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Patriottentijd Crisis

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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Lefty Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:07 am

1780-1785 Dutch Republican tensions

The Dutch Republican faction begin calling themselves Patriots and were led by Joan Derk van der Capellen tot den Pol with calls for a true Dutch republic and removal of the stadtholder. They begin organizing their militia army which is legal under Dutch law to protect their interest.  Tensions  were building up between the Orange faction and Patriots.

Early 1785, the Confrontation

Eventually it came to a head when William V, Prince of Orange order the Dutch army to disarm the Patriot militia, however the Prince didn’t factor in the States Army was loyal to the Republicans and defected to the Patriot militia armies. Forcing the Prince and his supporters to flee to Prussia to seek refuge.
The Patriots declare the Netherlands a true republic and disband the office of stadtholder. Quickly the new republican government enacted a radical policy of purging the government of Orangist supporters and their offices of the Orangist regents that were now purged in their turn. (For instance, the States of Holland and West Friesland were replaced by having the 18 cities that formally were represented in those States send representatives to a constituent assembly that formally abolished the States and founded a new body, the Provisional Representatives of the People of Holland, that took over the functions of the States of Holland as long as the States General continued to exist). Though the political make-up of the States-General changed appreciably because of this change in personnel, it retained a number of defenders of the old particularist interests. The first order of business of the revolutionaries therefore was to strive for the reform of the confederal state, with its discrimination of the Generality Lands, and of particular minorities (Catholics, Jews), in the direction of a unitary state, in which the minorities would be emancipated, and the old entrenched interests superseded by a more democratic political order.] As a first step the representatives of Brabant were admitted to the States-General.
OOC: modify from Wiki article

By the end of 1785

Meanwhile the Prince of Orange was reported in the halls of Berlin lobbying for support to retake his kingdom from these radical republicans. While other radical thinkers in Europe and the America take a keen interest on what's happening to the Dutch Republic, and also some of them take note on policies that are being enacted by the Dutch Republicans.

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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Lefty Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:22 am

Prussian Rumblings

With the Stadtholder in Berlin, his consortPrincess Wilhelmina begins influencing her brother, King Friedrich Wilhelm to address the issue. The King orders two expeditionary armies to be called up and trained, although no declarations of war are forthcoming. Instead, a flurry of diplomatic messages are sent around the continent, hoping for a way to contain the spread of republicanism.

A Bold Princess

Princess Wilhelmina, however, seems frustrated by her brother's delay, noting that the radicals seem empowered by royalist inaction. In May, she arranges for a diplomatic mission to the Hague on behalf of her husband to negotiate a return to the previous system. Her terms include a return of the Stadtholder to power, with proposals of legislative reform similar to those in Britain and emancipation for minorities. She arrives at the border on 15 June with a small escort demanding an audience with the radical parliament.

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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:16 pm

Spring 1786
A new crisis in the Netherlands is developing, and it meets with considerable disinterest in Britain. Few view the creation of a Dutch Republic as a notable threat, considering it has been one before, and many note that Parliament running the country at the expense of Royal Power is just what has happened in Britain itself.

However, the possibility of a Prussian or French intervention is of concern, and both Prussia and France are urged not to embroil themselves into the situation in the Netherlands, as it is not in the best interests of Britain for a foreign power to control the Netherlands.
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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Kilani Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:43 pm

The Spanish, having washed their hands of the Netherlands over a century ago, do not have much interest in the crisis, although the rise of republicanism is somewhat alarming - and the spread of the more liberal ideals to some members of the Spanish educated class is likely inevitable. However, for now Spain is content to monitor the ongoing situation.


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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Ottoman Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:27 pm

Lefty wrote:Prussian Rumblings

With the Stadtholder in Berlin, his consortPrincess Wilhelmina begins influencing her brother, King Friedrich Wilhelm to address the issue. The King orders two expeditionary armies to be called up and trained, although no declarations of war are forthcoming. Instead, a flurry of diplomatic messages are sent around the continent, hoping for a way to contain the spread of republicanism.

A Bold Princess

Princess Wilhelmina, however, seems frustrated by her brother's delay, noting that the radicals seem empowered by royalist inaction. In May, she arranges for a diplomatic mission to the Hague on behalf of her husband to negotiate a return to the previous system. Her terms include a return of the Stadtholder to power, with proposals of legislative reform similar to those in Britain and emancipation for minorities. She arrives at the border on 15 June with a small escort demanding an audience with the radical parliament.

The June Crisis

The news of the Princess Wilhelmina arrived at the border, triggers a political crisis within Staten-Generaal, the more conservative elements( who themselves are quasi Orange supporters) push for the government to hear out the Princess in hopes of preventing needless bloodshed. After much intense debating, they manage to secure enough votes to grant safe passage for Princess to come to the Hague. However as soon as the Princess was on her way to the Hague, the Radical Republicans force another vote in the Staten-Generaal to vote on terms of proposal. By narrow margins , they reject the terms and formally arrest the Princess as enemy of the state, as acting as agent of the Prussian government. By the time, the Princess and her guards arrive to the Hague, she is place under house arrest by the radical Republicans soldiers.

They send a note via the British Ambassador to the Prussian Court, stating they will insure no harm comes to the Princess, but the Prussians must stand their armies down and respect Dutch sovereignty. Once that guarantee is done,the Princess will be allowed to return to Prussia.


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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:27 pm

Alarmed by what the British Government sees as a foolish move, the Dutch are urged to release the Princess forthwith as arresting her after letting her cross the border is potentially an act of war and threatening her life by making her defacto hostage definitely is.

The British urge to Dutch Republicans from taking this reckless course and recommend releasing her with an apology for the misunderstanding and deporting her to Antwerp
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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Ottoman Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:42 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Alarmed by what the British Government sees as a foolish move, the Dutch are urged to release the Princess forthwith as arresting her after letting her cross the border is potentially an act of war and threatening her life by making her defacto hostage definitely is.

The British urge to Dutch Republicans from taking this reckless course and recommend releasing her with an apology for the misunderstanding and deporting her to Antwerp

By late June 1786

The more moderate wings of the Republican government see the British reasoning and ally themselves with the Conservatives to release the Princess and deport to Antwerp. Meanwhile a letter of formal apology is issued by the two factions of the Dutch Government in the hopes of reducing tensions.


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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Lefty Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:29 am

When news arrives in Berlin of the arrest of the Princess, the King is incensed and orders forces to the border, led by the Duke of Brunswick.

On July 30, Ambassador Thulemeyer issues the Dutch Staten-Generaal a declaration of war that now exists between the Kingdom of Prussia and the radicals in the Hague.

Diplomats in Madrid, London, Vienna, and Paris are informed that the grievous violation of the King's sister's honor and dignity by barbaric anarchists in the Hague has led to the King to issue a declaration of war. His aims are limited:

1. Prussia seeks no territorial ambitions
2. Prussia will restore the House of Orange to power
3. The restored House of Orange will respect all diplomatic agreements made by the Dutch Republic (specifically noted is the recent sale of Dutch Pacific holdings to the United Kingdom)
4. Prussia will seek punishment for those directly involved in the arrest of the Princess, but will promise exile for non-violent radicals.

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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by TLS Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:53 pm

France issues a condemnation of the violence that has engulfed the Netherlands, culminating the attack upon the royal personage of the Princess Wilhelmina. Any and all attacks upon those endowed by God with the right to rule must be fiercely opposed. The French ambassador to The Hague urges the Staten-Generaal to see reason, spurn the cause of anarchy and embrace the return of the House of Orange. France further notes that the British decision to recognize any legitimacy in the assembled rabble as a contributing factor to the current disorder in Europe, and hopes that this leaves the English Parliament suitably contrite for encouraging anarchy and violence.

In the name of assuring the balance of power, France also notes that it holds that all holdings of the Netherlands, military and colonial, belong solely to the legitimate sovereign of the Netherlands, William V, the Prince of Orange. Any outside intervention to seize or displace these assets without the assent of the Stadtholder will be viewed in Versailles as illegitimate. Furthermore, France similarly declares the borders of the United Provinces of the Netherlands to be inviolable.

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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Ottoman Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:36 pm

Late September 1786

With Prussian invasion of Netherlands, the scene in The Hague was chaos with credit markets clashing with runs on the banks and shouting matches within the Staten-Generaal.

For now, consensus along the Dutch army/navy was to fight to protect honor of the Netherlands. They will refuse any terms that will allow Prussians to occupy the Netherlands and sack it's wealth like what happened in Poland a few years ago.  This gives the Radicals and Moderates enough backing to reject a call to accept from the French ambassador call to allow House of Orange to take power again.

However the Dutch Republicans were painfully aware should the Prussians breach the water line and assault the core areas of Holland, then the fight will be over and the economy will be in ruins.

OOC: The Dutch FCs and Company FCs are no longer able to extend loans to outside parties, they will not generate any income as well. However the Dutch Government can raise new loans from their FCs, but only up to 50%( instead of 80 points, now only 40 points), due to capital flight and other issues that arising with the invasion.

Last edited by Ottoman on Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total


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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Lefty Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:18 am

The Duke of Brunswick issues a declaration to the people of the United Provinces.

"Prussia seeks peace and order, not destruction and chaos. Those who peacefully surrender will be allowed to live their lives. Those who rise to support the House of Orange will be rewarded. Those who continue to resist the will of God and the Stadtholder will be punished."

He further issues orders to the Prussian soldiers under his command to maintain good order and discipline and avoid looting, although normal campaign foraging is continued according to long-standing rules of war.

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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:21 am

In London, news of the Prussian declaration of war is received. The Dutch are quickly are viewed as the innocent party once it becomes clear that they had delivered the Princess safely to Antwerp.

The British Crown attempts to broker a peace.
Galveston Bay
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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Lefty Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:17 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:In London, news of the Prussian declaration of war is received.  The Dutch are quickly are viewed as the innocent party once it becomes clear that they had delivered the Princess safely to Antwerp.  

The British Crown attempts to broker a peace.  

The Prussian Ambassador informs the British Crown that it will pass along the British offer to Berlin. He calmly notes that any peace talks must be preceded by British recognition of the Prince of Orange as Stadtholder. He also reiterates that Prussia has no territorial aims in the Dutch domains, nor to loot Dutch coffers, but simply seeks to restore the previous order that the Balance of Power dictates.

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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Ottoman Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:24 pm

The Dutch Ambassador to British Court remarks, the Dutch Government reject any peace settlement that forces them to accept Prince of Orange as Stadtholder as precursor to netigiotions. The it is not for the Prussian, French, British or Spanish courts to force this matter against the will of the Dutch people. The Ambassador notes with sense of irony the British and their the Whig revolution of 1688–89 (see Glorious Revolution) show the will of the people in selection of their leadership. It was not done via outside powers imposing their will on British people.

Should the Dutch people decide to stay as republic or invite some German Prince to be their new head of state, that is the will of the Dutch nation/people. Not the Prussian government nor its army.


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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Lefty Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:13 am

That the “republicans” in The Hague represent the Dutch people is absurd. They are a violent mob, scheming to set the county and continent ablaze for their own nefarious means. What the rebels fail to note is not only was the Prussian Army invited by the appointed Stadtholder to restore order, but the people of the Netherlands have shown themselves to be in support of the Stadtholder as evidenced by the bloodless liberation of Utrecht.

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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Ottoman Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:01 pm

Winter of 1787, a Winter of Dissent

Tensions between the Dutch Republicans and Orangist continue arise with rumors of the Republicans attempting to sell off the VOC to the British help inflame tensions even more. Meanwhile Triumvirate" of "aristocratic" Patriot pensionaries (Zeebergh, de Gijselaar, and van Berckel) rise to become the de facto leaders of the Dutch Republic, they represent moderate factions of the Dutch Republicans. Managed to push through agreement between various factions of the Staten-Generaal.

1. The Dutch Republic will not accept any peace conditions that allow the Prussian occupation of The Hague or Amsterdam.
2. The Dutch East Indies, Cape, Ceylon, and West Indies are apart of the Dutch Empire and shall be not be sold to any power.

However the Dutch Government isn't able to make any further progress on other items as the Conservatives block any attempts to pass political reforms.

Meanwhile in the streets of Hollands, tensions between Orangist and Republicans result in bawls and minor riots. However with Dutch States Army, they were able to quell the unrest for now. But morale within the army is low, most of the new troops were conscripted to fight and didn't truly care for the Republican cause.

In the credit markets, the Dutch West Indies and Dutch East Indies companies stock tanks to the point where the Dutch Government is force to purchase shares to keep it float. However with capital shortfalls and demands of dividend payments by investors, triggers a run on the Banks in Holland. The Dutch financial markets are completely crippled as capital flight speeds up.

In game effects, VOC and WIC FCs are wipe out completely.

OOC: Dutch Government can now only raise only 20 points worth of bonds from each FC, due to capital flight and other issues that arising with the invasion.


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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Ottoman Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:26 pm

Capital flight and panic

With the crossing of the Prussians, the fall of The Hague and the mutiny of the Dutch army. Triggers the final nail in the Dutch economy coffin. The remaining bankers and money classes pack their bags and fled to London as safe haven in the sea of instability.

In game terms,

One of Dutch FCs at Amsterdam is wipe out, just leaving Holland with 1 FCs moving forward. However it won't be able to provide loans until ordered is restored.


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Patriottentijd Crisis Empty Re: Patriottentijd Crisis

Post by Lefty Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:35 am

Content with the limited blood shed by the Prussian intervention up to this point, the Duke of Brunswick sends a final call for surrender to the rebels. He announces that those willing to lay down their arms and submit to the House of Orange will be granted amnesty. Leadership of the rebels will be granted exile, but those responsible for the arrest of the Princess will face trial. He hopes the various leaders in Amsterdam and Rotterdam will look to the welfare of their people rather than their own selfish doom and seek peace over ambition.

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