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Saint Malo Conference

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Saint Malo Conference

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:02 pm

With the Stuarts and English Parliament actually willing to seriously discuss peace in the Fall of 1718, and with the French Crown willing to extend its deadline, France offers transportation on its ships to Irish, Dutch, English and Spanish officials to meet in St Malo, an ancient and easily accessible port, to discuss a final treaty

The English offer is what is on the table

-Borders return to status quo antebellum
-Exchange of citizenry, whether Jacobite or Orangist, based on their own choice and free will
-Signature of a general pact of non-aggression and truce between the Stuart Kingdom and the English-Scottish Commonwealth, to last for a period of ten years.
-Exchange of prisoners, etc.
-The Stuarts renounce all claims and titles to the throne of England, Scotland, and Wales in perpetuity
-The Commonwealth likewise rescinds or renounces any and all claims to Irish territory; the Channel Islands, as former crown territory, are returned to Stuart suzerainty.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haneastic Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:25 pm

The Irish agree to send a delegation, led by Patrick Sarsfield, first Earl of Lucan, and James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick.

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Kilani Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:47 pm

The Commonwealth delegation is led by Robert Harley, as well as John Aislabie, both key parliamentarians and allies of Lord Governor James Stanhope.


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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:01 pm

France assigns as special ambassador and official host, Charles Fleuriau

with orders to reach an agreement and powers to extend the French deadline as needed
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Hussam B. Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:51 am

A Spanish delegation is attached to the Irish one which pushes for a clause committing both sides to ending retribution against people of the cloth.

Hussam B.

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haven Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:00 am

The Netherlands happily agrees to send a delegation. The delegation is led by Grand Pensionnary Anthonie Heinsius (, the man who most recently led negotiations in London at the end of the Portuguese conflict and a confidant of the Stadtholder.

As an initial matter, the Dutch delegation affirms its support for the points proposed by the English. The Netherlands will happily hand over Irish territory currently under Dutch control and return Irish and Spanish prisoners under such a deal. The Netherlands would request as a minor additional point, guarantees that no retribution will be taken on Cherokee and Saponi groups that joined the Dutch effort.

To the French, it is suggested that perhaps recognition by all parties of the Treaty of Gouda be incorporated in any deal, per the original French proposition.


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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haneastic Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:39 am

The Irish delegation indicate a willingness to accept the peace as currently proposed.

The Duke of Berwick seeks clarification on the issue of prisoners. Ireland would like to see a guarantee that this includes all prisoners, including those caught in rebellion against their own nation. FitzJames suggests that perhaps those particularly difficult rebels exchanged could be "encouraged" to accept land in the New World.

The exchange of Jacobites and Orangemen should be extended to their families as well, should they also desire to leave.

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haven Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:58 am

The Netherlands would note that particular care has been taken to treat prisoners taken by Dutch forces well, Spanish, Irish or Jacobite, and intends to return all prisoners in Dutch hands at the end of hostilities. The idea of including families in exchanges is supported as well. The treatment of English rebels in English hands is not however something the Dutch can speak to.

The Netherlands is adamantly opposed to the idea of mass resettlement of Jacobite rebels to the Americas, particularly the difficult ones. It is not within the Netherlands interests to see thousands of particularly difficult ex-rebels populating lands on Dutch borders. A separate destination, such as Africa, would be amenable.


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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haneastic Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:46 am

The Irish point out that they have no existing bases in Africa after the English raid. Unless the Dutch are generally offering a place for the Jacobites in South Africa?

The Earl of Lucan notes that the number of Jacobites willing to be transferred to the Americas instead of staying in Ireland is likely to be low. However, Ireland is willing to accept a cap, or limit the settlement options for Jacobites to the new Irish colony of Florida, the Caribbean, as well as the southern portion of the Carolinas (OOC: Georgia).

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Kilani Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:13 pm

The Commonwealth delegation indicates that those higher-ranking men taken under arms are likely to face execution, imprisonment, or exile; the Commonwealth plans on amnesty or transportation to South Africa for lower-ranking prisoners.


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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haneastic Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:43 pm

If the English propose to exchange prisoners and allow Jacobites and Orangemen to move between countries but plan to exile or execute their Jacobite prisoners, then the Irish inquire how much weight their exchange proposal carries?

Instead, the Irish propose allowing all Jacobite and Orangeman rebel prisoners to be exchanged between the countries, with assurances the exchangees and families will be relocated in areas that will not allow them to stir up troubles. If the English feel that certain prisoners deserve execution than that would be acceptable, provided the Irish do the same and the overall number of executions is kept to a minimum.

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Apr 17, 2018 5:37 pm

France announces that its colonial territories are available for exiles, however, all such must agree that their children be educated in French and they must swear an oath of loyalty to France and its Crown.

There are no religious restrictions imposed for Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri or Illinois territory, while Catholics may choose Canada and Protestants may choose Natal or Reunion.

Indeed the French government presses England to hand over those scheduled to be tried or who have been tried to French custody for their safety and to eliminate the expense England has in maintaining (or executing) them.
Galveston Bay
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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Kilani Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:23 pm

The Commonwealth are not yet prepared to hand over anyone just yet, although they do indicate that the vast majority of men who have been captured will be allowed to return home at the conclusion of hostilities - and that families will be allowed to immigrate should they wish to.


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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haneastic Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:43 pm

The Irish will accept the Commonwealth position, and indicate they will emulate the English stance with regards to the Orangeman held prisoner by the Irish Crown. As the English releases or executes prisoners, the Irish will do the same.

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Kilani Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:47 pm

News of the victory at sea by the Anglo-Dutch fleet comes in, along with a flurry of messages from Parliament. The contents are not, of course, divulged, but the general mood seems to be something exuberant. The momentum of the war has shifted (at least for the moment; they're aware that French entry into the war could just as easily shift things in the other direction).

They have been instructed to put forward the following as conditions of a general peace, both by Parliament and the request of their Dutch allies:

-Anguilla, St Kitts, Barbuda, and Montserrat ceded to the Commonwealth
-The Dutch are included in the non-aggression pact
-Any rebels that cannot or will not go to North America or Lambertia are allowed to emigrate to French colonies in Africa or VOC territory in Asia (subject to whatever conditions those governments or companies lay upon them)
-Hampton and the area around the entrance to the bay cannot be fortified beyond those forts necessary to deter piracy and collect taxes, duties, etc.
-The Dutch are allowed to safeguard the Saponi and Dutch-friendly Cherokee from other Indians as necessary


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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haneastic Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:37 pm

The Irish delegation is highly outraged by the duplicitous English proposal. After a minor English victory at Sea they seek to seize islands that they currently do not possess.

While more even-tempered negotiators indicate that the Irish are willing to accept the provisions regarding non-aggression, natives, and emigration of former rebels, they indicate that the loss of the islands is unacceptable.

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:37 pm

The French Mobile Fleet makes a port visit to Saint Malo.. Although the port is too small for the entire fleet, there is room offshore in the roadstead for a brief visit.

Foreign dignitaries are invited to meals aboard the flagship, hosted by Admiral

France supports the Irish position regarding ceding territory. Although the Dutch raided it, they didn't seize it.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haven Thu Apr 19, 2018 11:39 am

The Dutch delegation affirms its support of England at this time. It is made publicly known however that a peace should be had and the Netherlands sees little reason for the bloodshed to continue. Certainly, there must be some compromise acceptable to both the English and Irish on the last issue short of continuing the fighting.


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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haneastic Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:51 pm

The Irish make it known that they had been willing to accept the initial peace offering proposed by the English. If the English are willing to strike the demand for territory from their additional demands peace can be had. If not, the Irish await the English counter offer.

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Kilani Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:55 pm

After some consideration and consultation, the Commonwealth diplomats strike the cessation of islands; however, they do request that the Irish consider handing over their commercial concessions and trading posts in Africa, as the Commonwealth seized and destroyed most of them at the outset of the war (Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry). The Commonwealth will bear the cost of reestablishing the trade infrastructure, but the commercial rights will pass into their possession.

All other terms are agreeable.


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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Haneastic Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:26 pm

As the Irish were debating the very usefulness of keeping the trading posts in the long run, they accept the English offer.

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:42 pm

Relieved that an honorable compromise has been reached, French diplomats and clerks begin drawing up the final terms and papers for signing.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Saint Malo Conference  Empty Re: Saint Malo Conference

Post by Kilani Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:36 pm

The Commonwealth representatives sign off on the general peace.


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