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The Continental Congress

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The Continental Congress Empty The Continental Congress

Post by TLS Sat Mar 30, 2019 1:16 pm

The Continental Congress 256px-FirstCommitteeGreatSealReverseLossingDrawing

The Continental Congress of the States of America

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Members: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
Presidency Held By: Virginia (1788)

Summary: The Continental Congress is an intergovernmental consultative body in continental North America. Originally founded to coordinate the American war effort against the British crown, in the aftermath of the Newburgh Conspiracy and the collapse of American unity the Congress became a far less powerful body. Like the Perpetual Diet in the Holy Roman Empire, each state is represented by one delegation. The congress, however, has lost any and all powers to legislate on behalf of states, raise armies, issue debts, or impose anything upon its members. It has been reduced to, essentially, a diplomatic center, and it is clear that it was framed to serve as the bare minimum necessary to guarantee a cessation of hostilities with the United Kingdom.

The Articles of the Congress:

  1. The style of this body shall be 'The Continental Congress of the States of America'.
  2. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right.
  3. Each state has one vote, though each state is entitled to a delegation of between two and seven members. Members of Congress are to be appointed by state legislatures. No congressman may serve more than three out of any six years.
  4. The President of the Continental Congress shall rotate annually between the members in the following order: Rhode Island, North Carolina, New York, Virginia, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware. In the event a new state joins the Congress, they shall be added to the end of the rotation, but shall not hold the presidency until the subsequent rotation.
  5. If a state wishes to join the congress, it will require the unanimous consent of the members.
  6. The congress shall not issue debt on behalf of itself or its members. Any funds necessary for the running of the congress shall be raised by voluntary donations of member states.
  7. The congress shall not declare war, engage in foreign or commercial relations, or interfere in the relationship between member states and non-member states.
  8. The purpose of this congress will be to ensure that these states adhere to the terms of the treaty with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Last edited by TLS on Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:07 pm; edited 3 times in total

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Lefty Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:24 pm

Recently appointed High Delegate to the Continental Congress James Monroe arrives in Philadelphia in the late Spring of 1784. Noting in his report to President Patrick Henry the irony of this nearly defunct body representing the downfall of inter-American cooperation in the City of Brotherly Love, he still declares his intent to serve the Commonwealth to his best capability.

Unsure of the influence of the body, Monroe begins discussions with anyone who will listen about the utility of a general Oath of Mutual Defense between the States. While squabbles between states is of no concern to the general body, an attempt by one of the European powers to assert their dominance over the American States is of dire concern to the entire continent. Should Britain attempt to nibble at her former colonies by reconquering New Hampshire or Spain to increase its holdings by dominating Savannah, it would only be a matter of time before the others are swallowed up by greedy colonial masters once again. All that so many gave their lives for, especially General Washington, would be for naught.

Thus he proposes a Doctrine of Mutual Defense, that should a European Power declare war against one of the Independent States, that each State come to the aid of the attacked. Such a stand would do much to remind the Europeans that despite the Independence of our States, our resolve remains strong and the spirit of 1776 remains.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by TLS Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:33 pm

The Rhode Island delegation, helpfully given the floor by the President, their compatriot William Ellery, quickly moves to shut down any Oath of Mutual Defense as a binding instrument for the Congress. The leader of the Rhode Island delegation, Arthur Fenner, decries any such compact as contrary to the freedom heretofore obtained by the states of America. Rhode Island will not send its men to die on behalf of some southern planter, grown fat off the labor of chattel, nor will it shed blood to help New York or New Hampshire fight with a foreign power to expand their holdings north into Canada.

Britain lies prostrate before the feet of the free men of America, and is honor-bound by treaty with these states--each and individually--to recognize our independence. The sclerotic dagos of Spain are a pitiful mongrel cabal of Papist indolence, while the only other power potentially even able to interfere in America, France, is far too concerned with the benefits of mutual trade between its Caribbean colonies and the people of America. As such, Rhode Island sees no need to for such an oath, and believes it solely a means to undermine each state's hard-won freedom. To that end, Rhode Island vetoes any potential Congressional compact.

Of course, the freedom to choose friends means that Rhode Island cannot stop other states from seeking agreements of mutual assurance, but Rhode Island will never sign such a broad and open-ended contract to chain itself to the hulking corpses of the morally bankrupt sons of Albion.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Lefty Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:20 pm

While Rhode Island's tremendous influence is felt, and Mr. Ellery and Mr. Fenner are personally thanked on behalf of all of Virginia's patriots for Rhode Island's magnanimous contribution to the cause of Liberty for the sake of Our Independence, Monroe announces his continued dedication to establishing an a mutual defense pact.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Kilani Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:12 pm

The representative from New York, Alexander Hamilton (who is also a member of the New York assembly) makes his own impassioned plea to the congress for unity of action. A unified defensive front would better protect the country from foreign influences, since (as aptly demonstrated by the Honorable Gentlemen from Rhode Island) separate states are not concerned for the safety of the whole country and their individual pacts with foreign countries would not help other states nor would it prevent the smaller, less populous and industrious states from being taken advantage of by either their more powerful American neighbors or by Britain, France, or Spain. Egbert Benson and James Duane both echo and support Mr. Hamilton.


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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:52 pm

Massachusetts, represented by Samuel Adams, first addresses Rhode Island, and informs it that should Massachusetts, Connecticut or New York, or for that matter one of the southern states or New Hampshire, find itself at war with an external power, Rhode Islands liberty stops where it harms its neighbors.

In short, as in the Revolution, other states will band together to end the threat of a foreign invasion using Providence as a based. 

It would be better to prevent that entirely, and indeed better for Providence and its security, if from the outset all of the states agreed to fight together, or as the esteemed Benjamin Franklin said not so long ago, to prevent us from hanging separately.

In regards to another matter, Massachusetts queries New Hampshire and New York as to how much money is invested in Vermont, and whether Vermont has representation in either states legislature.   If not, did we not just fight a Revolution about that very thing?

Perhaps there is a way out involving Vermont that does not require militia from New York or New Hampshire fighting the Green Mountain boys on their home mountains.
Galveston Bay
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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by TLS Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:08 pm

President Ellery almost instantly rules Mr. Adams out of order for intimating the use of violence and coercion against the state of Rhode Island. Such a threat in the halls of Congress is entirely inappropriate and an egregious violation of the bonds of brotherhoods between the states. Furthermore, President Ellery uses his privilege as the chair of the Congress to cease any and all discussion within the Congress about a mandatory pact of mutual defense. The articles governing the Congress clearly states:

"Article 7. The congress shall not declare war, engage in foreign or commercial relations, or interfere in the relationship between member states and non-member states."

Implementing a mandatory and binding pact upon all members of the congress would be a clear violation of Article 7, which expressly forbids the congress from interfering in the relationship between member states and non-member states. President Ellery thus states that he will table all discussion of this matter, and forbid it from being raised again in the hall, as long as he is president. Whether a future president seeks to open discussions is another matter, but Ellery states his firm conviction that any such agreement would be illegal and require unanimous consent to effect.

The Massachusetts delegation is officially censured by the President, and the Rhode Island delegation showers the Bay Staters with all manner of insults (which President Ellery does, eventually, also chastise the Rhode Islanders for). The representatives of New Hampshire and Connecticut quickly follow up with their own condemnations of their increasingly imperious neighbor state for threatening the use of military force against Rhode Island and invoking their own names to that end. However, they do not speak at length on the issue of dispute, though the Nutmeggers note with some irony that the same Samuel Adams that created the very article now being invoked (as he was a leading figure arguing for the abandonment of the Articles of Confederation and the destruction of centralized power) is now threatening to use force to ensure Massachusetts gets its way.

The New Hampshire delegation then quickly pivots to Mr. Adams' point about the New Hampshire Grants (as they insist on referring to Vermont), noting that the citizens of the New Hampshire Grants are in a state of insurrection and have driven out all legitimate representatives. Were the New Hampshire Grants to end their state of rebellion, they would certainly be granted equal representation in the General Assembly proportional to their population.

The leader of the Pennsylvania Delegation, Samuel Bryan, moves to defuse the tense situation. Pennsylvania, as the home of the congress and the site of the Declaration of Independence, is surely sympathetic to the arguments for mutual defense. Pennsylvania has no interest in seeing the return of the lobsterbacks or any other foreign horde seeking to enslave these now-free shores. However, Pennsylvania does not believe that the threat of force against any state is a legitimate expression of this freedom. Did we not both fight a war for our own freedom, and then agree, as a joint congress, to grant ourselves greater leeway? Have we not forgotten the tyranny of the Continental Army, the imperiousness of the would-be Cromwells of this land? Any and all defense must be at mutual behest and liberty, not imposed at the sword.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:49 pm

Adams responds by pointing out that New Hampshire has ignored the questions...

How much money did they invest in Vermont, and do those people have representatives in your Legislature, and if not, how is New Hampshire behaving differently than the English Parliament that we all fought a war to free ourselves from.

As to Rhode Island, no threat was made.  Is it not true that all the states sent troops and ships to free Newport, which was devastated by the Revolution and has yet to recover?   How is pointing out that the British used Newport as a base for years a threat? 

Massachusetts accepts the censure and gives it the attention and consideration that it deserves.

Perhaps the answer, as the Continental Congress cannot act, is instead to create a North American Defense treaty, where all promise to help defend the others from outside threats if any is attacked (but not if they initiate war against a foreign power and enters into an alliance with such).

But back to Vermont... is New Hampshire really threatening to sends its militia to subdue Vermont?  Is New York threatening such as well?  What happens if they disagree and end up shooting at each other?
Galveston Bay
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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:54 pm

Sam Adams is heard grumbling and arguing with his delegation behind closed doors (in the inn they are staying at) but the Massachusetts delegation presents a united front, aside from occasional dour looks at one another.
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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Kilani Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:56 pm

The New York delegations response is rather indignant; as far as they are concerned, Vermont is a part of the New York state (heir to the New York colony) and the so-called government little more than bandits. Vermont is not recognized by the Congress nor is it really a signatory. If they will not obey the rightful laws of government, they must be compelled.


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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Lefty Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:11 pm

Mr. Monroe notes that his intention was that each Independent State work together to protect the hard-fought freedoms for which all here shed their blood. His intention was not to impose that through force of arms. He privately suggests to other that perhaps a compromise might be reached that each Independent State could provide support through financial or logistical means, or allow volunteer companies to be raised for the defense of the States.

Mr. Monroe further lends his delegation's support to a peaceful resolution, but notes that the Vermonters' cause of Freedom mirrors that of the other Thirteen's. Vermonters fought and died for their independence against the British, and perhaps they too deserve Liberty.

In any case, those who will benefit the most from War do not reside on this Continent, but instead in the ancient capitals of Europe.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:59 pm

New York is asked if a trade, Massachusetts surrendering its claim to land New York also claims in the west, for New York surrendering claim to Vermont.

Would that compensate New York in this matter?
Galveston Bay
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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Kilani Fri Apr 19, 2019 4:28 pm

The New Yorker delegation responds with the point that the Congress has no say in relations between member and non-member states and any such deal or negotiation would have to be carried out separately.

Further, the New York delegation indicates that they will veto any attempt by Vermont to join the Congress at this time.


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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:41 pm

Well since we are here, and its been brought up, does New York indicate any willingness to consider such?
Galveston Bay
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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Kilani Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:46 pm

The New York delegates refer their Massachusetts counterparts to the governor and legislature of New York, as they are not empowered to hold or begin any such negotiations.


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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Lefty Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:54 pm

The Virginia delegation immediately condemns the discussion of exchange of lands that are neither New York's nor Massachusetts to give and the gross violation of Virginia's sovereignty. Virginia reminds the President that Massachusetts is already censured once for threatening the violation of Rhode Island's sovereignty.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:38 pm

Massachusetts responds that it is trying to prevent a war, which would seem to matter to all of us.  It also has real claims to land west of New York and is not violating the sovereignty of any State.   New York has real claims to Vermont and thus is not violating anyone's sovereignty. 

As there seems to be no other more pressing business than avoiding shooting between veterans who fought the British, perhaps this is a matter that concerns us all.

As to the matter presented to New York, that very issue is being brought forward and that suggestion has been made.
Galveston Bay
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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Kilani Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:48 pm

Negotiations regarding that should still be on-going in New York; however, when the delegation was last informed, the Governor and legislature were both set against allowing Vermont to secede.


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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:55 pm

Massachusetts owes a debt to men from Vermont, for their capture of Ticonderoga allowed General Knox to move the guns there to Boston which forced the British out.

Indeed we all owe a debt to the men of Vermont.
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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Lefty Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:00 pm

While the prevention of war is an honorable and noble endeavor, Virginia maintains its opposition to a plan that exchanges lands that are rightfully that of Virginia.

To maintain a consistent policy, Virginia declares it has no opinion on the matter of Vermont's destiny. James Monroe merely indicates he prays for peace and understanding between the colonies.

Notably, James Monroe privately expresses a hope that the Vermonters be given their own freedoms or at least representation, as their blood was also shed for the cause of Independence.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by TLS Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:01 pm

With the coming of the new year, and with it a new President of the Continental Congress (North Carolina), the Pennsylvania delegation notes its hope that this session can be more productive than the previous years. Rather than seeking to elevate a contentious idea such as a mandatory self-defense pact, the Pennsylvanians put forth a motion to avoid the potential of conflict between the former allies of the Revolution. While Vermont is not a member state of this body, the Vermonters were allies, and the Pennsylvanians implore the Congress to condemn and potential violence against fellow Americans.

The New Hampshire delegation quickly moves to remove any hope of a less contentious session, and declares that the New Hampshire Grants are decidedly not party to this Congress, as they are a band of renegades and rogues. Violence is certainly not necessary, but, were violence to break out, it would be responsibility of the violent squatters and usurpers, not of any lawfully-constituted state. New Hampshire further invokes Article 7 to criticize Pennsylvania for attempting to interfere in foreign affairs. The Pennsylvanians quickly retort that advising member states not to make a grievous mistake is advice, not interference, and the New Hampshirites respond by insulting the mothers of every Pennsylvanian in attendance and asking whether the Quakers would rather "take this dispute outside of the confines of this establishment" while the Rhode Island delegation attempts to hold them back.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Rodenka Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:44 pm

The South Carolinians are quick to side with the New Hampshire delegation, though their rhetoric is not as strong. They are far from New York and Vermont, of course, and really have no horse in this race. But they see no point in allowing a bunch of squatters and claim jumpers to simply make off with a lot of land for no good reason.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Lefty Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:54 pm

After consultation with the Virginia Assembly, James Monroe remains determined to press on with his vision of a united front against possible foreign foes. Monroe proceeds to initiate discussions with the New York and Massachusetts delegations about a possible mutual defense accord with Virginia. He notes to each that Virginia is uninterested in the economic aspects of the treaty.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Hussam B. Fri May 24, 2019 7:56 pm

In 1787, as the full extent of the crisis on the frontier with the Creek becomes clear. The Georgian delegation makes an informal call for volunteers and assistance for the state to aid it in its upcoming fight with the treaty-breaking savages.

The call is indeed done informally, in observance of the Congress's stipulations, but also in the convenience of being able to appeal to all the other delegates at once.

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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

Post by Kilani Wed May 29, 2019 12:56 pm

The New York delegation sympathizes, but has no resources to contribute nor do they believe the legislature would authorize additional funding or an expedition south, especially with the troubles on their northern border.


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The Continental Congress Empty Re: The Continental Congress

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