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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Habsburgermonarchie

Post by TLS Sat Dec 30, 2017 10:15 am

Hapsburg Monarchy

Habsburgermonarchie 330px-Flag_of_the_Habsburg_Monarchy.svg

National Statistics as of 1726
Population: 16 Million People
Languages: German
Motto: Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus ( "Let justice be done, though the world perish")
Prestige: F

Political Organization
Official Title: Hapsburg Monarchy
Conventional: Austria
Political System: Feudal Monarchy
Capital: Vienna
Sovereign: Charles III, Archduke of Austria

Credit Rating: B
Population: 16 Million People
Ports: 3 (Venice, Antwerp, Naples)
Craft Centers: 6 (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Antwerp)
Resources: 4 (Vienna, Brussels, Prague, Innsbruck)
Commercial Fleets: 9
Total Peacetime Income: 21.5

Military of the Hapsburg Monarchy

Manpower Limits:
Regular: 81,500 (out of a limit of 480,000)
Reserves: 37,500 (out of a limit of 1,120,000)

Navy [34,000 regular, 10,000 reserves]

Fixed Installations [20,000 reserves]
-2 Naval Yards (Venice, Antwerp) [20,000 reserves, 1 point]

North Sea Squadron (Antwerp) [14,800 regulars, 4.1 points]
-1 BB1 (L'imperatore Giuseppe)[1,000 regulars, .5 points]
-6 BB2s (Stella Maris, Iride, San Sebastian, Aurora, Tigre, Sol d’Oro)[4,800 regulars, 1.5 points]
-8 FF1s (Leon Trionfante, San Giacomo, Buon Consiglio, Fedelta, Forza, Corriera Veneta, Diligenza, Fenice) [4,000 regulars, 1.6 points]
-5 PatRons [5,000 regulars, .5 points]

Mediterranean Squadron (Venice) [19,200 regulars, 4.4 points]
-4 BB2s (Giove, Amazzone Guerriera, Rizzo d’Oro, Aquila Valiera) [3,200 regulars, 1 point]
-12 FF1s (Galatea, Vittoria, La Guerriera, Medea, Eolo, San Giorgio, San Lorenzo Zustinian, Croce Rossa, Colomba d’Oro, Grand’Alessandro, Costanza, Madonna della Salute) [6,000 regulars, 2.4 points]
-10 PatRons [10,000 regulars, 1 point]

Total: 9.5 (34,000 regular, 20,000 reserves)


Fixed Installations (12,500 regulars, 13,500 reserves, 4.3 points]
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels) [6,000 reserves, 3 points]
-3 Garrison Brigades (Venice, 2 Naples) [7,500 reserves, .3 points]
-5 Light Infantry Brigades ( Innsbruck, Prague, Breslau, Brussels, Antwerp) [12,500 regulars, 1 point]
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Austria (Vienna) (20,000 regulars, 4.2 points]
-4 Infantry Brigades [10,000 regulars, 1 points]
-1 Light Infantry Brigade [2,500 regulars, .2 points]
-2 Cavalry Brigades [5,000 regulars, 1 points]
-1 Engineer Brigade [2,500 regulars, 2 points]

Austrian Circle Army (Vienna) [7,500 regulars, 1 point]
-2 Infantry Brigades [5,000 regulars, .5 points]
-1 Cavalry Brigade [2,500 regulars, .5 points]

Army of Bohemia (Prague) [7,500 regulars, 1 point]
-2 Infantry Brigades [5,000 regulars, .5 points]
-1 Cavalry Brigade [2,500 regulars, .5 points]

Army of Italy (Venice) [10,000 regulars, 1.2 points]
-2 Infantry Brigades [5,000 regulars, .5 points]
-1 Light Infantry Brigade [2,500 regulars, .2 points]
-1 Cavalry Brigade [2,500 regulars, .5 points]

Army of Brabant (Brussels) (5,000 regulars, .5 points]
-2 Infantry Brigades [5,000 regulars, .5 points]

Burgundian Circle Army (Brussels) (3,500 regulars, .5 points)
-1 Infantry Brigade [2,500 regulars, .25 points]
-1 Cavalry Regiment [1,000 regulars, .25 points]

Total: 12.7 (66,000 regular, 13,500 reserves)

Last edited by TLS on Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:04 am; edited 9 times in total

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by TLS Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:39 am

Austria 1712 Wartime Build

Peacetime Taxes: 12.35 *.5 = 6.2
Loan: 5 (10 years at 10%, 1 point per year to service)
Ports: 3
Craft Centers: 5
Resources: 6
Colonial Settlements: .5
Commercial Fleets: 3
Total Income: 27.6

1 Naval Yards - 0.5
1 BatRons - .75
4 BatRons (coming out of being laid up) - 6
8 CruRons - 4
2 CruRons (coming out of being laid up) - 2
12 PatRons - 3
5 Fortresses - 2.5
Engineer Brigade - 3
8 Infantry Brigades - 2
3 Cavalry Brigade - 2.25
10 Garrison Brigades - 1
1 Infantry Regiment - .1
1 Militia Infantry Brigades - 0.1
Total: 27.2

-Upgrade 1 Garrison to Infantry Brigade (.4/3)
Total: .4

Total Spent: 27.6

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by TLS Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:59 pm

Austria 1713 Wartime Build

Peacetime Taxes: 12.35 *.5 = 6.2
Loan: 5 (10 years at 10%, 1 point per year to service) [10/15 points borrowed]
Ports: 3
Craft Centers: 6
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: .5
Commercial Fleets: 2.5
Total Income: 30.2

-1 Naval Yards - 0.5
-4 BatRon – 3
-5 CruRon – 2.5
-10 Patron – 2.5
-4 Fortresses - 2
-2 Infantry Brigades - 2
-2 Cavalry Regiment - .5
-9 Garrison Brigades - .9
-2 Infantry Battalion - .2
Total: 14.1

-Repair Damaged BatRon (3 points) [Ready Summer]
-Repair Lightly Damaged BatRon (1 point) [Ready Spring]
-Repair Heavily Damaged CruRon (2.5 points) [Ready Fall]
-Upgrade 1 Garrison to Infantry Brigade (.6/.6) [Ready Spring]
-Upgrade 5 Garrison Brigades to Infantry (5/5) [Ready Spring]
-Upgrade 2 Garrison Brigades to Cavalry (4/4) [Venice, Vienna, Ready Spring]
Total: 16.1

Total Spent: 30.2

ORBAT as of Spring, 1713


Fixed Installations
-2 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague)
-3 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau)

-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigade


Fixed Installations
-Fortress (Venice)
-Naval Yard (Venice)
-Depot (Venice)

-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Piacenza (Note: Attached to larger Lateran army)
-1 Cavalry Regiment

-1 Infantry Battalion

Naval (Venice)
-2 Austrian BatRon
-4 Austrian CruRon
-3 Austrian PatRon

Naval (Rome) (Note: Attached to larger Lateran fleet)
-1 Austrian BatRon, lightly damaged [in dock until Summer]
-1 Austrian Batron
-1 Austrian CruRon, damaged [in dock until Fall]

Austrian Netherlands

Fixed Location
-Fortress (Brussels)

-1 Infantry Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigade

Paris (Note: Attached to larger Lateran army)
-1 Austrian Infantry Brigade

Dunkirk (Note: Attached to larger Lateran army)
-1 Austrian Infantry Brigade
-1 Austrian Infantry Battalion
-1 Austrian Cavalry Regiment

Naval (Antwerp)
-3 CruRons
-5 PatRons

Colony of Filippia

Fixed Installations
-Garrison Brigade (Leopoldsburg/New Orleans)

-1 CruRon
-2 PatRon


Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by TLS Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:41 pm

The Donation of Gregory

After an interim period of administration by the Holy Father, the Pontiff elects to finally unload his territorial possessions in Southern Italy. To that end, other than re-establishing Papal control over historical territories (Abruzzo and Benevento, no real resources) the Kingdoms of Sicily and Naples are divided between the major players of the last war. Thus, the Hapsburgs are granted the Kingdom of Naples.

It is commonly understood that the fact that the Pontiff has decided to split the two kingdoms, rather than amalgamate them into one sovereign state, is due to heavy lobbying by the Spanish and Austrian crowns--including, potentially, coordination between the houses of Wittelsbach and Hapsburg.

Game Effect: Starting 1716, Austria takes control of Kingdom of Naples, which grants it an additional 3,000,000 subjects and 1 port, 1 craft center at Naples.

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by Hussam B. Wed Mar 14, 2018 5:24 am

Diplomats from Spain and the Wittlesbach dynasty approach Vienna in hopes of arranging a betrothal between King Jose of Spain and the Princess Maria Amalia of Austria.

Also, to be proposed, a formalization of a military alliance between Austria and Bavaria.

Hussam B.

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by TLS Thu May 24, 2018 12:02 pm

Hall of the Mountain Archduke: The Hapsburg Monarchy through 1725

In the decade following the Lateran War the dynamic Hapsburg monarch, Archduke Charles III, continues his campaign to restore his dynasty to dominance in Central Europe. The loss of Milan in the Lateran War was a blow to the family’s prestige in Italy, but the Pontiff—in return for Charles’ aid against France—more than made up for it with the gift of the Neapolitan Kingdom in the aftermath of the war. Charles thus becomes the monarch with the largest holdings on the peninsula—even though the Pope’s award also welcomed the Spanish back into the Italian sphere—but his sights are still set elsewhere.

Using the funds from the Italian provinces, and channeling the productive growth of his Empire, Charles funnels more and more of his wealth into bolstering the army. Though the navy is retained, and losses are addressed, Charles knows that he will never be commander of a dominant naval power. Rather, the army is where the Austrians will be able to make their weight known. The army is drawn across the Empire, with garrisons in each of the constituent Kingdoms and duchies, but the core of the army is still centered in the Austrian uplands—easily consolidated with the Bohemian and Italian forces, and able to march to any major front in Europe within a season.

Meanwhile, the diplomats of the Hapsburgs have been at work across the continent. In the German halls, though they’ve worked somewhat to strengthen Imperial power (with an eye towards its return to their hands), they’ve also sought to counter the Wittelsbachs and their hold on the throne. Along their restive frontier with the Ottomans they have given refuge and aid to all manner of outlaws and anti-Ottoman agitators, plotting for their revenge for the fall of Vienna fifty years prior. They have looked on greedily as the French and Spanish have whittled each other down and been bled by expeditions and campaigns, but have no interest in seeing other become the dominant continental power. The only constant for all their seemingly contradictory diplomatic moves has been pure self-interest: bereft of Imperial responsibilities, for now, Charles is secure in acting as a free agent to advance his family’s interests, and is more than happy to embrace the role.

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by TLS Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:28 pm

Austria 1726 Wartime Build

Wartime Taxes: 8 points
Loans: 10 point domestic loan (20 year loan, 7% interest, Loan series A)
Ports: 3 (Venice, Antwerp, Naples)
Craft Centers: 5 (Vienna, Prague, Venice, Naples, Antwerp)
Resources: 4 (Vienna, Brussels, Prague, Innsbruck)
Commercial Fleets: 4.5 (9 fleets)
Total Income: 34.5

-2 Naval Yeards (1)
-1 BB1 (.5)
-10 BB2s (2.5)
-20 FF1 (4)
-15 PatRons (1.5)
-6 Fortress (3)
-10 Garrison (1)
-13 Infantry Brigades – (3.25)
-5 Cavalry Brigades (2.5)
-1 Engineer Brigade (2)
-1 Cavalry Regiment (.25)
Total: 21.5

-Upgrade 3 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades to Light Infantry (6 points)
-Upgrade 7 Garrisons to Light Infantry Brigades (7 points)
Total: 13

Total Spent: 34.5

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by TLS Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:38 am

Austria 1727 Wartime Build

Wartime Taxes: 8 points
Loans: 10 point domestic loan (20 year loan, 7% interest, Loan series B)
Ports: 3 (Venice, Antwerp, Naples)
Craft Centers: 5 (Vienna, Prague, Venice, Naples, Antwerp)
Resources: 5 (Vienna, Brussels, Prague, Innsbruck, Pressburg)
Commercial Fleets: 4 (8 fleets)
Total Income: 35

-2 Naval Yards (1)
-1 BB1 (.5)
-10 BB2s (2.5)
-19 FF1 (3.8 )
-15 PatRons (1.5)
-6 Fortress (3)
-3 Garrison (.3)
-12 Infantry Brigades (3)
-4 Light Infantry Brigades (.8 )
-3 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades (.6)
-1 Sclavonian Militia Brigade (.1)
-1 Croatian Militia Brigade (.1)
-1 Cavalry Brigade (.5)
-2 Cavalry Regiments (.5)
-1 Engineer Brigade (2)
-1 Cavalry Regiment (.25)
-Loan Series A Repayment (1.2) [Year 1/20, .5 principle, .7 interest]
Total: 21.65

-Upgrade 1 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigade to Light Infantry (2)
-Upgrade 1 Croatian Militia Infantry Brigade to Light Infantry (2)
-Raise 3 Garrison Brigades (6)
-Raise 1 Light Infantry Brigade (3)
-Raise 1 Garrison Brigade (.35/2 points)
Total: 13.35

Total Spent: 35

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by TLS Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:00 am

Austria 1727 Supplemental Build, Spring

Loans: 20 point Irish loan (20 year loan, 7% interest, Loan series I-A)
Total Income: 20

-Build 1 Base (2) [Zagreb]
-Build 1 Fortress (2/4) [Pressburg]
-Raise 1 Garrison Brigade (1.65/1.65)
-Raise 7 Garrison Brigades (7)
-Raise 1 Garrison Brigade (.35/2)
Total: 20

Total Spent: 20

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Habsburgermonarchie Empty Re: Habsburgermonarchie

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:05 pm

Fall 1728
the new Duke of Lorraine, Francis, is sent to Vienna as the new French ambassador. A cousin of both the Hapsburgs and the Bourbon families, it is felt he will greatly ease relations between the two European powers.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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