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Papal Conclave, 1716

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by TLS Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:52 pm

Papal Conclave of 1716

In early January, in the dead of the Roman winter, Pope Clement XI catches pneumonia. Though he is a vigorous champion of the Church and a man of healthy and temperate habits, he is also 66 years old. After a brief battle with the ailment, Clement falls asleep in the Lord on January 16, and a Papal Conclave is called for the beginning of February. Papal Conclaves in this era often last for a month or more, as it takes time for the Cardinals of Europe to assemble. The Curia is divided into a number of factions, personal, pontifical, and political, and thus the election of the Pontiff caries substantial political heft as well.

At the time of conclave, the Curia is thought to be broken into the following factions and allegiances. The Cardinals are not easily corralled, and each faction lacks a firm grip on its numbers. However, their powers are estimated to be:

Total Cardinals: 56

  • Imperial/Wittelsbach Party: 16-19 (Papabile: Francesco Acquaviva d'Aragona)
  • Hapsburg Party: 13-15 (Papabile: Damian Hugo Philipp von Schönborn)
  • Clementine Party: 6-10 (Papabile: Fabrizio Paolucci)
  • Zelanti ("Zealous") Party: 5-8 (Papabile: Francesco Pignatelli)
  • Stuart Party: 4-7 (Papabile: Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Earl of Dundee)
  • Bourbon Party: 3-5 (Papabile: Henri-Pons de Thiard de Bissy)
  • Polish Party: 2-4 (Papabile: Christian August of Saxe-Zeitz)

Thus no party has a clear lock on the Papacy, though a few are clearly in the lead. The various parties begin to arrive and look to their backers for the necessary guidance and direction on how to sway the election.


Game Mechanics:

Unlike the Imperial Election, this is a far less structured affair. The Conclave meets, tries to decide a Pope, and if it can't, goes back into deliberations. The Church in the 18th century is less temporally corrupt, and thus there is not as much of a place for bribes as there were centuries before--at least, not openly, particular with regards to money. A favorable Pontiff makes a number of things easier; approval for (reasonable) church reforms, requests for extra monetary levies, the diplomatic heft of the Vicar of Rome, the blessing of wars against infidels, and consent with regards to colonial ventures. An unfavorable Pontiff, as France learned in the last war, is not someone to be trifled with, though the Papacy is declining in relative power and strength and is in many ways more dependent on their backers than vice versa.

The Papal Conclave will take place on a separate timeline, and mostly take place over the course of this week (though in game terms will be concluded by mid-to-late March at the latest), unless someone tries to invade the Papacy in which case I'll have to re-evaluate. Of the parties listed above, 3 are NPC controlled--the Hapsburg faction (obviously looking to expand Hapsburg interests), the Clementine faction (looking to maintain the administrative reforms of Clement), and the Zelanti (who are theologically very conservative and likely, though not guaranteed, to side with the Clementines). Otherwise the factions are controlled by their backers.

Gameplay wise, you can all use this thread to RP/horse trade/what have you, and also message me or each other to try to horse-trade. The Cardinals are looking after their factions, but also the Church, and so simple geopolitical bargaining between two powers will not necessarily convince their supposed partisans; a religious element is a necessary component, as there are men of God, after all. Unlike in the Imperial Election, I won't be holding 3 set rounds at 3 set times--this will be more ad hoc, with my posts of progress occurring as events or timing dictates. If there is no substantial movement or agreement by the end of the week, I will look at the standings of the various factions and either choose a winner from the leaders or strike upon a compromise candidate--the Mod is, perhaps, the Holy Spirit who will drive these Cardinals to consensus.

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by Lefty Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:28 pm

Upon word of the passing of the Pope, King Augustus enters into mourning and announces his intention to make a pilgrimage to Rome, hopefully to attend the coronation of the new Holy Father and rededicate himself to the faith.

Before he departs, the King sends a letter on behalf of his Catholic subjects expressing prayerful hope that Holy Spirit guides the College to elect a righteous and good man, who will be guided by the needs of the Universal Church, not merely the wishes of worldly principalities.

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by Hussam B. Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:42 pm

The Emperor sends his condolences to Rome and makes similar plans to make a pilgrimage to the Holy City.

The late Clement was a good and righteous man who provided strong moral leadership during times of crisis. He leaves behind a legacy that should be continued by a worthy and righteous successor.

Hussam B.

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by Haneastic Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:49 pm

King James sends along his own condolences. However, due to his prosecution of the war against the corsairs of Zanzibar, he is unlikely to make the trek to Rome at this time. The Cardinals of Ireland are sent of with much fanfare and a naval escort to the mainland, with an honor guard of Irish soldiers and diplomats along the land route.

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:57 pm

In France, the Crown announces the death of the Pope and condolences are issued to those that loved him. Permission is given to the Cardinals to proceed to Rome with French military escort while in France, and for French Naval vessels to escort them from Marseille to the Italian coast if so desired.

Little else is said, although in Orleans there are rumors that the King and his closest friends spent the night drinking in quiet celebration after news of the death of the Pope is received. Wags gossip that the King is still pretty angry about losing the war.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:24 pm

Unlike the Spanish and other Cardinals who received 'instructions' from their Emperor, the French Cardinals are merely asked to vote their conscious by their King.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by TLS Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:36 am

The Conclave Continues

As with almost any conclave, the opening weeks are spent hardening support for certain papabili, rather than finding a consensus candidate. The split between Hapsburg and Imperial delegations has scrambled the traditional orientations of the cardinals--long used to thinking of them as one-in-the-same, the fact that the Emperor is not the Archduke of Austria has led to a number of confusing exchanges. A few of the smaller factions have completely jettisoned all hope of having their own papabile be elected, but the larger blocs continue to bicker and argue amongst themselves. Actual voting reports are, of course, strictly prohibited from being let out of the Conclave--which means that they are freely distributed among the various watchers.

Standings (37/56 required for election):

  • Imperial/Wittelsbach Party: 16-18 (Papabile: Francesco Acquaviva d'Aragona)
  • Hapsburg Party: 14-15 (Papabile: Damian Hugo Philipp von Schönborn)
  • Zelanti ("Zealous") Party: 12-16 (Papabile: Francesco Pignatelli)
  • Polish Party: 6-7 (Papabile: Christian August of Saxe-Zeitz)
  • Stuart Party: 5-6 (Papabile: Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Earl of Dundee)

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by TLS Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:40 pm

A Compromise Candidate?

The conclave progresses and it becomes increasingly clear that many of the nationally-affiliated blocs are hesitant to throw their support to the pro-Imperial papabile. The Hapsburg party grows substantially as the votes continue, but they still remain well-below the 2/3 threshold to secure St. Peter's see. While it is assured that a combined Hapsburg/Wittelsbach ticket could win the throne, it seems highly unlikely that a Spanish/Curial candidate could win without siphoning off the support of some of the newer, softer Hapsburg backers. In the grand tradition of Papal compromise, a new candidate begins making the rounds--one who is not even sat within the Curia. Michelangelo Tamburini, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, is floated by the Zelanti, in particular, as a candidate who could send a strong message to the Church's enemies that the Church will take an active role in evangelism after decades in retreat--and serve as a rebuke to the Princes within Christendom who have taken hostile actions against Orders Religious.

Standings (37/56 required for election):

  • Hapsburg Party: 22-28 (Papabile: Damian Hugo Philipp von Schönborn)
  • Imperial/Wittelsbach Party: 17-18 (Papabile: Francesco Acquaviva d'Aragona)
  • Zelanti ("Zealous") Party: 15-16 (Papabile: Francesco Pignatelli)

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by Hussam B. Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:00 pm

The Imperial side makes it known that Tamburini is not an unacceptable candidate for the Wittlesbach side but continues to watch the Conclave to see what develops.

Hussam B.

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Papal Conclave, 1716 Empty Re: Papal Conclave, 1716

Post by TLS Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:01 pm

Habemus Papam!

With neither the Wittelsbach nor Hapsburg camps able to wrest a 2/3rds majority on their own the conversation begins to swirl around Superior General Tamburini. The Imperial party has already made their acceptance of him known, while the Curial factions are increasingly enamored of the idea. Though the Society of Jesus has enemies within the Curia, the Jesuits are still riding high off of the martyrdom complex associated with their suppression by the French--which convinces some of the more hesitant clerics to back the Jesuit Superior General. The campaign to elect him is aided by the fact that he is not, in fact, even a member of the Curia--he is being pushed as a candidate by the Zelanti's own Papabile, Francesco Pignatelli.

The French party begins hurriedly trying to head off the Jesuit Papacy, knowing that their sovereign will be most displeased by the prospect, but their actions are in vain. Enough of the other cardinals from the Hapsburg party are willing to abandon their Papabile, and with the writing on the wall the Curia engages once more in the ancient rite of CYA. The white smoke billows from the Curia as the Superior General is roused from his quarters. Tamburini enters St. Peter's Basilica, but onto the balcony emerges another man: Pope Xavier I, Bishop of Rome.

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