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Sultanate of Zanzibar

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Sultanate of Zanzibar Empty Sultanate of Zanzibar

Post by TLS Sun Nov 26, 2017 2:18 pm

سلطنة زنجبار
Usultani wa Zanzibar
Sultanate of Zanzibar

Sultanate of Zanzibar 250px-Flag_of_Edward_England.svg

National Statistics as of 1716
Population: 400,000 in East African territories
Languages: Arabic, Swahili, English (de facto language of government)
Motto: Allahu Akbar
Prestige: D
Tech Level: 2.5 (certain units TL 3 or TL 2)

Political Organization
Official Title: Sultanate of Zanzibar
Conventional: Zanzibar
Political System: Monarchical Thassalocracy
Capital: Zanzibar
Sovereign: [url=]Samuil al-Aswad[/url]

Swahili Coast (RL coastal Kenya, Tanzania, northern Mozambique)

Ports: 1 (Zanzibar)
Resources: 2 (Zanzibar, Mombasa)
Colonial Settlements: 1 City (Cabo Delgado)
Total Income: 3.6 points


Regulars: (out of 12,000)
Reserves: (out of 28,000)
Naval Forces

Zanzibari Fleet (Zanzibar) [9,000 regulars, 2.4 points]
-10 Frigates (Mughamara, Suzana, Al-Ibn As-Sabie, Hamama, Yaqub, Mubarak, Maryam, Jayiza, Al-Makhawi, Tajir) [5,000 regulars, 2 points]
-4 PatRons [4,000 regulars, .4 points]

Ground Forces

Fixed Positions [10,000 reserves, 1.2 points]
-2 Fortress (Zanzibar, Mombasa) [5,000 reserves, 1 point]
-2 Garrison Brigades (Zanzibar, Cabo Delgado) [5,000 reserves, .2 points]
-1 Depot (Zanzibar)

Last edited by TLS on Fri May 25, 2018 11:45 am; edited 5 times in total

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Sultanate of Zanzibar Empty Re: Sultanate of Zanzibar

Post by Ottoman Sun Nov 26, 2017 4:20 pm

Winter 1707

The Ottoman Bey of Muscat sends a CruRon to Zanzibar with gifts(i.e spices,coffee,opium) as token of goodwill to the new leadership of the region.


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Join date : 2017-09-23

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Sultanate of Zanzibar Empty Re: Sultanate of Zanzibar

Post by TLS Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:51 am

The Coming Storm

After nearly a decade as the sovereign lords of Zanzibar, the pirate-turned-Sultan Avery has grown soft and fat in his new role, as have his men. The flourishing spice and slave trades through the capital have proven far more profitable than the life of plundering Spanish galleons in the Caribbean ever did, and Avery has amassed for himself a decent fleet, a strong core to his army, and a vast line of possessions. When word begins to trickle in that the King of Ireland has finally amassed a coalition against him, then, he springs back into his old role as commander of a murderous host. He recognizes that the coming war will be difficult, but also that his capital is perhaps the mightiest fortress on the entire Indian Ocean.

The local populace, having grown accustomed to the Firanja rulers of the Sultanate, are not particularly interested in the squabbles of European princes. However, they are concerned both by the coalition being formed against them: not only a European, Christian King, but also the dreaded Ottoman Turks, enemies of the old dynasty, persecutors of their faith, and about as foreign as the Irish in custom and deed. Thus the island truly does become, if not united in fraternity, at least united in fear.

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Sultanate of Zanzibar Empty Re: Sultanate of Zanzibar

Post by Ottoman Thu Mar 15, 2018 8:00 pm

In April 1717, A odd sight was becoming commonplace in Zanzibar, Ottoman Naval/Trade Vessels stopping by and unloading gifts to the Sultan of Zanzibar( .23 points in gifts). Ottoman trade envoys were often seen discussing matters of state with their Zanzibar counterparts. The results of these talks were more aid forthcoming and defensive pack for the next few years in exchange for granting Ottomans rights to set up a trading post in Dar Es Salaam.


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Sultanate of Zanzibar Empty Re: Sultanate of Zanzibar

Post by TLS Fri May 25, 2018 11:44 am

The Death of a Pirate: Zanzibar Through 1725

Though Avery survived the Irish attempt to seize his island and bring him to justice, and once more slipped through the Stuart crown’s attempts to seize him, the Irish assault on Zanzibar left his Pirate Sultanate weakened. The loss of the Somali coast as a source of tribute and of much of his fleet undermined both his economic underpinnings and the strength of his bands. Furthermore, Zanzibar had not resisted the Irish attack due to its unity but rather its division—no group was willing to see the other win at the cost of the addition of a new, Irish overlord. Indeed, Zanzibar spends the period floating closer to the Ottoman orbit, thanks to the immense sums of bribes poured into the Zanzibari economy by the Sublime Porte.

The only judge who would pass a sentence on Avery, it seemed, was the Beneficent and the Merciful Himself, and the Sultan dies in 1723. A brutal and bloody power struggle ensues as the factions—Arabs, Zanzibaris, and Pirates all—attempted to seize the throne for themselves. Months of coups and countercoups both whittle down the Zanzibari ground forces and its fleet, but ultimate one of the younger and dynamic pirate captains ascends to the throne. An Englishman by birth, who came to Zanzibar by way of New England and the Caribbean, seizes the Sultanate and decides to raise a new, black flag.

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