Commonwealth E20
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Character Creation

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Character Creation Empty Character Creation

Post by TLS Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:20 pm

Character Personalities
As this is a roleplaying game, after all, the characters matter. For historical figures the referee will be relying on the players to ensure that their characters (generals, monarchs, lovers, etc) act in personality-fitting ways--or in a way that is different, but justified by the POD. The referee will take it upon himself to do these roles for ahistorical Great Captains and the birth of new members of the royal families; sometimes you can be a great King and you have an idiot disgrace of a son. I blame the inbreeding, personally. For all other characters, you're encouraged to use this system, but I won't hold your feet to the fire on it.

on a 1d7
1 energetic, smart - will act on their own initiative as well
2-3 lazy, smart - will generally be efficient, but seldom take initiative
4-6 energetic, stupid - will always show initiative, not necessarily in a good way
7 lazy, stupid - carried by subordinates

Ambition level on a 1d7
A highly ambitious, seeks to run the show... including potentially the throne or chief ministers chair
B. ambitious, seeks to shine, content to remain in the traditional place of power for his / her careeer (a general seeking to be minister of war for example)
C. moderately ambitious - content to patiently wait for his gradual promotion
D. unambitious - may have to be prodded

Charisma 1d7
Z highly charismatic, a great leader of men
Y charismatic, his subordinates are loyal
W no particular gift
U subordinates and his men hate him

Napoleon for example in this terminology would be 1AZ, and all the scary for it
Eugene in game terms is 1BY while Marlborough was 1AW, and managed to annoy enough people to be put out the pasture in real life when Queen Anne died

In a previous iteration, Vas took it upon himself to research historical demographics. As such, I will be using this system to handle the questions of births, deaths, and lifespans of ahistorical characters.

Rolls for both parents
1 in 10 chance of infertility

Rolls for mother
1 in 6 chance of getting pregnant each year, except in the two years immediately following a pregnancy
1 in 20 chance of dying in childbirth

Rolls for child

1-51 female, 52-00 male

Natural lifespan:
1-20, lives to age 0-1 (stillbirth or infant death)
21-40, lives to age 1-15
41-50, lives to age 15-30
51-60, lives to age 30-40
61-75, lives to age 40-50
76-90, lives to age 50-70
91-00, lives to age 70+

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Character Creation Empty Re: Character Creation

Post by TLS Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:16 pm

As a note on characters, there are a whole bunch of monarchs and notables running around right now who historically died around this period--most notably the kings of France and Ireland. In order to avoid metagaming, I will be making rolls to see where and when they die--septuagenarian ailing monarchs probably won't see much of a benefit to their lifespans (and could end up dying basically at the same time anyways) but it will be a factor.

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Character Creation Empty Re: Character Creation

Post by TLS Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:45 pm

Player Discretion for Heirs

Rolling for all of Europe's fertile couples has proven to be a difficult task for me to handle, and in the interest of ensuring that things don't fall by the wayside (and to give you all more to do in times of peace) I'm delegating the task of rolling for births to you, the players! I will still roll for lifespans and deaths, but you are all responsible for rolling (according to the rules above) for if a birth is due to take place--or if the mother is to die in childbirth. The mod will also still handle character trait rolls, but will hold off on making those apparent to the players until the character survives childhood.

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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