mascarin report their Captain Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne has been eaten by the natives of New Zealand. Which they regards as island of salvages.


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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:04 pm

By Dec 1772 -Jan 1773

A number of Polish exiles led by Kazimierz Pułaski and Tadeusz Kościuszko arrive in France, along with them were a number of Polish exiles from Bar Confederation war with Russia.

France has option to raise one regiment of infantry and one regiment of cavalry for half cost.


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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:05 pm

French Builds, 1773

France, 1773

War Taxes: 3.9
Swiss Loan: 25 Points
Ports: 2 (Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre) [Half Income]
Craft Centers: 6 (Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lyon)
Resources: 9 (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica)
Commercial Fleets: 3 (12 fleets) [Half Income]
Income From West Indies: 12.25
Total Income: 61.15

-3 Naval Yards: 1.5
-4 BB1s: 2
-39 BB2s: 9.75
-19 FF1s: 3.8
-13 Brigs: 1.3
-9 Fortresses: 2.25
-41 Garrison Brigades: 4.1
-8 Light Infantry Brigades: 1.6
-7 Infantry Brigades: 1.75
-10 Cavalry Brigades: 5
-10 Artillery Companies: 5
-1 Engineer Brigade: 2
-4 Savoyard Infantry Brigades: 1
-2 Savoyard Cavalry Brigades: 1
Total: 42.05

-Upgrade 4 Light Infantry Brigades to Infantry Brigades: 4
-1 Polish Light Infantry Regiment (Half Cost): .5
-1 Polish Cavalry Regiment (Half Cost): 1
-Strategic Reserve for 1773: 13.6
Total: 19.1
Total Spent: 61.15


French West Indies, 1773

Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe) [Half Income]
Resources: 8.25 (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cap-Francais 2, Port-au-Prince 3, Les Cayes, French Guiana .25)
Commercial Fleets: 1 (4 fleets) [Half Income]
Total Income: 13.25

-5 Forts: .5
-4 Garrison Brigades: .4
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments: .1
Total: 1

-1 Depot (Port-au-Prince): 2
-Upgrade 2 Militia Infantry Regiments to Light Infantry (Delayed until Spring): 1
-Raise 2 Militia Infantry Regiments (Delayed until Spring): 1
-Transfer to France: 8.25
Total: 12.25

Total Spent: 13.25


French East India Company, 1773

Taxes: 0
Ports: 1 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius]) [Half Income]
Resources: 3 (Trade with Indian Clients 2, Reunion)
Trading Outposts: .5 (Dakar, Saint Louis [Senegal])
Total Income: 4.5

-4 Forts: .4
-2 Light Infantry Regiments: .2
-1 Light Infantry Brigade: .2
-1 Militia Infantry Regiment: .05
Total: .85

-1 Artillery Company (Pondicherry): 3
-Royal Gifts: .65
Total: 3.65

Total Spent: 4.5

Last edited by TLS on Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:56 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:11 pm

A Ruinous Expense for Honor – 1773

« Le roi n'est pas’ content. »

The King is not happy. Though hardly known for being a spendthrift, Louis XV had made it abundantly clear at the end of the Seven Years’ Folly that He had no interest in wasting French blood and treasure on another royal family’s debts. His advisors had told Him to renege on His earlier idea of marrying His heir to the Austrian princess Marie-Antoinette, now unhappily married to His comparatively boorish second son, because it would risk bringing France into another house’s disastrous squabbles. A marriage with fellow Bourbons, they said, would be far more palatable to the French people and secure the cause of peace. Well, the gauche sans-culottes may have been happier with some goat-herder bride from the mountains of Italy, but now France found herself again at war with « Ces maudites Anglais! »

However much France may have avoided a bloody 1772, with only a few sailors and merchantmen losing lives or property, it was only a matter of time before Frenchmen died for some Spaniard’s war. The Austrians had pulled through and forced the Italians to loan Versailles enough gold to keep the creditors from the last war at bay until 1777, but a new war required new debts. Jacques Necker, a Huguenot banker from Geneva, had negotiated a loan (25 points, 15% interest over 5 years but with interest payments deferred until the end of the war, though they would continue to accrue) and was beginning to ingratiate himself at court. He told of radical new monetary ideas, extolled by the finest physiocrats in the Kingdom, about the removal of internal tariff barriers and a focus on the farmland as a source of wealth. Louis couldn’t have cared less about what some usurious heretic thought about filthy lucre, He was just glad to have some breathing room set aside for when the English managed to inflict on Him what they had on the Spaniards.

Finally, the King decided that if His people were going to fight a war on the behalf of Lesser Bourbons, then so would they. He presented His “esteemed cousin” in the Kingdom of Sardinia—the titles those pretentious Savoyards had given themselves!—and graciously offered to pay the upkeep costs of Italian soldiers in His service. While Louis could not remember ever receiving the extension of such an offer by the court in Turin, He was suitably content when He saw confirmation arrive in what He swore was the “King’s” own shaky hand. Beyond the generous camaraderie of His cousins, the King quickly sought to enlist the exiled Polonaise into his armies. If France’s armies already held plenty of Irish and Scottish refugees, the Wild Geese of yore, why shouldn’t they welcome a new band of exiles?

Thus did Louis, thoroughly unhappily and against His will, spend what He was certain to be one of His last winters. He had hoped to leave His son, who clearly was not a man bred for war or conflict, a kingdom at peace and on stable footing. Rumors of His son’s inability to consummate his marriage despite the outward happiness between the newlyweds, instead spending day after day reading and studying, did not fill Louis with confidence that the House of Bourbon would thrive once He had gone. Though, with nearly six hundred years of history and 300 on the thrones of France or Navarre behind them, He was confident that His blood would see the day won.

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by Ottoman Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:26 pm

Impacts from the Moroccan raid on Dakar and Saint Louis trading post

The Moroccan raid on the French enclaves in Senegal and Gambia in early 1773 which dealt two blows to the French economy: France lost its gum senega reserves necessary for its silk industry, and it lost a key trading station used for exporting slaves to the Caribbean, which gradually weakened France's sugar production in Guadeloupe, Haiti and Martinique.

The French Merchant class and slaveholders lobby the Royal court to seek payback for this raid from the Moroccans and also push for the trading post to rebuilt ASAP.

Economic impact starting 1774

Until the trading post are rebuilt

The resource income generated from Guadeloupe, Haiti and Martinique takes 15% hit.

Bordeaux craft center and port take a 25% hit.


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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:49 pm

Disaster at Sea – Summer 1773

« Le roi ne va pas bien! »

Louis had ranted and railed and cursed when His advisors, the ruinous Choiseuls--the cousins César Gabriel, His Secretary of the Navy, and Étienne François, His Foreign Minister--when they prodded Him into war with Britain over some penguin-strewn rocks. However, He had been convinced by their soothing words of victory and cheap gallantry and beautiful revenge. He had even been swayed when they promised to restore His "couple acres of snow" as part of a genius stratagem, complete with their own sly misdirection that would send the English scurrying to protect Ireland rather than harass Brittany. Oh, how clever the Choiseuls thought they were!

Now the French fleet was either sunk or limping, its armies had been sent to the bottom of the sea or to an English dungeon, and the precious slaving posts in West Africa had been ransacked by Moorish knaves. At hearing news of the Battle of Ushant the King had feinted and quite nearly died, but seemingly by a new-found sense of rage was propelled back to life. First and foremost, He ordered the Choiseuls ejected totally and utterly from the halls of power. Charles Gravier, comte de Vergennes, was brought in as His new Foreign Minister, and directed to handle this Spanish disaster, while the Abbe Joseph Marie Terray, a man of the cloth, was brought in to handle France's ruinous finances. Though Louis now found Himself freed of the warmongering Choiseul clan, He still needed to handle the war they had plunged Him into.

However, He also knew that His time in the play that was global politics was coming to an end. He was old, and corpulent, and not at all excited to spend His last days fighting this terrible war. Instead, He began to turn more fully towards His Son and Heir. The future Louis XVI needed a lesson in statecraft as soon as possible, and Louis began forcing His son to sit in on meetings of the Conseils du Roi, sometimes alongside his aging father and other times alone.

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:51 pm

French Mid-Year Build, Summer 1773

Strategic Reserve: 8.6
Total Income: 8.6

-Repairs (4 Heavily Damaged BB2s): 8

Total Spent: 8
Total Remaining for 1773: .6

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:31 pm

French Builds, 1774

France 1774

War Taxes: 3.9
Swiss and Venetian Loans (at 5%): 50 Points [Total War Debt: 125 points]
Ports: 1.9 (Marseilles, Bordeaux .4, Brest, Le Havre) [Half Income]
Craft Centers: 5.75 (Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux .75, Lyon)
Resources: 9 (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica)
Commercial Fleets: 3.25 (9 fleets) [Half Income]
Income From West Indies: 9.25
Total Income: 83.05

-3 Naval Yards: 1.5
-2 BB1s: 1
-2 BB1s, Moderate Damage: 1
-11 BB2s: 2.75
-13 BB2, Moderate Damage: 3.25
-4 BB2s, Heavy Damage: 1
-4 BB2s, Light Damage: 1
-12 FF1s: 2.4
-2 FF1s, Moderate Damage: .4
-7 Brigs: .7
-9 Fortresses: 2.25
-41 Garrison Brigades: 4.1
-1 Light Infantry Brigades: .2
-8 Infantry Brigades: 2
-9 Cavalry Brigades: 4.5
-1 Cavalry Regiment: .25
-8 Artillery Companies: 4
-1 Engineer Brigade: 2
-4 Savoyard Infantry Brigades: 1
-2 Savoyard Cavalry Brigades: 1
-1 Polish Infantry Regiment: .1
-1 Polish Cavalry Regiment: .25
Total: 36.65

-Repair 13 BB2s, Moderate Damage: 13 (complete by Summer, 1774)
-Repair 2 FF1s, Moderate Damage: 1.5 (complete by Winter, 1775)
-Repair 2 BB1s, Moderate Damage: 4 (complete Summer, 1774)
-Repair 6 BB2s, Moderate Damage: 6 (Complete Summer, 1774)
-Repair 4 BB2s, Light Damage: 3 (Complete Spring, 1774)
-Upgrade 1 Light Infantry Brigade to Infantry: 1 (Complete Spring, 1774)
-Upgrade 1 Cavalry Regiment to Brigade: 3 (Complete Spring, 1774)
-Repay Swiss Loan (25 points, interest only, 15%): 3.75
-Strategic Reserve for 1774: 11.15
Total: 46.4

Total Spent: 83.05


French West Indies, 1774

Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe) [Half Income]
Resources: 8.25 (Martinique .85 , Guadeloupe .85 , Cap-Francais 1.7, Port-au-Prince 2.55, Les Cayes .85, French Guiana .25)
Commercial Fleets: 1 (4 fleets) [Half Income]
Total Income: 12.25

-5 Forts: .5
-4 Garrison Brigades: .4
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments: .1
Total: 1

-Upgrade 2 Militia Infantry Regiments to Light Infantry: 1
-Raise 2 Militia Infantry Regiments: 1
-Transfer to France: 9.25
Total: 11.25

Total Spent: 12.25


French East India Company, 1774

Taxes: 0
Ports: 1 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius]) [Half Income]
Resources: 3 (Trade with Indian Clients 2, Reunion)
Total Income: 4

-4 Forts: .4
-2 Light Infantry Regiments: .2
-1 Light Infantry Brigade: .2
-1 Artillery Regiment: .5
-1 Militia Infantry Regiment: .05
Total: 1.35

-Aid to Indian Allies: 2.65
Total: 2.65

Total Spent: 4

Last edited by TLS on Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by Ottoman Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:34 pm

By the end of 1773

Many in the French Court wonder how long can France play such a conservative role in confronting the British aggression in the war, they push for an more proactive role to force a peace settlement that is favorable for France.


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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by TLS Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:55 pm

In 1775, the French treasury begins to take stock of its dire situation. Not only did the previous war end without much in the way of financial profit, other than the return of Lower Louisiana, but it also required the French Crown to take on an exceeding amount of debt and resulted in the lost of valuable merchant fleets and colonial resources in West Africa. By 1775, France’s debt load is as follows:

-Seven Years’ War Debt: 800 Points, 15% interest (previous agreement with bankers to only pay a reduced interest payment is coming to an end. No progress made on paying down principal since 1768) [Interest Payment: 120 points]
-Falklands War Debt: 125 points [Total annual principle payments: 25, interest payments: 13.75]
--Milanese Loan 1772: 50 points, 5 years, 15% interest, payments deferred until 1777 [Annual Principle Payment: 10, Interest Payment: 7.5]
--Swiss Loan 1773: 25 points, 5 years, 15% interest, no deferment [Annual Principle Payment: 5, Interest Payment: 3.75]
--Swiss Loan 1774: 25 points, 5 years, 5% interest, no deferment [Annual Principle Payment: 5, Interest Payment, 1.25]
--Venetian Loan 1774: 25 points, 5 years, 5% interest, no deferment [Annual Principle Payment: 5, Interest Payment: 1.25]

Once again, the French Crown is forced to go to the debtors to renegotiate the terms of France’s loans. In particular, even servicing the debt of the Falklands War at the terms offered will require nearly the entirety of France’s annual revenue, let alone touching the holdover debt from the last war. The French Admiralty is adamant that the Kingdom not repeat the same mistake of the pre-war period, arguing that France lost a decisive position at sea due to the year spent bringing the fleet back into service. Instead, the King is convinced to make the requisite budget cuts, at least in the short term, in the army; half of the French cavalry corps is converted into regular infantry.
However, even with this cost, interest payments can only be made on the three active loans from the most recent war, and nothing is allocated to repay the outstanding Seven Years’ War debt or to address the principal of the outstanding Swiss loan of 1773. What little funding is leftover in the budget is allocated to a mission to rebuild France’s trading infrastructure in West Africa, as the costs in the Caribbean and Bordeaux have compounded since the Moroccan attacks.

French Builds, 1775

France 1775

Taxes: 1.95
Ports: 3.8 (Marseilles, Bordeaux .8, Brest, Le Havre)
Craft Centers: 5.75 (Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux .75, Lyon)
Resources: 9 (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica)
Commercial Fleets: 4.5 (9 fleets)
Income From West Indies: 12.55
Income From East Indies: 3.65
Total Income: 41.1

-3 Naval Yards: 1.5
-4 BB1s: 2
-32 BB2s: 8
-14 FF1s: 2.8
-7 Brigs: .7
-9 Fortresses: 2.25
-41 Garrison Brigades: 4.1
-14 Infantry Brigades: 3.5
-5 Cavalry Brigades: 2.5
-8 Artillery Companies: 4
-1 Engineer Brigade: 2
-1 Polish Infantry Regiment: .1
-1 Polish Cavalry Regiment: .25
Total: 33.7

-Repay Swiss Loan 1773 (25 points, 5 years, interest only, 15%): 3.75
-Repay Swiss Loan 1774 (25 points, 5 years, interest only, 5%): 1.25
-Repay Venetian Loan 1774 (25 points, 5 years, interest only, 5%): 1.25
-Rebuild Trading Post at Saint-Louis (West Africa) [1.15/3 points]
Total: 7.4

Total Spent: 41.1


French West Indies, 1775

Taxes: 0
Ports: 5 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Nouvelle-Orleans)
Resources: 9.25 (Baton Rouge, Martinique .85 , Guadeloupe .85 , Cap-Francais 1.7, Port-au-Prince 2.55, Les Cayes .85, French Guiana .25)
Commercial Fleets: 2 (4 fleets)
Total Income: 16.25

-5 Forts: .5
-4 Garrison Brigades: .4
-2 Militia Infantry Regiments: .1
-2 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments: .2
Total: 1.2

-Fortress (New Orleans): 2 (Year 1/2, Cost 2/4)
-1 Militia Infantry Regiments: .5
-Transfer to France: 12.55
Total: 15.05

Total Spent: 16.25


French East India Company, 1775

Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius])
Resources: 3 (Trade with Indian Clients 2, Reunion)
Total Income: 5

-4 Forts: .4
-2 Light Infantry Regiments: .2
-1 Light Infantry Brigade: .2
-1 Artillery Regiment: .5
-1 Militia Infantry Regiment: .05
Total: 1.35

-Transfer to France: 3.65
Total: 5

Total Spent: 4

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Royaume de France Empty Re: Royaume de France

Post by Ottoman Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:21 pm

French Economic stats effective 1776 for jump builds,
*Means not to be used for jump build until specific date

France 1776
Population: 28.2 million(same taxation limitation rules are still in effect)
Ports: 7(Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre, Toulon, La Rochelle,Calais)

Production Center: Lille* To be use for jump builds effective 1782*
Craft Centers: 9(Paris, Lille, Metz, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Nantes, Nancy, Lyon, Strasbourg)* Craft Center at Lille disappears after 1782, replaced by PC*
Resources: 12  (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Reims, Marseilles, Toulouse, Nancy, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica )* Resource at Lille disappears after 1782, replaced by PC*

French West Indies, 1776
French West Indies Population( Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique)-750,000
Louisiana- 50,000
Taxes: 0
Ports: 5 (Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Nouvelle-Orleans)
Resources: 16 (Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Martinique 2 , Guadeloupe 2, Cap-Francais 3 , Port-au-Prince 3, Les Cayes 3, French Guiana 1 )
Commercial Fleets: 2 (4 fleets)

French East India Company, 1776
Population: 175,000
Taxes: 0
Ports: 2 (Pondicherry, Saint Louis [Mauritius])
Resources: 5 (Trade with Indian Clients 4, Reunion)
*Income goes up as trade with Mysore goes up during this period.


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