Commonwealth E20
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Tech Rules

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Tech Rules Empty Tech Rules

Post by TLS Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:23 am

Tech levels – Gunpowder Age
Tech levels not only determine what weapons can be built, but also influence action points available and prestige points as well. Technology is not just tools, but also techniques to make more efficient use of those tools

As of 1700 Tech levels are as follows
Tech Level 0 – stone age tribes found in most of the world outside of Eurasia and North Africa. Many of the well organized Stone Age tribes have already been conquered (Inca, Aztec) or wiped out by European diseases, but the interior of North America is home to a number of organized tribes (i.e. the Cherokee, Iroquois). Tech level 0 groups are always NPC nations, and only react to events that affect them.

Tech Level 1- These peoples do not have gunpowder in quantity, and cannot build armies equipped with sufficient weapons to fight on even terms gunpowder armed forces. The peoples in Malaya, Vietnam, and parts of Sub-Saharan Africa are at this level. They sometimes however have very large numbers of troops. Tech Level 1 nations are always NPC nations, and only react to the events that affect them.

Tech Level 2- These nations have gunpowder, and can build artillery, matchlock muskets, and can be highly organized. However, they have not developed sophisticated credit systems, lack the ability to build sizeable numbers of modern warships (as they have to import cannons and powder), and their political systems are effectively feudal, so even when they have national armies they have sizeable national and political divisions as well.

Tech Level 2.5- These are nations that are tech level 2 and modernizing, or are colonies established by a tech level 3 nation that are still in the early stage of settlement. Although colonists may know how to build tech level 3 weapons, they usually lack the industrial base, credit systems, and sufficient artisans able to do so in significant numbers.

Tech Level 3 – These are nations that developed the flintlock, reliable cannon, oceanic sailing ships, and disciplined armies of soldiers (instead of warriors at the earlier tech levels). In addition, they have a strong central government, credit systems, a reliable national currency, and effective taxation. Some tech level 3 nations will also have factories.


TLs at start:

Tech Level 3
Commonwealth of England and Scotland
Kingdom of Ireland
Kingdom of France
Germany (any German state- includes Austria and Prussia)
Dutch Republic
Kingdom of Spain
Kingdom of Portugal
Swedish Empire

Tech Level 2.5
Ottoman Empire
southern Italy
North Africa
Knights of Malta

Tech Level 2
any Indian State
any Chinese State (includes Korea)
any European colonial possession

Tech Level 1
any African polity
all other Asian polities (including Philippines and Indies not held by Europeans)

Tech Level 0
all North America, South American, Pacific Oceania and some African tribes

Catholic Church is a special case (Papal State is TL 3, local branches will vary outside of Europe)

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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