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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:37 pm

Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

August 10,1786

The battle harden Prussian army( Two expeditionary armies), which was compose of veterans from the recent Polish wars. Begun their march into the Netherlands under the command of Duke of Brunswick, with orders to take the Hague and restore the Prince of Orange to his rightful throne.

As the Prussians march into Netherlands, they realized the Dutch have enacted their defense plans flooded the lowlands areas and withdrew to their fortress strongholds within Holland.  The Prussians realized the Dutch States Army is still loyal the Republic and led by General Frederick III, Prince of Salm-Kyrburg who have no intention of surrendering to the foreign aggressors.

By early September, Prussians forces reach the Dutch Fortress of Utrecht and lay siege. Demanding the Fortress surrender, how the Dutch Republican commander refuses and state he rather fights then give up the city. Considering Utrecht is a key city for his supply lines, the Duke of Brunswick order his troop to maintain the siege in the hopes of Orange uprising to occur in Holland to end this war rather quickly.

By end of September, some Orange supporters do organize and join their Prussian allies. But only Infantry brigade worth of troops join the Prussian army.

Meanwhile with support of the Dutch Battle fleet and frigate squadrons, the Dutch republicans can maintain their supplies and lines of communication to the outside world and their empire.

Order of battle
6 Fortress: Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Maastricht, Groningen

Dutch Home Army at Gouda, under the command of Prince of Salm-Kyrburg
-3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train

Republican Guard- The Hague

-1 infantry division

Dutch Navy under the command of Admiral Johan Zoutman at the Hague

8 2nd Rate Battleships (BB2)( De Zeven Provinciën, Batavier, Vrijheid, Wassenaar, Beschermer, Delft, Eendracht , Brutus)
10 Frigates(Beschermer, Maarten Harpentzoon Tromp, Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)

The Republican fleet of 10 brigs has been deployed to overseas holdings in West Indies.

Meanwhile the VOC fleet has been deployed to Cape and East Indies to protect the sea lanes.

Prussian Order of Battle at Utrecht under the command of the Duke of Brunswick

2 Expeditionary armies- compose of the following units each- 3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train
1 Orange Infantry Brigade


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:33 pm

November 27, 1786

Munity at the Fortress at Utrecht

Within the City of Utrecht, a sense of dread was building with the fact should the Prussians storm the city, it will result in sacking of their fair city. They decide to work with local pro Orange officers and soldiers to stage a coup and arrest the Republican commander and declare the city a open city. Their reasoning to surrender, whereas Republican government had the waterline to defend them, whereas they were cut off from any meaningful support from Holland.

On the night of the November 27

The pro orange elements of the garrison stage a mutiny and got the jump on the Republican officers and their soldiers with little to no bloodshed. The Commanding officer and his loyalist are arrested by the Orangist supporters.

By the morning of November 28

The Orangists have full control of the city and Fortress, they send a messenger to the Prussian Commander of their victory.

In game effect

The Fortress at Utrecht is now in Orange hands, they use their infantry brigade to garrison the Fortress.

Craft Center will provide income to Orange cause.

Meanwhile of the news of the fall of Utrecht, causes much uproar in Holland, the more radical republicans questioning the loyalty of the Army and Navy in Holland. However the Moderate Republicans point out Utrecht was cut off from any support from Holland via the waterline. It was reasonable for them to choose to peace over bloodshed. However these statements don't calm the radical faction down. Many radicals suspect that the Conservatives faction are quasi Orangist supporters who are waiting to defect as soon possible. It's only matter of time before tenison's will result in come to a head.


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:05 pm

Dec 1786

Winter sets, with all the Volcanic ash in the air. The winter is colder than normal, however but not cold enough to cause the waterways in Holland to freeze.

For now both sides watch each other with unease in the frontlines.


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:16 pm

Concerned about what appears to be civil war in addition to invasion in the Dutch Netherlands and full scale revolt in the Austrian Netherlands, the British Government takes out a huge loan and mobilizes its Army and Navy after declaring a state of emergency.

The Low Countries have been an area of vital British concern for centuries and few in the Government are particularly surprised by this action. The Courts of Europe are informed that this is a defensive measure by the British Government, as is the American Parliament.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Hussam B. Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:48 pm

Austrian diplomats are quick to downplay tales of a full-scale revolt in the Belgian territories but acknowledge that it appears some of the unrest in the Netherlands has spilled over.

Austrian army movements are noted in the area but all parties are assured that this is not a prelude for any action in the ongoing conflict and is a defensive measure.

Hussam B.

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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:10 pm

Spring of 1787

No combat reported, however both sides make preparations for major operations in the summer.


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Hussam B. Wed Sep 16, 2020 12:45 am

The Prussian and Orangists leaders are informed of the recent desertion of about 2 divisions worth of troops from the ranks of the Austrian Garrisons. Privately, they are informed of suspicions that the deserters are joining the ranks of rebels in Breda.

Vienna continues to insist that it remains uninvolved in this conflict.

Hussam B.

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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:06 am

Hussam B. wrote:The Prussian and Orangists leaders are informed of the recent desertion of about 2 divisions worth of troops from the ranks of the Austrian Garrisons. Privately, they are informed of suspicions that the deserters are joining the ranks of rebels in Breda.

Vienna continues to insist that it remains uninvolved in this conflict.

The Orangists remark they will look into the matter, however they note the area is still under Republican control just unable to investigate further.  However in private, the the Orangist leadership much like the Republican leadership is apathetic to the Austrian concerns at best and more inclined to turn a blind eye to the Flemish rebels.


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:15 pm

The Breach of the Waterline

July 15, 1787

The Prussians send over a engineering brigade to take care of the issue of the waterline. Which was preventing them from crossing into Holland itself. Within weeks of the engineer arriving, the Prussians build a series of platoon bridges to allow the Duke of Brunswick to march over the other side of the waterline.

By August 1787, the Prussian armies have cross the waterline and soon panic breakouts within along the Dutch defenders.

Prussian Order of Battle at Worden under the command of the Duke of Brunswick

2 Expeditionary armies- compose of the following units each- 3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train( one heading to Amsterdam, one heading to Hague)
1 Engineer Brigade

Munity at Gouda

August 1st 1787

The Dutch Home Army at Gouda, under the command of Prince of Salm-Kyrburg attempts to intercept the Prussians. But dissent and munity breaks out within the ranks as 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 artillery battalion, support train and 1 Cavalry Division defect to the Orangist side and force the Prince to fled to Amsterdam with one infantry division.

With news of the defections at Gouda, the Dutch Republican government fled to their stronghold in Rotterdam and panic spreads all over Holland. The Hague is declared a open city, by August 8th 1787, the Prussian/Orangist forces occupy the city.

The Prussians turn their attention to siege Amsterdam and Rotterdam in hopes of finishing off the what’s left of the Dutch Republican forces. However, to the disappointment of the Orangist forces, the Dutch Navy stays loyal to the Republican government and helps with coordinating supplies movements and communication between the two cities. Meanwhile the local civilian population rallies to the Republican cause in hopes of fighting off the Prussian invaders.

Dutch Republican Order of battle
2 Fortress: Rotterdam, Amsterdam

Republican Guard- Rotterdam
-1 infantry division- under command of Admiral Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen

Republican Guard- Amsterdam
-1 Infantry division- under command of Prince of Salm-Kyrburg

Reserve army at Rotterdam
- 3 Infantry Divisions ,1 Artillery battalion

-2 Naval Militia Infantry Brigades at Rotterdam mobilized from Naval Factory
4 Militia Infantry brigades(2 at Rotterdam, 2 at Amsterdam)

Dutch Navy under the command of Admiral Johan Zoutman at the Rotterdam

8 2nd Rate Battleships (BB2)( De Zeven Provinciën, Batavier, Vrijheid, Wassenaar, Beschermer, Delft, Eendracht , Brutus)
10 Frigates(Beschermer, Maarten Harpentzoon Tromp, Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:01 pm

The fall of the Republic

September to Dec 1787

By start of September, the Prussian armies and their Orange allies siege the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. While internal political situation within the cities was becoming chaotic as riots between pro Orange supporters and Republicans breakout. The remaining Republican forces barely held on and suppress the revolts….

Prussian Order of Battle under the command of the Duke of Brunswick

2 Expeditionary armies- compose of the following units each- 3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train( 1 at Amsterdam, 1 at Rotterdam with Engineer brigade)
1 Engineer Brigade at Rotterdam

Dutch Orange Army
2 Infantry Divisions, 1 artillery battalion, support train and 1 Cavalry Division

Dutch Republican Order of battle

2 Fortress: Rotterdam, Amsterdam

Republican Guard- Rotterdam
-1 infantry division- under command of Admiral Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen

Republican Guard- Amsterdam
-1 Infantry division- under command of Prince of Salm-Kyrburg

Reserve army at Rotterdam
- 3 Infantry Divisions ,1 Artillery battalion

-2 Naval Militia Infantry Brigades at Rotterdam mobilized from Naval Factory
4 Militia Infantry brigades(2 at Rotterdam, 2 at Amsterdam)

Attempted Munity at Rotterdam…

Over the years since the Republican takeover, the Republican led Admiralty intentional replace the Orange officers with Republicans ones for the main fleet to insure the loyalty of the home fleet. However, they couldn’t purge the Orange supports from all the ships…..

The night of September 14th, 1787

Orangist supporters attempt to take command of the Battleships Wassenaar, Delft, Batavier and the Frigates Goes, Brakel ,Beschermer, and Maarten Harpentzoon Tromp. What insures is a bloodbath, as the Republican loyalist and other loyal ships attempt to quell the munity. The fighting is brutal and not clear who was fighting who due to fact the munity was occurring at night. But by daybreak, the Republicans beat the Orangst supporters off but at heavy lost to the fleet. Given the fact the Prussians were merely a week away from breaching the walls. They decide it was best to scrap the heavily damage ships. However the munity shaken the already weaken morale of the Dutch Republican forces. Admiral Zoutman and Admiral van Kinsbergen realizes they need to make preparations to evacuated the city before the Prussians break though.

Fleet losses
BB2 – Delft(burnt), Wassenaar(powder keg caught fire and explosion) , Batavier( heavy fire damage, sunk to prevent capture by Orange loyalist)
Frigates- Beschermer, Maarten Harpentzoon Tromp( both ships were lost in fighting,due to heavy fire damage)

Dutch Navy under the command of Admiral Johan Zoutman at the Rotterdam

5 2nd Rate Battleships (BB2)( De Zeven Provinciën, Vrijheid, Beschermer,Eendracht , Brutus)
8 Frigates(Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)

October 20 1787

The fall of Rotterdam

The Prussian military engineers breach the Fortress walls, allowing for Duke of Brunswick order the assault, he makes sure the Orange forces led the attack. Whereas forces will only provide support to their allies. He wanted to insure the taking Rotterdam was done by Orange hands, not Prussian.

Prussians order of battle

1 Expeditionary armies- compose of the following units each- 3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train
1 Engineer Brigade at Rotterdam

Dutch Orange Army

2 Infantry Divisions, 1 artillery battalion, support train and 1 Cavalry Division

Defenders of Rotterdam

Republican Guard- Rotterdam
-1 infantry division- under command of Admiral Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen

Reserve army at Rotterdam
- 3 Infantry Divisions ,1 Artillery battalion
-2 Naval Militia Infantry Brigades at Rotterdam mobilized from Naval Factory
2 Militia Infantry brigades(2 at Rotterdam)
Rotterdam Fortress-damaged/breach

Republican morale was weak at best, however there were hellbent on making Orangist supporters paid for allowing Prussia to invade their homeland. The Orange forces were the first to charge the Republican lines, it becomes bloody fight between the two sides. The Republicans are almost able to repel the Orangist forces, until the Duke orders his troops to join the battle to turn the battle in their favor. With the sight of the Prussians running to join the Orange forces. Causes panic within the Republicans lines with the Militia Infantry lines routing.

The Republicans are force to do fighting retreat to the Docks, where the Dutch Navy is already organizing a evacuation of the Republican leadership and supporters. By the end of the day, Rotterdam has fallen to the Prussian/Orange forces at heavy cost, the Republicans were able to set fire to the Naval Factory as they retreated on their ships to deny the Orange and Prussians the ability to rebuild the fleet to chase after them.


Republican losses
All Militia infantry brigades are shattered
4 Infantry Division shattered, regrouped as 1 Infantry Division that was evacuated with the fleet
1 Artillery battalion shattered
1 Fortress destroyed, need to be rebuild

Orange losses
2 Infantry Division shattered, regrouped into 1 Infantry Division
1 Cavalry Division shattered, regrouped into 1 Cavalry brigade
Prussian losses
1 infantry divisions reduce to 1 Infantry brigade

Rotterdam Naval Factory moderate damage, 20 points to repair, 4 years to rebuild.

October 21, 1787

Fall of Amsterdam

Meanwhile at Amsterdam morale was falling with the news that that Rotterdam has fell and was in flames. The Prince of Salm-Kyburg knew he was running against the clock, it will be only matter of time before the Prussian Engineers come here and breach his walls as well. He orders his men to stand firm and sends word to the fleet to begin evacuating the republican supporters. He will hold the city as long as possible. Dutch ships under the command of Admiral Johan Zoutman organize the shipping fleet to support the evacuation and send refugees to London for safehaven.

Republican Guard- Amsterdam
-1 Infantry division- under command of Prince of Salm-Kyrburg
1 Fortress
2 Militia brigades

Prussian army at Amsterdam
1 Expeditionary armies- compose of the following units each- 3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train

By December 1787, the situation has become dire for the Dutch Republicans in Amsterdam.

The Prussians have been shelling the walls and using their engineers to create a breach in walls. Within the city, law and order was starting to fail as Orangist supporters were staging revolts and riots. Forcing the Prince to deploy his troop to maintain order.

By December 20th, 1787, the walls were breach, and Prussians send word demanding the surrender of the City in order to spare it the fate of Rotterdam. The Prince review the situation, noting most of the Republicans supporters have left via ship, he decides it best to surrender and allow his men to fight another day.

The remaining Republican troops and supporters go underground waiting for their chance to spring force and retake their homeland from House of Orange…

Elsewhere in Netherlands...

At the Fortress of Nijmegen, Maastricht, and Groningen, the remaining Republican commanders surrender their fortress to Orange forces without issue. But at the Fortresses of Maastricht and Nijmegen, the entire arm stockpile and all canons have stripped from the Fortress. When asked about the missing arms, the Republican officers mention some Flemish merchants came by and bought out their stocks noting they(the Republicans) have no use for them anymore. The Orange officers merely nod their heads and decide to write the missing stocks and cannons as result of neglect by Republican government.

By end of 1787, a people in exile

The Republican fleet in exile plus the army and their families arrived in Dover seeking safe harbor

5 2nd Rate Battleships (BB2)( De Zeven Provinciën, Vrijheid, Beschermer,Eendracht , Brutus)
8 Frigates(Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)
6 shipping units

1 Infantry Division

By early 1788, over 76,000 Dutch Republicans and their families would have fled to England seeking safehaven, they will be join by 10,000 Flemish republicans fleeing Flanders.


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:12 pm

Meanwhile December 1787

A large British fleet and army arrives in Capetown under commands of General Howe and Admiral Rodney, accompanying them is group of Dutch Republican officials relay orders from the Republican government stating that the Cape Colony is now under the protection of the British to insure the Prussians/ House of Orange don't attempt to seized the colony.

Without a shot fired, the VOC Commander of the garrison and fort, welcome the British forces to Cape Town.


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Ottoman Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:14 pm

West Indies December 1787

Anglo-American fleet arrives in Dutch West Indies companies, carrying out the same mission with Dutch Republican officials stating the colonies are now under British protection to insure outside powers don't take them.


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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:05 pm

The British Crown offers the following to the Dutch Republicans and Flemish Rebels are offered a number of choices:

1. Resettlement and free transportation to North America, a Protectorate that will be established in South Africa, or permission to remain in Britain as immigrants.
2. Soldiers are offered positions in the Kings Foreign Legion, which will be based in South Africa to protect settlers from natives
3. Sailors may seek positions in the Royal Navy, remain in their merchant marine, or join the East India Company fleet (merchant and warships)
4. Naval officers are offered positions in the East India Company Fleet or may seek their fortunes in the merchant marine or seek resettlement (as can the sailors too)

The Dutch East India Company and British East India Company merge as the East India Company, which becomes only a merchant cooperation and may only retain such military forces that are necessary for trade protection (frigates and brigs only). All land forces except those manning forts and fortresses in the East Indies are taken into the Indian Army (for those in India, Ceylon and the East Indies, under the control of the Lord Lieutenant of India, or the British Army (for those forces in the West Indies and South Africa).

(so only those soldiers manning forts in the former Dutch East Indies and the British East India troops manning the fort at Penang remain in the East India Company, remainder join the British or Indian Armies)

Dutch soldiers and sailors overseas who wish to return home will be transported free to the Netherlands, the remainder may choose one of the options above.

The warships will be taken into the Royal Navy (proceeds for their sale to the RN will pay personal expenses to those seeking settlement, immigrant status or commissions and needed funds)

Income from the Dutch Colonies will be retained by the British Crown for this year to pay for resettlement and other costs

Word is sent to the Dutch ABC Islands (Antigua, Bonifere and Curacao) and Surinam that those iterritories are being ceded to Spain (in order to prevent war). Dutch (White or mostly White) settlers may seek relocation if desired, at Crown expense. This includes limited amounts of property (what can be carried, and no more than 1 slave per White individual for security reasons).

The fate of Java and points east are still being determined. However, Sumatra and Borneo will definitely be under British control, administered through the East India Company

Republicans from the Netherlands and Austrian Netherlands are told that while free speech exists in British territory, the British Crown will not allow itself to be the base of operations for attacks against the Dutch Orangists, Prussians, French, Spanish or any other power any more than it will allow its own citizens to make war without the governments permission.

The Dutch Virgin Islands are made a British Crown Colony, although a self governing colony. The Dutch Cape Colony will also be self governing, however both will have British Governor Generals who retain authority over foreign policy, and both colonies are required to allow for British military and naval forces to use their territory
(in effect they have the same rights as Quebec)

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands  Empty Re: Prussian Invasion of the Netherlands

Post by Lefty Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:21 pm

New Year's Eve 1787, Den Haag

With order restored to the Provinces, the rebuilding process begins. While the war raged, the House of Orange made preparations during its time in Utrecht. It was decided--with Prussian approval--that the Dutch Republic was an ineffective system to maintain order and the States General, by allying itself with the chaotic mob had failed in its duty.

The Prussians had managed to cobble together a small number of States General members loyal to the House of Orange, declared the rest traitors and ineligible for participation in government, and declared the new Sovereign Principality of the United Provinces. The new States General then agreed to pass a new law, The Act of Guarantee, making the position of Stadtholder hereditary and significantly strengthening his powers.

The second act that is signed is a Treaty between the Principality and the Kingdom of Prussia, whereby Prussia pledges to defend the United Provinces from threats. As part of the terms, Prussia will maintain a garrison in the country for no less than 3 years. The United Provinces agree to pay a sum to assist with Prussian occupation until the Dutch military can be restored.

Third, Dutch emissaries are sent to shadow Prussian diplomats in Britain to determine the status of the Dutch Empire. Plans begin to draw up a new charter for a colonial company to replace the extinguished VOC and WIC.

Lastly, trials begin for those involved in the plots against the Princess Wilhelmina and the Prince of Orange. Most accused have already fled the region and are tried in absentia. The Prince of Salm-Kyburg is detained following the fall of Amsterdam and his trial is set for Spring. While the actual effects of the trials are limited, many Patriot-sympathizers begin to feel the effects of an unofficial retribution campaign.

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