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Wartime Schedule

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Wartime Schedule Empty Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:17 pm

We're in the middle of a big ol' dang ol' war with a lot of moving parts--plus a few minor wars which are started or will start imminently--and this happens to coincide with the arrival of my midterms.

Not to worry! I don't think we need to move to slow time quite yet (we'll see next week if things get really bad, either on my side or the games), but I just want to outline the timeline/schedule I'm envisioning:

Monday: Winter
Tuesday: Spring
Wednesday/Thursday: Summer
Friday/Saturday: Fall

Wednesday also (until December) happens to be my most busy day at school (boo hiss nerd stuff), and so I will probably have summers be Wednesday/Thursdays for the time being regardless of war status.

I also reserve the right to prioritize conflicts in order of their participants. As of right now, The Great Northern War takes precedence, with the minor wars (involving 1 PC and NPCs) ranked in order of when they're launched. That shouldn't mean a whole lot, but it might cause them to be decided slightly later in the timeline.

Last edited by TLS on Thu Mar 28, 2019 5:14 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Sat Oct 14, 2017 1:08 pm

Ok, now that everyone and their mother wants to get involved in the Northern War, I am going to announce a slowdown. We are now on a two week turn schedule.

Winter: Week 1 Monday-Tuesday
Spring: Week 1 Wednesday-Saturday
Summer: Week 2 Sunday-Tuesday
Fall: Week 2 Wednesday-Saturday

Also, now that you have some of the time crunch off, please please please please take time to collect your thoughts before sending me orders. I understand your thinking will change, but some of you have sent me like 4 orders over the span of 2 hours, and it gets hard keeping them straight. I won't act in a theater until all relevant countries have given me what they want to do, so don't rush. Take your time, think it through, and then send them to me, mmmkay?

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:28 pm

TLS wrote:Ok, now that everyone and their mother wants to get involved in the Northern War, I am going to announce a slowdown. We are now on a two week turn schedule.

Winter: Week 1 Monday-Tuesday
Spring: Week 1 Wednesday-Saturday
Summer: Week 2 Sunday-Tuesday
Fall: Week 2 Wednesday-Saturday

Also, now that you have some of the time crunch off, please please please please take time to collect your thoughts before sending me orders. I understand your thinking will change, but some of you have sent me like 4 orders over the span of 2 hours, and it gets hard keeping them straight. I won't act in a theater until all relevant countries have given me what they want to do, so don't rush. Take your time, think it through, and then send them to me, mmmkay?

Is Monday October 16 still 1701 or is it 1702?
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:20 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:
Is Monday October 16 still 1701 or is it 1702?

Monday will be 1702. Any outstanding 1701 combat (basically in Algeria and Arabia) will get gamed out today.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:03 pm

As you all saw, there was a large amount of mod miscommunication with a battle earlier today and things didn't go the way people wanted. I'd like for this to not become a regular thing--no one wants to be mad they lost a war because they were misinterpreted--and so I want to clarify a few things. It's been a while since we last played out a war, so here are a few rules I think need to be emphasized:

1. The war thread supersedes others

At the end of each campaign season, I post something basically titled "Forces in region at end of turn". It posts armies, their composition, and their location. When writing out ORBATs and making orders, always refer to the war thread first. If you are confused as to why there is a discrepancy, ask me, and I will either explain what happened (your army engaged in a battle close to the end of season and there were no subsequent orders, so..) or acknowledge that its a mistake on my part.

2. Include exact units, armies, and locations involved in orders

I've been getting a lot of orders like "X army moves on Y" with no greater detail. Following on the theme of the War-thread takes precedence, I don't have the time or resources to ensure you're all keeping your ORBATs up to date. I don't have a massive board in my house with pins and notes where I dream about your armies, I rely on you guys to do a lot of that work. To that end, please always send me orders which include A] how many units are in your armies and B] where they are coming from--you can also include a commander, though it's usually just flavor unless you have a Gr8 Captain. It will make gaming out combat all the smoother.

3. No mid-turn orders

Your orders are considered valid for the whole turn. This goes hand-in-hand with my previous post on trying to consolidate orders into just one. Generally once a major battle has been fought, and there are no follow-on orders in the orders thread, your army will settle in, reorganize, and get ready for the next campaign season. You can include conditional orders--i.e., if battle is won, move on to x place, is troops not engaged, go on to y, if battle is lost, try to retreat to z--and those are encouraged to ensure players have the maximum control possible over events.

4. Movement in down seasons

Seasons such as winter in Europe, summer in the desert, monsoon/rainy in particular locales. I will indicate if necessary, but otherwise use common sense.

During the down season, you cannot move armies unless they are commanded by a Great Captain (and even then they'll suffer stupid attrition). What you can do is reinforce, upgrade, etc--figure the Americans at Valley Forge. For naval units it's a little more complicated, but there are usually seasons in which traveling by sea isn't a genius move either; for example, the North Sea is treacherous in winter, the Baltic freezes over, etc.

The safest course of action is assume that your army/navy is frozen in place during the down season, and that if there are special circumstances the mod will tell you. That being said, just because armies can't move during the winter doesn't mean that you force you face in Spring will be the same that left Fall, due to upgrades, resupply, raised forces, etc.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:33 pm

Just a point of clarification, because people seem to have been thrown off by the Peace Conference thread: we're still in Fall 1702, the schedule still applies. Please send in orders that you have, even if they're "stand pat and hope that [perfidious ancestral enemy from 5 minutes ago] doesn't go on the rampage" (or especially if they're "go on the rampage").


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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:47 pm

As there is of yet no peace agreement, the wartime schedule continues. Try to get your builds up by tomorrow, and send me any orders (if you have any?) for Winter. If they're just "stand pat and hang out", just let me know that.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:09 pm

The war is over! Back to normal schedule. It is now thus spring.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:55 pm

We're 1) back on wartime schedule and 2) taking a pause because of personal issues that have come up. We're going to be on hold (at beginning of Summer, 1711) until Monday, January 7th, rounding out 1711 by the end of next week, and then starting back up.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:47 pm

Just a reminder, definitely on wartime schedule, 2 weeks per year, as outlined above.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:05 pm

1713 Schedule

Assumption 1: The Mod is human and flawed.

I've started school back up again and this week has been very hectic on that front, haven't exactly had a lot of time to dedicate to the game. Rather than rush things along, I'm being slow and purposeful. This war has been fairly devastating so far and a few questions have been raised on impacts on countries economies, both by the players themselves and about their rivals. In the interest of being able to go over everything, I'm going to spend thru Sunday, 2/4 checking builds, giving input, and drafting NPC builds. If I am able to get things done before hand I might start posting winter results, but I'd rather take the time now to address these concerns, make sure everything is on the straight and narrow, rather than rush.

I will not yet commit to making 1714 a 2 or 3 week turn; I'm starting school back up again, and thus have less time (each season is taking me about 6-10 hours to game out and write-up, across all theaters) and so I might need the extra time, depends on how my schedule shakes out.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:13 pm

As of Monday, 2/18 we're back to normal schedule. Any wars and adventures going on are small enough to be handled at that rate.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Thu Mar 15, 2018 8:34 pm

Anglo-Irish War

This is a big ol' war that has a potential to rapidly expand. On top of that, I'm out of pocket most of the weekend because of the in-laws coming to town. Thus, to give everyone time to keep abreast of the situation, and to prevent things from slipping due to rushed speed, 1717 is now a two-week turn.

To that end, the schedule for this year moving forward will be:

Summer: Thursday, 3/15 - Monday, 3/19
Fall: Tuesday, 3/20 - Thursday, 3/22
Winter: Friday, 3/23 - Sunday, 3/25

In all likelihood, I won't be able to do meaningful game stuff until Saturday at the earliest, so feel free to adjust your orders and builds and such over the next few days even if you've submitted them already.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:54 pm

I don't understand my own time system, apparently. Winter 1718 won't start until Monday, as per usual. Fall will run thru this Saturday, if necessary. The schedule moving forward will be, as in wars past:

Winter: Week 1 Monday-Tuesday
Spring: Week 1 Wednesday-Saturday
Summer: Week 2 Sunday-Tuesday
Fall: Week 2 Wednesday-Saturday

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:08 pm

Schedule Adjustments

Because of my falling behind and the fact that a few countries have just joined the war/could feasibly still join, then throw in the fact that I'm celebrating Easter this weekend (The joys of Greek church!) we're going to basically stretch this out a little more.

I will be accepting orders from now until Saturday morning (to reflect the fact that Abbs lives in the ~*~fUtUrE~*~ and might not have the time to coordinate as things change). Then the schedule will basically fall into normal, depending on whether I can get to gaming stuff out on Saturday (maybe) or not. So basically, 1718 will be a three week turn:

Summer: Saturday, 4/7 - Tuesday, 4/10
Fall: Wednesday, 4/11 - Sat, 4/14

Also, a few players have sent me like 5 different PMs containing variations on their orders. This is really hard for me to keep track of. Thus, I want everyone who is giving me orders to do so in one, consolidated PM, even if they have already sent me orders. This will minimize the risk of me screwing things up.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:57 pm

Peace seems to be imminently breaking out, but everyone should start posting builds for 1719 regardless. If peace does break out this week, 1719 (this week) will be a normal turn. If not, I'll do winter by Thursday and Spring by Sunday (my work bandwidth is slower this week).

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:50 pm

Our restart is starting out with a bang and not just one, but two wars! Yippee!

Thankfully, because I am on vacation this week I don't think we'll need a slowdown. The schedule remains:

Monday: Builds
Tuesday: Winter
Wednesday: Spring
Thursday: Summer
Friday: Fall

With the possibility of a day or so slippage. We will definitely have to make 1727 a two-week turn because I am moving to Sri Lanka for the summer next Monday, but that's more to give me a week to pump the breaks and focus on the move. I'll evaluate after that if we need to go back to 2 week turns for 1728.

ALSO: In the interest of giving PCs more things to do, I have deputized Kilani to handle Sweden and Haneastic to handle Austria. Unless a huge conflict of interest arises between their normal country and their wartime deputy country, talk to them for what matters. As before, I'm handling the NPC builds for those countries while the players handle their orders.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:57 pm

1727 Schedule

I fly out tomorrow and will probably be out of pocket until mid-week at the earliest, so I can't give a firm estimate on when I will get things up for 1727 quite yet. Most likely I'll start throwing up winter and such this coming weekend and otherwise finish it out towards the tail end of the week after that. This gives everyone involved in the war, or with a potential to get involved, ample time to work on ORBATs and the like, plot out next moves, or scheme crazy schemes. I'll generally be available through PMs, emails, chatzy, and FB chat for consultation.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:42 am

Update on Timeline

I've been sick the last few days and haven't been able to get much stuff up and running. If it were just the Russo-Polish war to handle I'd say let's just move on, but there are non-war events that are on the docket that I will want to handle in a slower pace. As such, 1728 will go thru Saturday, July 14.

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Wartime Schedule Empty Re: Wartime Schedule

Post by TLS Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:52 am

Further Timeline Update

Just because I've seen a few people post 1730 builds already, we're still on a two-week schedule. This is 1) because I'm busy at work and 2) I don't trust you nerds to not start a war imminently. As such, 1730 won't start until Monday, 7/30.

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