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État Français

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État Français Empty État Français

Post by TLS Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:50 pm

État Français
The French State

État Français 320px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931958%29.svg

Overview as of 1825
Population: 40 Million People
Languages: French
Official Title: The French State
Conventional: France
Political System: Unitary Constitutional Dictatorship
Capital: Paris
Princeps: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette
Co-Consuls: Louis Gilbert de Lafayette, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord


Industrial Centers: 8 (Brusels, Liege, Lille x3, Paris x3)
Crat Centers: 11 (Rouen, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Bern, Marseilles, Lyon x2, Turin x2, Toulouse)
Resources: 6 (Saar x2, Turin, Nantes, Le Havre, Picardy)
Internal Commerce: 50
Major Ports: 20 (Brest, Antwerp, Bordeaux, Marseilles)
Minor Ports: 15 (Toulon, Nice, Bayonne, La Rochelle, St. Nazaire, Lorient, St. Malo, Cherbourg, Rouen, Le Havre, Boulogne, Calais, Ajacejo, Caglieri, Albio)
Financial Services: 127
Merchant Marine: 4
Efficiency Bonus: 16
Total Income: 257 points

North Africa
Minor Ports: 4 (Oran, Bone, Tunis, Algiers)
Commerce: 4
Total Income: 8

West Indies
Minor Ports: 2 (Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 1 (Sugar)
Commerce: 2
Total Income: 5 points

French Africa
Ports: 2 (Dakar, Bingerville)
Resources: 3 (Dakar, 2x Bingerville)
Commerce: 2
Total Income: 7 points

French India
Commerce: 10
Merchant Marine: 5
Total Income: 15 points

French Oceania
Minor Ports: 4 (Reunion, Lafayette [RL Perth], Noumea, Haiphong)
Trade Income: 5 (Indochina)
Commerce: 4
Merchant Marine: 2
Total Income: 15 points

Total French Imperial Income: 307

Military (ORBAT as of 1827)

Manpower Breakdown
Regulars: 501,000 (out of 1,200,000 limit)
Militia/Reserves: 698,000 (out of 2,800,000 limit)

Navy [131,600 regulars, 40,000 reserves]

Fixed Installations [40,000 reserves]
-4 Navy Yards (Brest, Antwerp, Marseille, Bordeaux) [40,000 reserves]

North Sea Fleet (Ostend) [31,000 regulars] (Commander: Admiral Guy-Victor Duperré)
-2 BB1s [2,000 regulars]
-15 BB2s [12,000 regulars]
-30 FF1s [15,000 regulars]
-2 PatRons [2,000 regulars]

Manche Fleet (Brest) [27,000 regulars] (Commander: Admiral Marie Henri Daniel Gauthier, comte de Rigny)
-2 BB1s [2,000 regulars]
-10 BB2s [8,000 regulars]
-30 FF1s [15,000 regulars]
-2 PatRons [2,000 regulars]

Mediterranean Fleet (Tunis) [18,500 regulars] (Commander: Read Admiral Albin Roussin)
-1 BB1s [1,000 regulars]
-10 BB2s [8,000 regulars]
-15 FF1s [7,500 regulars]
-2 PatRons [2,000 regulars]

Atlantic Fleet (Bordeaux) [18,500 regulars] (Commander: Rear Admiral Jacques Félix Emmanuel Hamelin)
-1 BB1s [1,000 regulars]
-10 BB2s [8,000 regulars]
-15 FF1s [7,500 regulars]
-2 PatRons [2,000 regulars]

India Squadron (Pondicherry) [12,200 regulars] (Commander: Commodore Charles Baudin)
-5 BB2s [3,200 regulars]
-10 FF1s [5,000 regulars]
-4 PatRons [4,000 regulars]

Caribbean Squadron (Martinique) [12,200 regulars] (Commander: Commodore Jean-Baptiste Barré)
-5 BB2s [3,200 regulars]
-10 FF1s [5,000 regulars]
-4 PatRons [4,000 regulars]

Australe Squadron (Lafayette [RL Perth]) [12,200 regulars] (Commander: Commodore Jean Dornal de Guy)
-5 BB2s [3,200 regulars]
-10 FF1s [5,000 regulars]
-4 PatRons [4,000 regulars]

Army [369,400 regulars, 658,000 reserves]

Fixed Installations [124,500 reserves]
-3 Fortified Areas (Paris, Saarbrucken, Brussels) [45,000 reserves]
-31 Fortresses (Liege, Lille, Calais, Boulogne, Rouen, Le Havre, Cherbourg, St. Malo, Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Toulon, Nice, Turin, Bern, Strasbourg, Metz, Lyons, Vichy, Ajaccio, Cagliari, Lafayette [Perth], Algiers, Tunis, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Pondicherry) [31,000 reserves]
-7 Forts (Oran, Bone, Dakar, Bingerville, Reunion, Noumea, Haiphong) [3,500 reserves]
-5 Garrison Divisions (Lafayette [Perth], Algiers, Tunis, Guadeloupe, Pondicherry) [25,000 reserves]
-8 Garrison Brigades (Martinique, Oran, Bone, Dakar, Bingerville, Reunion, Noumea, Haiphong) [20,000 reserves]

Grand Army of the Saar (Saarbrucken) [134,000 regulars] (Commander: Field Marshal Michel Ney)
-5 Infantry Corps [80,000 regulars]
-3 Cavalry Corps [31,500 regulars]
-1 Artillery Division [5,000 regulars]
-2 Supply Columns [5,000 regulars]
-2 Supply Depots [10,000 regulars]
-Pioneer Brigade [2,500 regulars]

Grand Army of Flanders (Antwerp) [In Reserve] [132,500 reserves]
-18 Garrison Divisions [90,000 reserves]
-17 Garrison Brigades [42,500 reserves]

Grand Army of Provence (Marseille) [In Reserve] [132,500 reserves]
-18 Garrison Divisions [90,000 reserves]
-17 Garrison Brigades [42,500 reserves]

Army of Piedmont (Turin) [68,500 regulars] (Commander: General Sylvain Charles Valée)
-3 Infantry Corps [48,000 regulars]
-1 Cavalry Corps [10,500 regulars]
-1 Artillery Brigade [2,500 regulars]
-1 Supply Columns [2,500 regulars]
-1 Supply Depot [5,000 regulars]

Army of the Garonne (Bordeaux) [68,500 regulars] (Commander: Charles-Marie Denys de Damrémont)
-3 Infantry Corps [48,000 regulars]
-1 Cavalry Corps [10,500 regulars]
-1 Artillery Brigade [2,500 regulars]
-1 Supply Columns [2,500 regulars]
-1 Supply Depot [5,000 regulars]

Army of Brittany (Brest) [In Reserve] [65,500 reserves]
-9 Garrison Divisions [45,000 reserves]
-8 Garrison Brigades [20,000 reserves]

Army of the Rhine (Strasbourg) [In Reserve] [65,500 reserves]
-9 Garrison Divisions [45,000 reserves]
-8 Garrison Brigades [20,000 reserves]

Army of Normandy (Le Havre) [In Reserve] [65,500 reserves]
-9 Garrison Divisions [45,000 reserves]
-8 Garrison Brigades [20,000 reserves]

Army of the Seine (Paris) [In Reserve] [65,500 reserves]
-9 Garrison Divisions [45,000 reserves]
-8 Garrison Brigades [20,000 reserves]

Army of the Rhone (Lyon) [In Reserve] [65,500 reserves]
-9 Garrison Divisions [45,000 reserves]
-8 Garrison Brigades [20,000 reserves]

Army of the Alps (Bern) [In Reserve] [65,500 reserves]
-9 Garrison Divisions [45,000 reserves]
-8 Garrison Brigades [20,000 reserves]

Expeditionary Army of Tunisia (Tunis) [24,600 regulars] (Commander: General Paul-Jean-Baptiste Poret de Morvan)
-3 Infantry Divisions [15,000 regulars]
-1 Cavalry Division [2,500 regulars]
-1 Artillery Battalion [1,000 regulars]
-1 Support Train [1,100 regulars]
-1 Depot [5,000 regulars]

Expeditionary Army of Algeria (Algiers) [24,600 regulars] (Commander: Louis-Auguste-Victor)
-3 Infantry Divisions [15,000 regulars]
-1 Cavalry Division [2,500 regulars]
-1 Artillery Battalion [1,000 regulars]
-1 Support Train [1,100 regulars]
-1 Depot [5,000 regulars]

Expeditionary Army of India (Pondicherry) [24,600 regulars] (Commander: Pierre Berthezène)
-3 Infantry Divisions [15,000 regulars]
-1 Cavalry Division [2,500 regulars]
-1 Artillery Battalion [1,000 regulars]
-1 Support Train [1,100 regulars]
-1 Depot [5,000 regulars]

Expeditionary Army of Tierre Australe (Lafayette [RL Perth]) [24,600 regulars] (Commander: Bertrand Clauzel)
-3 Infantry Divisions [15,000 regulars]
-1 Cavalry Division [2,500 regulars]
-1 Artillery Battalion [1,000 regulars]
-1 Support Train [1,100 regulars]
-1 Depot [5,000 regulars]

Last edited by TLS on Wed May 05, 2021 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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État Français Empty Re: État Français

Post by TLS Sun Apr 25, 2021 8:50 pm

French State Prebuilds

Budget: 1,000 points
Pre-Build Modifiers: Ground units (45% discount), Naval units (20% discount), Fortifications (36 points)
Maintenance Modifiers: Industrialization (10% discount for all), Industrial Centers (35% for all), Craft Centers (11% for land), Major Ports (4% naval), Mass Army (20% for ground units, 10% for fortifications)
Maintenance Limit: 152 points (income of 307 - debt servicing of 155 p.a.)
Manpower Limits: Active: 1,200,000; Reserves 2,800,000


Fortifications (55% pre-build cost, 34% maintenance, 36 free points)
-3 Fortified Areas: 19.8 (Paris, Saarbrucken, Brussels) [Maintenance: 1, Manpower: 45,000 reserves]
-31 Fortresses: 68.2 (Liege, Lille, Calais, Boulogne, Rouen, Le Havre, Cherbourg, St. Malo, Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Toulon, Nice, Turin, Bern, Strasbourg, Metz, Lyons, Vichy, Ajaccio, Cagliari, Lafayette [Perth], Algiers, Tunis, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Pondicherry) [2.65, 31,000 reserves]
-7 Forts: 3.85 (Oran, Bone, Dakar, Bingerville, Reunion, Noumea, Haiphong) [.25, 3,500 reserves]
Total: 55.85 [3.9, 78,000 reserves]

Ground Units (55% pre-build cost, 24% maintenance):
-1 Grand Army: 78.65 [7.2, 150,000 professionals]
-2 Reserve Grand Armies: 61.6 [3, 300,000 reserves]
-2 Field Armies: 82.5 [7.2, 120,000 professionals]
-6 Reserve Field Armies: 89.1 [4.7, 390,000 reserves]
-4 Expeditionary Armies: 55 [5.3, 100,000 professionals]
-5 Garrison Divisions: 5.5 [.2, 25,000 reserves]
-8 Garrison Brigades 4.4 [.15, 20,000 reserves]
-31 Depots: 17.05 (Liege, Lille, Calais, Boulogne, Rouen, Le Havre, Cherbourg, St. Malo, Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Toulon, Nice, Turin, Bern, Strasbourg, Metz, Lyons, Vichy, Ajaccio, Cagliari, Lafayette [Perth], Algiers, Tunis, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Pondicherry) [.75, 31,000 reserves]
Total: 393.8 [28.5, 370,000 professionals, 766,000 reserves]

Naval Units (80% pre-build cost, 51% maintenance:
-4 Naval Yards: 80 [1, 40,000 reserves]
-6 BB1: 33.6 [1.55, 6,000 professionals]
-60 BB2: 144 [7.65, 48,000 professionals]
-120 FF1: 144 [12.25, 60,000 professionals]
-20 PatRon: 16 [1, 20,000 professionals]
Total: 414.6 [23.45, 134,000 professionals, 40,000 reserves]

Grand Total:: 864.25 [55.85, 504,000 professionals, 884,000 reserves]

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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État Français Empty Re: État Français

Post by TLS Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:11 pm

France 1825

Industrial Centers: 8 (Brussels, Liege, Lille x3, Paris x3)
Craft Centers: 11 (Rouen, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Bern, Marseilles, Lyon x2, Turin x2, Toulouse)
Resources: 6 (Saar x2, Turin, Nantes, Le Havre, Picardy)
Internal Commerce: 50
Major Ports: 20 (Brest, Antwerp, Bordeaux, Marseilles)
Minor Ports: 15 (Toulon, Nice, Bayonne, La Rochelle, St. Nazaire, Lorient, St. Malo, Cherbourg, Rouen, Le Havre, Boulogne, Calais, Ajacejo, Caglieri, Albio)
Financial Services: 127
Merchant Marine: 4
Efficiency Bonus: 16
Total Income: 257 points

North Africa
Minor Ports: 4 (Oran, Bone, Tunis, Algiers)
Commerce: 4
Total Income: 8

West Indies
Minor Ports: 2 (Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 1 (Sugar)
Commerce: 2
Total Income: 5 points

French Africa
Ports: 2 (Dakar, Bingerville)
Resources: 3 (Dakar, 2x Bingerville)
Commerce: 2
Total Income: 7 points

French India
Commerce: 10
Merchant Marine: 5
Total Income: 15 points

French Oceania
Minor Ports: 4 (Reunion, Lafayette [RL Perth], Noumea, Haiphong)
Trade Income: 5 (Indochina)
Commerce: 4
Merchant Marine: 2
Total Income: 15 points

Total French Imperial Income: 307

Maintenance (24% armies, 34% fortifications, 51% navies):
-3 Fortified Areas: 1
-31 Fortresses: 2.65
-7 Forts: .25
-31 Depots: .75
-1 Grand Army: 7.2
-2 Reserve Grand Armies: 3
-2 Field Armies: 7.2
-6 Reserve Field Armies: 4.7
-4 Expeditionary Armies: 5.3
-5 Garrison Divisions: .2
-8 Garrison Brigades .15
-4 Naval Yards: 1
-6 BB1: 1.55
-60 BB2: 7.65
-120 FF1: 12.25
-20 PatRon: 1
Total: 55.85

-Repay War Loan (3100 points perpetually at 5% interest): 238.15 [Principle 83.15, Interest 155, Principle down to 3016.85]
-Establish Spy Agency: 7 points (5 domestic, 2 international)
Total: 251.15

Total Spent: 307
Total Remaining: 0


France 1826

Industrial Centers: 8 (Brussels, Liege, Lille x3, Paris x3)
Craft Centers: 11 (Rouen, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Bern, Marseilles, Lyon x2, Turin x2, Toulouse)
Resources: 6 (Saar x2, Turin, Nantes, Le Havre, Picardy)
Internal Commerce: 50
Major Ports: 20 (Brest, Antwerp, Bordeaux, Marseilles)
Minor Ports: 15 (Toulon, Nice, Bayonne, La Rochelle, St. Nazaire, Lorient, St. Malo, Cherbourg, Rouen, Le Havre, Boulogne, Calais, Ajacejo, Caglieri, Albio)
Financial Services: 127
Merchant Marine: 4
Efficiency Bonus: 16
Total Income: 257 points

North Africa
Minor Ports: 4 (Oran, Bone, Tunis, Algiers)
Commerce: 4
Total Income: 8

West Indies
Minor Ports: 2 (Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 1 (Sugar)
Commerce: 2
Total Income: 5 points

French Africa
Ports: 2 (Dakar, Bingerville)
Resources: 3 (Dakar, 2x Bingerville)
Commerce: 2
Total Income: 7 points

French India
Commerce: 10
Merchant Marine: 5
Total Income: 15 points

French Oceania
Minor Ports: 4 (Reunion, Lafayette [RL Perth], Noumea, Haiphong)
Trade Income: 5 (Indochina)
Commerce: 4
Merchant Marine: 2
Total Income: 15 points

Total French Imperial Income: 307

Maintenance (24% armies, 34% fortifications, 51% navies):
-Spy Agency: 7 (5 domestic, 2 international)
-3 Fortified Areas: 1
-31 Fortresses: 2.65
-7 Forts: .25
-31 Depots: .75
-1 Grand Army: 7.2
-2 Reserve Grand Armies: 3
-2 Field Armies: 7.2
-6 Reserve Field Armies: 4.7
-4 Expeditionary Armies: 5.3
-5 Garrison Divisions: .2
-8 Garrison Brigades .15
-4 Naval Yards: 1
-6 BB1: 1.55
-60 BB2: 7.65
-120 FF1: 12.25
-20 PatRon: 1
Total: 62.85

-Repay War Loan (3100 points perpetually at 5% interest): 208.15 [Principle 53.15, Interest 155, Principle down to 2,963.7
-Aid to Egypt: 30 points
Total: 244.15

Total Spent: 307

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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État Français Empty Re: État Français

Post by TLS Wed May 05, 2021 8:34 pm

France 1827

Industrial Centers: 8 (Brussels, Liege, Lille x3, Paris x3)
Craft Centers: 11 (Rouen, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Bern, Marseilles, Lyon x2, Turin x2, Toulouse)
Resources: 6 (Saar x2, Turin, Nantes, Le Havre, Picardy)
Internal Commerce: 50
Major Ports: 20 (Brest, Antwerp, Bordeaux, Marseilles)
Minor Ports: 15 (Toulon, Nice, Bayonne, La Rochelle, St. Nazaire, Lorient, St. Malo, Cherbourg, Rouen, Le Havre, Boulogne, Calais, Ajacejo, Caglieri, Albio)
Financial Services: 127
Merchant Marine: 4
Efficiency Bonus: 16
Total Income: 257 points

North Africa
Minor Ports: 4 (Oran, Bone, Tunis, Algiers)
Commerce: 4
Total Income: 8

West Indies
Minor Ports: 2 (Martinique, Guadeloupe)
Resources: 1 (Sugar)
Commerce: 2
Total Income: 5 points

French Africa
Ports: 2 (Dakar, Bingerville)
Resources: 3 (Dakar, 2x Bingerville)
Commerce: 2
Total Income: 7 points

French India
Commerce: 10
Merchant Marine: 5
Total Income: 15 points

French Oceania
Minor Ports: 4 (Reunion, Lafayette [RL Perth], Noumea, Haiphong)
Trade Income: 5 (Indochina)
Commerce: 4
Merchant Marine: 2
Total Income: 15 points

Total French Imperial Income: 307

Maintenance (24% armies, 34% fortifications, 51% navies):
-Spy Agency: 7 (5 domestic, 2 international)
-3 Fortified Areas: 1
-31 Fortresses: 2.65
-7 Forts: .25
-31 Depots: .75
-1 Grand Army: 7.2
-2 Reserve Grand Armies: 3.1
-2 Field Armies: 7.2
-6 Reserve Field Armies: 5.05
-4 Expeditionary Armies: 5.3
-5 Garrison Divisions: .3
-8 Garrison Brigades .2
-4 Naval Yards: 1
-6 BB1: 1.55
-60 BB2: 7.65
-120 FF1: 12.25
-20 PatRon: 1
Total: 63.45

-Repay War Loan (3,100 points perpetually at 5% interest): 213.55 [Principle 58.55, Interest 155, Principle down to 2,905.15)
-General Fund: 30 points
Total: 244.15

Total Spent: 307

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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