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The State of New York

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The State of New York Empty The State of New York

Post by Kilani Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:04 pm

The State of New York 400px-Flag_of_New_York_(1778%E2%80%931901).svg
Political Organization
Official Title: The State of New York
Conventional: New York
Political System: Oligarchic Republic
Capital: New York City
Governor: George Clinton
Government: Bicameral Legislature with an Elected Governor; property requirements for voting.
Constitution: New York Constitution of 1777

Population: 320,000 (93% free white, 1% free colored, 6% slave)
Frontier Population: 5,000 (100% free white) [Western New York], negligible [Everywhere Else]
Ports: 1 (New York)
Income: 2
Taxes: .3

Force Limit: 9,000 Regulars, 18,000 Militia

New York State Line
Also called "The Regulars" or "State Troops"
-2 Infantry Regiments [West Point] (2,000 men; M 1)
-2 Infantry Companies [1 Albany, 1 Rome] (200 men; M .2)
-2 Cavalry Companies [1 West Point, 1 Albany] (400 men; M .4)
-1 Artillery Company - New York Company of Artillery [West Point] (200 men; M .5)
-1 Fort [1 New York City (Fort Jay on Governor's Island)] (200 men; M .1)

Currently commanded by Alexander MacDougall, who has been placed in charge of the state regulars with the rank of major general.

New York Revenue Cutter Service
-1 PatRon (500 men; M .1)
-1 Frigate Washington (500 men, M .2)

New York State Militia
14 Militia Infantry Regiments (14,000 men; WM 3) - 2 New York City, 1 Queens, 1 Brooklyn, 1 Staten Island, 1 Rye Town, 1 Albany, 1 Poughkeepsie, 1 Hudson, 1 Kingston, 1 Huntington, 1 Liberty, 1 Schenectady, 1 Troy
10 Militia Infantry Companies (2,000 men WM 2.5) - 2 New Rochelle, 2 Nassau,  2 Saratoga Springs, 1 Glen Falls, 2 Johnstown, 1 Port Jervis
10 Militia Cavalry Companies (2,000 men; WM 1) - 2 NYC, 1 Albany, 1 Poughkeepsie, 1 Hudson, 1 Yonkers, 1 New Rochelle, 1 Troy, 1 Nassau, 1 Schenectady

Nominally under the command of George Clinton, per the constitution of New York.

Last edited by Kilani on Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:06 pm; edited 19 times in total


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:05 pm

Pre-Game Build

Taxes: .3
Ports: 1
Income/Resources: 2

Total Income: 3.3 (x3 = 9.9, rounded to 10).

2 Infantry Regiments - 2 (1)
2 Infantry Companies - .4 (.2)
1 Artillery Company - 3 (.5)
2 Cavalry Companies - 1 (.4)
1 PatRon - .5 (.1)
1 Frigate - 1.5
1 Fort  - 0
1 trading post - 1.6 [1.6/2]

Total: 10


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Mon Apr 08, 2019 11:38 pm

The political situation in the state of New York is fraught at the beginning of 1784; George Washinton was beloved and well-respected among many members of New York high society (especially the popular governor, George Clinton) and his sudden assassination two years ago is still keenly felt. At the same time, the complete failure of the Continental Congress and the collapse of efforts to form a more permanent state has left New York on its own. For the time-being, Alexander Hamilton and George Clinton remain political allies; both believe that the current Congress is too weak to do much, although they differ on just how powerful any unitary government of the states should be. However, the point seems rather moot; instead, they and the other powerbrokers of New York find themselves working to establish New York as a viable state and deal with the problems plaguing many of the former colonies following the Revolution: disgruntled veterans, a lack of funds, discontent over taxes, and the looming shadow of Great Britain.

Hamilton himself has begun the establishment of the Bank of New York, which has received funds and buy-ins from many prominent New York businessmen and social elite. He hopes to provide a strong economic foundation for the state, even if the rest of the colonies are scattered and divisive. Hamilton is also serving in the New York assembly and potentially has his eyes on higher political office (he also continues to pen essays in support of a united government of all the states and former colonies under various pseudonyms, although it seems that that dream may be well and truly dead).

On the foreign front, New York has reached out to try and re-establish trade ties with Britain and Europe, sending John Jay to he court of King George to act as their representative. Closer to home, New York delegations are in talks with the remains of the Iroquois, as well as eyeing lands to the west. All is not well, of course; New York still claims the so-called Republic of Vermont and George Clinton has made it known that he is prepared to resort to force of arms (if necessary) to make good New York's claim; in this, he has the backing of the legislature and so it is highly likely that conflict may break out soon on the north-east frontier...


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:21 pm

Winter 1784
Massachusetts sends Eldridge Gerry, a signer of the Declaration of Independence (and wily politician later famous for Gerrymandering) to New York to discuss areas of mutual concern and interest between Massachusetts and New York.

Proposed are the following:
1. Customs union between New York and Massachusetts (no tariffs on goods traded between the two states).
2.  Elimination of tolls for shared waterways (specifically Long Island Sound)
3.  Access by fishermen from New York to the Grand Banks
4.  Massachusetts will forfeit is claims to territory in the Northwest Territory
5.  Mutual defense from outside aggression.
6.  Representing each others interests abroad
7.  Vermont is allowed to go its own way. 
8.  Clarification that slaves are free if they enter Massachusetts
9.  Urging New York to free its slaves.
10.  Creation of a regional Bank, which would coin currency for both and be backed by both (a smaller scale 1st Bank of the United States)

an agreement would be called the Long Island Sound Compact
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Age : 62
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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Sat Apr 13, 2019 5:01 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Winter 1784
Massachusetts sends Eldridge Gerry, a signer of the Declaration of Independence (and wily politician later famous for Gerrymandering) to New York to discuss areas of mutual concern and interest between Massachusetts and New York.

Proposed are the following:
1. Customs union between New York and Massachusetts (no tariffs on goods traded between the two states).
2.  Elimination of tolls for shared waterways (specifically Long Island Sound)
3.  Access by fishermen from New York to the Grand Banks
4.  Massachusetts will forfeit is claims to territory in the Northwest Territory
5.  Mutual defense from outside aggression.
6.  Representing each others interests abroad
7.  Vermont is allowed to go its own way. 
8.  Clarification that slaves are free if they enter Massachusetts
9.  Urging New York to free its slaves.
10.  Creation of a regional Bank, which would coin currency for both and be backed by both (a smaller scale 1st Bank of the United States)

an agreement would be called the Long Island Sound Compact

The arrival of Gerry causes much buzz and sensation and talk among the political class of New York, although not all of his proposals are widely known. Much of his agenda is seen in a relatively positive light, especially considering that Governor Clinton was broadly supportive of a more unified government (although not to the same extent that Hamilton was) and the idea of a customs union is not without supporters. Hamilton, for his part, is extremely enthusiastic about a regional bank (having just helped found the Bank of New York and believing strongly that unified credit system will help the states recover and grow economically).

Slavery is a relatively small part of the New York economy and population, although not completely non-existent. The state legislature has already voted into law (passed in 1781) an act freeing those slaves who fought for the Revolutionary cause. New York is also home to John Jay (who, while still in Europe, has influence in the state government) and Aaron Burr, both of whom are strongly abolitionist. The sticking point is what to do with them after being freed; the furthest that New York is prepared to go at this date is gradual emancipation and there is talk of banning slave imports both from within the Americas and from the Caribbean and Africa itself, prodded along by a recently-founded abolitionist group calling itself the New York Manumission Society.

Governor Clinton is, however, strongly opposed to allowing the Vermonters to break way from New York and he has the backing of much of the legislature, who view Vermont as rightfully belonging to New York.

Mutual defense is relatively popular, although there is a worry that they might be dragged into a "foreign entanglement". Still, Hamilton, Clinton, and other prominent members of New York's political class see this as potentially a way around the disastrous collapse of the idea of a unified nation.


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:10 pm

1784 Build
Taxes: .3
Ports: 1
Income/Resources: 2

Total Income: 3.3

-2 Infantry Regiments 1
-2 Infantry Companies - .2
-2 Cavalry Companies - .4
-1 Artillery Company - .5
-1 Fort - .1
-1 PatRon - M .1
-1 Frigate Washington - .2


.8 remaining

Complete trading post (Rome) - .4 [2/2]


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:13 pm

Governor Clinton orders the State Line to prepare a depot and supplies at Albany. He has not called up the militia (nor has the legislature made any such move), but there are rumors afoot that he intends to deal with the issue of Vermont once and for all. Or perhaps it's merely saber rattling in an attempt to intimidate the Vermonters into giving up...


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:03 pm

Early January, 1785

News of theriot and murder in Bennington and the subsequent flight of the small party of refugees reaches New York City (and the legislature and governor) in the mid-winter of 1784-1785 and there is an immediate uproar. Governor Clinton orders the militia in border areas to stand to arms and the legislature (once it reconvenes) pledges to authorize funds for supplies and equipment for an action to bring the murderous Vermont bandits to heel, once and for all.


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Mon Apr 22, 2019 4:52 pm

1785 Build
Taxes: .3
Ports: 1
Income/Resources: 2
Trading Post: .2

Total Income: 3.5

-2 Infantry Regiments 1
-2 Infantry Companies - .2
-2 Cavalry Companies - .4
-1 Artillery Company - .5
-1 Fort - .1
-1 PatRon - M .1
-1 Frigate Washington - .2


1 remaining

Mobilize 2 militia regiments, 2 militia cavalry companies - .9


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Join date : 2017-09-23

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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Sun Apr 28, 2019 2:23 pm

1786 Build

1785 Build
Taxes: .3
Ports: 1
Income/Resources: 2
Trading Post: .2

Total Income: 3.5

-2 Infantry Regiments 1
-2 Infantry Companies - .2
-1 Cavalry Companies - .2
-1 Artillery Company - .5
-1 Fort - .1
-1 PatRon - M .1
-1 Frigate Washington - .2


1.2 remaining

Legislature authorizes the borrowing of funds to help reform the cavalry lost during the Vermont campaign thus far (.1)

Mobilize 1 militia regiments, 2 militia cavalry companies, 5 militia infantry companies - .8
Reconstitute/rebuild cavalry company - .5


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

Post by Kilani Wed May 29, 2019 12:54 pm

1787 Build

Taxes: .3
Ports: 1
Income/Resources: 2
Trading Post: .2

Total Income: 3.5

-2 Infantry Regiments 1
-2 Infantry Companies - .2
-1 Cavalry Companies - .2
-1 Artillery Company - .5
-1 Fort - .1
-1 PatRon - M .1
-1 Frigate Washington - .2


1.2 remaining
Repay outstanding debt - .1


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The State of New York Empty Re: The State of New York

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