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Den Kongeriget Danmark

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Den Kongeriget Danmark Empty Den Kongeriget Danmark

Post by TLS Mon May 28, 2018 8:16 pm

Den Kongeriget Danmark
Kingdom of Denmark

Den Kongeriget Danmark 250px-Royal_Arms_of_Denmark_%26_Norway_%281699%E2%80%931819%29.svg

National Statistics as of 1725
Population: 1,600,000
Languages: Danish (de facto; official), Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese
Motto: Herren være min hjælper (The LORD Be My Aid)
Prestige: C

Political Organization
Official Title: Kingdom of Denmark
Conventional: Denmark, Denmark-Norway
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Copenhagen
Sovereign: Frederick IV

Population: .4 (1.6 million)
Ports: 4 (Copenhagen, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim)
Craft Center: 1 (Copenhagen)
Resources: 2 (1 Narvik, 1 Aalborg)
Commerce: 3 (12 merchant flotillas)
Trading Post:1 (Old Ningo, Tranquebar, Calicut, Serampore)
Total Income: 11.4

Manpower Breakdown
Regulars: 44,100 (out of 48,000 limit)
Militia/Reserves: 22,500 (out of 112,000 limit)


Fixed Installations [10,000 reserves, .5 point]
-1 Naval Yards (Copenhagen) [10,000 reserves, .5 point]

Baltic Squadron (Copenhagen) [18,300 regulars, 5.05 points]
-11 BB2s ( Elephant, Fredericus IV, Christianus V, Dannebroge, Justitia, Mars, Fredericus III, Jylland, Norske Løve, Prinds Christian, Tre Løver) [8,800 regulars, 2.75 points]
-9 FF1s [4,500 regulars, 1.8 points]
-5 PatRons [5,000 regulars, .5 points]

Indies Squadron (Calicut) [4,300 regulars, 1.05 points]
-1 BB2 (Sophia Hedvig) [800 regulars, .25 points]
-3 FF1s [1,500 regulars, .6 points]
-2 PatRons [2,000 regulars, .2 points]

Total: 6.6 points [22,600 regulars, 10,000 reserves]


Fixed Positions [9,000 regulars, 12,500 reserves, 3.4 points]
-5 Fortresses (Copenhagen, Helsingør, Oslo, Flensburg, Schleswig) [5,000 regulars, 2.5 points]
-5 Garrisons (Copenhagen, Helsingør, Oslo, Flensburg, Schleswig,) [12,500 reserves, .5 points]
-3 Depots (Copenhagen, Helsingør, Oslo)
-4 Light Infantry Regiments (Old Ningo, Tranquebar, Calicut, Serampore) [4,000 regulars, .4 points]

Royal Army (Copenhagen) [7,500 regulars, 1 points]
-2 Infantry Brigades [5,000 regulars, .5 points]
-1 Cavalry Brigade [2,500 regulars, .5 points]

Army of the North (Oslo) [5,000 regulars, .4 points]
-2 Light Infantry Brigades (5,000 regulars, .4 points)

Total: 4.8 points [21,500 regulars, 12,500 reserves]

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Den Kongeriget Danmark Empty Re: Den Kongeriget Danmark

Post by TLS Mon May 28, 2018 8:26 pm

And Also, We Exist: Denmark-Norway Through 1725

After a successfully brief foray into the politics of Europe, in which Denmark could finally integrate Holstein into their Kingdom, the Danes have looked on as the continent has descended repeatedly into warfare and chaos. Danish aloofness has benefitted the Kingdom, in that it has been spared the expensive defeats and costlier victories of the other powers, but it has grown increasingly concerned as it has struggled to maintain relevancy in the face of rapidly shifting power balances.

In the North, with an increasingly resurgent Sweden on their border, the Danes begin to worry of a revanchist neighbor with an eye on their lands. Across the Baltic Sea, Poland has clearly established itself as the dominant power on what was once a Danish, and then Swedish, lake. Most menacingly for Denmark, in India the Dutch have almost entirely forced out all other European powers, leaving Denmark clinging to its few remaining trading posts cautiously. Thus, after a quarter century of peace and quiet, the elderly Danish King once more begins to entertain thoughts of intrigue, alliance, and violence to defend his realm.

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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